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Production Script Scene 1: Title Page (The words Animal Mastermind will be displayed upon the screen in bold

with animation, music will play and will lead into scene 2) Scene 2: Quiz Board (Presenter already on screen) Presenter: Welcome to Animal Mastermind, the game show where two contestants work together to win the ultimate prize money of 20000.Today our contestants come from Ely. (Profiles come up on screen of contestant 1) Profile Voice: (robotically) Name; A-Guy. Age; 22. Likes; roast dinners, hens and birds. Dislikes; foxes and people who diss birds. (audience claps as contestant 1 enters the room and sits on the sofa) Presenter: And here is our next contestant, Je Vans. Profile Voice: (robotically) Name; Je Vans. Age; 12. Likes; alcohol and snails. Dislikes; children and Xbox 360s. (Audience claps as contestant 2 enters the show and sits on the sofa too) Scene 3: Quiz Show (Presenter sits on opposite sofa) Presenter: I presume you know how to play. Contestant 2: (said drunkenly) Just get the show started will ya! Presenter: Of course. (Dora the Explorer Music Plays)

Presenter: Wrong music Adam. Adam: (faintly) Sorry. (Proper theme music plays) Presenter: Question 1. What animal stars as the main character in the book Born to Run? (Long pause as clock ticks) Presenter: Dont forget, you still have three lifelines left. Contestant 1: Well use a lifeline please. Presenter: Ok, here is your first lifeline, the sound of the animal. (Sound plays) Contestant 2: Ive got it, its my neighbour... Contestant 1: Be quiet! Presenter: Is that your final answer? Contestant 1: No. We think its a greyhound. (Stick figure animation plays for correct answer) Presenter: Correct answer, now for the second question. (Theme music plays) Presenter: Question 2. What types of animals are included in the book The Sheep Pig? The answer may be a group of animals. (Long pause as clock ticks) Contestant 1: May we use another lifeline? Presenter: Of course. Your second lifeline will be the first word in the name of the animal or animals. (Sound of voice saying Farm) Contestant 1: Farm animals. (Stick figure animation plays for correct answer) Presenter: I will accept your answer. (Theme music plays) Presenter: Well done, youre half way. Question 3. What African mammal is in the book Wild at Heart. The animal is part of the cat family.

Contestant 2: Its my Mum; shes as rabid as a drunk horse. Contestant 1: (While stick figure animation plays for incorrect answer) No, you fool. I knew I shouldnt have let you in that pub before the show. Presenter: As you know, a wrong answer affects your prize money and so your 10000 is going down to 5000. Unlucky chaps. Contestant 1: (Mouthing while beeping goes over track) You #@*. Presenter: As you know, the rules clearly state that swearing enquires a penalty and so your 5000 is going down to 2500. Contestant 1: Thats it Im leaving. (Contestant 1 walks of the stage) Presenter: As you know, Je Vans, your partner leaving you means your prize money is doubled and so your 2500 is going up to 5000. Contestant 2: (boringly) Yay. (Theme music plays) Presenter: Now for round 4, the final. (Tense music starts playing) Presenter: If you get this question right, you leave with double your current money but if you get it wrong, you go home with nothing. The other option is to leave now with the money you have. What will you do? Contestant 2: Im staying mate. Presenter: Okay, for your final question and 10000. What is the main animal in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? Hang on, this is way too easy! Who writes this rubbish? Contestant 2: Is it the Witch? (Sound of wind blowing through stage and no other sound, Presenters jaw drops open) Presenter: (quietly) Um...thats the wrong answer. Contestant 2: What! Presenter: (quietly) Im afraid the answer was the Lion. Contestant 2: Oh. (Film fades away with music for wrong answer)

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