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Microsoft Jump Start

M3: Managing Windows Server 2012 by Using Windows PowerShell 3.0

Rick Claus | Technical Evangelist | Microsoft Ed Liberman | Technical Trainer | Train Signal

Jump Start Target Agenda | Day One

Day 1 Day 2

Module 1: Installing and Configuring Servers Based on Windows Server 2012

Module 2: Monitoring and Maintaining Windows Server 2012 Module 3: Managing Windows Server 2012 by Using PowerShell 3.0 - MEAL BREAK Module 4: Managing Storage for Windows Server 2012

Module 7: Implementing Failover Clustering

Module 8: Implementing Hyper-V Module 9: Implementing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V - MEAL BREAK Module 10: Implementing Dynamic Access Control

Module 5: Implementing Network Services

Module 11: Implementing Active Directory Domain Services

Module 6: Implementing Direct Access Module 12: Implementing Active Directory Federation Services

Module Overview
Overview of Windows PowerShell 3.0 Using PowerShell 3.0 to Manage AD DS Managing Servers by Using PowerShell 3.0

What Is Windows PowerShell?

An object-based management environment An engine that enables administrators to: Create automation scripts Perform batch modifications Access unavailable settings Provides a foundation upon which the GUI-based

administrative tools of Microsoft can rest:


console Actions can be invoked within GUIs by running PowerShell commands in the background

can be accomplished in its command-line

Windows PowerShell Syntax

Verb-Noun pair naming is as follows:

Get Set

EventLog ExecutionPolicy

Get-EventLog Set-ExecutionPolicy




Use cmdlet parameters to modify actions and provide

configuration information. Parameters include:

Named. -EventLog System, -UserName John Switch. -Verbose, -Debug, -Confirm Positional. Get-EventLog System Get-EventLog LogName System

Common parameters: -WhatIf, -Debug, -Verbose, -Confirm

Cmdlet Aliases
You can use aliases for:
Backward compatibility Shorten scripts Easier discoverability

Common Aliases: cd -> Set-Location dir -> Get-Child-Item ls -> Get-Child-Item copy -> Copy-Item kill -> Stop-Process rm -> Remove-Item type -> Get-Content help -> Get-Help

DEMO: Using the Windows PowerShell ISE

In this demonstration, you will use the Windows

PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)

Accessing Help in Windows PowerShell

To access the Help documentation, run Get-Help or the

alias help followed by the cmdlet name:

Get-Help Get-EventLog Get-EventLog -help

Get-Help has parameters to adjust the amount of help

displayed. The parameters are: -detailed -examples -full -online

Other cmdlets that you can use for accessing help: Update-

Help, Show-Command, Get-Command, and tab completion

Using Windows PowerShell Modules

Windows PowerShell is extended through modules You can import modules by using the Import-Module cmdlet:
Import-Module Hyper-V
You can list loaded modules by running the following


Modules can be of the following types:

Script Binary

What Is Windows PowerShell Remoting?

The purpose of Windows PowerShell remoting is to:

to a remote computer Run one or more commands on that computer Bring those results back to your computer
The goals of Windows PowerShell remoting are:

administration Batch administration Lightweight administration

The three ways to use Windows

Run Command

PowerShell remoting are: Local 1-to-1 Remoting 1-to-Many (or Fan-Out) Remoting Many-to-1 (or Fan-In) Remoting


What Is New in Windows PowerShell 3.0?

Windows PowerShell 3.0 improvements include: Over 260 core cmdlets Management of all Windows Roles and Features Windows PowerShell Workflow Windows PowerShell Web Access Scheduled Jobs Enhanced Online Help ISE Autosense Robust Session Connectivity

Using the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell

The Active Directory PowerShell Module included in Windows Server 2012, provides over 130 cmdlets for managing Active Directory objects, such as: Computer Accounts User Accounts Service Accounts Groups Organizational Units Replication Trusts Central Access Policies Password Polices

Using Windows PowerShell Variables

A variable is a temporary holding place in memory for a

value, object, or collection of objects Variables are named, and their names are preceded with a dollar sign



The Windows PowerShell Pipeline

Used to connect the output from one cmdlet to the input

of another cmdlet

The combination of the first cmdlet, pipe, and second

cmdlet makes a pipeline

Process Object

Get-ADUser Cmdlet Get-ADUser Filter *


| Enable-ADAccount

Enable ADAccount Cmdlet

Options for Formatting Windows PowerShell Output

Cmdlets for Formatting Output

Format-Wide (FW)

Format-Table (FT)

Format-List (FL)

Format-Custom (FC)

Cmdlets for Manipulating Output

Measure-Object (measure)

Sort-Object (sort)

Select-Object (select)

Where-Object (where)

Creating and Running Windows PowerShell Scripts

Execution policy restricts script execution, the execution policies

include: Restricted AllSigned RemoteSigned Unrestricted Bypass Scripts are text files with a .ps1 extension Scripts contain one or more commands that you want the shell to execute in order Scripts, when run, require a relative or full path to be specified: .\Get-LatestLogon.ps1 E:\Mod03\Democode\Get-LatestLogon.ps1

Using Windows PowerShell Loops and Conditional Expressions

foreach ($user in $group){ write-host $user is in $group} if ($Today.DayOfWeek = Monday) { write-host Today is Monday} while ($i -ne 25) {write-host $i is not 25} for ($i=1; $i < 25; $i++) { write-host $i is not 25}

DEMO: Managing AD DS by Using PowerShell

In this demonstration, you will manage AD DS by using

Windows PowerShell

Active Directory Administrative Center Integration with Windows PowerShell

Allows management of user accounts, computer

accounts, groups, and organizational units Provides a Windows PowerShell history of all commands used Is a Windows PowerShell learning tool

Discussion: The Need for Windows PowerShell for Server Management

I <3 PS: c:\users\administrator
I <3 PS: c:\users\administrator

What Is Windows PowerShell Web Access?

Organization Network Organization Perimeter Network

Target 1

Target 2 .

Internet Windows PowerShell Web Access Gateway

Target n

What Are Windows PowerShell Jobs?

Background Jobs: Enable extended tasks to be performed in the background Perform tasks on a number of remote servers

Scheduled Jobs: Registered background jobs that can run on a schedule Triggers are created to define schedule

Introduction to Windows PowerShell Workflow

Enables automating long-running and complex

activities Enables automating multiple server management and application provisioning Enables processes to be resumed, paused, and restarted Created by using Windows PowerShell or Visual Studio Workflow Designer
Windows Server 2012 includes over 60 predefined


Quick Review
What happens if you try to run an unsigned script

that you have created locally and the execution policy is set to RemoteSigned? When a user that is not authorized attempts to logon to Windows PowerShell Web Access, what occurs?

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