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High School Life

Volume Harbor Springs, Mich, April 19, 1922 Number 25

1Mr. Willla:m Rainey Bennett aJp-
J)ei2Jred on the local :lyceum ,oourse
la;st Monday evening in the place or
M;r. Sidney Landon, Uterary imper-
oonrutor, w,ho was .unable llo come. One or the greatest schoolf eve nils
We shc.uld oonsider ourselves ex- , in will take place in the very
tremely 1fortunate in having the L3 ' near fut\}re. The Cbass of 1922, ll"
ceum Assodation send. us thi1S1 spaaik- s.iring to ' lay the crowning fea;ture ()It
er. He is a..nlJ(in.g tb.e well known this sc:hOOl t erm and of their High
Americans :listed in' "W1ho'.s Who in School Course, a re preparing .tor , the
A:merie.a." He is one of the great!& ... greatest event in the hi.Sitory of Bar-
dramatic: orators of today. bor Springs the form; of a box.: so,
Mr. Bennett did not preach to his oIJ'l. to take pla;ce at the High School

. used 1111 method whic.. Gym, April 2.8 But it will not be
rNtde wha t fie said ,s,ink deeper 't han ju,st a 'box social. T:hat is on'lY
ttle str.rfU:ce. H e w:as !.ntlensely in- snoke in the wheel. During one part
temesting, humorous, dramatic and of the evening, sideo-shows wtll be in
with a wonde1;ful electrifying .person- the for egfu(und, and, Olf great inter-
e,lity. est to both old and young, the work
It was a much more thougMfu:I, in- r.f t he sch{)()l! studient'SI from the Kin-
aJtd jllletermillled' crow.d tJhat de1garten thru the Seniors of this
!el't t he auditorium th:m that t!hat en year. Besides a ll these, other things,
tered. Thiere has undoubtledly 'b-een r easoDIS' cannot he
many dorma!lt minds 1a;wakened by melitl!o ned ibut will be of iu.ter-
lli s dyna mic enthusi asm and 'broad in- est 1to old a'llu young, wm take place.
t e!ligence. Now for the eats! All or the Ht
A " " y brief s nmrr.-ar y of ])arts v. dies in age from nine to ninety are
his, Jf'ct.ure could be stated as follows: r eques ted to bring well fnl ed boxes.
"ForgF-t the past. Go home with .th., A very compe,tent and noted auction-
dete"mir.l !ltion to be first in some ee .. will sell f.lhe boxes to the highe st
thing Capit>1li ze your bidder. Harbor ,Springs is noted for
T'he world needs you. Do your best its swell cook.s, so men, come pre-
" nu . ean." , ,, ,. Tf von wa.nt good eats, a nd
.:Mr. Bennebt very generously g1ve "'h wr'l be many ladies,
two additional 'talks on Tuesday lot_s of it., now j,o l>he time ' to get it.
morri --, onebefore 11>11 the studentJs o so , it will be fifty-ffty as tJo which
the h' -11 school aiJrl .part of the gra.des
"' "lOSt impDrtant-the !a-
and n e before the high school 'bOY!!! dies of the 'boxes. In connection wltJh
the " "me Clean" camJ)aign, the eats, there will 'be various drinks
tJhe ( . y ' club is now launching. ' 1nd ice cr eam, candy and p.op corn.
'rh 'l lc.pic of hi; talk to the high tbe wcial, the Seniors
scho q.nd grades Wla:s "The Train- wll give a program o! m'llsic, read-
ing Tal\Ye. " He showed the simila r- ings a nd speeches by individuals, :both
ity of rulesr one must follow in or- in and out of school, which every
cl19r to vi.n IS.ttccess' in Ji,fe to the ru'les patriotiC and education" HialfDu
one :mns1t follow to becorr.oe a rea;! ite &hould hea11 and see. This pro-
athlete "Tn order to win the game vo gram will lbe given not only for en-
morrow. YOU must do without some- t ertainment, whkh wil'l play an 1m-
things' tl'l -:li:J,y. Be ready for the race .portant parlt, but 1a1lso, for the _pur-
- lay aside a ll handiCaJ)S,'' and he PQSe _ Of Stli'ffi1].]ating Jhe interest or
enumerated arr.'<mg the handicaps to the parents In sChool activllties and
the race; the things thiail t ear down in the work of the studenbsl .and or
one's strength, moral, 'and bringing father and son, mother and
mental. daughter in!to !ill 'Cloiier and !friendli er
( continued on J)age' 4 col. 2) r ela tionship.
* * *

