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Sec on I: Scenarios: The rst three ques ons consist of three li le scenarios that might actually occur in your

life. A er every story you are asked to select ONE answer from the alterna ves given. Again, there are no right or wrong answers. When answering the ques ons, try not to be inuenced by any previous answers you have given.

1. You are riding in a car driven by a close friend, and he hits a pedestrian. You know he was going at least 90km/h in an area of the city where the maximum is 50km/h. His lawyer says that if you tes fy under oath that his speed was only 50km/h, it may save your friend from serious consequences. There are no other witnesses. What right does your friend have to expect you to protect him? a) As a friend he has a denite right to expect me to tes fy that he was only going 50km/h. b) As a friend he has some right to expect me to tes fy that he was only going 50 km/h. c) As a friend he has no right to expect me to tes fy that he was only going 50 km/h. Would you tes fy that he was only going 50km/h? a) Yes b) No

2. You are a wellknown food cri c/journalist who writes a weekly review on newly opened restaurants. A close friend of yours has sunk all his savings into a new restaurant. You have eaten there and you really think the restaurant is no good. What right does your friend have to expect you to go easy on his restaurant in your review? a) As a friend he has a denite right to expect me to go easy on his restaurant in my review. b) As a friend he has some right to expect me to go easy on his restaurant in my review. c) As a friend he has no right to expect me to go easy on his restaurant in my review. Would you go easy on his restaurant in your review in view of your obliga ons to your readers and your obliga ons to your friend? a) Yes b) No

3. You are the family doctor of one of your close friends. You examine your friend's son who wants/needs a medical cer cate which states that his son is unt to sit for his nal exams. You nd that his son is in pre y good shape and that you are doub ul that his condi on warrants a medical cer cate. What right does your friend have to expect you to issue a medical cer cate for his son? a) As a friend he has a denite right to expect me to issue a medical cer cate for his son. b) As a friend he has some right to expect me to issue a medical cer cate for his son. c) As a friend he has no right to expect me to issue a medical cer cate for his son. Would you issue the medical cer cate in view of your obliga ons to your friend and to your profession? a) Yes b) No Sec on 2: Time: In the box below, draw 3 circles represen ng the past, present, feature. If you regard one dimension of me more important than another, please make its circle larger than the rest, if you regard one dimension of me less important than the other please make its circle smaller than the rest. If you think some dimensions of me overlaps another, please intersect the circles. Note that the degree of intersec on counts. An example: Draw here:

Past Present


Sec on 3: Life Situa ons and Events: 1. A major mistake caused by a member of the nal project team is discovered during the group presenta on. The responsibility could be carried by the individual alone, or by the team as a whole. Who do you think should carry the responsibility? a. The person who made the mistake is responsible. b. Because people work on a team, the responsibility should be carried by the group. This me one member has made a mistake. Next me it could be someone else on the team.

2. Which statement do you think best describes an organiza on in which people work? a. An organiza on is a place where everybody works together and where people do not get individual credit. b. An organiza on is a place where people are allowed to work individually and where people get individual credit.

3. In your opinion, which way of working is most eec ve? a. Each person is pre y much his own boss working on his/her own. Individuals decide most things for themselves such as how to go about ge ng their job done. They only have to take care of themselves, and they do not expect others to look out for them. b. People work together in a group, and everybody has something to say in the decisions that are made. People can depend on one another.

4. In your opinion, when a decision has to be made, it is best to look for: a. A compromise (give and take), as this will save precious me. All the people involved need to vote. b. A consensus (all to agree), even if it takes more me. All the people involved need to live with the outcome.

5. Two people are discussing ways in which to improve the quality of their lives. Which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. One says, "The quality of one's life will improve when one has greater freedom and maximum opportunity to develop oneself." b. The other says, "Being con nuously concerned with the welfare of others will improve the quality of life for all of us, even if it restricts individual freedom and development."

6. Students have dierent opinions about how a project should be run. Which way do you prefer? a. The best project will be done if the teammates who work with you know you personally and accept you the way you are, both within and outside the project group. b. The best project will be done if the teammates who work with you respect the work you do, even if they are not your friends/ you are not their friend.

Sec on 4: Life events: 1. A lecturer asks a student to help him wash his car. The student discusses the issue with a friend. Which of the two arguments would you support the most? a. I do not have to wash his car if I do not feel like it. He is my lecturer in the school. Outside the school/classroom or lecture theatre, he has li le authority over me. b. Despite the fact that I do not feel like it, I will wash the car anyway. He is my lecturer, and I cannot ignore that fact even outside of the school/classroom or lecture theatre.

2. People have dierent ideas about what makes a good boss. Which one of these two descrip ons do you prefer? a. A good boss is a person who gets the job done. He takes care of the informa on, people and equipment involved in the execu on of tasks. He leaves his team members free to do their part of the job and intervenes only if necessary. b. A good boss is a person who gets his team group working well together. He guides his team con nuously, and helps them solve various problems. A boss is a kind of parent.

3. There are two extreme ways to consider an organiza on. Which of these two ways be er represents the way you think an organiza on should be? a. An organiza on is a system designed to perform func ons and tasks in an ecient way. People are hired to full these func ons with the help of machines and other equipment. People are paid for the tasks they perform. b. An organiza on is a group of people working together. The people have a social rela onship with each other and with the organiza on. How the organiza on func ons depends on these rela onships. Sec on 5: Life events 2: 1. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. It is worth the eort to try to control important natural forces, like the weather. b. Nature takes its course, and we just have to accept it the way it is. 2. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. Many of the unhappy things in people's lives are partly due to bad luck. b. People's misfortunes result from the mistakes they make.

3. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. In the long run, people get the respect they deserve. b. Unfortunately, an individual's worth o en goes unrecognised no ma er how hard one works.

4. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. Without the right opportuni es, one cannot be an eec ve leader. b. Capable people who fail to become leaders have not taken advantage of their opportuni es.

5. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. Becoming a great success is a ma er of hard work; luck has li le or nothing to do with it. b. Becoming a great success o en depends on being in the right place at the right me.

6. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work. b. It is not always wise to plan too far ahead because many things turn out to be a ma er of good or bad fortune anyhow.

7. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. If people follow the instruc ons of doctors who prescribe the latest discoveries in medicine, they are likely to live longer. b. Every person has a set me to live and there is not much human beings can do to make the lives of men and women longer.

8. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. Ge ng the right job depends mainly upon being in the right place at the right me. b. Whether people get the right job depends on their ability. Luck has li le or nothing to do with it.

9. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. Most people do not realise the extent to which their lives are controlled by luck. b. There is really no such thing as luck.

10. Of the following two statements, which do you believe to be closest to your own way of thinking? a. What happens to me is my own doing. b. Some mes I feel that I do not have enough control over the direc on my life is taking.

Sec on 6: What I believe in Strongly Agree Agree The most important thing in life is to think and act in a manner that best suits the way you really are, even if you do not get things done. The respect a person gets is highly dependent on the family from which he comes. Men and women are dierent. Therefore, they should be treated dierently. It is important that a boss be older than most of his sta. Older people should be respected more than younger people. When I feel upset at school, I am likely to express it. It is unprofessional to express emo ons openly. Looking back, I frequently think that in my enthusiasm, I have disclosed too much about myself

Disagree Strongly Disagree

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