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July/Aug 2013 NOTES from the P RESID ENT !! Greetings!! I hope all of you are having a great summer! This time of year is not my favorite time to ride, but I am sure some of you more hearty souls are out there riding and enjoying your horses! Please be careful of the heat, not to mention the flash storms and accompanying floods that occur this time of year. We have already had one member fall off his horse and sustain a mild concussion - Please wear your helmets!!! While we are taking a break from our meetings and events, I have been thinking of what we can do to make our club more fun. I know that the meetings up until now have not been very much fun, (except for the chance to socialize before the meetings and the great food and drink) There was a lot of business (such as the Constitution and By Laws, show calendar and preparations, etc.) to be covered, but now we should be able to get through the business part of the meetings very quickly! Someone suggested that we have some educational presentations along with the meetings. I think this would be a great idea and I solicit your input on what you would like to have! This is YOUR Club, you have a voice in what we do, please do not hesitate to send in suggestions. You can contact any of the officers or just email one of us. Better yet! Come to a meeting! Our first meeting after the summer break will be Thursday, September 26 th at Ricardos. I hope to see you all there! Have a great and Safe Summer!!! Charlotte Borghardt

Dressage Training Exercises to Calm Your Hot Horse

How to calm your sensitiv e, high-energy partner w ith straightforw ard dressage exercises for the hot horse at ev ery dressage level. Lauren Sprie ser and Ellegria, a 10-yea r-old Westfalen mare trained to Grand Prix. SusanJSti

The best Grand Prix dressage horse s make the work look effortless. They can coil and release their energy from the lightest touch, make seamless t ransitions from neat, crisp collection to breathtaking extension. That kind of power often comes at a price many top upper-level dressage horse s are hot horse s, sensitive rides. And thats not just the case at Grand Prix. Many dressage horse s, from green to the Fdration Equestre Internationale (FEI) levels, have a more high -energy nature that can, at times, be a challenge to channel for dressage riders. Pu shing the limits of control with a hot horse can at times, be a challenge to channel for dressage riders.
Cont. on pg. 2

Exercises to Calm Your

Cont. from pg. 1

Pushing the limits of control with a hot horse can re sult in big score s in your d re ssage test s, but it can also be a big risk. He re are a few tips and dressage training exercises that can help you manage this type of hot horse. Turn up the Heat Hot can mean different things to different dressage riders. Some hot horse s ca rry tension and energy, but they do it consistently, unlike a spooky horse who can be sen sible one moment and explosive the next. Some hot horse s internalize thei r energy and shut down, getting balky or behind the leg; others take over, overpowering their riders or them selves and getting fast. Identifying what type of hot your horse is dictates how you, as a dressage rider, manage it. Ive always had a soft spot in my heart for the hotties and have had lots of them. My first succe ssful FEI horse wa s a Trakehner gelding named Bellinger, who could be spectacular, a ssuming you could keep him in the ring. Billy wasnt spoo ky by nature. Certainly, there were things hed give the hairy eyeball to, but he always had a little too much go and it manifested itself in great tension in his back. For Billy, I had two forces to deal with: the physical tension he carried through his back and neck and the mental tension that showed up in all three gaits, but especially the walk. Suppling work taught him to let go in his body. I dealt with his mental nerve by always keeping my leg on, not only so hed stay in front of it, but because he liked the pressu re and knowing I was there. Billy also did best schooling with a low neck. If I could put his neck down, it freed his back and kept him from bracing. Ellegria, my current Grand Prix horse, is different. She has the same mental tension as Billy, maybe even more, but in a claustrophobic kind of way. Ella gets tight and builds, but if I keep my aids too close, she panics and backs off. She also needs to keep her neck up a low neck ma ke s her feel closed in. She needs to feel my aids, of course, but for her, a light touch and a more open, free neck have been the solution to keeping her confident and relaxed in the ring. My Dutch Harness Horse, Victorious, is different still. Midgey hates the leg its like hes ticklishand hes a little explosive. Plus, his breed type make s riding his body a challenge since his conformation is bred for pulling with the neck up and the back down, instead of the more traditional thrusting-from-the-hindlegs dre ssage-type. Riding Midgey when he wa s young required a bit of courage. At the beginning of every ride, I had to take a big deep breath and put my leg on, come hell or high water, and leave it there until he relaxed into it, all without getting run away with. Forw ard, Not Fast The one thing all horses, hot or not, have in common is that they must stay in fro nt of the riders leg. Implusion is different from speed, though, and as some hot horse s

