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Medford Energy Committee

Office of Energy and Environment City Hall Room 205 Medford, MA 02155 P: 781-393-2137 Medford Energy Committee Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011, 6-7:43pm City Hall Room 201 Attending: Brett Sullivan, Susan Altman, Jonathan Hunt, Bob Paine, J.R. Siegel, Fred Laskey, Rick Sacco, Curtis Tuden, Elisabeth Krautscheid, Alicia Hunt, John Rogers, Jeff Goldsmith Guest: Carey Duques 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Sept 12, 2011and October 3, 2011 meetings 2. Climate Action Plan Subcommittee statement proposal -reading of proposal -emphasis on short and concise wording -motion passed which approved the proposed resolution: All City Departments shall strive to maximize energy efficiency, thereby lowering costs for the City, and to reduce fossil fuel consumption when possible. In addition, the City shall collaborate with all Medford residents, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to achieve these goals community-wide. - Next steps, Alicia will present to Mayor and then hopefully to the City Council 3. Updates on City Energy projects: a. Medford PV project Discussion with the selected vendor is pending clarification from the State on some SREC questions. Apparently ours is not the only solar project being held up by this. Earliest projected installation at this time is next summer. a. b. MHS hot water heater project (completed) Project is complete; Spending hours and hours on close-out paperwork c. Municipal Lighting Projects Still working with AEComm & NGrid on punchlists. Hoping to get NGrid approval to move forward on projects in the Middle Schools & MHS with on-bill financing this fall (time is getting tight). Would replace all Metal Halides in the Middle Schools and would upgrade lighting in MHS gymnasium areas. 4. MAPC Local Energy Action Program - municipal energy opportunities for local energy action planning - possible grant application

- City is asking for commitment of support and help from the Energy Committee for this project as part of the application. 5. Green Business Awards - business survey asking about environmental practices based on Green Salem program - Mayors interest will be considered with project planning to come. Did survey through Survey Monkey. Businesses got free advertising and winners got decals. This is a leading by example PR strategy. Collect and promote stories to be used in the future. Funnel stuff through the website. Information about it and testimonials there. Interested: jeff, Susan, Elisabeth, Curtis, Fred

6. Update on Medford Capital Plan - an official letter will be sent to the mayor on the committees behalf which will request environmental consideration be taken when drafting the capitol plan. Fred will send a letter to the committee, that will then be sent to the Mayor. 7. Wind Turbine Display Options - John Rodgers presented a detailed display idea that would involve educational material placed directly on the turbine. The committee was enthusiastic and expressed interest in implementation details. 8. Status of green column for Medford Transcript - progress is slow due to IT problems with The Transcripts web page 9. New Business - Committee Web Site Update - Possible presentation from Boston Green Building - Jingle Bell Festival -committee table o Fred will give string of lights o John will set up the display of comparing 1 light and string. o Curtis & Rick will staff table o Jeff is loaning portable power supply if needed. - Christmas tree donation Committee expressed interest in donating a tree next year; Elisabeth advised that the Friends of the Library budgets a couple of hundred dollars for the tree they donate each year. 8. Adjourn

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