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(BOOKLET 1) Which of the following is the most important factor that can affect the reputation of a family?

i)Behaviour of family members ii)Income levels of family members iii)Educational levels of family members iv)Occupations of family members (BOOKLET 2) The public has been advised that the consumption of water should be reduced.Where can you save water most? i)At home ii)In schools iii)In public places iv)In restaurant (BOOKLET 3) For any teamwork to succeed,it is most important to choose a good team leader.What are the qualities that you would look for in choosing a good leader? i)Well-liked and well-respected ii)Knowledgeable and competent iii)Patient and rational iv)Fair and open-minded (BOOKLET 4) The increasing price of foodstuff affects everyone.Suggest how you can save money spent on foodstuff.Which is the following is most effective in saving money spent on foodstuff. i)Eating more home-cooked food ii)Buying only the foodstuff that you need iii)Growing fruits and vegetables iv)Not wasting food (BOOKLET 5) Malaysians should be proud of the fact that various groups can live together in peace and harmony because of our generally tolerant nature.How can this be improved?To which group of people should we know our greatest tolerance? i)People of different cultures ii)People from different age groups iii)People with dfferent habits iv)People who are disabled


There has been a lot of discussions on what should be done to young people who break the law.Suggest what action should be taken.Which of the following is the most effective way to reform young people who have broken the law? i)Send to jail ii)Send to rehabilitation centres iii)Made to do social work for a number of hours iv)Place under the guidance of mentors (BOOKLET 7) Lifespan and health conditions have improved tremendously.As a result,many people who retire in their fifties are still fit and alert.Suggest options available for people of this age group.Discuss which of the following will most benefit retired people. i)To be re-employed ii)To start a small business iii)To do social work iv)To learn something new (BOOKLET 8) It has been said that young people in Malaysia today are considered lucky.Why it this so?Whis of the following has helped young Malaysians today the most? i)They grew in a time of peace and prosperity ii)They have easy access to more information iii)The government has provided better facilities for sports and recreation. iv)The education system has offered them more opportunities (BOOKLET 9) Malaysian food manufacturers would like to sell more of their products overseas.Suggest what they can do.Which is the most effective way of increasing sales of Malaysian food products overseas? i)Improve the packaging of the products ii)Maintain high standard of quality iii)Promote the product internationally iv)Make the products easily available overseas

(BOOKLET 10) To develop responsibility is very important in life.How do you go about doing this?At which level is developing responsibility most important? i)At individual level

ii)At family level iii)At community level iv)At national level (BOOKLET 11) In today's modern society,a lot of tradition has been forgotten.What are some of the ways in which we can keep our tradition alive?Which of the following is the most important way of keeping tradition alive? i)Through playing traditional sports and games ii)Through performing tradisional songs and dances iii)Through promoting traditional arts and craft iv)Through practising traditional values and customs

QUESTION 1 Jagjit has received his STPM results. He has done very well in his Science subjects. He is now in a dilemma. He can opt for any Science discipline in the university. However, he has no particular interest in any of the disciplines. Several people have stepped forward to offer him some advice. A) B) C) D) choose medicine and later specialise in psychiatry take up a degree in computer studies sign up for an engineering course take up architecture

QUESTION 2 School indiscipline continues to be a problem in SK Jantung Muda. The headmaster seeks the opinions of senior students on how to curb the problem. You are one senior student the headmaster talks to. A) B) C) D) cane the boys and punish the girls by making them weed the school garden. suspend these students from school for several days. compel these students to see the school counsellor or the discipline master. punish these students by making them wash the school toilets.

QUESTION 3 Your school has decided to hold a funfair to raise funds. Each club will be in charge of a stall and has to decide on what to sell. The President of your club has called for a committee meeting. A) B) C) D) selling drinks selling snacks selling clothes that are factory rejects setting up a fortune-telling stall

QUESTION 4 Siva has just won a huge lottery. One of the first things he wants to do with the money is to improve on his familys home. Siva speaks to his family to seek their views. A) to have a house by the sea.

B) C) D)

to build a house in the mountains. to buy a condominium. to renovate the present house.

QUESTION 5 Mr Lee has just retired from government service. He has also received his gratuity money a lump sum of RM130 000. All his children are also working now. A) B) C) D) to invest the money in the stock market. To buy a small apartment. To renovate the house. To buy a new car.

QUESTION 6 One of your friends decides to quit Form 6. She says that she is bored, that lessons are uninteresting and that there seems to be no focus in life. A) B) C) D) stay on in Form 6. leave Form 6 and take up a professional course. join the working world. work temporarily and when the time is right continue with her studies.