prefer go to whoa, its ea sy to forget that the horse still needs to feel the leg aid and move forward from it. When dealing with a hot horse whos behind the leg, first you have to ask yourself: Is he behind the aids because he doesnt respond to the aids or because he has a bad respon se to the aids like getting quicker instead of bigger? Or is he behind the aids because I cant apply the aids without getting an explosion? If your horse is ticklish like Midgey, the first step i s teaching him to accept that your leg is going to be there no matter what. Exercise One Spiral in on the circle: Moving in and out on the circle can help teach your horse to accept the leg. You can perform this movement in trot or canter and will find you prefer one over the other, depending on how your horse re sponds.
1. 2. 3. On a 20- meter ci rcle, pick up t he c anter or trot. With yo ur o ut si de leg, mo ve the circle in to 18 meters. Then, with y our insi de leg, pre ss it b ack out to 20. If the ho rse gets tig ht o r runs, use the circle lines to control the speed; pe rhaps you have to bring t he circle in to 15 meters o r even 12.

The young or unbalanced horse might struggle with those tighter lines and fall out of the canter. If he does, dont be in a rush to get him back to the canter. Take time. And its always best to fix a tight, on-the-forehand, running canter by going back to the trot and starting over. Its easier to pick up a good canter than to fix a bad one. Exercise Two Leg yield on the diagonal: Once you can put your leg on, its time to make sure your horse is in front of it.
1. 2. 3. Start a leg yield o r half pass on the diag onal f ro m t he corne r. Begin in no rmal wo rking trot. Slowly b uild it to fini sh the line in me dium trot. Keep the rhyt hm and te mpo as yo ur first prio rities. Your ho rse is not to get quicker, merely bigger in his mo vement .

Using the sideways movement helps regulate that tempo. Georg Theodorescu once told me, A horse cant run away when hes cro ssing his legs! Letting Go The hot horse is often a tight horse, and freeing his back is crucial for both his physical and mental relaxation. Sideways i s your friend here, too. Exercise Three head-to-the-wall leg yield: One of my absolute favorite exercises is the head-to-the-wall leg yield.


Trotting do wn the long si de, turn yo ur ho rses he ad to the rail as y ou leg yield hi m alo ng side it haunc hes to the inside, sho ulde rs on the rail. It sho uld look like a haunc hes-i n with no bend, o n at least three track s if not ( Cont. on pg.4)

Are You a Young Adult or Adult Amateur Rider that Could Use Some Training Funds?
The Worth the Trust Educational Scholarships reward up-an d-coming ev enters by helping to f und their training-clinics, working student opportunities, priv ate, or group instruction. In addition, lear ning to off iciate, working with a Course Designer, Technical De legate, Judge, Veterinaria n, Organi zer, etc. are also appropriate uses of the scholarship.* The $3,000 Amateur Y oung Adult Scholarship is av ailable f or riders between the ages of 16 and 25, while the $2,000 Ad ult Amateur Scholarship is av ailable f or ev enters 26 and up. The de adline f or applications f or the 2014 USEA Worth the Trust Educational Scholarshi ps f or Y oung Adults and Adult Amateurs is October 1, 2013.

Find out about qualifications, and download the application forms at:. news/2014 -worth -trust -scholarship -applications-are-now-avail ableyoung-adult-and-adult -am ateurs

G y m k h an a
Saturday Septe mbe r 14 Saturday Octobe r 12 Saturday Novembe r 9 Saturday De cembe r 14 For information contact John Hobson: Phone: 520 720 -8156 Email: John@ Web: Face book: gymkhana

Grass Ridge CDE 2013

Hi fello w volunteers, Hope the year has been good to you, and the coming summer will be bearable. T he dates for the Combined Drive this year will be October 25, 26, 27th. I hope you will be able to assist me in having this event run as smoothly as 2011. You were all great and very appreciated.

