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Vince Del MonteS Workout & Nutrition Guide

This NEW fat-loss guide, from Vince Del Monte, is designed to dial in rock-hard abs for serious guys. Your total time commitment is just 24-hours around 40 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 6 weeks. The end outcome: Melting off all the fat to find your carved out six-pack feeling like overnight delivery!

By WBFF Pro Model Vince Del Monte

Vince Del MonteS

Vince Del Monte Fitness Presents 24-Hour Abs Workout Basic Introduction
* Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. Vince Del Monte is not a medical doctor or registered dietician. This workout should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem nor it is intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. * There are 1,440 minutes in one 24-hour day. 24-hour Abs is a workout program that breaks 1,440 minutes into six weeks of workouts; six days a week and around forty minutes a workout. * Most sets are 8-10 reps because the majority of muscle fibers were targeting are fasttwitch fibers and this rep range is ideal for muscle growth and ensuring you dont lose any muscle size while cutting. Higher rep ranges are allocated to muscle groups with a dominance of slow-twitch muscle fibers. * Each body part should last approximately 20 minutes and if youre a little under, add some extra sets. If youre over 40 minutes, dont panic. Tighten up your rest periods for next time. * We avoid lower rep ranges to prevent risk of injury during our short six weeks. * Rest periods are no longer than 30-45 seconds. Wear a stopwatch to keep the workouts honest. During the leg workouts, rest periods can be a little longer. * Focus on a Slow-Pause-Explode tempo (lifting speed), which corresponds to a slow, negative pause at bottom and explosive concentric. * The cardio regime was my deadly secret weapon in prep for Worlds. The goals set before you will keep you in the gym a little longer than 40 minutes, but will ensure your abs pop in six weeks. The calorie goals below are VERY HARD. The only way youll achieve those goals is by NOT PACING yourself. Youll have to go hard right from the start - sprint, skip, and stair climb. Use a machine that shows you your calorie burn, or wear a heart rate monitor. If you dont have access to a HR monitor or machine, basically go 85% effort for the set times below BEFORE your weights. We do this before to build up lactic acid which increases growth hormone out put and enhances fat loss through our weights. This piece of the program is PARAMOUNT and you will not see your six-pack in six-weeks if you skip it or dont put an all-out effort into this piece.

Vince Del MonteS

24-Hour Abs The Workout

Day 1: Burn 100 calories in 5 minutes before your weights Calves and Back Day 2: Burn 200 calories in 10 minutes before your weights Hamstrings and Quads Day 3: Burn 100 calories in 5 minutes before your weights Abs and Shoulders Day 4: 30 minutes of intervals and 30 minutes of steady state No weights Day 5: Burn 200 calories in 10 minutes before your weights Calves and Chest Day 6: Burn 300 calories in 15 minutes before your weights Abs, Biceps and Triceps Day7: Completely Off

Vince Del MonteS

Vince Del Monte Fitness Presents 24-Hour Abs Nutrition Guidelines Cut calories and clean up your diet
>> Master Six Meals A Day 5 Whole Food & 1 Shake Establishing a regular meal cadence of 6 six meals a day, rather than 3 meals a day helps your body experience a slight increase in calorie burning because every time you eat your body uses energy (calories) to break down, digest and absorb the food you eat. Consuming multiple meals helps lower cortisol levels (a catabolic hormone) levels, which results in slightly elevated testosterone levels (a muscle-building hormone). The higher your testosterone levels, the greater your muscle growth and more muscle leads to more calorie burning. >> Take Your Bodyweight & Multiply It By 14 This will be your starting caloric intake to encourage your body to tap into body fat for energy because of the caloric deficit you create. For example, if you weight 190 you should be eating around 2,660 calories a day (190 x 14 = 2,660). Remember, after an entire week of compliance to your meal plan you will step on the scale and assess your progress to determine if you need to reduce your calories again or keep them the same. This is simply a starting point. >> Consume At Least 40% Of Your Intake From Protein This will work out to close to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight every day. You will consume your protein through a variety of sources to optimize digestion and absorption. By providing a steady stream of amino acids, youre supplying your muscles with a buffer to prevent breakdown. These aminos will be used for physiological processes, and your body is much less likely to break down muscle tissue for use of energy, which can occur as you get ultra lean. Maintaining a high protein diet helps increase your metabolic rate, meaning your body needs more calories just to maintain its bodyweight. The best news is that this also makes it easier for your body to burn fat. For best results, avoid eating the same protein source more than once a day. Strive to eat at least six different sources of protein each day. You can include different types of white fish (sole, tilapia, cod, haddock, tuna, grouper, flounder etc), different types of lean beef (venison, sirloin, elk, ground beef, veal etc), chicken, turkey, egg whites, cottage cheese, whole eggs, whey-isolate protein. Expand your protein options.

