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High School Life

Volume Harbor Springs, Mich., March IS, 1922 Number 2 1
Now a L i v i ng H i story
Criti cs ha ve placed Mauri.ce Tuor-
neur'<s new pi cture, "The Last of the
Mohi cans,'' by J. Coo-per,
tn a new categ-ory of film PI'oduot iorus.
H is call ed 1:1. permaneiLt
w.hi dh means tha<t it will live
when the o-rdinary ent ertainment
filrru has pas<sed o n-. Thi s is for se-
vera l r en,sons, th e first being that
'l1ourneur proved h e -could make an
absiOrlbin,g entim,t a inment out of Coop-
er'<s famous story, a nd that at the
PB-m e time pl'eserve the histo-ri cal
and educational values. The Semm
class o-ffers hils extravag1ant pr-oduction
Ma1ah 21, eight o'cJ.oak p_ mo. The-a.d
mission will be 25 cents fo.r adults
a nd 15 cent s f.or children under 12.
" The Last olf the Mohi-can' s" is a
story tJoo well known to need r epeti-
tion, bu<t the sweet love tale, with/ the
humor and thrills and exciting
nuomen ts, is one t111-at cause every
bell older to gasp- then la;ugh, <then
gu lp- for it is int ensely .h:umar", in-
t ensely real, and r e-plete with hi sto-ri-
rIJ.l events that thrill.
All the ability a nd knowle dge o f the
Tourneur hJaJG , in t o t hi s pro-
duction, whkh a::; hi s first
thr-ou,g.h the new Associ at ed Produc-
er s of whi ch be is a me:::aber with
'nhomas H. Ince, AHJ,n Dawn , IMar-
s!mll Neil an, Ma-ck Sennett, George
Loane Tucl,er and J. Pa r ker Read, Jr.
An all -le!J,d cas t, especially selected
by Tourneur, in thi s story.
The sl:!enic backgr ounds .ar e exqui.s"
ite in t heir ru gged
A pr(tgram committ et' which was
niJl,pointed hy Mns .. BIJ ,il ey some time
3-go, met in the libt'a-r y last Tuesday
to decide upon the WIOT'k of t he Girl
S.couts for the r-est of -the year. It
was d eci'decl that they would finish
the 1work on f irst a id, d evote one
meetip,g to nature s tudy and other s
to ,hiJ(es an d .beiaiCb .pa rti es.-Nonn a
-pli ss.
The locwl ora-to-rical and ti oclan::oa-
tory oonte-sts took place or.. Thurs day
evenitrtg tn the high ISICihool -auditio-I-
ium. The six contest:la111ts chosen kom
t he preltiminary decl-amatory 00011test
again c-ot1'Jpeted, a,l1!d lfit1St', second,
and thjrd pl aces wer e giv-en to Lavina.
Caskey, wlho delivered "The Death Oof
Ro bespi erre," Ollie BwokiUSI, "A Mes
&a<ge Vo a11'CJ Frar11ces- Wood-
ruff, "One Niche the Highest."
There wel'e contestants in the
oratorical cont est. The winning oPa-
IJio,ns were: firstt, "And a Littl e Child
.Shall Lellid Them," by '1\ianguerit'e
Bwclms; <second, "'L'he Man-
dat e," by Ruth Garver; a-rud third,
"Prison by LeJi.a Wla'l'd. The
or a tions we1e submitted to Rev. Mr.
C<> low, Rev. Mr. Carl son and Mr.
Henry Swi1lt f.or judgemerut on thought
and while M1s-. Faye Er-
wJin , of Ha.rhor S'])rings., H. C. Spitler,
princiJYal of Petoskey h',gh s oluo-ol, an-d
A. H. WaJShburn, -c-ounty commission-
er .of schools , from P-etosikey, act ed as
JUdg-es for the of orwtio-ns as
well as decl111mwtion_s.
The winnens otf the fiirst three pJ,aces
of both -cont es1t s ar e to be wwa rded
Mar1gmerite Bwclms land La-
vina Caskiey wiJ l enter the sub-distri ct
contest, will -ocour within a
.lw:mth.- a Jud-d.