Exercises to Calm Your

Cont. from pg. 2

*CD&EA folks. Hang on*

2. Hang Ride your horse st raight before the co rner. If yo ure on to any and all

four, and there shoul d be the tiniest suggestio n of out side flexio n.

Exercise Fourleg yield on a circle: If your horse i s If you candoing reply this back to me a "yes", "willcan leg uncomfortable exerci sewith on the rail, you my schedule", or (please not) "no". If you yield check around a circle line, too.

score sheets for pending end of year The rail does your whoa for you. Your horse shouldnt want to exit the arena, awards. so as you apply more driving leg, he should take bigger step s sideways. And cro ssing the All shows count! hind legs loosens and lifts the low back.

sc hooling in an indoo r, be c aref ul of y our arena wall syo u dont want hi m t o hit hi s he ad.

have friends who would like to join you in 1. this Imagi exciting ne he is event, a caroplease usel horse give with me a pole their through his bellyor button. names have them contact me.
2. Put that pole on the ci rcle line, and, keeping hi s bo dy quite st raight , ri de hi s shoul ders to t he inside of t he Looking forward to hearing from you, line, haunc hes to 3. the out si de. Sally Henry 520-883-1818 4. Make sure the ci rcle st ay s 20 meters and t hat he doesnt cut in to dec rease the angle of leg yield yo ure asking for.

Exercises to Calm Your

( Cont. from pg. 2)

In both of these exercises, tempo is crucial. Just like in the leg-yield crescendo, you want your horse to build his length of stride, not get quick or hurried. Take your time. The Brain Game Keeping your hot horse mentally cool is as big a challenge as working with his body, if not more so. You cant tell your horse, Hey, you dummy, relax! But you can find what he likes and what set s him off and manage him accordingly, both at home and away from the farm. Some horse s go stir crazy from a lack of exercise. Turnout is a blessing for so many rea son s, but if its not an option for your horse, maybe he needs to be worked twice a day, one normal workout se ssion, followed by a hack or some light work in the afternoon. Billy always liked being longed in Vienna reins. When he was in peak competition fitness, hed work in those a few afternoons a week, but not for long. Silly as it may seem, some horse s like having a toy. Midgey has a Jolly Ball that I hang from the barn ceiling on an old lead rope. When hes happy and relaxed, he cuddles with it; whe n hes stre ssed out, he bites it or throws it around. Having an outlet helps reduce his stre ss. Knowing your horse away from home helps keep horse shows from becoming a stre ssful event. I always do my best to get all my horse s into the competition rings be fore the show start s because even the mo st rea sonable and experienced show horse can find something sca ry. With

my tight horses, I make the rounds to the show rings the last thing I do in schooling. I work them first so theyre already relaxed and supple by the time I get to the competition arena. I want them to associate that dressage ring with calm, relaxed confidence. At shows, I often see people hand -walking their horse s. Ive never found this helpful. I have more control from the saddle, and my horse needs to be relaxed under saddle, not merely in-hand. I havent found a positive correlation between the two. Billy, as an example, was the king of the CDI vet jog. He happily floated along, quiet and docile as can be, then would proceed to be an absolute l unatic under saddle. The two were totally different things. Cool and Confide nt Together Ultimately, horse s are herd animals and read the emotional status of their herdmates to know when theres danger lurking ahead. When you set foot in the irons, you beco me a part of your horses herd. When you tense, he expects trouble. When you keep cool, he takes confidence from you. Its ea sy to let your own emotions get in the way when working with a hot horse. Just relax already, you want to shout at him. Keep your frust rations in check and be relaxed for him. Hell follow your lead. And when the going gets tough, when its hot and humid, or on the final day of a long dressage sho w, you know that your horse will still be hot to trot. Originally published in the July 2011 issue of Dressage Today.

non-mem be rs full page half page business ca rd $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 membe rs $10.00 $5.00 free All a ds m ust be rece ived by the 10th of the month. Your ad will run in each of the remaining iss ues for the current yea r. Please call Carissa Hernandez a t 249-0960 or ema il he r a t weazelme@gma for more informa tion. Ad set up fees are availa ble.

