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P.O. Box 18244. Wynberg-Cape 7824. South Africa Telephone: (Direct Dial) On-27-21-712762
Dear Friends:

January-March 1986

Greetings from South Africa,

wherever you may be.

Fran and I hope that you are doing well

We hope that you and yours had a good holiday season as we did here, having Christmas in s\immer was strange to say the least, but having it 70 degrees on that day not to hard to tolerate. Since our last letter we have made a couple of trips. First of all

we went to the TRANSKEI area of South Africa for a weekend of meetings and an ordination of an African minister. That part of the country is much more primitive than the rest of South Africa. Most roads are unpaved and over and around mountains. When we traveled to Lusiksiki, the site of the meetings, for two days and never made our connections with the people. When we finally found them on Sunday we had a good ordination service and the whole trip will be one that we will not soon forget.

In December we made a trip to Upington (800 miles north of Capetpwn)

for classes and meetings and we made our connections there. David Matutu went with Fran and I and we had a good weekend. As a result of the classes and meetings there were eleven decisions.

Christmas came early for us in the form of our belongings.


crate of belongings, which were shipped on August 20th, arrived in our possession on December 20th. The crate sat on the docks of Capetown in

and after a half a day gave up James Tucker, Bill Tingle, and in Johnson City, Tennessee and was built too well, it had the

customs for two weeks. Customs wanted to check it thoroughly and so they tried to get inside. In the process, they bent a crowbar, broke a hammer,

trying to get into it. Thanks to Bill Pate, Jim Conley of the Lone Oak Christian Church David Giles, now a missionary in Kenya, it customs people stamped. But I guess it's

an in knowing which nails to pull, as it took Fran and I a total of fifteen

minutes to get into it. Please see the enclosed pictures for the grand

of Jonesborough, Tennessee and Mr. Stephen Zimmerman (A1 Zimmerman's son) of Capetown, South Africa for all their help in shipping. We were able to build
many connections. He was able to get his freight forwarder to take care of the paperwork and delievery here at a very reduced charge. To Dr. and Mrs.
LAVERN & BARBARA CLARK, Forwarding Agents
Phone. (615) 929-1374

A special word of thanks is needed here for Dr. and Mrs. Ed Leach

other side of the Atlantic, Stephen Zimmerman, through his job, is a man of

I have no idea how we would have built the crate and shipped it. On the

the crate and pack it in August at Dr. Leach's plant. Without his help there.

Leach and to Stephen Zinunerman, we thank you for all you have done to help.
Box 403 Milligan College. TN 37682

LONE OAK CHRISTIAN CHURCH i914-3A Lone Oak Rd. Johnson City, TN 37601


JOHNSON CITY, TN 37601-999^





HAMF-'T OM, GA , 30228

A1 Zirrunerman, David Matutu and I are presently working on correspondence lessons for the school as it has not opened yet because of the problems here. We hope that they are well received and we have already had some
response to them.

here more all the time.

Continue to pray for us as we labor here. We are enjoying the ministry

We feel that we are being used well here. We continue
May God bless you as you serve Him,
In Christ,
Pete and Fran

to look for new answers of service.


Christian Church for their ministry to Pete and Fran by helping to publish
and mail all of the correspondence. Tha.ik you very much.
Yours in Christ.

I want to extend my thanks to the congregation of the Lone Oak

Lavern E. Clark


Forwarding Agent

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UtF nEefn

March, 1986


P.O. Box 18244, Wynberg-Cape 7824, South Africa

Telephone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-712762

P. 0. Box 165
Kraaifontein, 7570


(Direct Dial)


Republic of South Africa

Hi You All!

February has come and gone, already!

In some ways that is good, but also bad.

It is hard to believe that

we have been in South Africa for six months. The first month or two (Sept. and Oct.) went by very slowly. Since then, the days have gone by qixickly.
On March 3rd., A1 and Jean Zimmerman are returning to the good old U.S.A. for an indefinite amount of time. Maybe for good. This means that Pete and I are on our own. The Zimjnermans have been here for almost 26 years. That is a long time. They have done well here and they feel that we will also. Please pray for us. We need wisdom and courage to carry on with the work. Pray that more people will be reached with the gospel, and that God will be glorified in the work. We are here to serve Him.
With A1 and Jean leaving, they had to sell their house and furniture.