Vince Del MonteS

>> Eat Clean Carbohydrates With Four (4) Of Your Six (6) Meals Carbohydrates are not the enemy when it comes to burning fat, too many calories and low quality food is the enemy. Time your carbohydrates around your workout 1 to 1.5 hours before, immediately after your workout and two meals after your workout. Consume in the form of a slow-digesting, long-lasting carb like oatmeal, brown rice, Ezekiel cereal, quinoa, whole-wheat breads or pastas, whole fruits, yams, sweetpotatoes and whole vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, asparagus and squash. Immediately after your workout is the only time you want a fast-acting protein like a carb powder such as Karbolyn, Vitargo, Gatorade, Dextrose or Malto-dextrin. Do not consume carbohydrates during your breakfast or last meal of the day. Our goal is to stabilize blood-sugars in the morning and evening. >> Its PARAMOUNT You Eat GOOD Carbs! Not all carbs are created equal (too bad)! In fact, many natural carbs are fast digesting (glucose/sugar-based). When you consume this type of carb, they trigger an insulin spike that encourages bodyfat storage. Instead, slow-digesting carbs are better because they reduce your insulin-response they will also stay with you longer preventing hunger pains, appetite control and not crashing during your workouts. Carbs will also give your physique a full, strong and healthy appearance not a weak and soft look. In addition to recommendations above, include high-fiber foods such as beans and lentils, as well as fruits and vegetables. >> Consume At Least 35% Of Your Intake From Carbohydrates This will work out to close to 1.25 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight each day. Consuming carbs is critical for performance in the gym, hormone control, energy and revealing a hard and ripped physique. We never cut out carbohydrates completely, we only taper them down gradually. >> Consume At Least 20-25% Of Your Intake From Fats A huge mistake is going too low with your fat intake. You need to consume a certain amount of dietary fat for satiety (making you feel full), hormone production and general sense of well-being. Consider fat your happy food cut your fat and youll feel like a trunk ran over you. Consume your fats in as many varieties of possible. Find a balance between a few great oils to receive the benefits of each. Walnut oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil etc. Or consuming whole nuts and avocado. We consume fats in our no-carb meals which should be two of your six meals each day preferably in the morning and before bed.

Vince Del MonteS

>> Use Legal Supplements! Please join for a complete breakdown of all my situational and staple supplements and how to customize your own supplement plan based on your body type, goals and budget. My preferred elite line of supplements can be found at I use Iso-Smooth, Extreme Rush, L Carnitine, Status, Rush, BCAA, Creatine, Gluatmine and Blade. Here are some private links (for your eyes only) for special discounts: Status: Extreme Rush: Blade + Carnitine: >> Taper Calories Down, Never Cut Anything Out Drastically We taper calories down slowly, only if you stop losing fat at your desired goal rate, which should be 1% of your fat per week. For instance, if youre 150 pounds youll strive to lose 2 pounds of fat per week (150 x 0.01 = 1.5). Anything less is unacceptable and anything more is a bonus. If youre not dropping fat, simply re calculate your bodyweight based on a factor of 13, instead of 14 and repeat all the steps above. Each time you hit a plateau (which means you do not lose at least 2 pounds in one week), you will re set your caloric intake based on one factor lower. Our goal is to not see how low we can drop our calories but to drop them only when our body requires a greater deficit.

Vince Del MonteS

Meal 1: 3 whole eggs 8 oz of extra lean beef 2 cups of spinach 2 ounces of mixed nuts

Sample Diet:

Meal 2: 1 cup of egg whites 8 oz of turkey 1 slice of low-fat cheese 2 cups of broccoli Sundried tomatoes Meal 3 Pre Workout 2 cups of whole wheat pasta 1 cup of tomato sauce 1 & cans of tuna 2 cups of asparagus Meal 4 Post Workout Shake 80 grams of carb powder + aminos (creatine, glutamine, bcaa) 15 minutes later 40 grams of isolate protein Meal 5 1 Hour Post Workout 12 oz of sweet potato 12 oz of white fish or chicken 2 cups of veggies Meal 6: 12 oz steak or salmon 2 oz avocado 2 cups of greens

Vince Del MonteS

Day 1: Calves, Back Exercises Sets Reps Rest Calves: Standing calf raises Seated calf raises Leg Press calf raises Back: Wide-grip pullups Reverse-grip pullups Deadlifts Wide-grip pulldowns Barbell rows Close-grip pulldowns Back extensions