Th1ee new mem>bens we re ta.ken in
at the last meeti11tg -of the .scoutls. Lynn
War-d, F loyrl Backus and Raymo-nd
'Dhe PI'Ogram for -the track rr.-eet,
wii l aJY:JElJII' i n th e next is-s-ue.
vV:reaths or SJlnil e9 and bwndl es of
rcn .mction perva ded the .!Jig.h school
wh en t!1e group pictiues for
t he Anmml wer e taken.
"Let us have faith that right
1right; and tl1at faith , let us dar e fo
d.o om duty as we und ers ta nd it."- -
HIGH SCHOOL L I FE The book, ''Who's Who in Ameri-
Pu'blished week-ly by the Harbor ca.'' nrumes twenty-eight! men out of
High School. our liter rury faculty Ial one. Of these,
twenty<s1ix are the author s of several
hoo-ks each, nine .hol d honorary de-
g.r ees ,from Eluro;pean Universities,
anld eJ,ev en Jar e graduabes 011' the Uni-
versity of Twelve -of the
twenty-ei1ght ar e i n. our Language De-
partmffilt, tour in History, two in Rhe-
tori c, and four in P.hiilOs<;y. It i s
Sulbscription prke, 50c rper year .
Chester E. Cl ark ___ _ Editor-in-chief
Earl DeLaVengne Assistan.t Editor
Ch'a.rles Beokon Assistant Edi tor
Robert Armstrong Athl etic E ditor
Robert Kniesley __ Business Manager:
Curtis Leece Joke l<..ditor
haTd to ISaY h01w rnnny out of all our
* * * * * * .. * ;jjaJcul ty a1'e list ed in tJhts 'book but
* OUR ALUMNI AT MICHI GAN car eful estimates place th!3 number
* * * * , be(lween e; ghity and one hundred.
The faculty o-f the U niver sity of
l\Hcll i gan c on,sists Olf between tbree
and four hun<ked pr'ofess-ors, assis-
professons1, 1and instructors.
The . majority o f these moen became
noted in tJheir va;rioUJS l ines before
they \vter e hired by t-he University.
WeJ s-tude.runs 1w:ho oome into da<iJJy
contaot with so many of them, littl e
r ealize hCiw much they are influ enc-
jms u&, and how muK:h we ar e profit-
i ng by i t. But, a g:-e3ft 11r.tany of them
a! e doirug nlUich, mo1 e than just teach-
i nlg das&es. Tn1 ey ar e oorudu.c.ti111g e -
periments, w;riling boolre, and doing
research work; thus se11Wirug all ma. .. -
kind inSite!Jid o f just we .srtl.idents.
Cotteill, in his book , " .A,me.ri1can .1\'l en
of Sci ence," i ncludes of
ou-r faoul ty men amon:g .hliis t housand
gr eatest of t he U inted States. The
floHowi111g aTe just a f ew of the trwenty-
e'>g'ht. Prof esS'<l!r S. L . Btglowe, o-f the
Chemistry DepaJlbmen,t , who hJa.s done
gr ea:t .r esearch in CataJy,s.ts and poolar-
i r-rutioon w i t h 11ow vo.Jtages; Ja'1so, of the
s-ame d-ep-artmemt, Pr -of esso11 Gon1ber g,
wlho holds t he N i chols 1Med-al for 19-
14. Two Ps.Y'chol ogi sts ar e menti.oneJd :
Pr-ofes.sor vV. B. Pli ll sbwy, noted f o:
hi s wot' k in the study of attent i on and
f atig.u e i-n serus-ory ,p110C'; :ami
Prof essor G. ,M. W\hi.ppJe, for work in
educruti onall Psychology. U you stu-
dent s of Hatbor Springs High 'Schoo l
ha;v e -not al'fle-atdy 'herurd of Professo-r
vVhi i>Pi e's Me111tal 'fiest.s, you m!lY r est
a.ssured Lhat you .will l earn much
about t:hem in 1the .near future. The
medi cal! school it.=: r el))lresented by
Dean E mirtus V i ctor C. Vaughn, who
i s now in vViJs-h ingt-on, D. C. writing
some book s for the U. S. Gov em .rr .. ent
on t he -cont1ol of dis-eas cJ;uring t'he
war, and by Dr. A . S. War -t hin, of .._ "
t ho l ogy.
I c!1 nnot bgin to tell you a!bo-ut all
of t hese men, but must be sati sfi ecl
mer el y menti-onil1!g jusu a f e1w.
