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Operational Problems in Wastewater Treatment Plants

In 2008, the Practice Guideline has been published for the rst time. It became a very useful tool in the entire Germanlanguage area. For this reason and because of numerous inquiries from international experts this paper has been edited now in English. The guideline provides recommendations for operators of wastewater treatment plants and for the government agencies in case of accidents and as part of regulatory monitoring. These recommendations enable a systematic approach for identication and correction of operational problems. So the booklet assists operators in optimizing day to day operations. Special emphasis is placed on a targeted approach to reduce cost and minimize response time for troubleshooting and implementation of corrective measures. The structure of the booklet is conceived to symptomatic features and therefore offers a fast access to the solution of a problem. Trouble shooting process is graphically depicted in decision support diagrams. This allows the good search for possible causes which are linked to the corresponding chapter and up to three sublevels. In this edition only single stage activated sludge process, trickling lter, and rotation biological contactor as well as conventional ltration and disinfection are considered. Multi stage and special processes for biological wastewater treatment have not been considered due to their limited utilization to date. The authors are accepted experts with essential practical experience in the design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. The editors are one of the seven state associations of the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste).
Practice Guideline/Handbook

Operational Problems in Wastewater Treatment Plants

Handbook for the Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Dr.-Ing. Peter Baumann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Krauth, Dr.-Ing. Werner Maier, Dr.-Ing. Manfred Roth DWA-Landesverband Baden-Wrttemberg August 2012, 138 pages, 10 owcharts, 2 tables, paperback, DIN A4, ISBN 978-3-942964-15-9 52,00

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