* * -
Pub!i s1hed weekly by t he Har bor *
Spr.ingiSI High School.
- *
... . .. . ..
Ehllbscription pd ce, 50c per year.
Chester .E. Cla rk ___ _ l<> rt Jtoi-inchiet . OF THE UN IVERSITY
Earl DeLaVergne Assistan t E ditor
Cltarl es Beckon Assis tant E di tor
The ' gre'-l!ter plart of IUS forget t!hat
Robert KriiesJ. ey __ Business Manager. the of Mich.Lgan is a 00.
Curti s Leece J1oke Editor.
The Bi-Y club is waging a "Come
Glean'.' campaign this week. Those
who accept the foll owing pledge art:
blue bu ttons1: "I p1ledg.e to
make a n incl'eil!Sed effor t to 1ive my
!Dtle cl ean a nd accept my standards,
the four C's."
1.----<Clean Speech
2.----Diean Scholars'hip
3.-C'leum Athletics
4.-Clean . Living
The following lil tle poem by M D.
Cracklell embodies the spirit which in-
.cites this CJampaign:
.educ.ation11d coll".e,ge, anrl when we
think of our U'nivemd!ty . we it
w'itll :Eootball or -son:.oe other mascru-
chlaracrter.istic. Such thbughts
a1re quite ,nlarrow, im:l>eed, for if we
shoulld visit <that ' .insl)itutlion, we 'would
find a .greiliter network of wOOn.en's
'\V'hidh iii:Eluence every phose
at tlhe -co.Ji ege life.
To aid fue new.comer, to unite the
women SltUdent lbo'dy and to govern
the soci:!rl rus we]i] las physidal welfare
of the girl s trudents, .is 'the function of
l he WJ6men1's 1Lerugue. This organi!
is under control ' of 1the com-
bined lia!culty and women stJudent
body. It pr.ov.iJdes for social .gather -
ings of the girls, and governs tlhe ..
condiuCJt 'by the 1system or ltu!-
es. At the present ttme t'he women
" COME CLEAN" si!Jud.ents at are carrying on
the game is on and your a .great campa1ign in order ' to mist.
fri ends about, suffaient means :lbr the oonsltlruction
And you could put your rival out, c' a Lengue Hou se simtlar to the
By a trick thrutJ'.s mean, but wouldn't Unio n fol\ men . The
_'be seen; for this ne w building al'e al ready
Come Clt:Bm, my lad, Come Clean! qu!itle compHe1te.
When exam'S are called and you wa;n! As1ide from the Women's Lei31gue,
to pass, there are a grerut :many smaller and
And you know how you could lead more exdusive societies. There are
your class, clubs and somriUes wh-tc h include
But the plan's not square-you knvn girLSJ .taking every kind of coll ege
it's ,-llllean; tra ining. ISorll!e of these crgauizwtions
Come Clean , my lad, Come Olean! are lfor schol3JS.tic purposes only and
With the boss away you've a chance have cr edlenti-al requirements for
tb shirk, mem;ber shi p. Others a r e pureiJY so-
N'9t lose your pay-not have to work, cia!.
He'll neither fire you nor vent his It is a eommendab1le tact .thlatt
Spll<e-eu; , Mi-chigan hlas women students. in
Come , my: lad, Oome Olean ! . nearly every college on the campus.
w:heu . you're wll a,.lone with . no one . The greater' majority, oil' course, arb
a1bout, Hterwry 1studens. 1bu.t we fi'nd m!anY
And. not a soul would find ft out, , who choose to <take
Y 1Jempted to do a thing th.aJt's i'DI tlhe !Medical!, Pharm,aeal,
m.ean ; Ar' chitectwral, ;an1d Enginee.ring.
Come -Gleufll, my lad, Oome Olean! Most .thesoe coll eges offer courses
For a h ome awaits, a n;i a girl that's e&peci1aUry des'i'Ihlb'le to too wome n
, student !SUCh as the . COUrse o-f-
. ,- And a Church and State h,arve. ne1ed of :l'erled to women 1ta'king Denti stry,
you, , which gjives them a good training a s
._ must have your best-on you a 'Dental Nurse. !Also thene is a .pro-.
. ..:.""they l ean; . gram .offered lby the
Corne Cleam, my lad, Gome Olean! (continued e n page 3 2)
-..: ,, / .
" I .
' ' '
J ohamlll Sebastian Biach was. born at
Ei-senach, Germany, 1i n 1685. He
canie .of a Thuri ngian frumily which
presented 1a remarkab!e v..
the o-f heredity, Hi-s :f'a,the.r
was a violin in tfue town lband
a nd t aught the !hoy on this instrument
until W31S> t en year.s old.
Aft er h1is f\J 'ther's d.ealbh in 1'695, :::>e-
l-oc. >,io-n Jived wi th 'l,is elder bro ther,
Joha nn Christoph, an organist in the
littl e town of Ohr'd'uf. This b!'other
V.1. ught him the 'Claridroro but was
move-d to j-ealousy by Se bastia-n's riap-
i:l p-;ogress.
As Bach is the greatest compose>r
also w;em known . a nd appreciat-
Shum1.n wro-te :o 1f Bb.tch: "M usdc
o-wes to BtJch almost as great a debt!
as 'el'gion owes , to. its
Clar1k e.
(;continued 1fro.m pruge 2 coL 2)
School .for wo-men who desire . to ,ta:k e

