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4Mat unit

Quadrant 1 Creating the experience

Stage 1

Science/Tech: Australian Animals Concept: Classification Teaching and Learning Sequence

Tessa Harris 2011

Right Connect

Enter the experience Capture attention Builds on what they know

What makes Australia unique? Bring in items that represent Australia. Brainstorm as many Australian animals as they can in 5 minutes pairs or small groups? (?notebook file: t drive stage folder) Work in pairs or small groups to sort images of animals into groups, however they like. Describe to class how they sorted them. Introduce term classification as way of sorting animals with similariti es. Draw/paint pictures of animals to cover a map of Australia. Featherdale excursion

Left Reflect Quadrant 2 The Concept

Reflect & analyses the experience Clarify reasons for learning

Right Image

Deepens the connection to student Uses another medium to connect personal to concept

Left Teach

Provides information Systematic and sequential Variety of delivery systems Relate back to concept

Quadrant 3 Practice & Personalise

Left - Practice

Hands on activities Worksheets Practice new learnings

*Introduce main classifications of animals reptile/amphibian/bird/mammal. Re-sort animal cards into these groups. *Discuss native and introduced animals found in Australia. Link to description writing. Explore features of different animals include animals from each classification. How animals use senses to protect themselves and find food. *Investigate the three types of mammals-placental, marsupial, monotreme *Nocturnal animals learn features of these animals. *Construct life cycle sequences for birds and/or amphibians *Jigsaw activity with books about different reptiles. Work in groups to research and then mix up to feed back about each animal. Recording chart? *Compare similarities/differences between the three groups of mammals or between reptiles and amphibians venn diagrams, double bubble](itc p62) *Learn about and make list of native animals that are endangered/vulnerable. Look at ways people are trying to conserve them. -Cause and effect of extinction(itc p67): Graeme Base Unos garden -Bilbies Share Dreamtime stories about how aboriginal people hunted animals for food. *Research one Australian animal using 3:2:1 RIQ strategy (itc p81) *Make an a-z of animals *Make a wordsearch (Y1) or crossword puzzle (Y2) with clues from research and learning *Create a dance about native animal that imitates their movements. *Make animal masks. Use masks to make a play. *Elimination draw to decide favourite animal (itc p77). Survey the class and make graph of results. *Paint a mural of an Australian habit and the appropriate animals. *Play Celebrity heads game using animals they have been learning about.

Right Tinker

Move to personal usefulness Add something of themselves Encourage tinkering

Design a special zoo for Australian animals, make a map marking where each animal would live. Design each habitat and materials you would use: Link to HSIE Need for Shelter ICT: webquests Show zoo plan to a partner. Explain and justify features and consider where changes could be made. Conference with class teacher.

Quadrant 4 Reinforcement and manipulation

Left Evaluate & refine

Is it worth doing? Helps mistakes become learning opportunities Gives guidance and feedback

Right Perform

Do it, share it, celebrate learning What if?

*Speak as an animal expert. Select one animal that you have researched and prepare to be questioned by the class.(or pretend to be the animal and be questioned) *Write about how you would feel if you were an Australian animal whose existence was threatened because you habitat was disappearing. *Assessment task: silent card shuffle (itc p84) in groups Cut and paste animals and features into correct classification as individuals

Outcomes Indicators LTS1.3 identifies and describes *can sequence and explain the life cycle of several Australian animals ways living things grow and change *can group animals according to classification *can recognise main features of each animal type *can identify changes in animals from birth to adult ES S1.6 identifies and describes *can explain what different animals eat and how they find food in the environment ways people and other living things *can describe habitats of different animals depend upon the earth and its *recognises how aboriginal people found food in the environment environments Links with other KLAs
Cinquain poetry Write explanations of how animals have become endangered Write story about Australian animals in Australian settings. Make what am I? riddles Maths problems using position/direction and zoo map Exposition ideas: farming of kangaroos is a good thing, native animals should not be kept in captivity

Useful web sites include:

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