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Desiree S.

Policarpio BSAT3-2 Philosophy 101 January 25, 2012 My reflection Paper: The Giver by Lois Lowry It is nice to think of a perfect world for everyone. A world with happy, contented people was living in harmony, peace and order. But this is not the perfect world the story reveals. Imagine a world with no pain, no suffering, no love, and no choices. Would you want to live in this kind of world? I personally dreamed about a paradise, a perfect world for you and me. But is there what we called perfect in this world? Like in the story where Jonas lives, life is safe, orderly, and predictable. I recognized Jonas world as advanced world where science was in its peak of excellence. There were what you called weather control so that even the weather remains constant. It was also implied that genetic engineering has been used extensively to manipulate human beings so that they were all colorblind, and physically conform to sameness. But still its not perfect. Theres no freedom because every aspect of a person's life is carefully planned. People rarely make choices of their own and everything is decided for them by the community. There is no snow or sunshine, no colors or music, no animals or nature. The world here is lifeless. The story was very interesting for me because it makes me realized that theres no such thing as perfect when it comes from wrongful act. For example the use of modern technology here for me was wrong since no one can manipulate human even though for the peace and order of the society. This is for the reason that I believe that God gave us intelligence and will to decide for our own. God gave us freedom. God gave us Life. Even the society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to sameness, a plan which has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives. This would never attain perfect

world because its not right to make people emotionless, taken away their memories, and eliminate those who born different from the others just for the sake of sameness. Jonas changed everything. He sees colors. He sees life beyond his sealed society. He breaks the rule and did not accept what the societys traditional life. Because he knows what the true is and truth must come out. But at his young age, he shouldered a big responsibility because his action will change not only his life but the also the future generation. The Giver depicts an extraordinary story. The part which I like the most was the enlightenment of the main character which is Jonas. From the story, as someone with intelligence, integrity, courage, and a certain special capacity, Jonas is selected for the most honored and respected Assignment in the community. He is assigned to become a Receiver of Memories who will succeed the current Receiver. A Receiver of Memories is the one person in the community who has access to all the memories of the past. He must keep these memories within himself until he can train a new Receiver to whom he can pass them. Thus, the Receiver has knowledge of things that no one in the community has access to, but the Receiver also has the responsibility to shoulder the burden of sorrow and pain that the memories bring. This was but a sad part of Jonas life. He begins to be separated to the others simply because his friends cannot understand him anymore. Gradually, through the memories he receives from The Giver, Jonas comes to realize the various truths about the community. He realizes that it is unfair to deprive people of ever being able to make choices for themselves about their own lives. He understands that the people of the community have no genuine feelings. Feelings have never been a part of their lives. He also learns that there are different ways to live. Through the memories, he sees people in the past living differently, and feels that the community must change. it

was when Jonas receives the memories from the Giver where he discovers the power of knowledge. He realized the truth that the people in his community were happy because they don't know of a better life. He was awakened. But the knowledge of what they are missing out on could also create chaos. Jonas faces a dilemma: Should he stay with the community, his family living a shallow life without love, color, choices, and knowledge, or should he run away to where he can live a full life? This question was very important that reflect the scenario in philosophy. The story ended in the fulfillment of Jonas mission to live in full life. For me, the decision of Jonas was right and just. He decides to flee the community for the Elsewhere, a place he has only heard about that lies far beyond so that they awakened. To see the true colors, feel the snow touches his skin and music coming from houses. All of this was the light brought by Jonas, the Giver story.

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