Professor Robert \VnUey is consicl-
nr ed. lby some as one of the three
greates't Plhil osopheJ s of the worJd.
H e i s a man wit h an en extra;orcFnar-
il y k o:n intiell ecti tand a po.werful
mi nd. H e helds hono:ary deC>r ee-s from
Univensitie3 a ll over t be wo rld ' and
has wri tt en a number of books Dean
Oool ey, o,f t h e Engineering Coll'ege.
wa1s a member of the U . S Sh'pping
E'oa,rd d.uring the WIJr, and i s now
t1r 1'l den t of t he " F' e:l eM ed Engineer -
Soci ety of A Iweir .a.' Dr . J . S.
o f Poli ti:cal Science ,is an :J u-
o.n International L ww. H e wa:,
call ed to \ Vm;:1hington, during the re-
cent Arrn,s ConferPnce, to IJidvi s J U. S.
r f'fici al s. and whil e there delrver ed a
of l eoNur,e& t'o t he 'WiJr College.
Van 'l'yne, of histor :9' hws
wr itten a nuilnber -of hook s and iJS at
present in India making invesHga-
t i o-ns for the Ind-ian Gov-ernment' upon
he will wri-te 13 book, after hi:s
r etur n to Ann. A1bo-r. Professor Ho-bbs,
one of othe worJ.d's gr eatest GeoJ.og-
gi e:ts, Ls at present compl et i n:g hils' re-
seanch 1trtp amound ltJh e w'otld with a
f ew nLo.ntbs 1s1top at University of HDJ-
land. The purpose of :h ns. trnp has been
to altt emptl to pTov e hi s theor y or t he
of the mom1n.<trns.
Docto r Carl Huber, a Hi sto-
l c-'5i st , in -c.har ge our Anatomy La.b-
or rut ori es, has done much r esear,c.h
wor k in t he r e-gP11 er at;1on .of ner v es.
Dr . Novy, a BaJcLeri oll ogi::>t , W 3 S the
first maJn who gr ew the .pl rug:ue organ-
i sm. H e was sent by the Gov ermr.oem.
in 1891, to Ca.lilfo.rni a to i nvesti gate
cwllJses -of the plague. Profess-or Thom-
a! C. Trueblo-od, of Or ator y, w hom
you have h 'ar d at Harbor Springs, i &
( contj nued on pa,ge 4, eel. ;! )
Summar y
Harbor Spri ngs {26) C.harle<v:oix {14)
!' IRF Mayne
AT CHARLEVOrA Zu'ber C Nortdrum
F irst Harbor - Victory on That Floor
f or Years
L ucas-Wi-l cox R G Todd
Kniesl ey LIG Shanwhan-A!ckert
Goll!ls-: Harbor Spring&--,Mar-
tinldale 2; Woodt"'..ff 4; Zuber 5; Knies-
I ey 1.
Lruslt Friday evening, t he l ocal q't1in- Filetld Goal s: Oh!ajrl eviox-M-arshall
tlet broke bhe of wlhi c'h 3;Nordrum; 1; .A!ck ert
hrus hung over her in h er g-ames 1a.t Free Throws: Marti.ndal e 2; Mayne_
that onty ,fo,r :the p-ast n;UJJwber of 2.
yeal' S, -by t aldng 'tlhe big end of a .ltl
- 14 count.
'Dhe quick a111d .r epeat ed fliJJshes of
bri.ght o.r aru1;1e o f t h.e visit or's nefW
j seem ed to d.aze the oppo.sing
boys, and to quell t h eir usual speed
on tJheir if!,oor.
'nhe taNy wll!s stll!I'ted in bhe first
minu.; e -of when Kni e,s,l ey worked
hi s way to bhe !black line a'I!Jd drop-
ped a ,basket C:ha!'l evoix ISICOTed, then
Habor agiJ1in. From tJhat time, the
vi si t ors r etai ned th e l e-ad th-Toughout
the fray.
Lucas was injured ar.ter five m i n-
u t es .of 1pliJ.Y rund wa.s for,oed to r etire.
WHcox ente'J' ed the game and p-l ayed
1ike a v et eran 'lmUil tbe final whi.stle.