Eve1rywher-e on the campus, we 3Jre
surpri.sed .to tii.nd Witlh what polite-
nass and 'courtesy llie women stu-
dents- (who aJ!'e grea tly orutnumbered)
al'e treated, :and with whj1b
and strength they "ho.ld 1their "own"
in the social. la,cademic, religio us, a nd
pha;ses of eoUege Ufe.
I1f llhe young women o.f our country
of ong:>n musdc a,nd o!:!e of i.ts great- are las va!bl e to the nalbion as the
est maste r ' in playing, it is of in-
t e : : st note thiJt his sel'iOUIS .study
olf it be;an at Luneburg under Geor.g;e
e on Path's eagerness and in-
t ense interest in hi & art lis shown .in
young men, why should they not re-
ceive some of the lbenefi.ts of a high-
er education? And if they should, let
ws' think of \the University of Michi-
gJ.n as one of the best pllaces to' r e-
H 3 .v . , us.nes1s to walk one hundred ceiv e thr., t t' Doty
r:. to stiudy for ,a_ short time
. , 1 .1 m .us Buxtehude.
Tn ! ' tto'ber, 1707, he ma rried- his
- cousi n Ma:ri a Barabara, whose 1latll- T" e ri :izens C'f the States
"hould be wiilling to help the foreign-
er w: ' an -o. ; of note. To thJis ers. They .should remember tJrat i n
L!c.-.c.n . vel ve were born a nd
l , a ' Jn c1 wife, e' ght Chi ldren, mak-
, . S0 '1 S a'fl daught c!' s num-
., ' r, ai .mc:-t a:J nf whom -we._

