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Seres people were not Chinese but Scythians.

1. Jordanes mentions the Seres beside the Huns and Albani who lived in Caucasian-Caspian area and not China. 2. Horace makes the Seres experts in drawing the bow. ( in the use of which the Scythians were always famous ). 3. Ptolemy in he's work, considers the Issedones as part of Serica. In he's eight book calls the Issedones a Scythian race. 4. The Seres and Phruni (or Phauni) are mentioned by Dionysius Periegetes along with the Tokhari on Jaxartes. The Phryni are Scythians according to Strabo. 5. In Scolia of Dionysius the poet, the Seres are Scythians. 6. Pomponius Mela calls the Seres Scythians. 7. On Julius Honorius and Isidore of Seville's map the Seres are in northern Scythia. 8. Polydorus Vergilius says also the Seres are Scythian people. 9. Plinius says the Seres were tall people, with red hair and blue eyes, living north of the mount Hemodos. 10. Sometimes is said the 'Se' word is chinese, but in hungarian the 'silk' is 'Selyem' and if the 'l' and 'r' are similar grammatically, then is similar to 'Sericum' name. -Sel(y)-em/Ser-em. And the Seres were said frugal,gentile people. In hungarian 'szereny' means 'modest'. Th Hungarians were of Scythian race too. But otherwise, even today's western China was not 'China' in old times. - see the Tarim mummies.

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