As the close of tJhe ha-ld' n ear ed our
boy s sl owed up 11.. litt le arud loaned the
l;rull utJs mast ers 1UJJtil Martindal e,
scent ing t l!Je whist'l e, .hustl e!(] 'the
fl'om the middl e of the floor over the
l ow -bean.nis1 ,for tihe :prettiest bask et of
Vhe eveni ng. A1t t he i-nte rmi ssi on , the
scoPe stood 9- 6 ,for H. S. H. S.
'l'lue peri od of Jjlay was
mil rk ed hy in,cterused v iJgor lby -both
t eams. H arbor initiat ed Charl evoix'
basket with f r om tihe
!fi el d 'bef or e t he ot11er& fo und ours.
vVoodrul'f and Zuber demonstmted
fine. skill 11.t bask et t oSISin,g during t his
each cr ec!Ming H a1bor with four
fi el cl thJI'OWIS.
Tihe sulp])O!'ter s o.f the Omnge and
'B'l ruok cxh.i,bited rper;hrups t11 ei1 best
.pl aying of t he sea;son . Their w o1k in
r ecov eTin:g, and tea:m work
i n ,gener al l'anked t hem as !s-uperior
bot h on cl ef en Ele arud tJhe offense.
It woulid be <diffi,cu,Jt to di scriminat'e
as to the s-t ar o.f t he game. A ll of our
f 01lows did exceLJ en t w-ork \a.nd de-
"u:ve the .sup1port o f t h e town fo1 t he
f8' w r etwaining .ga.mes .
Su-bts1t i t ut:ions : WiLcox for
Ack ertJ .for ShanJalhan.
Lucas ;
P.efer ee: Gibbs fr-om East Joraa-u..
N ewcomb t eams hlave .been organ-
i zed ia the various .grades with wayne
PerTy captain of the tourth ,grade
t'eam; K em:lial1l Grimes, of t he fiftlh
g r!Jd e; F l oyd Lane, of the siXIth grade
and L el and Wright, of the seventh
gr rud1e. will be schedul ed rus1
soo!I1 llls tJime can be ,given il!l the gym.
A v e.ry exd tirug grume Olf 'lll::tsketJball
was pl ayed last Monday ntght be-
tw-een th.e sev enth and ei ght h .grade
The !li g:hth gn:vde t eam ha1s been
vilctori ous ENery game this seaso:n,
the sc-ore fo r t his l ast gamoe .,being

On l a st Monday eveni ng Mr. 1\'lon-
traVJi lle Wvod 1g<Ye 1his s'Ci eutifi,c l ec-
ture to :am enthusii'IJsitli-c but sn;all au-
d,jen ce. H e explained a'J1id demonstrat-
ed seJver al o f Ibi s ma ny w cr1 derful in-
ventions. Ohtef among tJhese weJ'e the
gy;r oscope, t he -ulft r a-V'iol et .ray, t he
s-ound r ecor,der and hel ium, the use of
which lhe d emonstrated.
M1r. w .oo.d enwhAsfized the f act tha<t
great -t:Jh i ngs ,hoave 1heen dorue in the
sci-e111ti fi.c wol'ld but 1things are
still to 'be done. H e stat ed his faith
t11rut hellliiUim will s=etilll1e be used
on the walLs off rth e .home l ight the
house; t hat the :sound r ecOJ,der wi ll
be an 1a.bsolu1t e burglar .proof as well
a,s uselful many other ways; that
dhe wrus,ted Hg;ht of tlhe day will 1be
sto1'ed up and ut ili zed rut nig ht, and
rr _pmy other advancement s will soon
taJke p l ruce.
E v ery r eceptive pensJOn presemt- l eft
t he 'bui l ding mu1ch more informe:d con-
cerning sci ence t han when n1-e elllter ed.
' .
School Activities
The Sop,homores enjoyed a most
deltightliul at the home Of L ester
Stan,ton, Satmrday .night, M,a1ch 11.
Mr. and Mr,s. deserve much
cr edit fo.r l etting the Sophomores, a
r noisy 'bttnoh, spend the even-
ing at lthetr !home.
They_ enj oyed tihe r i de hoth goi ng
and coming. '.Dhey songs both
ways under th1e l ead of Mr. .f<'ranK
Bail ey.
T'he ev ening wra.s s,pent in playing
.games in whi oh " t i ntiln" and '',bl ack
magi-c" seemed to tbe t he m osrt popu-
l ar.
