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King Khufu #1 Dont vote for King Khufu because he was not liked by his subjects.

Source Citation- According to Herodotus, an Ancient Greek historian Quote "Kheops brought the country into all kinds of misery. He closed the temples, forbade his subjects to offer sacrifices, and compelled them without exception to labor upon his works the Egyptians can hardly bring themselves to mention Kheops so great is their hatred." #2 Dont vote for Khufu because if he doesnt even care about his own familys well being and why should he care for the citizens who live on planet x. Source Citation- Herodotus, Ancient Greek Historian Quote: He also describes Khufu as a cruel and wicked leader who prostituted his daughter when he ran short of money. Conclusion- King Khufu was willing to prostitute his own daughter for money, imagine what else he is willing to do to the people of Planet x. #3- Dont vote for King Khufu because he doesnt value precious human life. Source Citations- Papyrus Westcar, ancient Egyptian Text Quote: One story, Kheops and the Magicians, relates that a magician named Djedi who can reputedly bring back the dead to life. He is presented to Khufu, who orders a prisoner brought to him, so that he may see a demonstration of the magicians talents. Khufu further orders that the prisoner should be killed, and then Djedi can bring him back to life. #4 Dont vote for King Khufu because he was merciless ruler. Source Citations- According to BBC, News company Quote For a number of years the popular belief was that slave labor was used to construct this marvel. The entire project took about 23 years to complete, during which time 2,300,000 building blocks, weighing an average of 2.5 tons each, were moved. Martin Luther King Jr. #1 Dont vote for MLK because he doesnt have original ideas. Source Citation- Ralph E Luker, part of the Kings paper project, large scale research focused on MLK Quote Moreover, the farther King went in his academic career, the more deeply ingrained the patterns of borrowing language without clear attribution became. Thus, the plagiarism in his dissertation seemed to be, by then, the product of his long-established practice. #2 Dont vote for MLk because he isnt focused enough to be able to run a planet because he is busy doing other things. Source Citations David Garrow, Kings Biographer

Quote: Kings biographer David Garrow detailed what he called Kings compulsive sexual athleticism, writing about a number of extramarital affairs, including one with a woman King saw almost daily Conclusion- King is distracted and cant focus on running the planet which he should be doing if he is leader of Planet x. #3 Dont vote for Martin Luther King because he gives up after failure. Source Citation- According to Stanford University Quote: King was arrested twice during demonstrations organized by the Albany Movement, but when he left jail and ultimately left Albany without achieving a victory, some movement activists began to question his militancy and his dominant role within the southern protest movement. #4 Dont vote for Martin Luther King because there are so many controversies about what he was like in his private life. Source Citation According to ABC News, reliable news source Quote: "I just can't see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man's terrible," Mrs. Kennedy said, But as for what was actually said by King and his circle, history remains uncertain. The original surveillance tapes involving King have never been released publicly, and are under seal by court order until 2027. Neil Armstrong #1 Dont vote for Neil Armstrong because he has issues with trust. Source Citation- Douglas Brinkley, American author and professor of history Quote: As an impermeable skeptic, he trusted neither celebrity nor crass capitalism. #2 Dont vote for Neil Armstrong because he was press shy and thats opposite of what a good leader should be. Source Citations According to Biography, online biography website, Quote: He rarely gave interviews and stayed away from the publics eye Conclusion- A leader has to be comfortable in front of cameras and Neil is not. #3 Dont vote for Neil Armstrong because he ponders on decisions to long and in todays world there is no time for pondering. Source Citation According to the Washington Post, popular newspaper Quote: He made decisions slowly, pondering their outcome if time allowed but acting decisively when necessary. For his lunar landing he picked his spot carefully, bypassing boulder fields. When he finally set down, he had less than a minute of fuel remaining. #4 Dont vote for Neil Armstrong because he doesnt want to be in the spotlight. Source Citation: According to the New York Times

Quote: The historian Douglas Brinkley, who interviewed Mr. Armstrong for a NASA oral history, described him as our nations most bashful Galahad. His family called him a reluctant hero who always believed he was just doing his job. Philip of Macedon #1 Dont vote for Philip of Macedon because he doesnt have the right skills to communicate with other civilizations. Source Citation- History of Macedonia Quote His primary method of creating alliances and strengthening loyalties was through marriages, and it is said that he was more prouder of his diplomatic maneuvers then of his military victories. Conclusion- Philip didnt have the skill for communicating with other civilization and has to resort to marriage for alliances. #2 Dont vote for Philip because he uses illegal means to gain support. Source Citations- According to History of Macedonia Quote His money were buying off supporters where he desired, supporters which the ancient Greek historians called traitors of Greece. Conclusion-Philip didnt go about the right way but instead he went off a crooked path. #3 Dont vote for Philip of Macedon because he doesnt have the control to rule over his empire. Source Citation According to History of Macedonia Quote: The Macedonian king spent most of 345 subduing the rebellions of the conquered nations. He led the Macedonian army against the Illyrians, Dardanians, and the Thracians. #4 Dont vote for Philip because his judgment is impaired. Source Citation History of Macedonia Quote His charm was great; he was by nature convivial, hospitable, and a bon viveur. Undoubtedly he drank too much and too often, with the saving grace that he was known to listen to home truths even when drunk.

Works Cited

"The Dark Side Martin Luther King Jr." The Right Perspective. Wordpress, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "Jacqueline Kennedy on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr." ABC News. ABC News Internet Ventures, Sept. 2011. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "Khufu (2609 BC - 2584 BC)." History. BBC, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "King Khufu The Pharaoh - Interesting Facts." Ancient History. Netscype, 14 July 2012. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)." Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr Research Institute, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. < _jr_biography/>. "Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Dies at 82." New York Times. New York Times, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "The Neil Armstrong You Didnt Know." US News. The Newsweek/Daily Beast, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013.

<>. Parson, Marie. "Egypt: Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), A Feature Tour Egypt Story." Tour Egypt. Tour Egypt, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "Philip II." Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>. "Philip of Macedon Philip II of Macedon Biography (359 - 336 BC)." Philip of Macedon. History of Macedon, 2013. Web. 9 July 2013. <>.

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