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Chapter one: What is the name of the fifth god's servant? Archeon Sir The sound of turning pages.

What is the correct procedure to summon an Imp? Drawing a cage, then binding the a connection, then summoning the Imp by name. And how is a cage for, say a fourth level Fairy, drawn? The apprentice with a piece of chalk from a pocket in the voluminous black robes he wore, knelt and began inscribing said cage. First he drew a circle, then four symbols on four sides. As he finished each symbol it shone red before receding to a warm glow. At the last symbol all four began pulsing regularly. Very good apprentice. Several seconds of silence followed. The apprentice appeared to be studying the mosaic on the ceiling of the vast hall in which he stood. Completely surrounded by a circle of lit candles and alone. Summon a Leviathan. In particular Baal The apprentice's cowled head froze at the softly whispered command. A stillness spread through out the candles flames and a darkness settled in the hall. A minute passed. Then another. All the while a thousand invisible eyes watched the slow breathing of the figure in the fire. Thou shalt not summon a higher demon, Master? In the interest of conducting the exam as accurately as possible an exception is being made. The hall will withstand your failure, in any form it may take I understand. The apprentice waved a hand and the chalk marks disappeared from the floor. Another wave and a swarm of rats began appearing from various nooks and crannies. As each rat ran up to him, it stretched a limb to accept a piece of chalk and at once withdrew to draw. If seen from above a wave of symbols and shapes could be seen to spread outwards and the apprentice at the center. Scurrying rodents creating beautiful and intricate designs the wove in and out of the other. Circles, parabolas, pentagrams, and long sequences of glyphs and text. The flashing lights of the drawing drowning out the faint candle lights. At last the rats finished and ran away with their sticks of chalk left behind on the floor. The apprentice sat down and lay his head between his knees. Apprentice...As always you have the right of forfeiture The apprentice didn't answer the solicitous disembodied voice. Rather he got to his feet and pulled down the hood covering his head. The young boy's eyes were closed and a grim expression ill fitting such a youth appeared on his face. With quick movements he withdrew a knife and made a slice on his arm.

Secundum communem linguam populi Amun-Ra Baal exaudi me, Venite. Per ignem. Per aquam. Ingreditur Andromedae. Dono domini tui, sanguinem He squeezed hard and the blood dripped furiously to the floor only to vanish. Potestas enim port sanguinem He squeezed again. Et tibi... He squeezed. sanguinem All the light went out of the hall. Not a sound could be heard aside from the hurried breaths of the apprentice. Before too long passed the sound of flapping wings was heard and light exploded in the hall. When it finally dimmed the figure of a man stood in the center of the drawings on the floor. His hands were lifted above his head and a silent rage hideously stretching his face. The boy on the other hand was lying down, surrounded by a mound of ash, completely naked on the once pristine white now scorched black, marble floor. The man figure snarled voicelessly and a giant wolf appeared in front of the boy. Sniffing cautiosly it attempted to touch the boys leg with one of its legs. A cracking sound and the wolf was blasted and slammed against a wall of the hall. The broken body of the wolf slid down the wall and it started howling in terrible pain. The man closed his eyes and the wolf dissolved into green smoke. Tu quis es?! The deep booming voice reverberated through the hall knocking the candlesticks to the ground. The boy sat up slowly wincing at bruises and aches not paying much attention to the apparently furious, though no longer moving, man. respondete mihi! After stretching his arms and legs he turned to the man and watched him a while before answering. I am Marcus my lord The man cocked an ear. Then know this Marcus He spat the name contemptuously. When I shall be free. I shall make you pay an eternity for what you have done. I doubt that my lord. The man snarled and laughed. I don't mean I doubt you could make me pay eternally. I meant that I doubt I'd let you free while still wanting to my lord Rest assured that I shall be free, Already I feel your binding shifting. Prepare to suffer. I highly doubt that my lord. The man looked shocked and then screamed. Balls of fire and lightning strikes carved mercilessly into the floor, walls and ceiling. Every single thing in the hall was burned and blasted into rubble. But the hall stood and so did the boy and the stone containing the chalk marks on the floor. The man was breathing heavily by now. And a disbelieving desperation overtook him. A black figure

