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LO: I can talk and describe about animals

SC : 1. I can name and talk about the wild animals using adjectives (set


2. I can use adjectives to describe the animals and write simple sentences

using those adjectives. (activity 1)

3. I can write simple sentences using those adjectives. (activity 3)

Questions to be asked:

Set induction:

Previous lesson – talk about comparative adjectives

Read the title, LO and SC

Let students listen to the sounds. Then ask them a few questions:

1. What sound did you hear just now?

2. What kind of animals are they? Where can you find them?

3. Instead of other than zoo, forest, where can you see those wild animals?

Do you know what channels that show about wild animals?

4. Have you ever seen such animals in your life? Where? How do you feel

when you see them?

5. Are they dangerous animals? Can you have them as your pet? Why we

can’t keep them as our pet?

Idea rush – list the wild animals as many as you know (30 seconds)
Activities 1:

Show some pictures if wild animals (3 to 4 pictures) and asked them about the


1. What do you think it is?

2. Does it live in the water or on land?

3. Has it got wings/ legs/ or a tail?

4. How many legs has it got?

5. What colour is it?

6. Does it eat other animals?

7. What kind of animal is it? It is herbivour/amnivor or carnivor?

8. Why we called it as carnivor? (eat meat – eat other animals)

9. Do you afraid of wild animals? Why?

10. How you want to describe this animal? (big, dangerous)

11. Do you know there are endanger animals? What are they?

Share N turn

1. Group leader comes forward to choose the thinking tools they want to


2. Give each group one picture of animal

3. Ask them to list the adjectives that describe the animals on a piece of

paper and write the superlative adjectives next to the adjective. (e.g. big

– the biggest)

4. Make simple sentences using those adjectives (e.g: The elephant is a big


5. Paste on A3 paper, paste on the wall, present.

Activity 2:

Gallery walk

1. Each group review the work of other group. Check and give stars

Activity 3:

1. Dsitrubute worksheet to the students

2. Friend checks the other friend’s answers.


Self assessment – give them form for self evaluation

Wrapped up the lesson by asking questions and moral values to love animals no

matter they are tame or wild animals and help to protect endanger animals.

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