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SESSION 2020-2021

Assignment on



Mrs. C. Gomthi Mr. Geeta
Professor M.Sc.Nursing Previous
HOD of psychiatric dept.

A philosophy of nursing education includes beliefs and values with regard to
the man in general and specifically man as the learner, the teacher, the nurse and the
consumer. It also includes beliefs about health, illness, society, nursing, learning etc.
Traditionally Nursing and Nursing Education had adopted a Christian
philosophy which was based on super-naturalism. A Christian philosophy has a belief
in a personal God, who is the creator, redeemer and provider of man and universe.
"Love of God and "Love of neighbour" are the maxims of Christian philosophy.
According to Christian nurse who would believe in God and who would take care of
the sick fellow-beings after the example of Christ.

During the course of time, changes have taken place in the field of education,
health care, socio-cultural aspects, science and technology. There was a need for
change in the existing value systems and beliefs. Changes had taken place in the field
of nursing practice and nursing education also. It was not advisable to adhere to only
one type of philosophy. So it became inevitable for nursing too, to follow the path of
eclecticism, i.e., to draw the best and useful aspects from various educational
philosophies and make one's own philosophy.

Olivia EmBevls discussed some modern philosophical points in her book

"Curriculum Building in Nursing'' with regard to nursing and nursing education. These
philosophical points are:

1) The Individual has Intrinsic Value and there is Worth Inherent in Human
Life:Each human life has inherent worth and nursing is a service to individuals,to
people, without any distinction between caste or creed, sex or colour, age
orreligion and rich or poor. It is concerned with human welfare. It
acknowledgesthe uniqueness of each individual. It considers health as a human
right. The aimof nursing education is to produce a professional nurse with such a
2) Nursing is a Rational Activity:Nursing functions require the exercise ofcritical
thinking, logic and judgements. Nursing is a problem-solving anddecision-malung
process. The nurse is a legally and morally accountableperson.A nursing education
curriculum should include such learning experiences thatwould equip the learner
with skills in problem-solving, decision-malung andcritical thinking.
3) Nursing's Uniqueness is in the Way the basic, social andBiologica1
Sciences are synthesized in Functions that Promote Health:Nursingactions
are based on scientific principles which are drawn from the biopsycho-social
sciences. Any nursing education curriculum should includesubjects like physics,
chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology,' psychology, sociology
and other relevant subjects.
4) The Individual Nurse-Citizen has Some Control Over and Responsibility for
the Political and Social Milieu in which S/he Lives:The nurse is also amember
of the society and a true citizen of the country. As such, he/she hasto have some
active voice in the social, political and legal aspects of thecommunity, especially
with regard to health care matters. The nurse is achange agent as well as a
consumers' advocate and protector. She has to takeactive part in effecting social
changes and she has to speak for the people.One of the important aims of nursing
education is democratic citizenship.
5) Nursing is a Process with a Central Subjective Purpose, an Inherent
Organization or System and Dynamic Creativity:It is an agreed uponbelief
that nursing is a process to attain an end. A process is a series of actionsor
operations to attain an end. Processes have three characteristics. They are:inherent
purpose, internal organization and infinite creativity.
 The inherent purpose of nursing is the optimum level of wellness ofhealth for
the individual.
 In the case of nursing process, internal organization means the series ofactions
to attain the aim of optimum health of the individual/community.
 Infinite creativity in nursing process means the dynamics of evolvinguniquely
more effective and efficient nursing activities for theachievement of the goal of
optimum health.
6) Nursing Functions are Independent, Inter-dependent and
Collaborative;Nursing is a crucial component of multi-disciplinary healthcare
system. The nursing education curriculum should reflect theindependent,
dependent and collaborative positions of the nurse involvingthese respective
7) Nursing is a Profession and Nursing Practice Must Reflect
Professionalism:This is a much debated issue. One of the aims of
nursingeducation is professional development of the pupil nurse. In order
toaccomplish this aim curriculum should include courses like ethics andstandards
of profession, professional adjustments and research.
8) Nursing Roles in the Order of Priority are:Educative (promotive,preventive,
rehabilitative), therapeutic and supportive. The priority of rolesas specified in
philosophy dictates the order of priority in curriculum content.
9) The Democratic Mode of Operation and the Implications of that
Democratic Mode are a Key Stone of Nursing Roles, Organization and
Structure:Democratic processes like authority by mutual consent,
individualaccountability for group activities and the ability of each group member
tocontribute to his/her potential are essential to the optimal functioning of
thenursing group. Ademocratic organizational set up has to be preferred in
thepresent day situation when democratic development leadership is consideredas
the best.

Philosophy of nursing education should contain guidelines fornursing practice as well
as nursing education. It is developed by the faculty of eachindividual school of
nursing together with the nurse leaders and nurseadministrators. It should be clearly
stated and directly related to the aims,objectives curriculum and other aspects of
nursing education.


1. Basavanthappa BT. Nursing Education. Jaypee Brothers; 2003.

2. Neerja K. Textbook of Nursing Education. Jaypee Brothers Publishers; 2003.
3. Gulani K.K, KapoorDr. Bimla. eGyanKosh: Education: Its Meaning, Concept,
Aims and Philosophy [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan 28];Available from:
4. NURSING EDUCATION IN INDIA [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan 28];Available
5. MEANING, AIMS AND PROCESS OF EDUCATION [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan
28];Available from:
6. CONCEPT AND MEANING OF EDUCATION [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan
28];Available from:

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