They were asking (or settling for) a very low price. Pete and I have been living in a furnished flat (apartment) in Wynberg. After much prayer, several
calls to the States, and lots of figuring we decided to buy the house and furniture. We will give you more details on the cost, etc. next month. We

feel very good about the house. (You can see the garage in the pictures from last month's newsletter.) There are several advantages to this house.
One, the Africans are already familiar with the location. They are excited
about being able to come visit us there. Two, we will be closer to the townships we work with. Kraaifontein is about 23 miles from our flat in


That means we will be further away from Cape Town, but that doesn't So by the time you receive this letter, we will

concern us. This will be our first house. We are looking forward to the extra responsibilities--nowand extra space. The big move from flat to

house is February 28th.

be in the house.

The month of February has been rough on both of us, health wise.

We have been sick most of the month with food poisoning and flu.
I am the only one that doesn't feel 100^, yet.
David Matutu.
school. Bro.

Right now,

Pete is back to normal.

Big "Happenings" for February was an ordination service for Bro.

He is helping Peter with the correspondence lessons in the

Matutu attended school at Winston-Salem Bible College in North (over)


He is a fine man and a hard worker.

SL 86:3
LAVERN & BARBARA CLARK, Forwarding Agents
Phone. (615) 929-1374

Box 403 Milligan College. TN 37682

551 il
Also, the Africans have been giving the Zimmerman's farewell services.

The people sing and collect money for "drinks during their journey home,"

(Pictures of this coming in the next Newsletter.) They will be missed by

those of us they are leaving behind.

Once a week we go to the Polo Road building to ipaint, cleaji, and work in the yard. It has been "let go" for a long time. In order to use the building for the school, sometime in the future, we have had to do a
lot of work. There is still a lot of work to be done, but it is really

beginning to look good.

Every Wednesday, Pete ajid Bro. David Matutu meet to work on "school business." There are several Africaji men taking the correspondence lessons
in all areas of South Africa. That means there is a lot of work for Pete

and Bro. Matutu,

They have to have each lesson trainslated in three languages

(English, Afrikaans, and Xhosa).

They have to mail out the lessons, grade

lessons, and do a lot of book work. Please pray for them in their efforts to train these men to teach and preach to their own people. Through this training more people will be reached in a more effective and faster way.
Last week there were two days of rain and cooler weather. It was

welcomed by all. It has been in the 100's with little wind. Usually the wind blows terribly and keeps it cooled down. So when the wind does not blow, it gets very hot. Oxa: Fall will soon be here while your Spring is on it's way.

Thanks again for your support financially, prayerfully, and thit)ugh

letters and packages. With you behind us, we are able to be here. While we are here we try to enjoy it as much as possible. With your help, our stay here is easier. May God bless you for it.

Our hope and prayer is that this letter finds you all well, happy,
and strong in the faith. So take care and keep in touch.

We miss and love you all,

Pete and F^an

P. S.

We just heard that our permits have been approved for another
six months. P.T.L!

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P.O. Box 18244, Wynberg-Cape 7824, South Africa

Telephone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-712762
Dear Friends,

April 1986

Once again thank-you for your generous support this month. Without you, we could never be here in South Africa. We thank-you for the oppurtunity
to serve here.

Many things have happened in March and things are going well. The ZlmmermanSi left this country on March 3, and are now in tne U.S.A. for a time of retirement.

(Fran and I and a host of other workers here hope that it is only a furlough,
but It is being called a retirement. We are hoping for a furlough only.) Since that time we have been busy getting our feet on the ground. The weekend before they left, A1 and I went to Cradock for a meeting with a lot of African
brethren to tell them more about the Church of Christ (30 A.D.) and what we stood for. They were trying to make a decision whether to work with us or not. The meeting went well and we are still awaiting the results.

Since the Zimmerman's left, we have moved into their house. We originally were going to rent the house for the year that they were gone, but one thing led
to another and we saw that we would be better off buying the house. So that is what we did. We would like to let you, our supporters know about the details
of the house.

The Zimmermans had been trying to sell their house for a couple of years. They had never gotten even a nibble. So in order to sell it they lowered
the price and we felt that we could afford it for several reasons. First,

the price was good even on the South African market. Second, the price of South African money (the rand) 1s real cheap because of the situation here. At present, we can By one rand for about fifty American cents. That is the

most that we have had to pay since we have been here. The only thing standing In the way of buying was getting a loan in American dollars so that we could pay off the South African rands while the exchange rate was low. Through the generosity of some friends who put up the collateral needed for a loan, we were able to get a loan for $15,000.00 to try and pay off the house on this side. The loan we recleved in the U.S. is for that and it is a pay as you go loan. That means that at $300.00 per month, we will have it paid off
In seven years. The Zimmermans gave us six months here to pay it off interest
free, and that six months started March 3.