Tn : :3 . B'1Ch !'eeeived his h l1ghest
as Ohoilr rr.i.l.ster (o:r CThnt or)
, ,,[ ch _ .10ol of St Thomas, 1in Leip-
7i . mi :s h t sound easy
l: :Jt oi :: vh .t was not. He was cut,
s :J?:Jt! . .Aning h: . o oppos: ti on with
t-110 t .' n aut1ho:1it:es who refused to
r ecog
pi :. c ...
m: d e
his g.reatness, J31tllo !peo-
f om m;Jes u.ound to SvLl'dy
e rg;Jeat ffiias:-,er.
T' ,.. hecarn'l total'J.y blind. a n
which lasted until[ tJen d.aY,s
',w f.Oil . i ,; d c.atJh whe-n his eyesight
s ..Idrle n!y r esto.r ed for- a short
t ime. r. h (l'ied on July '28, 1750.
. en a1ces:tors were for
eigners. 'Ve should try, to :under-
stand bhem, their and th!lir
ways. l'f we are around foreignm., ,
we .should not swear because they
lfarn ib :md d o not think anything
albout it. vVe shou ld 1be willing to
h el!p their i .n .. . . t ... hve_. ir.: l:oBvc hu vOvOl ./
become good citiz1tns ; they shou'Id '
work, be intJe1ested, ducate their
children and themselves a lso if PU$r
s :ble. They s-hould not come here
wi th the idea thwt .they a r e gol11"'
": E;+ 1. b r-gll amount of m,oney a nd
chen go back and spend it a ll. We
' ns are -in P
now, b_ecause WE) hJave the
problem of where to put the foreign-
er s, :what to do with them, and how'. to
educwte Ca:tob.
Th; . 'We' l-tempeed Clar ichord,"
wd' \) n i r his wif-e, is one of his
best kiw n studi es and is 'consildereu .Bond - ".What do you know
iu!. 1Jo a .pil3n01ist' s ed- cel!.s?
U" :>t.'nn -he. a nd PTeludes XYZ-:"Ncot . very si!'.
written , for hi s wHe, is one of hi s only two:: ...
'l'wo Of the best known are "Fla;ntas- Sehona. r.-" Do you car-e mnch :for
ia ... or "F'ugue in G . ,MJinor'' laIl!d "E Hlarr1,let?' ' 1
Flat" o-- "St. Ann' s Fugue." His Stude.nt-"No, l et's . .pork -and
Suites L::: h Engli sh and F'r ench a r e beans.' '
* * * * * *
* *
* (continued !rom :page 1 ool. 1)
* * '.I
* . *
Activities . .
* * * * *
* "It's going to tbe a fighU to a fin-
* ish,' : he continued, "but we can w
Robert Arrnsrtrong, Miss Dewey a1iu
Helen Wilcox are on t!)le sick list.
The tslchool sincere,Iy wishes d'or their
speedy r ecovery.
The Juni.or--Senior !Ja.nquet is )n
its way-IS'O say the Juniors.
The hot lunch es wm. be f$erve,d
again :begtnning April 17. All owing
for lunches 1}11ease .pay a;t once
I wish to thank the rnemben or
the Sophomre Clas.s very much for
the fl.owers .sent me during mY iJtl-
ness.-Dorothy Henderson.
'l' hoe iFifth Grad'e haNe purchnsed
!Jhe ' pic:ture " Galla had/' for their
The. have had their sec ond
contest . in speiHing rthts last month.
The monthly laV.era.ges for the grades
as foHows:
Sixjjh Grade
F1i Gr.a.doe
Seventh Grode
Gr81ding Room
S'Bcond gradei"IS having been neither
absent nor tt!ardy for the fast month
a're: ,
Marion Armstrong
Betlty Pi-fer
Lou-ise Schwerdbfeger
Kenneth Caskey
Josephine Bester
Fro:nces F11eshmlan
Cilfford House
Betty Graha m
Cad:herine Roe
DdJ'othy Eartung
John M-elching
The "'Orong-e and BJ.ack" is nearly
ready to go rto the printer s a nd the.
rrelatliVIe arr.ount to <be <>old must .
know;n. J.f you have not ordered .it,
do so immed.ilait ely or you C/alnnot . 'be
ce-rtain or a copy of t he rbest school
an.nual' rpublldshed in Harbor Springs.
All we astk of you is th8Jt you give
your name and a QUI:t:rter to one
the girls in c ha rge, F ra nces Linehan
or FroiJJCes Cook, in return, they will
give you a, Teceipt, which irsl to lbe pre-
sentbedf with t<the res<t of the money
($1) when the a nn'\].als are s old . . :
Hiatild: your !ru'bscription in immed1-
Jt',s up to us."
In his taJtk to the boys, he
sized the imporjjance of having a hero.
Hie euJ.oglzed Theodore RooseveJt ana
MaJrion LeRoy 'Bu'r1j'on, and r ecom.
moo-ded them for tboy.s' heroes.
' He stated the imtportance Df break
!ng away from those na tural' t enden-
cies which 13t!'e forei-gn to the highest
type of <Civilization and rise to
become the admired ma n who is mas-
t er over hits passions.
The school oannotJ be anything but
thankfu'l to 1Mr. Bennett .for his Iiber-
a.Iity in to us his time which
.surely is of much va.Jue to him aI1u
t.o the country. I]Jtj is per t ain that
the opinion of the people, or, t'he school
and the town is that Mr. Wi'lliam
Ra iney Bennetit is glving the world
something o f inestimaJbEe value in his
Iecture3 tbecause he is .oontributing
toward the tadvancement ,of mankinr!.
Amr<r"icr.t'ts' g"l'eatest c!i ti z-en .is -the
one who helps his country an-1 is al-
ways inter ested in America, who al-
rror the rbest ma n and
fl oes nf)t vote for the m:m who. he
t.hinks wm give him an office. Ame1-
g' ' 3at est cit:zen is the one
,;aro: whJ ,fi he believes and _ is not two-
frr "ed. No one oan he a good ci'tizen
w'tho'U't working. Lincoln obt a ined
h is gregtness by working fllld he was
0" of Ameri ca's g reat est cltizens.-
El 'ztJbcth Col e. ' ..
We wish to expretSs our gratitude
for t he kindness and syrnpathy ex-
t enderl ta us by the h i.,.l) schcO' I "'t
dients a n!d fa)culty ro,ur llate
S:tnrnto.n. family.
An l rishman visiting a fri end in the
hospi taJJ, hegan to tJake a n interes:t in
the other pfa.tient!!. "Wha;t are you In
here for.?" he asked.
" I've got rtonsillitis and I've got to
my tonsil s cut out," was the
"And you?" he asked another,
'I've got b lood rpoisoning In t he arm
and they're going to c ut it off,''\vas
th:e r erply.
jtS/flJiid POO, i,n 'ho-Nor,
"this a in' t no place !or me. I've got
a cold in my head."

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