Tip - Read "Fix Your Horses One -Sidedness" by Horse & Rider -absolutely amazing article

CD&EA Officers and Committees

P resident: C harlotte Borghardt V ice P resident: Terri Renw ick N ew sletter: C arissa H ernandez Debra Maffia M embership: Joann T hom ing Webmaster: A imee A rnold S ecretary : Yv onne O hlesehlen Treasurer: P ia S zy pko E nd of Year Aw ards C hair: Lisa S chulze S how O rganizer: C indy N omandeau C ommunity O ut Reach: Katherine C alkins Benson Terri Renw ick S ierra V ista teckelhof@eart ty renw w d.czzow Jthoming@q. com southbra YO G mail piasz@y lschulze1 normandeau@cis -broadba www .w ty renw


Living in the country and having feed stored for our animals, mice are a constant problem. I hate using mouse traps of any kind so I use a variety of products over the last several years that they eat/die. T he problem is keeping other pets/children safe from being poisoned. I recently learned that baking soda will work at eliminating them and is not dangerous to anything but rodents. Unless you have domestic pet mice, hamsters etc. other critters are not harmed from baking soda. I can use it in my chicken coop, feed room, house or where ever mice are a problem. Along with being safe, it is very cheap to buy, not so of mice bait. It is working in the feed room, a place where the mice just keep coming. No matter how many holes we plug with steel wool, they find their way into the house, the shop, eat insulation off wires on our vehicles. I have used baking so da for many things, but this is the best use yet. Patty Scelso

CD & EA Meeting
26 Sept 6:30pm
(For those of you that would like to join us for dinner meet us at 5:30pm)

Ricardo's Restaurant
7146 S Hwy 90 Heref ord, AZ 85635 (520) 378-3220 Meetings will be held at Ricardo's Restaurant on the last Thursday of each month

I know, I kno w..... Dressage, Ev enting, English, West ern.... But hey guys, I'm not sure they are going to underst and THIS in the ring!

Fantazee Farm Barn News

By Julie Mitchell We welcomed the arrival of our very first colt! He was born on Memorial Day, May 27, 2013, so we named him A Soldier's Moment, we call him Cadet. Cadet is full of personality from day 1. He is full of energy and the friendliest colt that I have ever met. He is everything that I hoped for....a colt with some color, we hope. The dam is dapple grey, turning white. The Sire is Sapphire Creme Of The Crop, known as "George", a Section D Welsh Pony. George is one of just a handful of cremello Cob stallions s tanding in the world. He also carries the silver dapple gene. Besides throwing wonderful color, he also stamps his babies with his great athleticism and kind disposition. Our chances of getting color were a gamble being bred to a grey. The first day Cadet was a milky buckskin, then days 2-3 a silver dun, and then back to the milky buckskin. He has some silver color on his rump and shoulder so just maybe he will keep his coloring with the beautiful socks and blaze. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on his color and then we can watch him grow and see who is the best predictor of color. Please friend High Desert Welsh Cobs on Face Book to see what's happening with George, and Julie Cole Mitchell to watch some spectacular videos and photos of Cadet as he grows! If you're not on face book than email me your thoughts on Cadet's color.

Mike Goss - mgossequestrian@ya Rachel High - 520-668-3990 Julie Lieken - www .j J6 Katherine Calkins - Laura and Lauren Norma ndue - L& Cindy Normandue - 520-366-5581 High Desert Stables Shelley Rosenberg - w ww Kathleen Zins - 520-364-5837 Yv onne Ohlesehlen - YO Gmail Chris Wells - 520- 378-6189

