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Chapter 3: Jodie Hello my skanky best friend, where have you been? Ha. Ha. Very funny Jodie.

As far as I know youre the skanky best friend. Whats this I hear about you and a girl named becca? And in Marissas parents room? Alex retorted. Beccas hot, Jodie said matter-of-factly, the same, however, cannot be said for your choice of partner-in-skank. Michelle? Jodie said, stifling a laugh. I did not know what I was doing and as my best friend, arent you supposed to save me instead of holing up in a room making out? Trust me, we were doing more than just making out, Jodie said with a smirk and to a look of horror on Alexs face. But I thought the birthday girl went to your rescue. Yeah I just dont know how to face Michelle now. Shes going to think I like her or something, Alex moaned as she collapsed onto their couch. Maybe you should just get a girlfriend so people like Michelle and Christine would just give up, Jodie commented. In case you havent realized, the girls who like me are all kind ofintense, like Michelle and Christine, so I guess theres no hope of that happening in the near future, Alex said. You. Need. A . Girlfriend. Jodie said. I would gladly volunteer myself for the sacrifice, on account of you being my best friend, Jodie teased. No thanks, Alex yawned as she made her way into her room. Im pretty sure I would mind if my girlfriend sleeps with a different girl other than me every couple of weeks.

Jodie sighed as she leaned against the bathroom sink, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She wondered how much more of it she could take before she crumbled. The meaningless flings brought but temporary relief and distraction from the blond and each time she sees Alex with another girl it hurts her deeply. Alex and Jodie have been friends for the longest time and over the years Jodie has started to fall for her best friend. Alex, on the other hand has never had romantic feelings for Jodie and Jodie knew that Alex saw her as a flirt and would never take her seriously. Like Alex with Marissa, Jodie cared too much for their friendship to confess to Alex. She was elated when Alex decided to move in with her and thought that with luck, things might start to develop between them. However, she was always afraid that

anything she said would ruin everything and right now she was just glad that she gets to see Alex everyday and hope that one day Alex would like her more than just as a friend.

It was late when Alex returned home after a long day in school. She had stayed past midnight to work on an assignment and Jodie was already asleep when she returned. Sighing, Alex made her way to her room to look for the notes that she required to complete her assignment which she had carelessly left at home. After fifteen minutes of search for the elusive notes, Alex was getting increasingly frustrated. Im never gonna find those notes! She exclaimed in annoyance, throwing her hands up in the air. She decided to take a peak in Jodies room to check if her notes were somehow misplaced in her best friends room instead. Opening the door soundlessly, Alex slipped into Jodies room as she tried her best not to wake her sleeping friend. She smiled when she saw Jodie lying spread-eagled over her queen sized bed, the same way Jodie had always slept since Alex had known her. Oftentimes, at sleepovers (before they lived together), Jodie used to kick Alex viciously in her sleep without realizing and it always resulted in Alex swearing loudly at her in pain. Alex switched on the lamp on Jodies table and within a couple of minutes found the notes that she was looking for nestled among the mess on Jodies table. Heaving a sigh of relief, Alex grabbed the notes and was about to turn off the lamp when she heard a murmur from Jodie. She paused and this time, distinctly heard Jodie mutter, Alex. Thinking she has woken her best friend up, Alex was about to speak when she heard Jodie give a loud moan and take a couple of heavy breaths. Alex froze. Is this really what she thinks it is? Inching closer to her friend, Alex heard Jodies breath speed up audibly and felt confused as to how she should feel before brushing her confusion aside and breaking into a grin. Oh what fun will she have teasing Jodie tomorrow!

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