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Mrs. C. Gomthi Mrs. Geeta Choudhary
Professor M.Sc. Nursing Ist yr
HOD of psychiatric nursing


 Name of the Evaluator : Ms. …………

 Name of the student Teacher : Ms. ………..
 Year of the Student Teacher : Msc (N) 1st year
 Name of the subject : Anatomy and physiology
 Name of the topic : Tongue
 Name of the unit : 6th
 Class of Groups/Batch : B. Sc. (N) 1st Year
 Method of teaching : Lecture cum Discussion
 A.V. Aids : Charts, Black Board,
 Time : 11am
 Venue : Lecture Hall
 Duration : 10 minutes
 Setting : Nursing College

General objectives:-
For Student Teacher:- On Completion of topic student teacher will
be able to:
 Gain knowledge about Anatomy of Tongue.
 Gain knowledge about Physiology of Tongue.
S.No. Time Special Contents Teaching A.V. aids Evaluation
Objectives Leaving Activity
1. 1 min. Introduction Introduction: The tongue is a The student Black Board The
voluntary muscular structure that teacher students
occupies the floor of the mouth. It introduce about will able to
is attached by its base to the hyoid the topic. After
bone. And by a fold of its mucous that the learner
membrane covering called the gain knowledge
of tongue.
frenulum to the floor of mouth. about
introduction of
2. 3 min Types of taste The superior surface consists of The teacher are Blackboard The student
buds stratified squamous epithelium, briefly explain Transparency will explain
the various
with numerous papillae (Little about types of
types of
projection). This contains sensory taste buds. Then taste buds.
receptors for the sense of taste in learner will able
the taste buds. There are 3 varieties to tell about the
of papillae. various types of
taste buds.
There are 3 varieties of papillae
3. (i) Vallat 1) Vallate papillae :- Usually Charts

e papillae between 8 and 12 altogether, are

arranged in an inverted V shape
towards the base of the tounge.
These are the largest of the papille
and are the most easily seen.
(ii) Fungi 2) Fungi form papillae:- Are Charts

form situated mainly at the tip and the

edges of the tounge and are more
numerous than the vallate papillae.
(iii) Filifor Filiform papillae Are the
m papillae smallest of the 3 types. They are
most mumerous on the surface of
the anterior two-third of the tongue
4. 1. min (iv) Blood The main arterial blood supply to The student Black board After

supply the tongue is by the lingual branch teacher described describing

of the external carotid artery. the blood blood supply
Venous drainage is by the Lingual supply in the to the
vein, which joins the internal mouth region to tongue, the
jugular vein. the tongue students able
to describe
the blood
supply the
the tongue
5. 3 Min Nerve The nerves involved are: The teacher Charts

Supply  The hypoglossal nereves explain the nerve

supply to the
(12th cranial nerves) which
tongue. The
supply the voluntary muscles.
teacher gain
 The lingual branch of the knowledge about
mandibular nerves, the nerves nerve supply.
of somatic sensation, i.e.
Pain, temperature, and touch.
 The Facial and
glosopharyngeal nerves
(VIIth & IXth cranial
nerves), the nerves of taste
6. 2 min Function of The tongue plays an important The teacher

the tongue part in: described the

 Mastication (Chewing) functions of
 Deglutition (Swallowing) tongue. The

 Speech learner able to

 Taste explain the

functions of

1. Book –: Anatomy And Physiology

Author –: Ross and Willson
Chapter -: 12
Page No. -: 287-288
Edition -: 10th
2. www.wikipedia.encyclopedia

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