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Wayne Goodwin

Teacher: Mr Glenwright


Risk Factors in Sport

Extrinsic risk factors in sport:
Coaching - Coaching in sport can be a risk when not done correctly; this can be done through bad communication. An example of this is when a football coach tells you that the best way to tackle is with two feet from behind the opposing player with the ball this is a huge risk for the player being challenged because it is deemed as a dangerous tackle this type of tackle could cause an impact injury whether breaking a bone or simply breaking the skin this causes greater risk. Incorrect technique - Technique can benefit a person in sport massively when done correctly but when they do the wrong technique they can place themselves in danger and or others around them. An example of this would be when lifting weights at the gym this is because you are lifting them incorrectly you can damage a muscle but also fall over/drop the weight on yourself or another person who is nearby. Environmental factors - Your surroundings can be a risk when you are participating in sport, If you hire out a sports hall to play a sport such as dodge ball or badminton etc. and there are pot holes in the floor or the floors are wet because the roof is dripping you should not follow through with the sport but if you do then there will be a huge risk because of the hazards that you will injure yourself and the risk will go up and up the worse the condition of the hall therefore the surrounding you are in can be a huge risk to you or any participants. Clothing and footwear - Your choice in footwear can be a risk when participating in sport, an example of this can be wearing studded shoes indoors. When you are indoors with studded shoes they will decrease the amount of grip you have on the floor increasing the risk of slipping on the floor or into someone/something depending on the sport this is dangerous because you have a greater chance of falling therefore increasing the risk of you slipping and causing impact damage to yourself and your surrounding players. Safety hazards If a goal post is unstable it then becomes a safety hazard if people play football and use the goal. This is a safety hazard because it could fall onto a participant during the game therefore it is a hazard to everyone around it which in this case is mainly the goal keeper.

Wayne Goodwin

Teacher: Mr Glenwright


Intrinsic risk factors:

Training effects When a person trains in the gym when lifting weights they can cause an imbalance in their muscles, this can be done when a person is lifting a heavier weight with one side of their body compared to the other this will then put more stress on the side which is lifting the heavier weight and cause an imbalance in the muscles Individual variables When you are taking part in a sport you have to be realistic on where about you are resulting in how long you work out and how intense you work out, If an elderly man who is overweight goes to a spinning class he should not try to pedal at the same speed with the same intensity as a 25 year old male who is in his prime. This could result in the elderly ma n putting too much pressure and stress on his heart increasing the risk of him having a heart attack. Postural defects When weight lifting if you continuously bend over and lift a weight you can alter your natural posture cause yourself to have a postural defect such as what is known as a hunchback. This will happen because the movement which you are using to continuously lift a weight with the same wrong motion will change your posture over time giving you a defect when the muscle builds up.

Scoliosis - Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. Lordosis -Excessive inward curvature of the spine. Chondrosis - the formation of cartilage Kyphosis - Excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.

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