The rand rate has been jumping a lot in the last three months. Where we originally thought a lower loan would pay the house off here in South Africa, with the exchange rate jumping as it has, our loan left us about $1,000.00

short of our goal.

We have the next five months to come up with this, or its

equivalent of R2,479.36. We will be paying on this here as we go, and hope by September 3, 1986, we will have the Zimmermans paid off.
SL fi6:4

LAVERN & BARBARA CLARK Forwarding Agents Phone; (615) 929-1374 Box 403 Milligan College, TN 37682


than we ^re in Wynberg. The house has three bedrooms, a garage, dining room, 11ving"and kitchen. We were able to buy most of the Zimmermans furniture, so
that not only helped us, but them.
years to come.

One of the greatest things about the house is its location. The Zimmermans have lived here since 1968, so all of our people know exactly where it is. We are about 25 miles from downtown Cape Town, and closer to our work places
We really feel blessed of the Lord to

be able to buy this house, and know that it will be put to good use in the
Many of our African brethren have already said they feel more

comfortable here than they did In Wynberg. We really feel that the Lord helped us in all of this, and as A1 Zimmerman has said, "I know now why for

so long we tried to sell and never got a nibble. The Lord had other plans."
So needless to say, we have been busy, not only with the house, but with the work. David Matutu and I still get together to work on Correspondence

Macassar^that is going well, and David is starting one at Mfuleni. Fran and
We will tell you more about that in the next letter.

more all of the time. Since the Zimmermans left, we have been to several churches in the area visting and preaching. I teach a weekly class at

School materials. These are going along real well. They are being requested
I are going to Kimberley for Easter weekend for services Friday through Sunday.

As for right now, March 25, 1986, we are doing well and keeping healthy. Thanks for your continued support, and a special thank-you for all of you that
have helped us get the house either in advice or financially.
know how much we appreciate it.

You will never

Since we have moved our new phone number is 9020682 (plus all of those other numbers that are dialed from the U.S. that I do not know about, but I think Vern
or my parents do.)

May God bless you this month as you start to enjoy Spring at long last.

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P.O. Box 165. Kraaifontein 7570. South Africa

Telephone; (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682

May 1986

Hello Folks!

Today, April 22, is a beautiful day. The last few days have been warm and sunny. It was raining all day every day for awhile. We know the cold weather and rain must come, but we hope it holds off for a while longer. Don't think that we haven't been thinking about you
and the beauty of spring. Enjoy it some for us.

Since Pete and I have had a year of summer weather, this change of weather has been rough
on us. We have been fighting colds like mad. Today I feel like I'm back to normal, after
having a bad cold for about a month. 1 had to get medicine from the doctor twice. I lost

my voice for a couple of days (which gave Pete some peace and quiet), and hoarse the rest of the time. Pete only had his cold for two weeks. But other than that, we are well and happy. We pray that this letter finds you well and happy too.

As usual, we keep busy and on the go. During the Easter weekend we went to Kimberley and held meetings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, It was fun and rewarding. Pete preached four sermons and 1gave four flannelgraph lessons. The people seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. There were around ten decisions made which we praise God for. The people of
Kimberley treated us well.

Our trip to and from Kimberley was quite an experience. Pete and 1 drove the eleven hour

drive. On the way there, we stopped half way in Beaufort West. We didn't see any wild animals except a bunch of baboons along the road and I know that I recognized a few
of them. Anyway, Easter is a big holiday here because it is the last one before winter. All shops and companies close down from the Thursday before Good Friday until the

following Tuesday. The gas stations and Indian owned stores remain open. So, there were a lot of people on the road. Well, first we got a nail in our rear tire. Then we stayed in a run down hotel because there was no room anywhere else. That was some experience. The people of South Africa love their liquor, especially during holidays. Drunks were all over
the hotel. The hotel gave us a discount because there was not hot water. There was

only single beds of which the sides the sides of the mattresses came over you when you lay down. The floors did not have carpet of course, and were very slippery. We just about broke our necks a couple of times. There were dogs in the hallway. People kept
trying to get in, thinking it was their room. And we were over the bar heard all kinds

of noises all night long, it was funny and interesting. Needless to say, we were up early the next morning and on our way to Kimberley. It was very dry in Kimberley and
that caused our colds to turn for the worse. The hotel in Kimberley was real nice. On our way back home, while we were again in Beaufort West, we locked our keys in the
car at Kentucky Fried Chicken (the only American food place here). It took us an hour to get into the car. So, you can see, it was an eventful weekend.