3 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 3

10-12 20-30 15-20 failure failuare 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 10-12 (holding plate)

30 15 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

CALF TIPS * Calves need to be trained at least twice a week and if they are a lagging body part you can add them to day 3 for a third workout. * We dont train calves on our leg training days because calf training fatigues the legs. We place them first on Monday to prevent them from lagging and looking like potatoes stuck on pipe cleaners! * During calf training, focus on a FULL range of motion, less emphasis on weight. Focus on standing up or pressing through your big toe and strive for a deep stretch and full contraction. Hang out with the weight for a full second at the bottom and a full 1-2 seconds at the top on each rep. BACK TIPS * Execution. Execution. Execution. In other words - back training is all about TECHNIQUE! Keep your back arched, trunk extend and chest high. Always prevent rounding your back during back training. * Pull through your elbows. Think of your arms as hooks; dont squeeze and pull the weight with your hands, squeeze from the back, and drive your elbows down and back (retraction and depression of the scapula) on all moves. * Dont be a hero. Lifting too heavy can be your worst enemy during back training because the emphasis travels everywhere else BUT your back. Lifting too heavy results in a great arm workout, rounded back and no growth. * Really focusing on getting your reps up with your Wide-grip and Reverse-grip pullups is excellent for back development. Push yourself to get each set into the 20 rep range. Focus on cranking out some extremely high reps before adding any weight to your waist.

Vince Del MonteS

Day 2: Hamstrings, Quads Exercises Sets Reps Rest Hamstrings: Stiff-leg deadlifts Seated leg curls Lying leg curls Quads: Leg extensions Front squats Hack squats Wide & high stance leg presses Walking lunges

3 4 2 3 4 2 2 2

8-10 8-10 8-10 12-15 8-10 8-10 25 15/leg

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

HAMSTRING TIPS * We start with hamstrings to balance out a history of (assumed) quad-dominant workouts. *Hamstrings are a fast-twitch muscle fiber so we train them heavy and with an explosive curl. Ensure youre fully extending your legs at the bottom. * The key to isolating your hamstrings is keeping your hips/glutes locked down by co-contracting them as you curl and extend your leg. This takes A LOT of practice to master. Have your friend watch you and ensure youre NOT moving your lifts as you do your lying leg curls. * While doing stiff-leg deadlifts focus on contracting your glutes and calves as your lower and lift the weight. Keep your heels grilled on the floor. You can ensure youre doing this by wiggling your toes. QUAD TIPS * If youre quads are not growing, start using a 3 second negative and a 3 second concentric. Instead of loading more and more weight, workout within the goal rep ranges but lower the weight slower and lift the weight slower building more tension on the muscle. Also, hang out with the weight for 1 or 2 seconds at the bottom of your squats, lunges and presses and squeeze your quads BEFORE pressing, lifting or lunging. Your legs will burn like an inferno. * Mix up your stances on leg presses, hack squats and leg extensions. Point your toes in and out. A shoulder-width stance with toes inward for outer sweep. Toes outward for inner tear drop.


Vince Del MonteS

Day 3: Abs, Shoulders Exercises Sets Reps Rest Abs: Reverse Crunches Hanging Knee Raises Machine or Rope Crunches Shoulders: Bent-over cable lateral raises Standing cable lateral raises Incline bench rear laterals Standing straight arm lateral raises Hammer strength shoulder press Dumbbell shrugs

3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3

30 15-20 failure 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10

15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

AB TIPS * Abs respond better to short rest periods so keep your rest periods 15-30 seconds between sets * During your reverse crunches focus on driving your knees into your chest * Blow all the air out on the contractions of your crunches * To increase the intensity of your ab workout, hold the shortened/contracted position for 1-5 seconds on each rep and youll fee your abs * We train abs first to give them priority and ensure they dont get neglected SHOULDER TIPS * The rear and side delts are the most underdeveloped part of the shoulders so we prioritize them in sequence and volume. Dont be afraid to train them at the start or else theyll never grow! * Focus on locking your abs down (contract your abs) to eliminate all movement from your trunk. Your body should be as stiff as cement while doing your lateral and bent-over raises. * We do a machine press at the end of the workout to isolate the shoulders and burn them out to exhaustion. * Initiate all shoulder movements through your shoulders, not your back or arms. This takes a lot of mental concentration. Move the weights up slowly and down slowly - preferably 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down - if you have trouble growing your shoulders.