flowed through the walls and floor of the hall. Exploring the boundaries of the cage it flowed round and round, streaking through the floor. Once it seemed to find something and attempted to batter its way to the man. It crossed several lines of chalk before slowly coming to a stop. Another snarl and shout and a circle of light sprang into being floating in the air above the man. The space in the circle seemed fuzzy and fluid. Then the space went dark and out stepped a woman. A remarkably beautiful and clad in the best of styles which is to say scantly. I wouldn't have done that my lord. The woman looked puzzled as she took in the scene before her. Words seemed to be forming on her lips before she reconsidered again and again. She glanced at the boy but dismissed him immediately as of no consequence. At last she floated over to the man, in midair and descended to stand facing him. What's the matter Baal? Baal snarled. Now now, I don't speak beast. Kill the boy! May I ask why you had to summon me across several stars not to mention a dozen dimensions over to kill a scrawny human child? Baal closed his eyes and muttered. I am bound. The woman turned to face the boy. She clapped once and twice. I must say I'm impressed, child. That's very kind of you to say so, The boy bowed gallantly at her, Oh that is very sweet of you, and it is a pity to kill you I haven't had the pleasure of being introduced to you my lady, my I know your name before you do? The woman's eye brows rose in puzzlement at the boy's nonchalantness. Giving a swirl of her dress she called a trumpets to announce before she answered. I am Ariadne sister to Baal daughter of Amen-Ra. With that she snapped her fingers. Nothing happened. Dramatically. Something is very odd about you. Who are you? Marcus, my lady. My goddess would be more appropriate Baal roared. Oh shut up! Baal roared again. Ariadne turned sat down and stared at Marcus. I'm fairly certain you're human. Possessing a puny soul, your strength is kindling next to mine, and a veritable speck of dust next to my brother, Who is protecting you, oh sack of meat? Marcus merely stared back.

Ariadne shook her head and examined the incantations under her feet. Now don't misunderstand me, this is good craft. It's just that it'd be like stopping a mountain falling with a painting. A beautiful painting. But a piece of paper non the less. That sounds like it makes sense. Are you mocking me child? A snort followed a vehement denial. Well I don't know what to do about this, Baal. Work something out with the little dead boy and then do as you please when you're free. Have you lost your mind sister? Not entirely, merely the portion that is dedicated to dealing with you. Marcus cleared his throat. Noisily. Both of the Leviathans turned to face him. If I may speak? By all means All I require from my lord Baal is sixty or seventy years of Another roar some small services. In return I shall grant you your freedom and payment Ariadne watched the exchange with a small smile before sighing and rising to her feet and dusting herself off. She then vanished and appeared behind Marcus, and stabbed him in the back with a long dagger that reached through his chest and appeared bloodied at his front. Ariadne waited with the knife in Marcus's body until the last rasping breaths were stilled. She then let his body drop with the knife still inside and walked over to Baal wiping her hands on her clothes. I do hate getting bloody. Next time won't you be more careful? Baal paid her no heed. Instead he attempted to walk beyond the edge of the first circle. Wall of fire sprang up and Baal was flung to the center again with invisible bonds restraining all his limbs. Ariadne watched with incomprehension as Baal struggled and strained, trying in vain now to verbalize his contempt of his incompetent sister. Now that is curious Vanishing only to appear next to Marcus's body she poured liquid from a goblet that formed in her hand and lit the body with a spark from a finger tip. The body blazed and after some seconds it was gone

save for the ashes. Baal remained captive. And that, is impossible... The ashes began moving. Slowly at first but then more and faster. When the dust settled Marcus was lying as he was with his eyes closed. That was an admirable attempt my lady. Ariadne summoned with a curse armor into being on herself and crouched defensively with daggers in both hands, and weaving webs of enchantments around her own body. He opened his eyes as he spoke climbing up to his feet and dusting off his now naked body. What manner of being are you?! The shrillness of her voice echoed in the charred remains of the hall. A very lucky one. Ariadne a dismissing sound and waved her hand angrily. That was not lucky. Not a speck remained of your being. This I know. Reveal yourself. Are you sure? I'd rather not. Ariadne seemed baffled by the calmness of his response. Shaking with suppressed tension. As Marcus took a step to her a volley of darts rained at him and a black vapor rose from the floor around him, cloaking him from sight. A sound of metal striking metal was heard and white sparks were emitted from the black column. The next moment he strode through it unscathed and unmarked by the vapor and darts. My lady if you would cease your attacks on my person? The energy seemed to leave Ariadne but she still held up armor and magical shields. I won't harm you. You have my word. Well that is reassuring! I don't know what I've done to make you think that I've any intention of hurting you. You've...I've attacked you! Marcus smiled. The teenage boy expression and body at odds with his adult intonation and mannerism.

