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.2093030 "THE SOAP" Hearing the word "SOAP" our minds immediately turn to the memory of the action of bathing, to be free of bacteria, to keep our clothes clean and smelling nice, for others it represents the shampoo and believe it or not in various regions of the world use it as toothpaste. It is an invention really wonderful, so wonderful that dates from many years before its use as a medicinal purpose and grooming, which was and is still affordable for anyone regardless of race or discrimination, but nothing is quite good, and so as raises the famous phrase everything in excess is bad, the soap is one of them, because it also brings great harm to the skin but it has good information and manipulation. No one knows when or where he became the first soap. The Roman legend says that the soap was developed due to an event, sparking rain down the

sides of Mount Sapo, near the river Tiber. The fat of the many animal sacrifices mixed with wood ashes (of the ceremonial fires), the slaves noticed their properties to clean your hands first and then the clothing.

The oldest soap residues were found in clay jars of Babylonian origin around 2800 BC the inscriptions on the cylinders describe the mixture of fats boiled with ashes. This is a method of manufacture of soap. The Phoenicians around 600 B.C. century soap used in the cleaning of textile fibers, wool and cotton. The
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doctor in his time Galeno was the first to mention the soap for personal hygiene or washing clothes. He also noted that the maid had a healing effect on skin diseases. Pliny the Elder, in his history books (77 AD) says that the Gauls were the soap with the fat of goats and the ashes; it also mentions the use of common salt, added to the mixture to harden bars soap. Soap making an art remained relatively primitive until the sixteenth century,
6 when techniques were developed that provided a pure soap. There is a popular 5

misconception that says that in the Middle Ages people did not bathe much then, but in reality there were many public baths. 1

It is the third longest river in Italy (after the rivers Po and Adige), with a length of 405 km. Babylon was an ancient city in Mesopotamia. It gained its independence during the Dark Ages 3 Phoenicians is the name of a former East region Proximate the name of an ancient Middle East region on the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 4 Known as Galen, was a Greek physician. His views dominated European medicine for over a thousand years 5 Pliny the Elder (23-79), scientist, philosopher, writer, historian, naturalist and Roman military. 6 The average age is the historical period of Western civilization between the V and XV century.

The nobles and wealthy merchants had their own private bathrooms with large 1 tubs of wood and used plenty of soap bars, although people in the Renaissance were not very fond of keeping your body clean, preferring instead to cover the smells with perfumes. In 1783 the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele olive oil boiled with lead oxide, producing a substance called lsss mellitus (glycerin). This reaction is occurring in the current process of soap making. Many of the chemical elements used today involve the same principles since the beginning of soap possessed obviously have been modified most of them as the use of fatty acids and alkalis, the latter gives a touch soapy we know . For its age and importance to mankind as existing use is one of the most important methods to prevent disease, in a simple and inexpensive, portable apart kept neat, small and manageable. An invention for many the best devised by mankind, in 2008 the most renowned scientists from Stanford University, one of the most prestigious and famous the world have come to the surprising conclusion that the soap is by far the best invention that has been able to create the man in all his history. Surprisingly neither the wheel nor the personal computer, or even writing, outfoxed excellence plays in our lives that piece of dough that we use to cleanse daily. But not everything that shine is gold and this element also comes with its cons, since the human body is not designed to be washed with soap and if any can of a car, so the use of it for many people represents more than toilet, a risk because it can result from allergic reactions and toxic, as well as chronic dryness of the skin, which is necessary for immediate assistance to the dermatologist. In the decade of the 80 disease spread among those who practiced sport, called "Jogger's Disease". Athletes who after completing his career bathed daily with soap suffered skin irritation and dryness to the point of getting rashes, inflammation of the skin and "dermatitis".

1 Renaissance

is the name given to a broad cultural movement, which occurred in Western Europe in the fifteenth and


That's why dermatologists recommend using large amounts of clean water, without addition, and a synthetic soap, non-alkaline, and then use a cream containing more than 50% fat. For a normal day is also sufficient to wash your hands about fifteen seconds and no more, since that time sufficient to reduce bacteria. Concluding, the proper use of soap is essential for daily life of man from long ago. The good handling will make to reflect the importance of this invention, we must bear in mind that not all soaps are suitable to our skin and the most optimal would visit the dermatologist, to lather Key areas include armpits, genitals, and the anal region. The rest can only be washed with fresh water. Remember this especially important in children and allergic profile as they are much more sensitive to these substances. Misuse can also be harmful such as avoiding eye area and prevent children from ingesting it. Consult a dermatologist to inform you which product are right for you, and can properly enjoy the best invention of mankind.

Hist oria del jabn (1995 2005) The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), inc. 2005 E ditorial Programa de Autosuficiencia Regional S.A. de ht tp:/ /www.aut osuf!notid= 549 Dr.Neil I zenberg, Redactor jefe The Nemours Foundation, Enfermedades y transt ornos de la salud.E ditorial Thomson Gale[Versin Electrnica] Jos A. Tabush Clare, E l jabn... enemigo de su piel? Publicado el 17 sep 2010, de ht tp:/ / jabon-Enemigode-su-piel/ Page1. ht ml Baarse demasiado y con mucho jabn es perjudicial para la salud. publicado 2004-03-27, de htt p: // demasiadomucho-jabon-perjudicial-salud Agencia E FE | Julio 28 de 2003, de 20030728/not a/ 151112.aspx

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