At 11:45 w e all depjJrrted, tired but
'l' he 9:05 tCl ass in anthnuet i c; 8 are
writing them es on differ ent phase of
The Engli sh 8 had a v ery in
tler estilu.g d ebate on the ques.non: Re
sol v ed-".MI Immigr a.tion Should be
Cl o:lttdt :tor a Peri od of T en Year s."
for t!;e affi rmative w er e
liJarl Jui ll er et, R ex PlJrk s and Hunter
Judd; for the negative, J ames Mit
chelil, KmI C.atob an,d Kenneth Pi fer.
The desi siu n w as in f avor or t he ne-
.g;3.t ive.
The firft,h grader s have been maki ng
111\; ,ps or Eur01)e, ptlt t i ng in the
tri es as they a;e since the war.
The fifth gmde suppl err.-ented the
sbudy otf the Isl es .by th Jan-
. tern tSii'de-s rMonday rr,.orning.
T he spell ing cont est between t:11e
gPades in the l arge building dosed
AN in the town wer e hard t o
snore the very best.
A steamer l arge and e-l egant, with
rich and lordl y cr ew,
U t nd ed mt the village dock- an er -
rand t hey must do,
The. ca,ptain saw a man who
sn with wondroiiJS skill,
And, as h is bed W131S i n a tu.b he' d
amcho.r'ed nea,1 the S'hi!P,
The oapta,in called to lt;:m to come
and hear hinu use his lip.
Whil's,t the st eWtaa d rSipread t he news
.a wondl' wil l.
"Ltst to me, my sl eepy ma-n, and see
why we ar e h er e;
W e have a f l eet of v essels thra,t
wait on w at ens near.
We' r e sent her e by a millioniar e
whose will i s reo3Jd like t hi s:
'\ Vhat e'er they wamt, you tell my
son and he will give them it,
fo1 ever yo ne if WJi,shes
they submit.
I like the p eopl e in the town and
cr ave thei r per1'ect b!i &s.' "
But soon the ste,ward did r eturn with
t.hi.s as hi s r epor t:
"Of lHe -I did not see or hear a s.ign
of any sort,
Except t he loud rund haunt ed ,s.nores
that cam e from every way.''
And, as the shirp put out to seo:J.>, tlHI
man r eturned to sl eep,
Resolved, as l ong as h e could snore,
t he secr et he woul d Keep,
And nat-ry one heard ought of it ' t ill
.vou hear it t oday.
(Sel ect ed f r-om contri,butions for E lt.g
Ji h 12 CllatSS)

FYrl ay ni-ght w:th t he mon bhl y la,vera- OUR ALUMNI AT MICH I GAN
ges as tioll ows:
Sev enth 99. 23%
( continued from ,pa,ge 2)
FouPth grade 99.07% one of the most ruoted t eacher s or
Vi Eth ,n:" rurl e 98.85% Pu,(}l' c Spea;ki n,g in the U nited Slates.
Gta.dirng room 97.89% He nizecl the "Northern Or artori-
Si x th grade 97.80% ca l L ea1gue," the"Midwest Debating
The contest h as cauRec! gr63.t t x- L eague," and t he " Cenbr al Debating
ci tement rus well a::; a n ew i nterest in L ea,gu e.'' H e is a nliJn of splendi<l ,
spel ling. inspirational chal'rucrter and a cl oore
fr ' encl to a:l l .hi s st'lt dents.
'J'he t<nvn of' H at' bor l ay as st.iH
nR coul d he,
A nd n arry -once a soul ther e moved
J go on, indefinitel y; telling
you mor e \3bout tJhese ,gperut men and
thr.i r i ev.c- meJ1t s, IJmt H i s en ough
i'E l can just give you an idea of the
thnt t' ln,vone coPld see, ,_ !a1SG1 of men rwho a r e conducti ng the
'J'he summer month s hnd passed' away Comses On rthi s oamp,us. None o>f us
t,h fl peopl e w er e at Jest,
'l'hfl l oafer s l oungetd upon the r3ttool s
' n ve" v publi c pl ace,
And ne'er 13, 'b-o{! y i11 t he school had
thought s upon the face;
c.a.n begin t o r-eali ze t he
i nfluen ce thi lt a 'hody of men of thi s
.si r.e. and cali br,e, upon lhe dev el -
orpmemt and enlightenmenfl of t he
world as a w,htol e.- K endall L amkin.

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