LAVBFiJ & BARBARA CLARK. Forwarding Agents

Phone; (615) 929-1374

Box 403 Milligan College. TN 37682

551 'I

The weekend of the 12th of April we went to Port Elizabeth. Pete had to attend a

planning meeting for the annual conference. The date was set for September 24-28. It will be held at Knysna. All area congregations will attend. Conference is a big
time for the people. Thev are encouraged spiritually and morally. Please pray about the conference, (ponference is "similar" to a convention.
The whole time we were in P.E. it was cold and rainy. It was on this trip we discovered a leak by the windscreen on the passenger side, of course. Our stay in P.E. was a special time. We mentioned before how the Africans love to sing, and how they treat us so special. Well, Sunday after the church service, the people walked to the house

where we were to eat, singing and dancing the whole way. The meal was wonderful! They give you more than you can eat, but it is ok if you can not finish your food. Because, then they know you had plenty to eat. After lunch we visited awhile, then had to leave.
As we were saying our good-byes the choir sang all verses of "God be with you till we meet again." As we got in the car they formed a line on both sides and would touch our
hands as we drove off. At the same time they were still singing, dancing and waving to

us. It was so neat!

It gave us such a good feeling. Many of them cannot speak Engli^,

but we were still able to communicate through a smile and a touch. I wish you all could

experience this. It is so hard to say on paper what it is really like. Another thing that was really neat is one of the elderly sisters. This sister would always have a tin of baked sweets for Mrs. Zimmerman. It was a way of showing gratitude, respect for age and love. She
had a tin of sweets for me. She said, now that sister Zimmerman was gone, she was

going to "take care of the little sister." I almost cried. They are so full of love and
goodness. Someone needs to show them some love and goodness in return. They need
someone to share Jesus with them.

Pete and I are doing the best we can to reach as many people, with the gospel, as we can. It is a big job. We would not be able to do His work here in South Africa without God's help and your continued support. Through your support we are able to live and work here for the Kingdom. We appreciate you and your concern and thank God for you, always.
There are now at least 15 students taking the Bible correspondence classes. Pete and

Bro. David Matutu are pleased with the interest shown. Please pray for these students as they try to learn for their own spiritual growth as well as learn how to tell their own
people of Christ.

Several trips are lined up in the next several weeks. There are still many congregations we
need to visit. Lord willing, we will get to them all as soon as we can. They need the


There is still some trouble, but we go on and work around it.

We are enjoying the house. The phone is always ringing with someone who wants to come see us. That makes us happy. I must sign off for now. We wish you all the best. May God bless you as you live and work for Him.
Love and prayers,



P.U. box iaif44. wynDerg-Uape

bouth Africa

Telephone; (Direct Dial) U11-2'/-21-/12/b:^ P. 0. Box 165f Kraaifontein 7570

Phone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682

Dear Friends,

June 1986

Greetings to you from a cool South Africa. Winter is just around the corner here and we can really tell it.
Since our last letter we have been rather busy. On April 27 Fran and I made a short day trip with an African brother and sister to Hermanus. There is a small group
of believers who meet in the front room of a house. It vas the first time that we had

been there and was a good service. On May 16-19 we made a trip to Holpan near
Barkley-West. This is a township that is the most desolate I have seen here in South

Africa. The church building there was constructed out of cow-dung and serves the purpose very well. I taught on Saturday, Fran taught on Sunday and I also preached. There were over 200 people in the building that was about 30 ft. by 15 ft. As a result of the services, seventeen people made decisions. On Sunday afternoon
we went to services in Kimberley at the church where we had Easter services.

Fran again tau7ht a flannelgraph lesson and I spoke. Two more decisions were made and for that we rejoice. We give God the glory for these, because we know that without Him we could do nothing. This past weekend, May 24, 1 made a quick trip to Knysna to see how the plans for conference and the plans are going well for the time in September.

Also this month, Fran and I did a lot of work at the Polo Road Ch /rch building.
Since the doors closed there it has been in a state of disrepair. We have just about completed the repairs and hope to use it for the school when we can. In the meantime the correspondence lessons are going well. 1 recieved a nice surprise this month. Here in South Africa, no one uses pulpits,

just tables. Being tall, 1 get backaches. After corresponding with our good friend
Ed Hayes of Gray Tennessee, he constructed a portable pulpit for my use here.