Bottoms Up: Tips for Getting A Horse To Drink More Water

Hydration is key for equine athletes in warm summer months. Try these tips for getting more water into a hot, sweaty horse.
Endurance riders are particularly skilled at keeping hard-working horses hydrated. EQUUS Magazine
Although youve probably heard otherwise, research has shown that its safe to let a hot hors e drink cold water aft er a hard workout. In fact, hydration in the warm weather is so important that you may want to consi der using incentives to get your hors e to drink more. One easy m ethod is to flavor the wat er. Mixing in ap pl e juice or some other fl avor can make your hors es wat er more appealing. This is particul arly helpful on the road because it masks the unfamiliar taste of foreign wat er. A favorite tri ck of endurance riders is to feed watermelon, which is 92 percent water. A hors e will still need water, but ingesting waterm elon can help in a pinch. One last option for encouraging drinking is providing your hors e slightly salted wat er imm ediat ely aft er exercise, whi ch will stimulate a stronger thirst response. To do this, simply mix one tablespoon of s alt per gallon of wat er and offer that mixture to you hors e. Then, 20 minutes later, repl ace the salt ed water with plain wat er. Res earch has shown this method will trigger thirst, and the hors e is likely to drink more of the plain water than he woul d have otherwis e. By the Editors of EQUUS magazine

My First Encounter with Charles de Kunffy

By: Allison Brunelli

Oh, cat ch that...did I just quote two se nte nce s? The re I go again! The word matu re is the word I'm most enamore d wit h in this se nte nce. And, it s use defining the word love." The att ache d photo is of Charle s with a young student of JJ Tate. S he is with he r ve ry young, ve ry large and ver y opinionate d gray gelding. This horse did not want his rider t o put pre ssu re on his mouth in any way. H e we nt around a 20- meter circle t wo days in a row throwing his nose in the air for mu ch of the time. Charle s was patient, and so was the ride r. He aske d he r to cont inue t o ride from he r se at, to kee p the re ins ver y long so he r horse could feel fre e to drop his nose to the grou nd, feel more comf ort able in his back, and let go in his hips and lu mbar. The ride r' s j ob was ne ve r to " check" or pu ll on the horses mouth. The re was discussion t hat pe rhaps his forme r owne r pu lle d on his mout h, and he got tire d of it. Eve ntually, the horse droppe d his ne ck for a fe w st ride s at a time, and he st arted to become round, and his hocks be gan to articulate as his back be gan to swing. N o dra w re ins we re use d. No de adline for getting rou nd was set. Charle s praise d the ride r for he r gent le way wit h the gra y ge lding and told he r he thou ght it would take "five mont hs" to work throu gh this. W e all kne w this was not a date t o try to kee p, but pe rhaps it was Charle s' way of saying to t he rider never t o ex pe ct what anot he r ride r might expect an ove rnight transformat ion. This was t he first horse- and- ride r pair I saw Charle s te ach on the first morning at Rive redge, and it was a le sson in ne ve r damaging, let alone chu cking, a horse' s mouth. Too often we as ride rs are too f ar re move d f rom the this type of extreme situ ation and forget that soft, following, light hands me ans soft, following, light hands. N ot just the first step of the ride, but e ve ry ste p. W hen I re ad his book I le arne d that t hose soft, following, light hands are possible through the ride r' s corre ct, following se at, proper timing and biome chanics of the half halt, and the intellige nt, met hodical use of latera l and longitudinal exercise s and patterns use d to gymnasticize the horse' s body, e ngage the hind end, an d lift the front end. W hen ju st one aspe ct of t his e qu ation is lacking in an y way, it compromise s the ride r' s abilit y to shift the horse ' s we ight to t he hind e nd, and ine vit ably the immature or unsophist icate d ride r be gins to fee l the weight in front as we ll as the te mptation (u su ally out of frustr at ion and

