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tfutct centre


f"\ 'Studv to show thyself

approved unio'uod.*

yiTimo;hy 2:15

May - June

Dear Christiao Friends,

Ihe follcpwing quotations from CHRISTIAN READER (April-May), really

struck home Co me. "Hiey point out a pathetic situation in the church.

"Practically nothing is being produced by the church to teach

Christianity to the non-Christian." When we read our own church

publications, we see how very true this really is. Vfhat we produce is nearly all intended for Christian readers. This is even true of many of our tracts. Added to this is the fact that a perverted religion is most active teaching its false doctrines, much to our shame. "During the past twenty years the Jehovah's Uittnesses have grown over 300 percent. It is not incidental that this sect owns the largest privately owned printing presses in the world," To top all this, the writer adds a final thought to make us quake at our neglect. "Russia has published two pieces of propaganda for every man, woman and child living in the
world." What are we doing to win the world for Christ?*

Since our last news letter, we have been really busy preparing to print two of our lesson books and accompanying tracts in several European

languages. The French is already printed. The Portuguese is ready to be

sec up for the camera, and the translators are b*isy with the Spanish, German and Italian. It will not be possible to properly set up the Portuguese, German and Spanish with our present typewriter as it is aa

older model and does not accept the balls with these languages. As the new models are compatible to these type balls, we presently plan to sell this machine and to replace it with the newer model. We have also thought of purchasing an IBM Selectric Composer in its place, but at present we
do not have funds for this large a purchase. The South Africa delivered

price on the composer is about $4500. The replacement typewriter will be

the first purchase from the "MABEL NICHOLS MEMORIAL FUND".

ISM 'Selectric" Composer

How can correspondence lessons be followed up?

Several means of arranging a personal contact when it is possible, are planned. Correspondence lessons and tracts are
not meant to stand alone. Both of them are used as a means of

contacting interested prospects.

The personal contact

of a

Christian teacher is still necessary.

In every mailing of the lesson books, we include a directory service tract, and follow up report. This is a specially printed tract which includes the name and address of every minister or mission station in the area of the
contact. It includes instructions that the student must go to

the nearest minister on the list

where he can be taught more

and can be baptised for the forgiveneso of sino, and also a portion for the minister to complete when the prospect is baptized- so that it can be mailed back to ourselves. This
enables us to keep our files more completely.
The third book contains at the close, a notation that if

the student wishes

to study further,

he should contact the

ministerial Bible School and the address is written or rubber

stamped in. Many of our students have been ministers of other


or men who want to train for the ministry,


for various reasons

become ministers

only a few of the more sincere

of the Mew Testamant Church.

Some of

those who have, have been some of our best men,

look forward


to making contact with men to minister in some

of the home areas where we do not presently have churches

South Africa,





and South West




various areas



purpose of

personally meeting with the stiulents there, baptisms, evange listic meetings and the establishment of new churches, should

be planned.These are easy to arrange with a good file system.

If the missionary has in mind opening a new country the Lord's work, he can do the same thing there,


simply by

using the address cards selected by country. The missionaries

recently visiting Malawi with the hope of planting a new work

took with them a list of addresses drawn from our files.
their coming ahead.


they wished to do so, they could have mailed announcements of

We Kave one last means which can be used to encourage an

indigenous work in remote areas where it is not possible to

direct the student to a church or to go personally. This is often true when there are thousands of contacts as in corre

spondence work.

In this case,

we have a specially prepared

of the last lesson

tract which we enclose

the return

book in the seriea.

This tract carries detailed instructions

on how to go rf)0ut establishing a new congregation of the church, with special emphasis being given to the observance-

of the ordinances,

how to conduct services,

how to perform


and scriptures to use at these services and at

Correspondence lessons are a tool for the making of

contact. They are not meant to do the whole work. They are to be followed up with a personal contact with the student if this is at all possible, though not necessarily by the missionary personally. The follow up may be by others, even as Paul planted, Apollos watered! but God gave the increase.

: The Christ we will not share


: is the Christ we cannot keepl

J.W. or to the non-Christian world, but all things must start somewhere and at least it is a start toward a great need, and it is a start toward's the answer of our own prayers. Won't you pray with us?

Our little efforts will not be any great challenge, at this stage, to the

Another answer to these same prayers has been indicated in an outstanding offer made for our nine year old A.B. Dick as a trade in on a ouch larger
and much faster Davidson 700 dualith. Ihe local dealer has offered us a
third of our original purchase price!

church work is concerned. The Cooks have returned to take the responsibility of the Craighall Park work again. The D'Altons have come to take leadership of of Tulisa Park, and the Hall family is here to help in several areas. They have rented an apartment near us and will be working with the Tulisa Park

Some help is beginning to arrive back on the field in so far as the local

congregation as their home church. i have.made the offer to assist with the j for Street. Roger VicHroy helps there in the mornings so there is no real need me to be there then.

Brother Stamm hM resigned there and has moved to Durban where he is planning
to start an Indian (Asiatic) work. We were happy to be able to send him a list of our Durban contacts among the Indians and he has written to tell us of his success with these. "Just a note to say thanks for the addresses of the

Indians. ; I have made friends in Chatsworth and have been visiting

week Bible study and prayer.We had prayer and study last night. God is really
blessing us."

several times. We are all set up for Lord's Days services in a home and mid

You*tf-ln Christ Jesus,

Nyanja - (Available to other missions in bulk at 15c per set.)


LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English - French - Afrikaans - Xhosa Zulu - Tswana - Sotho - Sepedi - Tsonga - Shona - Sintebele - Venda -


1. Lesson books distributed 2. Certificates recorded

3. Bible School

766 167

Sponsored by: Webber Street Church of Christ

Urbana, Illinois


4. Addresses on file 5.


Forwarding Agent:
Mr Wilbur Boyd,

Impressions printed

RR 4, 1704 N. Cunningham,
Assorted stamp packets - 10c each
Urbana, Illinois 61801

(Only in lots of 10 packs.)