It breaks down into six pieces weighing five pounds. Vern and Barb Clark also made a canvas bag for me to carry it in. Both work very good. The pulpit is
exactly what I needed and it helps me a great deal. Thank you very much Ed,

from the bottom of my heart and the middle of my back. You will never know how much I appreciate it. And thank-you Vern and Barb for the carry bag for it.

We are still working on getting the Zimmermans paid before September 3. We at present
still lack about $900.00 to reach that goal. Please pray for us in this matter.

As of today May 28, we are doing well. We hope the same for you. May God bless.

P.S. Look for A1 Zimmerman

at the South African Christian

Phone: (615) 929-1374

Mission booth ai-'t<Y#WA.ARBARA CLARK. Forwarding Agents

Box 403 Milligan College, TN 37682



P.O. Box 165, Kraaifontein 7570, South Africa

Telephone; {Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682

July-September 1986 Dear Friends,

Greetings from a "wintery" South Africa. Our winter is here and you will never know how strange it is to have cold weather in May through September. We could take
summer in November through March, but this is a little harder.

We are doing well. Since our last newsletter we have made several trips. On Easter weekend we went to Kimberley and had services for three days. I preached and Fran gave flannelgraph lessons. Ten people made decisions as a result of the weekend. We work with Roland Joseph, a man that Fran's father trained to be a minister twenty years ago. Two weeks later we made a trip to Port Elizabeth for a planning committee meeting for our conference. Conference this year will be in Knysna on September 24 to
28. So please pray for that.

In May we again made another trip to Kimberley to work with the church in Holpan.
Seventeen decisions were made. On that Sunday afternoon we again went to the

church in Kimberley and two more decisions were made. The next week 1 went to

Knysna for a day trip to see how plans were going for conference with some of the
brothers from Cape Town. And the following week, David Matutu, Stephen Zimmerman and I went to Upington for the weekend of services there. Da vid and Stephen taught and I preached on Sunday morning. That is a part of South Africa that few missionaries

go to, so they were gtad for us to come. We have been busy here but are enjoying
the work more than we ever dreamed possible.

1 recieved my appointment from the government to do weddings among all race groups here. I already have four weddings to do in May. Weddings here seem to be a lot of fun. I am the only one in this area among the Church of Christ (30 A.D.)
allowed to do weddings, so they are keeping me busy.

Some of you probably wonder how close .ve are to the trouble. Where we live here
in Kraaifontein is about 10 miles from Crossroads where a lot of the recent trouble
has been.Some of the members at the Mfuleni church live there and have been in

some danger. One brother could not get to his home for three days and wore the same
set of clothes for that time. We have not been in danger, but please continue to pray for us and this country in these times.

here in South Africa by September 3. We ar^njoying the house and the room that
a house affords. We always have someone calling wanting to come over. We are glad that they feel more comfortable coming to Kraaifontein than to Wynberg. Continue to pray for us as we know you are. We will continue to be your servants

We are presently lacking $500.00 in getting tiie Zimmermans paid off for the house

in South Af rica. Until next time, may God bless.


LAVERN & BARBAR/^ CLARK. Forwarding Agents

Phone; (615) 929-1374

Box 403 Milligan College, TN 37682


1914-3A Lone Oak Rd.



Johnson City. TN 37601

Johnson Oty, TN
Permit No,. 14



1 CRIVE 0A30228


A note from Vern,

Since Peter wrote this newsletter we have received the tragic news
that his father died in a car accident on the 17th of July. The funeral

was on Jid.y 21st in the Berea Christian Church of Hampton, Georgia. Peter and F^an flew "back to the states for the funeral and arrived only a few hours "before the funeral. Please be in prayer for them and their family. At this time we do not know how long they will "be in the United States, but they will "be returning to South Africa after they have had a chance to "be with his mother and the rest of the fajnily,

I would also like to let you know that I have just moved. I have called to the ministry at the Salem Christian Church in Peru, Indiana.

If you have any questions or correspondence for Peter and Fran please
contact me at: Outreach International

c/o Lavern E. Clark

Route 1, Box 15

Bunker Hill, IN ^691^

Telephone: 317-689-7085

We want to thank you for your prayers and support that you have given to Peter and Fran. They appreciate your prayers and support very

God/be with each one of you,

Vern Clark


P.O. Box 165, Kraaifontein 7570, South Africa Telephone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682
Hello friends!