Auditing a clinic with Charle s de Kunffy changed author Allison Brunelli' s outlook on dre ssage. Allison Brunelli photo. I have not re ad an e ntire book for what see ms like ye ars. Ive be en prodde d by my mothe r and siste rs to join t he ir book clu b, made attempts, but faile d. I have professe d my longing for the ne w A mazon K indle F ire for the promise I might re ad be cau se it made re adin g conve nie nt, but ne ve r pu rchase d it. I read childre n s books, but I don't conside r them books. And I ofte n wonde re d which aut hor wou ld change my "spare time" habits and kee p me e ngage d long e nou gh t o turn the next page. Just this S unday, after having wat che d with awe a Charle s de Kunffy clinic at Hassler D re ssage at Rive re dge in Chesape ake City, M d., I re ad The Athletic Development of the Dressage H orse on my plane ride home. To whom may I give my thanks for all 99 -plu s pages? Author Charle s de Ku nffy himse lf. This was my first e ncou nter wit h classical dre ssage by a master, and it has change d my life. Be cau se of him an d be cau se of his book, I now u nde rst and the conflict I have felt for ye ars as an adult amateu r ex pose d to the varietie s of mode rn and competition- base d dressage training to which I have bee n a stu de nt off and on and t o which I ne ve r fully u nde rstood. As I engu lfed ever y se ntence Charle s wrote, I thou ght, "I love t his." If I had t o live wit h only one of those se nte nces f or t he re st of m y life it would be this: " Their [historical maste rs of horse manship] mature love for the horse was base d on their desire to serve him we ll, to cater to his, not to human, nee ds. This e mot ion ine vitably def ines the logical goal of all classical e quit ation: to explore an d unfold the natu re- given pote ntialitie s of e ach horse to it s fulle st."

( Cont. on pg. 9)

My First Encounter

( Cont. from pg 8) or

usu ally without the proper, at hleticism, he lp knowle dge to fix) t o hold, e ve n mildly, or chu ck t he

mouth to pre ve nt the horse from weighting the front en d inste ad. The book was so we ll written I picke d up knowle dge an d unde rst anding from ne arly e ve ry page, filling in the are a s of (matu re) training I le ast u nde rstood. Often in the clinic, as riders rode past Charle s while pe rforming one or anot he r of the man ge patterns instru cte d of them, he would ask, "Are you r hands light ?" W hat I absolutely love d more than anyt hing about wat ching t his clinic was t he poetic- like ability for Charle s to de ve lop a horse and ride r from an e venly- we ighted

frame ( longitudinally) to sitting be hind and lifting in front, most notice able at the e nd of e ach ride whe n riders we re aske d to put the ir horse on a 20-meter circle , ride the me diu m t rot, then lengt he n the strides to a n extende d trot, and the n back to t he passage. All of the riders took my bre ath, e spe cially JJ Tate and he r ne w horse. Charle s book also has se ve ral photos of this ultimate powe r, light ne ss and adju stabilit y. In my training j ournal, my goal is to study the writte n words of Charle s de Kunffy as the y pe rt ain to my life an d training wit h my horse, Contigo. M y future e nt rie s will attempt to quote a se ntence (or two) and the n pe rhap s show a matu re application of it unde r saddle.

Need companion gel ding for my mare. Fr ee boar d. Gr eat situation for retiree or stalled horse that needs more room. The ow ner must pay for feed and any supplements. I will provi de full care: feedi ng, cleani ng, etc. The pastur e is about 2 acres with a concrete block shelter. There ar e separ ate stalls for night and feeding. Duri ng monsoon a larger pastur e is available for gr azing. The horse m ust be healt hy and have good gr ound manners . This can be a tem por ary situation or longer . The locati on is a residence in Whetstone near highways 90 and 82. Call Eil een at 520-508- 0494

