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Activity Attendance State/details U6C 18 children attended Bible classes, worshipped God, praised and learned Bible lessons and participated in games Remarks 72% attended the project which enhances child growth in Christ. We need to provide Bible classes to many of our project child since they need to grow in Christ. Children enjoyed this gift. . I visited Margret and Getrude unfortunately; I did not find them at home since they were in their mothers restaurant helping with fetching water and other chores. Margret said that she does spend her time in holidays to help her mother. I visited Godlove and found her playing football with others outside their house

Soap and jelly Home visit

We provided soap, jelly and toothpaste this month. I visited three children as follows:

Magreth Dickson Naiso

Godlove paulo besides her mother

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Getrude Dickson Naiso Any special case The pastor, Nicholas, Mary and I (Betty) visited different schools where our students attend and we assessed the following discipline of the students, academic performance, finding out challenges they are facing and tried to talk with them by encouraging them by assuring that challenges lead to strength. However, pastor talked about time management, whereby he explained that there is time for studying which is this moment, time for earning and saving which comes after completion of studies and lastly spending time the old age.

Pastor Wariaeli speaking to Hebron Sec. School students in the new class room

Form 1 of Shilela in the classroom with pastor Wariaeli

Form 1 of Boloti Secondary school in front of their administration block

Form two students of Shilela talking with pastor in reception of adminstration office

St. Dorcas students. Among these are form four, form three and form two.

Saturday Meeting

Project widows met twice this month and shared the word of God, worshipped and discussed what they should start doing in order to empower themselves economically

Health issues Individual project

Two widows went to hospital due to malaria and diarrhea

I visited Helen Fredrick and Mambai Losingati

I think the motivation they got emanated from fathers local stoves projects and this is a good idea for widows to start thinking about what they should do. All were treated and healed. Helens cow is doing well and serving the family with milk. Likewise to Mamba, her goats are doing well. Maria is so excited with this grace. Lets pray for Yohane Emanuel since she has leg problems.

Any other special case Home visit

We are in progress of constructing Maria Paulos house. I visited Yohane Emanuel

She shared with me her history. She has nine children amongst whom the one standing besides her is the last born. Her husband died in 2005.

Income Generating Activities Chicken project We havent brought new chicken breed as we want the existing ones to continue reproducing. Agriculture Goats, cows, oxen and chicken Any other Project Meetings Other special cases

We pray for this to be a progressive and profitable project Harvest is not much this bountiful this year due to insufficient rainfall. We advised livestock drugs to be provide to keep them free from diseases The garden is promising .

We are continuing with harvesting the maize farm

They are still healthy though sicknesses broke out but it did not affect them a lot. We are continuing with our garden.

Fathers They met more than twice as normal this month making their stoves. They shared the word of God with each other during normal meetings. Fathers planned to make a demonstration with some students in PUNCHMI school. So they were eagerly waiting school to open.

We should emphasize entrepreneur skills to fathers as head of families and the dependent in households. This will be a good lesson to PUNCHMI students.

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