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1. Philippines has approximately 7101 islands and it is grouped into three, namely Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao.

The question: Who is the father of Biology? a. Charles Darwin b. Aristotle c. Carolus Linnaeus d. Kris Aquino

2. What Republic Act which is also known as Science & Technology Scholarship Act of 1994 aims to provide scholarships to finance the education of poor, talented, and deserving students desiring to pursue a degree in areas of Science and Technology a. RA 7677 b. RA 7687 c. RA 7697 d. Ra 7867

3. ABS-CBN Corporation is a diversified Filipino media station and one of the country's largest entertainment company. What does A in ABS-CBN stand for? a. Alto b. Administrative c. Association d. Allegro

4. If the sum of two numbers is 7, and their difference is 1. What is the largest fish in the world? a. Blue whale b. Killer whale c. Whale shark d. Sperm whale 5. If the acceleration due to gravity at the earths surface is approximately 9.80665 m/s^2, W hat is the capital city of Mongolia? a. Canberra b. Bandar Seri Begawan c. Ulan Bator d. Jakarta

6. Carbohydrates are polyhydroxyaldehydes and polyhydroxyketones that usually form cyclic rings and used as immediate source of energy by our body. How long would it take the light from the sun to reach the earth? a. 1 minute b. 4 minutes c. 8 minutes d. 16 minutes 7. If a nonhomogenous linear differential equation can be solved by Laplace Transforms, what is the standard SI unit for magnetic flux density. a. tesla b.gauss c. pascals d. joules

8. Organic chemistry is the scientific study of carbon-based compounds, originally limited to compounds that are the natural products of living things. What organic acid is responsible for the foul odor of dirty socks? a. Formic Acid b. Acetic Acid c. hydrochloric acid d. caproic acid

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