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Son and Father

Seven years ago upon completing his ministry training, Manuel (left), began teaching with TPI. His father (right) got right with the Lord four years ago and on May 25 graduated from TPI under the teaching of his son.

Passing the Torch

Gustavo, TPI International Director, met with Adrian Rogers. Although Dr. Rogers has gone home to Glory, his impact remains in a Honduran pastor that is training hispanic pastors throughout Latin America.

TPI in Dominican Republic

In February of this year TPI began training men in the DR. We now have four pastor training groups with over 120 students. Even more amazing is that there are groups waiting to begin and the word of our ministry is spreading to Haiti.

Servants Unseen
Can you imagine serving in a country where it is dangerous to publicize the picture of a pastor / teacher for fear of reprisal? Please pray for our faithful teachers and their families in Cuba as the gladly serve unseen.

(July 2013)
1. Training Materials - $35,000 2. Funds for Teacher Mobilization - $40,000 3. National Teacher Support $48,000 4. Faith Friends of TPI - Regular

How Far Would You Go?

It is a three day walk for Pastor Edgar to get from his village to the TPI class in Mitu Colombia. Edgar will graduate in November

Cuba as the gladly serve unseen.

4. Faith Friends of TPI - Regular Monthly Supporters

Edgar will graduate in November and will serve as an assistant teacher for those pastors in the Amazon region of Colombia.

Church Planting Results

TPI trains men to plant

Daughters Grow Up
On June 29 our daughter Caitlin married Milton Rocha. Milton is the son of TPI's Nicaraguan coordinator Israel Rocha. They will be living in Esteli, Nicaragua planting a new church.

Classes in South Florida

This is a picture of Dr. Dennis Mock (left), the author of the training materials TPI uses. Pictured, right, is Juan Martinez. Juan graduated from TPI's first class in the USA in Miami. He is now coordinating the pastor training in South Florida as well as being a postal carrier for the USPS on a full time basis. Juan is one of the most selfless and untiring workers in all of TPI, and he receives no reimbursement for his travel, time, or teaching. Wonderful Brother.

reproducing churches. One of our Honduran teachers, Manuel (middle), planted a church and within two years they have seen 30 or more professions of faith. The two young men stand on both sides of Manuel have just graduated from TPI and are planting mission churches started from this small church plant.

The Moores
Cheryl and I want to thank you for your love and support of our family and ministry of training pastors in Latin America. 18 years and counting!!!

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