And I'm well aware of it. But no harm was done and it should be noted I didn't retaliate. Oh of course, I apologize for that, an unseen consequence of the bounds of the enchantment. Baal ceased thrashing about and stood up with wounded dignity. It seems that I have no choice but to do your bidding. Know that you shall live to regret this folly. I would feel the same in your position my lord. Humph Well if that's all I'll be going now. Ariadne turned about and disappeared. Then promptly appeared in a newly formed circle. What in the name of god do you think your doing?! The outrage was overshadowed by tones of terror. I merely wanted to bid goodbye and make sure that there were no hard feelings. Yes Yes. Now release me! A hand wave and she was gone, leaving bad eggs small behind. What exactly is it that you want from me mortal!? Marcus seemed lost in thought and when Baal spoke he started and looked around before noticing him. First of all, if you would turn down the fire and brimstones it would be appreciated. The smell of brimstones and the raging halo of fire around Baal disappeared. Second, I don't know if you've noticed but I am under an examination procedure specifically to earn the title of Mage from the Tower of Furlap. Of the different fields on magic, summoning is a rather esoteric one, and one that I've chosen to focus on. During the course of my studies I've made several times the claim that anything may be harnessed through the tools and techniques of summoning. Unfortunately I've managed to anger several archmages and senior members of the faculty and staff. Which leads us to the supposedly impossible test of summoning a being of terrifying strength and intellect. So powerful that there are no known ways to bind them. These beings are all lumped together in the class of Leviathans. Your self included my lord. Baal preened a bit and stuck out his chest before nodding regally and settling to sit cross legged comfortably. The boy Marcus resumed speaking with an orators flourish.

Making a study of such beings is dangerous for several reasons. The foremost is that I could be killed by the being Baal chuckled evilly. The others sorted by importance are that the being could be let loose, the energies involved could cause an explosion. The beings could learn about our techniques. In order to save time and your dwindling interest I shall merely say that as you've no doubt noticed I was successful in my endeavors. How old are you boy? Sixteen my lord. Baal shook his head. Light in the hall danced around his head, following it. Enough of your story boy, I do not wish to hear it. Let us bargain for my freedom! Marcus sighed and sat down, supported by thin air. Fine, let's bargain. I need you to do my bidding for sixty years. Those biddings would include smiting my enemies protecting me and mine from harm as well as avenging my death should it arise. In return after sixty years of service I shall free you and give you water from the well of the damned and a key to the hall of Amon-Ra. Marcus intoned the words and stared at Baal waiting for his response. Which was late in coming. Baal sat as if struck by lighting. His mouth hanging open and a comical shocked expression plastered in his face. Why do you lie boy? When have a lied? Marcus sounded affronted. You cannot possess a key to the hall of Amon-Ra it is impenetrable and the waters of the damned contain the essence of Amon-Ra. The waters are too potent to be drawn. No vassal can contain them. Wrong on both counts. I'm afraid For the waters alone I would bind myself for ten thousand years. consider the key a bonus then. Then I hereby accept your bargain. Agreed Agreed Marcus got up and walked to Baal. Holding his arms in front he crossed them and chanted.

Baal stiffened. Thick bands of steel appeared wrapped around his torso, neck, legs and arms. Five enormous lions circled him and a circle of fire surrounded the both of them. At first the lions roared and dissipated into greenish vapor. Then the fire went out. The steel bands unshackled and vanished as well. Baal rose cautiously and stretched his arms and back letting loose a groan of pleasure. Then he leaped and dropped like a pile of rocks on Marcus and held a single arm chocked around his throat for a long minute. I could kill you now. Truth? Marcus nodded. Though growing blue in face he simply looked back at Baal. Fangs ripped out of Baals mouth and he put his head back and roared in laughter. I like you boy! He sprang up and pulled Marcus to his feet. This is going to be fun!

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