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The Nostalgia of College Life

A Sequel of The Recollection of Memories

Part I: The Prologue

Gloomy and sorrowful thats me after everything that happened to me last year. I have experienced a Great Depression resulting from the deflation of my heart. It begins with an unexplainable emotion and ended with an unexplainable erosion of my character. My feelings may have been crushed into dust, but my college life continues. After suffering a mistake or a misfortune, a man of genius always gets back on his foot, a quote by Napoleon that inspired me to live on my amazing college life. With the continuation of my journey, I encounter my old friend Raymond who is currently the top student in his college. Often seen as a nerd, Raymond is gifted with high intelligence and extreme determination to be always on top. However, he prefers to rely more on luck rather than his own skill. But what really motivated Raymond to rose up to the ranks is his deep love to Christine. She is much less of a beauty, but more of a charm. Intelligent and determined, then Christine is like a female version of you, I commented. We were meant to be, Raymond argued, if not for that bastard who bewitch her. This bastard that Raymond is referring to is his former friend Nelson, a playboy who had three successive girlfriends in just one month. Hearing upon this, I told him, I know what you feel, It hurts you know. With full sadness in his face, he replied, Your right, but I already moved-on. In turn, I asked him whether he had a new crush or something? Raymond blushingly said Yes, but he never told me about this new girl in his life. As days pass by, I discovered who Raymonds secret crush is. I would describe her as the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She is Daisy of the other block, a shy and silent girl of Raymonds dreams. Her brown skin, her tall posture, and her perfect smile, Raymond said, is the standard that every Albayanos desire. Do you have any plans to court her, I asked Raymond.

No, I only like her, but it does not mean that I love her. Its different, Raymond replied. I then suspect that he still loves Christine who is now seemingly Nelsons girlfriend. After-all, first love never dies. So do you still have feelings to Christine? I asked him. No. Past is Past. Raymond silently answered with his eyes looking insincere. Ok, so Daisy is such a beautiful chick, many men would compete for her heart I said to him. I dont care. I would not be among them. I dont need a girlfriend, because ambition rules my heart Raymond proudly stated, I have plans on running as President of the college organization, thus I would be very busy. Raymond does not want to take risk for love anymore. His heart breaks every time he sees Christine with her quasi-boyfriend Nelson. Raymond had invested everything to win Christines heart, but sadly nothing returned from the investment. It is because there is no double coincidence of wants as love is like a barter. Christine admitted that she truly love Nelson, Raymond quoted to me with tears about to fall from his eyes.

Part II: The Revenge

Raymond, as he had planned, runs for President of the college organization in which he won a landslide. I have won the election, my luck is still with me, he said to me thru a phone. In which I replied Good Luck to your big responsibility, you are now the boss. He scheming replied, From now on, I would avenge myself. I know that Raymond is talking about his arch-enemy Nelson. So youre planning to take revenge to what Nelson did to you, but in what way? I asked him. Im not only taking revenge against Nelson, but also to Christine. I will show her that Im a better man than Nelson, Raymond replied. He then ended the call after saying that his cellphone is low-bat. As then semester ends, Raymond becomes the center of attention because of the gifted mind that was formed by his obsessive love. He is President of their

