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Why Do People Fail In Job Interviews: Failures & Mistakes to avoid

13 Interview Questions to access Candidate's True qualities Questions To Ask During HR Interviews 50 Most Common HR Interview Questions Answers This article summarizes these horror stories for you. Youd be surprise to know what employers tell about bad things job applicants make during job interviews.

50 Job Interviewing Failures/Mistakes

You absolutely dont want to make these interview mistakes in your upcoming interview. 1. Arriving late. 2. Arriving too early. 3. Bringing a friend to the interview, or your mother... 4. Being rude to the receptionist. 5. Smelling like a cigarette. 6. Being dressed inappropriately. 7. Wearing sunglasses. 8. Wearing too much perfume or aftershave. 9. Wearing the cell phone Bluetooth earpiece. 10. Leaving the cell phone on. 11. Shaking hands too weakly or too strong. 12. Complaining that you were kept waiting for the interview. 13. Sitting before invited by the interviewer (not waiting to be invited before taking a seat). 14. Sitting in a sloppy manner. 15. Chewing gum, a pen or playing with your hair. 16. Forgetting the name of the interviewer. 17. Forgetting to bring a copy of the resume. 18. Forgetting about what is written in your resume. Which is even worst 19. Not matching yourself to the style of the interviewers communication. 20. Failing to listen carefully to the interviewers questions. 21. Being unprepared to the standard job interview questions. 22. Failing to do your homework about the potential employer. 23. Lying on qualifications, experience and your knowledge. 24. Not showing enthusiasm/interest on the job. 25. Bad mouthing you previous boss. 26. Explaining in detail about the cause of the job layoff. 27. Sharing too much.. 28. Failing to explain how your skills match the job in question.

29. Speaking for most of time of the interview. 30. Interrupting the interviewer speech. 31. Asking too many questions or irrelevant questions. 32. Failing to ask good questions. 33. Yawning. 34. Waving names to boast or sounding like you think you know everything. 35. Asking to use bathroom during the interview. 36. Being too humble. 37. Not making eye contact (or maintaining prolonged eye contact). 38. Getting angry or defensive. 39. Laughing, giggling, whistling, humming, lip-smacking. 40. Saying phrases like you know", "like a", I guess and "Hmm". 41. Showing nervousness. 42. Showing apathy. 43. Complaining. 44. Being "Laughy" and "Giggly". 45. Sounds desperate. 46. Checking the time - looking at the watch. 47. Too early asking questions about salary/bonuses/benefits. 48. Placing salary requirements too early. 49. Being too prepared. Blurting your answers out. These home prepared / ready de answers. 50. Not specifically show an interest in the job + Failing to ask for the job. Continue Further reading 25 Tricky Questions in a HR Job Interview Most Common HR Interview Questions and Answers

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