Forcing the Issue. Accepting the bit is whats required in the Training Level tests, but riders often think the horse should be fully on the bit and will struggle to pull the nose in, making the neck very short and impairing the reach of the horses movement. This is detrimental to more than score s; riding front to back can be harmful to the horses future training. The horse will be stymied as he moves up the levels because he wont have learned to reach through and use his back correctly, Maryal says. Neck po sition is very much relevant to the engagement of the hindquarters. When you lengthen a gait, the frame needs to lengthen as well. If a rider is holding on to the horses head, the horse will be crooked. And crookedness with energy creates speed because the legs wont be pushing evenly. If the frame is open and balanced, and the rider adds energy, the horse will have the correct throughness to lengthen. In the arena, r iders often cut the corner off completely or ride into them, pulling the horses head to the outside with the reins, which unbalances the horse and makes the following movement or transition nearly impossible. As you approach the corner, make a half-halt to balance the horse, position him to the inside, and then think about riding him through the corner as if hes a train with cars behind him. Each part of the horse goes through the corner one bit at a time. Your seat controls your horses rhythm, speed, length of stride and all downward transitions. The potentially dangerous thing about that is you can also control these things with the reins, cautions Savoie. You can get from trot to walk by pulling on the reins, but this blocks the hind legs from coming forward, creating a chain reaction: The hind legs stop going forward, the back goes down, the neck goe s up, and the horse comes above the bit. You have to be very aware of what you should b e doing with your seat. To slow your horse with your seat, still the following motion of your hips and contract your stomach muscles, like youre doing a sit -up. Once your horse understand s this cue, you wont need to pull on the reins to slow down. To be sure youre riding from back to front, and not from front to back, wait for one step of the lengthening before asking for anything with the reins.

did you know?

JULY July 18 through July 20, Coconino Classic 3 -day event, USEF/USEA Recognized Division:T,T3D,N,BN, USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized Divisions:IP,P, USEA Recognized Test:CT-A,CT-I,CT-P,CT-T,CTBN,5YO,N3D,Pre-Comp,YEH-4yo. Flagstaff. See for more information July 18 through August 22, USEA Demo Event, USEF/USEA Recognized Division:PT USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized Divisions:CCI2,IUSEA Recognized Test:CT -A,CTT,2YO,3YO,4YO,5YO,YEAR. Catalina. See for more information July 28, NAC PRONGHO RN S CHO OLING SHO W SERIES, Platinum Ranch, Prescott Valley. Contact Lynn Simpson at 928-636-7579 or visit AUG US T August 3, Gymkhana, Huachuca Saddle Club, 2nd Buckle Series - Time only's 3pm to 5pm. Regular events will begin at 5pm., Wren Arena, Fort Huachcua. Contact for more information August 5 through August 20, USEA Xentry Demo Event, USEF/USEA Recognized Division:T,TR,N,NH,BN, USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized Divisions:CCI2,P. Flagstaff. See for more information August 10, Family Fun NIGHT, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books Open 5pm, Benson. Contact August 17, Huachuca Saddle Club, Western /English Combined Show, Wren Arena, Fort Huachuca. Registration 7am. Show start s at 9am. Contact for more information August 17, Arizona Dressage Asso ciation, USDF/USEF, Mountain Air, Recognized Show, Coconino County Fairgrounds (Fo rt Tuthill), Flagstaff. For more information see August 18, Arizona Dressage Asso ciation, USDF/USEF, Dre ssage in the Pines, Recognized Show, Coconino County Fairgrounds (Fort Tuthill), Flagstaff. For more information see August 19 through August 22, GAIG/USDF, Region 5 Dre ssage Championships. The Colorado Horse Park, Parke r, CO. See azdre

SEPTEMBE R September 6 through September 8, Copper Meadows HT and Championships, De sert Sport Ho rse. Contact September 7, Fall Ranch Buckle Series Gym khana (1/4), J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books open 9am, Time Only Runs 9am-10:30am, All day events. Benson, Contact September 7, Tucson Dressage Club, Recognized Schooling Show, St. Georg, Sonoi ta. See tucsondre for more information September 14, Canyon State Gymkhana Association, Gymkhana, Rockin' JP, Hereford. Contact john@csgym September 15, Western Dre ssage Clinic, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Benson, call (520) 975 -2822 to rese rve space and ride time. September 15, Family Fun NIGHT, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books Open 5pm, Benson. Contact September 19 through September 22, 2013 GAIG/USDF Region 5 Dressage Championships. The Colorado Horse Park, Parke r, CO September 21 to September 22, Coconino H.T., USEF/USEA Recognized Division:T,N,BN USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized Divisions:P, USEA Recognized Test:Pre-Comp, Flagstaff. See for more information September 28, Tucson Dre ssage Club, Recognized Schooling Show, Constitution Show Stables, Tucson. See for more information OCTO BER October, 5, Huachuca Saddle Club, Western/English Combined Show, Wren Arena, Fort Huachuca. Registration 7am. Show start s at 9am. Contact October 5, Fall Ranch Buckle Series Gymkhana (2/4), JSix Ranch Equestrian Center, Books open 9am, Time only runs 9 am-10:am, All day events, Benson. Contact October 7 through October 10, US Dressage Finals, USDF and USEF event. The Kentucky Ho rse Park, Lexingtion, Kentucky. Judges; TBA. For information visit sdre ssagefinals/