organization, the Outstanding Student of the academic year, and the Debate champion of his department. Successful men become successful, Raymond argued, because they have been able to master Luck. The summer begins with Raymonds rise to prominence as he describes himself as the best among the best. His remaining love to Christine dies along with his remaining humility. But Nelson also won the election as Auditor and reconciling with that monster is never a good option. The quarrel between the two affected the College Organization itself as they both implicitly teased each-other in their meetings. Eden, the vice president, tried in vain to reconcile Raymond and Nelson. Theres nothing to fight for, Be friends not for yourselves, but for all of us in the organization, Eden told Raymond and Nelson. Never, I will never forgive him! Raymond aggressively replied with his finger pointing to Nelson. Im open for reconciliation, but I think Raymond is not, Nelson deceitfully stated. Eden, along with their classmates, sided with Nelson as his charisma seems to manipulate their minds. Nelsons handsome looks contributed to his popularity and courting career that is unrivaled by anyone. Eden, herself, is a close friend and an ex-girlfriend of Nelson. The playboy personality of Nelson causes their break-up despite Eden still having feelings to him deep inside. On the other hand, Raymond is becoming more envious to the popularity of Nelson and to the genius of Jhon. Distracted by his conflicts with Nelson, Raymond loses his class ranking to Jhon, the arrogant intellectual bully of the class. Furthermore, Raymond experiences extreme stress and sleeplessness that drastically weakens his physical state. But despite all the difficulties, he vigorously stated: I shall never surrender. I shall take revenge for myself. Take revenge? Wake up, your just wasting time, your body is still wasted his companion Edrez told Raymond. My physical body doesnt matter. I will use my mind to take revenge, Raymond replied. Sorry, but your no longer the genius of the class, Edrez insultingly said. Can we change the topic, Raymond requested, Im irritated by such realities.

How about Daisy? Do you think I had a chance on her? Raymond added. Actually 0%, she dont even want to see you, Edrez answered. Ok. I think girls would voluntarily come to me once I get rich in the future, Raymond said with hope in his heart. Nevertheless Raymond continued to send text messages to daisy who never replied at all. She considers him as: An Irritating Idiot, Daisy told her friends, Whatever he is, I dont care. But Raymond had an extraordinary gift for hope. He does not want to court Daisy as it is too risky and the possibility of failure is 99%. But he also had a speculative motive: Today you had a high interest, but someday I hope your interest would decrease so that I could mortgage all my life to you, Raymond dramatically said to himself, referring to her new love Daisy. I hope the time fast forwards to our destiny of being together, he added. Raymond fantasizes with his mirror, imagining he is handsome and attractive. But in fact, he is now as thin and wasted like an old beggar. Too busy to go to a barbershop, his hair had become long and his teeth are as yellow as the floating yellow submarine. Confident of victory, Raymond forms his team in the upcoming Debate contest. He wanted to show everyone that he is still as great as before. Last year, his team won the Debate contest with himself as the best debater. After that, Raymond was heralded as a true genius renowned by the whole college. But this time, arrogance and revenge had taken over his mind. Im the best debater, Raymond exclaimed, No one in this college could beat me. I will show to Christine that Nelson is nothing compared to me. I would also dedicate my victory to Daisy, he further added. Although looking ill, Raymond proudly entered the Hall which is the venue of the Debate contest. He brings with him his trophy from last years contest. His teammates Edrez and George are confident that Raymonds great debating skills would bring them an easy victory. But Raymonds close friend and teammate Ernest is nervous of their confidence and reliance to their leader-prime minister. He also observes Raymonds physical and mental state.

I know Raymond has great skills in debating, but his feeble body and arrogant attitude made me doubt that he is still as great as before Ernest worryingly stated to his other teammates. Dont worry too much. It would make you old, Edrez responded. It is your time to impress Shiela, your crush, George mockingly added. The Debate contest commenced with Raymonds team versus Jhons team. With the skills and luck with me, we could never be defeated, victory is ours! Raymond said upon going to the stage. But during the debate, Jhons team got the upper hand. And the result concluded Jhons team as the winner in the first round. The victory Raymond dedicated to Daisy never materialized. Defeated and humiliated, Raymond walk out of the venue and went to a bar. After drinking liquors, he now realizes his mistakes. I relied much of my luck, on my skills, on my own, Raymond talk to himself. If I would have been more humble, this could not have happened to me, he added. My pride collapses in just one day, Raymond the Great, in his quest for revenge, turned into Raymond the Loser as his life fall into anti-climax. Would Raymond recover or would forever be a loser for the rest of his life? To be Continued

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