Vince Del MonteS

Day 4: Calves, Chest Exercises Sets Reps Rest Calves: Donkey calf raises Seated leg press calf raises 1 leg calf raises - bodyweight Chest: Flat dumbbell presses Hammer strength incline presses Machine flys Weighted dips Pushups

3 3 3 2 3 2 3 1

30 15-20 failure 8-10 8-10 12-15 failure Until 60

15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

CHEST TIPS * Each week you can rotate between a barbell and dumbbells. You can also rotate machine flys with cable flys. * To isolate your chest, do no arch your lower back. Lock your lower back into the seat whether youre on an incline or flat bench. * Contract your pecs (a.k.a. squeezing your chest) while you lower the weights, before you press and while you press. Learn how to selectively recruit your chest muscles to build your chest, not burn out your shoulder joints. * Lean forward on your dips to target your pecs.


Vince Del MonteS

Day 5: Biceps, Triceps Exercises Sets Reps Rest Biceps: Incline dumbbell curls EZ barbell curls Standing zottaman curls Incline cable curls Close grip chin ups Triceps: Rope pressdowns Close-grip bench presses Lying incline bench dumbbell extensions Bench dips Close grip pushups

3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 1

8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 Until 20 8-10 8-10 12-15 failure Until 50

30 30 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 10

BICEP TIPS * Keep your shoulders back and your elbows grilled into your sides on all bicep exercises. There should be no shoulder flexion at all (shoulder movement upward). Its very easy to curls lots of weight when your shoulders get involved but youll still have small biceps. * Emphasize a 3 or 4 second negative. Controlling the lowering phase of a curl can be the difference between 14 and 17 inch arms. * Every once in a while its good to super set your biceps. So do incline dumbbell curls back to back with EZ barbell curls. This will remind you what a maximum pump feels like! * Think about turning your wrists inward (supination) and your wrists outward (pronation) during your incline curls. * Every once in a while its okay to super set your biceps and triceps too. Even staggering your exercises like biceps, biceps, tricpes, triceps, biceps, tricpes etc is a great way to keep the intensity high. TRICEP TIPS * Ensure youre locking out your triceps on the pressdowns and keeping your shoulders back and down. Dont lean into your pressdown movements unless you want your shoulders and back to move the majority of the weight. * Keep your elbows grilled into your sides during your pressdowns and keep your elbows turned inwards during your extensions. During your tricep dips, be sure to fully straighten your arms at the top to work the weakest ends of the fibers and recruit new muscle. * During your close grip presses be sure to contract your triceps before you press. Itll be the difference between a tricep ripping workout and another chest workout. Lean forward on your dips to target your pecs.


Vince Del MonteS

Vince Del Monte: Whats this guy all about?

Meet Vince Del Monte, the only Fitness Guru who has been coined The Skinny Guy Savior. He earned this name by dedicating his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies. In the end his students transform themselves to Live better, Look better & Know better! Vince has transformed thousands of lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy individual with a perfect mix of encouragement, humor, no BS, inspiration and fun with his popular best selling No-Nonsense Muscle Building system. Vince has the most popular skinny to muscular transformation stories in the world. He was the poster boy of the I cant gain weight or get the girl story. Vince became known as Skinny Vinny. He was 140-150 pounds at 6 feet tall. The nickname didnt die; it stuck with him all through college. He tried everything to gain weight any way he could, never reaching past 149 lbs., dripping wet. He went through the battles to gain like no other. As a former competitive long distance runner, Vince used running to survive the embarrassment and insecurity he suffered from being too skinny. He formed an identity for himself as one of those lean, mean, running machines. Vince studied Kinesiology and received a Honors Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario. After college, he found a mentor who told him to burn all of his fitness magazines and stop wasting money on supplements to gain weight. Vinces life started to change. He gained some weight, got muscles and then met the girl of his dreams whom he calls his B.M.W. Beautiful Marvelous Wife!


Vince Del MonteS

Vince helps thousands of individuals with muscle unfriendly genetics; make a plan to create new habits and commit to it. He helps with motivation, confidence, and teaches the basis for training smarter not harder individuals see muscles within 2 weeks, not 2 months! They eat better and have a more balance life. And in the end, each individual becomes a better man or woman all while reaching his or her goals. Vince is the Author of No-Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain. The book has sold more than 80,000 copies in more than 120 different countries. He is also a WBFF Professional Fitness Model. Vince continues to compete in the fitness-modeling world and has won the Canadian Fitness Model Championships. In June 2008, I competed again and placed 3rd at the World Fitness Model Championships. He enjoys the natural bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle, and continues to practice what he preaches. Later this summer hell be competing in the Pro Division of the WBFF World Championships.


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