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Hello this is Jack Catran, welcome to how to speak English without a foreign accent. Are any of the following accents preventing you from speaking English like a native American? listen: if you are from a Spanish speaking country do you say PR OH L EH N for 'problem' leaving the 'B' out? Or S AW N T EE N for 'something' S AW N T EE N ELSE, FI S EH NS for 'five cents' OH S EE L EE AH REE for 'auxiliary' EH R N A ST for 'Ernest', what did I done, my V AH Ca CH ON WAS TOO CH OH RT instead of 'my vacation was too short' if you do, then you have a problem which can be solved by this course. Or you may sound like this: I am even Arab from the midel eest my accent is typical of Arab people from Lebanon from Syria, Israel, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt if you sound like me also you too have accent problem which can easily be erased if you follow the instructions in this course, thank you. There are many people who sound like the following they too can be helped by this course: what kind of eggs was so in the stove? who do you think you are hoe? she is making me the finger already, I'm fine how do you do, you should live so long, a hundred percent vool or a H OH N DRED percent vool, even by my woist enemy it shouldn't happen, shut up me the first talk already, let me explain to you please. Your name could be Patty O'Ryan and you could come from Ireland and we are one who knows the real meaning, I'm getting tired of your accent, It's all going to be over by the look of it, hold me hand and follow me, we'll show the way to the cure now, bring us back the good word, he should be working in the fish market, well now how are you me boy? down in the valley he was born, and you only just to ????. Could you be from the Orient an keep saying for instance P AH K for park, F AH D AH (father) or galanti for guarantee, fauta for falter or owe you for oil or pipel for people, nitle for needle, delee for tree, perhaps ehhh... bon, so, do, for bone, saw, dough, satone for stone, mota for motor (molter) flast for frost, ahh.....substitutions like that immediatly identify you as someone from the Orient. The following is not too common but still a problem: how many times I told you just to what's you gonna do eh? take care right now, not telling you just to what eh! go buy an UH cheese a low buck, yeah, easy one a not make it with the finger, please. The following accent is not foreign is American but a big a large a common problem; to a no use man I tell you what I'm gonna do yeah! and whose you do, don't pee no man to it, they like the full head oh I tell you, he, he , he, aint no call for you to be mad, now I tell you what you gonna do, I tell you could you pronounce a rich craft is for aristocrat, or you say inboxicated for broke,or how about howsumever for however, or quiz o'fact for quiz, expresify for specify, Im gonna insult you for consult. We can clean that up without to much difficulty with this course. Now please follow the text while I read the short introduction to the Hispanic Edition of How to Speak English Without a Foreign Accent.

Cassette one

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