OCTO BER cont. October 12, Canyon State Gymkhana Association, Gymkhana, Rockin' J P, Hereford. Contact john@csgym October 12 and October 13, Grass Ridge H.T., USEF/USEA Recognized Division:T,N,BN USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized Divisions:P, USEA Recognized Test:Pre-Comp, Sonoita. See for more information October 13, NAD PRONG HORN CHAMPION SCHOOLING S HO W, Platinum Ranch, Prescott Valley. Contact Lynn Simpson at 928-636-7579 or visit October 19, Gymkhana, Huachuca Saddle Club, 2nd Buckle Series - Time only's 9 am to 11 am. Regular events will begin at 11 a.m., Wren Arena, Fort Huachcua. Contact for more information October 20, Family Fun Day, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books Open 9am, All day events, Benson. Contact October 27, Tucson Dre ssage Club, Recognized Schooling Show, M2 Sporthorse s. See tucsondre for more information NOVEMBER November 2, Gymkhana, Huachuca Saddle Club, 2nd Buckle Series - Time only's 9 am to 11 am. Regular events will begin at 11 a.m., Wren Arena, Fort Huachcua. Contact for more information November 2, Fall Ranch Buckle Series Gymkhana (3/4), J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books open 9am, Time only runs 9 am-10:am, All day events, Benson. Contact

November 2 and November 3, Arizona Dressage Association, USEF/USDF recognized horse sh ow, State Championships and Fall Festival, West World, Scottsdale. For more information see November 9, Canyon State Gymkhana Association, Gymkhana, Rockin' JP, Hereford. Contact john@csgym November 16, and November 17, Tucson Dre ssage Club, Tucson Fall Festival I & II, Pima County Fairgrounds. For more information see tucsondre November 17, Family Fun Day, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books Open 9am, All day events, Benson. Contact DECEMBE R December 7, Fall Ranch Buckle Series Gymkhana (4/4), J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Books open 9am, Time only runs 9 am-10:am, All day events, Benson. Contact December 8, Arizona Dressage Association, USEF/US DF Holiday Dressage Fe stival, Recogn ized Show, Dale Creek Equest rian Village, Litchfield Park. See for more information. December 14, Canyon State Gymkhana Association, Gymkhana, Rockin' JP, Hereford. Contact john@csgym December 15, Ground Work and Roundpenning Clinic, J-Six Ranch Equestrian Center, Benson. Call (520) 975 2822 Please contact the event organizer to confirm dates and times.


All Purpose saddle, 18" Arge ntine made (Purchased f rom Liberty Saddle Shop) Like new $400. 2007 C&C 4H LQ/Slide Horse trailer $55,000. See f ly er in newsletter f or more inf o. Please call Yv onne Ohlensehlen cell: 319-572-4225

2007 C&C 4 Horse LQ/Slide Trailer


Yvonne Ohlensehlen cell: 319-572-4225

Hereford, AZ

Very clean 4 horse slant fully insulated with walk through to LQ, slideout with sofa that folds into a bed, queen mattress in sleeper. Lots of storage. Onan Generator. Mangers in 3 stalls, with storage underneath. Rear Tack, pull out racks, drop down windows, escape door on front stall, removable stud divider. Extra LP tanks, gas 3 burner stove, microwave, refrigerator and pull out pantry.
Contact: Yvonne Ohlensehlen cell: 3 19-572-4225 Hereford, AZ

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