P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg

Dear Brother in Christ:

August, 1972

At one time it seemed impossible that we could come on furlough this year as we had planned because of the lack of a replacement for the period, but, family obligations, the need to augment our working and equipment funds in order to reach our goal of wider circulation of the study materials in other lands, and
other considerations make it essential that we leave as soon as possible. As our

at Phoenix, Arizona on November Hst> the Lord willing. Following the convention,
we plan to return to Illinois to be with the family for Christmas, and to be
available for speaking appointments in various areas.

daughter Ruth is to be married in November, we have made our plans accordingly to leave Africa after her wedding, and in time to be at the Missionary Convention

We had originally planned to teach a class in one of our Bible Colleges during this furlough. As the subject for tbi class, "The Preparation and Use of the Printed Page in World Evangelism", one that we feel is vital that our people take to heart, we hope to be able to use the highlights of this course in as many Bible Colleges, conventions and rallies as is possible. We now plan eight
sessions which may be used for a mission class, a convention workshop, etc. Naturally, single speaking engagements will still be taked for sermon or slide presentation of the work in particular. Our present goal of producing and distributing packets of correspondence lessons and tracts on a world-wide basis makes this a distinct challenge to all Christians everywhere. If you would like this work to be presented to your group, please contact us by return air-mail as soon as possible. The Lord willing, we expect to be heavily booked. Use our Johannesburg address until we are actually in America. Of general interest since our last news letter, is the fact that we have been able to have our ex^r&ting I.B.M. typewriter converted to a "compatible" machine, meaning that it is now capable of typing with the new European language type face balls in the elite type. This will enable us to progress with our setting up of the European languages until furlough, when, the Lord willing, we hope to be able to

^purchase an I.B.M Composer for the work. We have already been working on the first
drafts of se^J^af^df^^wele languageso and some are in print and now available.
In the meantime, we continue to distribute the African versions and to process those which are returned to us for marking and further lessons. Our-enrollment has now, reacj^ed 66.^203 souls and the number of booklets in print 34 along with accompanying tracts in each language.
Yours ist Jesus

P.S. We suggest posting the enclosed poster on the bulletin board after writing for a speaking appointment booking.



KTi A^?L '

Our 20th year furlough dates are: Nov. 21st, 1972 - Sept. 1973


Colleges - Rallies - Camps

A series of 8 classes on

1. To report to the churches

of His work in Africa.

the subject of:

"The Preparation and Use of

2. To equip for world outreach

the Printed Page in World


in Tract and Correspondence

Lesson ministry. 3. To recruit a printer to the

Churches - Classes - Etc.

Sermon or slide presentation

of the work.

Phyllis and Robert Mills

R.S. Mills


South Africa


P.O. Box 5135, Johannesburg

Furlough Address:
Robert S. Mills

Box 134, West Salem,


Forwarding Agent: Wilbur Boyd

RR4, 1704 N. Cunningham,


phone - 618 456-3184

To buy professional quality printing equipment in order to make available tracts and correspondence lessons at cost in local
languages world wide.

1. An I.B.M. Composer 2. A large offset plate maker 3. A Didde Glaser Apollo press

$4500 * $1120 * $19,000 *

4. Automatic Collator & accessories

5. Proper housing for the work

$35,000 *

6. A professional printer to operate this

* or equivalent equipment also available in

LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN- English - French - Afrikaans - German - Italian - Spanish Portuguese - Xhosa - Zulu - Tswana - Sotho - Sepedi - Tsonga - Shona - Sintebele - Vend* Myanja - (Available to other missions in bulk at 15c per set of lesson book & tracts.)

2 0

September - October
Dear Christian Friends,


Our most sincere Christmas greetings to each of you. It appears now that we will be spending the Christmas season in West Sal em, the Lord willing, and that we will be able to look forward to seeing most of

you in the new year. We are now scheduled to leave Johannesburg by

jumbo jet on the evening of the 16th of November, and to arrive in
America on the 18th.

We have been exceptionally busy these past weeks in making arrangements to be away for nearly a year. The house had to be leased, since we were not able sell it as we had first planned. The furnishings will have to be stored. Materials have had to be prepared to last the duration of our
absence, we have instructed a friend in the essential work that must be

attended to, and on the top of all of this, Ruth and Edwin are to be married only a few days before we actually take leave. Their wedding is scheduled for the 4th of November at the Craighall Park church building.

I have enclosed a calendar of our furlough period with this letter. We

would most appreciate it if you would fill in the address of the church and mark three most convenient dates when you would like us to plan to make a visit and present the Lord's work. With this information, we will be able to plan our furlough to make full use of the time available. We are really looking forward to seeing you all again, and to telling you of the wonderful blessings of the Lord on the work and future plans.

Already we have passed the preparation of 100,000 lesson books in print, and use thirteen languages, with the plan for several more. We are now approaching 70,000 student enrollments and the preparation of 1 Million

This may seem like admirable progress, and, truly it is with our present equipment, but, the Lord working through you to make it possible to purchase advanced equipment, it will be possible to print these quantities of materials for World Mission use in a few days time. Our goal for this equipment is $60,000. Pray with us to this end that it be His will.

Robert S. Mil

LESSON BOOKS AND TRACTS IN: English - Afrikaans - French - Geman Italian - Porttrauose Spanish Xhosa Zulu - Tsvana - Sotho - Sped1 - Tsonga - Shona - Sintebele - Venda - Nyanja -

(Others can be oade available on the supply of approved translation sheets and a Bible)

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