QUESTION 7 Recently there has been a lot of emphasis on the importance of the English language. Malaysians throughout the country are being encouraged to improve their English language proficiency. Suggest ways to help Malaysians improve their English language proficiency. A) B) C) D) the mass media play an important role. get a credit in English. parents play an important role. schools play an important role.

QUESTION 8 The Nature Club in your college is organising a Preserve Our World campaign. One of the activities for the campaign is an essay competition. As a member of the committee, suggest a title for the essay competition. A) B) C) D) The Importance of Recycling How to Conserve Water The Need to Preserve Our Forests The Importance of Being Environment Friendly

QUESTION 9 A friend of yours has decided to go into the retail business. However, he does not know what line of retail he should focus on. He decides to get some advice from his friends and relatives.. A) B) C) D) You are his father. You advise him to concentrate on childrens clothes. You are his aunt. You advise him to concentrate on clothes or teenagers. Your are his sister. You advice him to concentrate on clothes for women. You are his good friend. You advise him to concentrate on clothes for men.

QUESTION 10 For several weeks now your good friend, Susan, has been acting rather strangely towards you. She does not want to see you or speak with you. You have just found out that she has been influenced by some wayward peers and is now experementing with drugs. You talk it over with some other concerned friends about what to do. A) B) C) D) confront Susan and her new friends inform the class teacher and get her to intervene inform Susans parents report this to the headmistress

QUESTION 1 Jagjit has received his STPM results. He has done very well in his Science subjects. He is now in a dilemma. He can opt for any Science discipline in the university. However, he has no particular interest in any of the disciplines. Several people have stepped forward to offer him some advice. A) B) C) D) choose medicine and later specialise in psychiatry take up a degree in computer studies sign up for an engineering course take up architecture

QUESTION 2 School indiscipline continues to be a problem in SK Jantung Muda. The headmaster seeks the opinions of senior students on how to curb the problem. You are one senior student the headmaster talks to. A) B) C) D) cane the boys and punish the girls by making them weed the school garden. suspend these students from school for several days. compel these students to see the school counsellor or the discipline master. punish these students by making them wash the school toilets.

QUESTION 3 Your school has decided to hold a funfair to raise funds. Each club will be in charge of a stall and has to decide on what to sell. The President of your club has called for a committee meeting. A) B) C) D) selling drinks selling snacks selling clothes that are factory rejects setting up a fortune-telling stall

QUESTION 4 Siva has just won a huge lottery. One of the first things he wants to do with the money is to improve on his familys home. Siva speaks to his family to seek their views. A) to have a house by the sea.

B) C) D)

to build a house in the mountains. to buy a condominium. to renovate the present house.

QUESTION 5 Mr Lee has just retired from government service. He has also received his gratuity money a lump sum of RM130 000. All his children are also working now. A) B) C) D) to invest the money in the stock market. To buy a small apartment. To renovate the house. To buy a new car.

QUESTION 6 One of your friends decides to quit Form 6. She says that she is bored, that lessons are uninteresting and that there seems to be no focus in life. A) B) C) D) stay on in Form 6. leave Form 6 and take up a professional course. join the working world. work temporarily and when the time is right continue with her studies.

QUESTION 7 Recently there has been a lot of emphasis on the importance of the English language. Malaysians throughout the country are being encouraged to improve their English language proficiency. Suggest ways to help Malaysians improve their English language proficiency. A) B) C) D) the mass media play an important role. get a credit in English. parents play an important role. schools play an important role.

QUESTION 8 The Nature Club in your college is organising a Preserve Our World campaign. One of the activities for the campaign is an essay competition. As a member of the committee, suggest a title for the essay competition. A) B) C) D) The Importance of Recycling How to Conserve Water The Need to Preserve Our Forests The Importance of Being Environment Friendly

QUESTION 9 A friend of yours has decided to go into the retail business. However, he does not know what line of retail he should focus on. He decides to get some advice from his friends and relatives.. A) B) C) D) You are his father. You advise him to concentrate on childrens clothes. You are his aunt. You advise him to concentrate on clothes or teenagers. Your are his sister. You advice him to concentrate on clothes for women. You are his good friend. You advise him to concentrate on clothes for men.

QUESTION 10 For several weeks now your good friend, Susan, has been acting rather strangely towards you. She does not want to see you or speak with you. You have just found out that she has been influenced by some wayward peers and is now experementing with drugs. You talk it over with some other concerned friends about what to do. A) B) C) D) confront Susan and her new friends inform the class teacher and get her to intervene inform Susans parents report this to the headmistress

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