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Paradise English Boracay Island

* (+63362884544

Were Doing Great And Getting Better!

Slices of Paradise English Around the World

In Focus
Head Teacher Trevor Gordons transition from corporate to chilled out On my first visit to the island in 2004, there was a calm yet also a liveliness about the place, which I had not encountered in any other place before. I had travelled to various islands, in different countries, which were similar to Boracay, but none of them had the allure, the mystique that Boracay has. This began my love affair with the island. After working as an IT engineer in the City of London for 12 years, it was time for a change. I became an independent consultant for several major IT companies then embarked on a long cherished dream, a 1-year tour around the world. I included the Philippines on a friends recommendation to visit Boracay. My knowledge of the country was limited, so the sights pleasantly surprised me. After my trip, I returned to the Philippines with no long-term intention to stay. I spent 18 months exploring the country for scuba diving and sightseeing. In 2007, I accepted an offer to teach at Paradise English, relishing the chance to use my English skills in a more meaningful way. I then took the final steps towards teaching by obtaining my TESOL certificate. I have met and taught hundreds of students, and worked with many teachers, both of varying nationalities. Seeing students improve and listening to them all talking together in English makes my effort worth it.

Whats Inside
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PE Pie Slices Au Revoir

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The Summer That Was

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Woman of Substance


Teaching English, and living on the island has its stresses, but these pale in comparison to that of corporate work. Simple pleasures like walking along the beach and watching a beautiful sunset, swimming in a clear blue ocean, remind me why, after six years, I am still here.



Slicing the Figures

The global response of students in choosing Paradise English is overwhelming! Since we opened our doors in 2005, students from over 50 countries have participated in our group classes, engaged in our 1:1 tutorials and m arkedly improved their English language skills in an environment that is both gender and culturally diverse. Our programs are especially designed for flexibility to meet students specific needs. W hether a students goal is to travel, apply for a job, prepare for an exam or improve language skills, we customize the learning experience with his/her goal in mind. The numerous activities we provide encourage speaking and interacting. In the process, goodwill, respect and friendship among our students naturally develop.
- Andrie Nelson Ceballos -

Its been a slice! See you again someday

The past weeks found Paradise English bustling with activity towards the end of this years Summer Camp Program. Daily outdoor kiddie activities continued as new students arrived despite the monsoon rains. Graduating students wrote and practiced their speeches for Fridays ceremony. Digi-cams clicked and flashed in attempts to immortalize cherished moments. Classmates exchanged hugs. Promises to keep in touch were sealed with tears and smiles. Teachers gave students well deserved high fives for accomplishing their goals; students gave teachers equally deserved high fives for coaching them well. Certificates of completion were waved and displayed like badges of honor. Slices of the traditional farewell cake were passed around as wishes of bon voyage echoed throughout the school cafeteria.



Summer 2013: Fun For All Ages at Paradise English

Summer Camp 2013 concluded this month at Paradise English, but both staff and students have wonderful memories of the summer that will last a lifetime. Summer 2013 was a whirlwind of fun and learning for students of all ages. W hile our camp program brought students as young as three years old, our year-round curriculum continued with adults, as well. This diverse group of students all had a blast enjoying the summer together, studying during the week and enjoying fun activities around the island on the weekends, such as island hopping, snorkeling, and even cliff diving! It wasnt only fun and games, though. Teachers at Paradise English were inspired by their students hard work and dedication to their studies. Whether it was one of our youngest students proudly reciting their A BCs for the first time, or one of our advanced students delivering an eloquent speech in English at their graduation ceremony, we all have a favorite inspirational memory of our students amazing progress this summer in improving their English language skills. Whatever your age, Paradise English certainly was the place to be this summer! - Katelan Wick - Group Class Teacher

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STEPHANIE BAUER: Woman of Substance

Tutor Venecia Kasongo writes about PEs Co-founder
The clich Behind every great man is a great woman holds true for Stephanie Wesello Bauer, co-founder of Paradise English. The devoted wife of PEs president and CEO Claus Bauer, Stephanie is a successful woman in her own right. Her significant contributions to home, career, country and the world at large make her an ideal role model for young women today. Born and raised in Swaziland, she was showered with love and affection by her Dutch father and Swazi mother. The close- knit family doted on Stephanie, the youngest in the Wesselo brood of six. In return, she m ade her parents proud by being an obedient and respectful daughter who never did anything to embarrass them. It comes as no surprise that this beauty-and-brains always excelled in school and at work. In 1994, she brought honour to her family and country by representing Swaziland in the prestigious Miss World beauty pageant! Working hard has always been part of Stephanies nature. She worked in many places, experiencing discomfort and going through challenges unbearable to many. Staying focused led to her goals being accomplished. Walking the extra mile led to sweet success. Thus, Stephanies dream of having her own business was inevitable. She met the love of her life Claus Bauer shortly after she was crowned Miss Swaziland. Their deep love for each other makes them devoted spouses, dedicated business partners and best friends. With three wonderful children, they make an ideal family that does things together in endless delightful ways. Like most women, Stephanie is very protective when it comes to her family. Her children have all the love they need from a m other. She seems to have struck the right balance in indulging and disciplining sons Jordan and Shaolan, and daughter Eve, who are polite, considerate, happy and cheerful. The care she has for others goes to express that she received the same great deal of love and care while growing up. She and Claus supported orphans cared for by Non-Governmental Organisations around Africa and presently contribute time, talent and resources to Boracay community programs. Early this year, for the first time in her life, Stephanie was hospitalized and placed in an Intensive Care Unit, suffering from a stroke twice and undergoing surgery twice. Did she give up? No! She committed herself to recovering quickly. I say that she really cheated death after going through ordeals that would cause m ost people to surrender. She certainly made a huge leap in recovering that anyone who sees her cannot imagine what she went through. Personally, Stephanie has been my source of comfort. I have been able to let all my worries out on her. I feel free to open up and trust that my problems are safe with her. Now I understand that it's all right to be sad and problems are part of life. I view my problems in a different way now. They are more like stepping stones I just need to cross when facing challenges. Stephanie continues to prove herself as a woman of substance. She is Claus life partner in every endeavour. Her children look up to her because she is credible. She lends her wisdom, practical sense and gentle temperament to the staff and students of Paradise English. The young women in her country learned from her how to stand their ground. Against many odds, Stephanie Wesello Bauer joyfully triumphs. 4

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