November 1986

Greetings from springtime in South Africa. We hope that you are doing well wherever you m%

As you know from the last supporters' letter, conference this year went real well. All of the people were greatly encouraged. Since that time, we have been busy still. Right after that, Brother Martin Khota, a longtime translator in Xhosa for A1 Zimmerman, came by
and helped me by translating and correcting some correspondence lessons for me. He lives

in Knysna and was here for conference. So he helped me greatly. We started getting ready for a convention of the colored churches in the northern Cape. On October 17-19, we made the trip to Barkley-West for the three day meeting. While there, Fran spoke twice using
flannelgraph and I also spoke twice. We met many missionaries there that we had never

met before and it was good to see other people doing the same thing as us here in South
Africa. It gave us great encouragement.

We have begun working with a new group of believers in Bishop Lavis, which is a colored township in the Cape Town area. They are just a small group of people, but have an intense desire to learn more about the Lord. Fran teaches the children Sunday School whenever we are in town, and I also teach every Sunday morning. Stephen Zimmerman, who has been

a great help on trips with me, also teaches a class every Tuesday evening. Please pray for
the people in Bishop Lavis as we strive to work with them and bring them closer to the Lord.
The class that I teach at Macassar on Thursday evenings is going well. We have just started
a study on the book of Revelation. Please pray for me as I lead this class.

The work here has suffered a setback recently with the withdrawal from the work by David
Matutu because of personal problems. Please pray for David that he might sort his life out of the problems and again be a strong voice for the work here in South Africa.

In November, we are making a two week trip to Graaf-Reinett, Butterworth in the the Transkei,
Johannesburg and then finally Mafikeng in Bophuthatswana. The missionaries that we met

at Barkley-West from Mafikeng have invited us up for an 'American' Thanksgiving, So we

are looking forward to that and to also learning from their work. Please pray for this long
trip of preaching and teaching.

Until next month, May God bless you in all that you do. Thanks so much for you support
of our work.

Love, ^

LAVERN & BARBARA CLARK, Forwarding Agents

Phono: (61S) OgO 1374

Koato. J, Box 15
IN 46914
211_ f o . n r> c r

Boh 103 Milligon Collogo, TM 37682 BunkeA

LONE OAK CHRISTIAN CHURCH '1914-3A Lone Oak Rd Johnson City, TN 37601


non-profit org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID

Johnson Oty, IN
Permit Now 14






October-December 1986

Dear Friends,

Greetings from springtime in South Africa,

you are, as we are doing well here.

We hope that you are doing well where

not. In July, Stephen Zimmerman and I made a weekend trip to Mdantsane which is near East London. We both taught classes on the Saturday and then I preached
on Sunday morning. The services went well and there were two decisions.

The last three months has been full of activity, some of it planned, other of it

way home from work near Brooks'Georgia. Fran and I immediately made plans to
arrived in Hampton Georgia three hours before the funeral.
to us all, but we know the kind of life that Dacf lived and know that he is in

Four days later we recieved word that my father had died in a car accident on his
It was a sudden shock

go back to the United States, and after spending a long layover in Madrid Spain,

with the Lord." we thank all of you who helped with this expense of getting from
South Africa to America and back again.
with this newsletter.

a much better place now.

Dad is, as Paul says, "...absent from the body and present
Yc.' will never know our feelings of

A list of all who helped in this memorial fund for Dad is enclosed

We arrived back in South Africa on August 20, and immediately fell victim to jet-lag. Once we got going again, we made a trip to Knysna to check on this years conference. We had to change the previous plans and move everything to Cape Town and to the church

in 'Mfuleni.

We planned the conference, bought all of the groceries for 300 people

to buy a complete flannel graph set for Fran to use in her lessons. She put this to good use in her lessons. We also had classes for young children this year, and they too were well recieved. All in all, conference was a great experience and
everybody learned from all that was taught. Some of the brothers said that it was one of the better gatherings that they had been to.

for four days and prepared our lessons in three weeks time. During the conference, Fran taught five times and I taught seven. While we were in America, we were able

We are doing well getting readjusted to South Africa. We still thoroughly enjoy the work and feel that we are being used of the Lord in a might way. Since we
we praise the Lord for that.

have been back, we have been able to pay off our house on the South African side, and

For now, may God bless you in all that you do.

We hope that you have a good

Yours for South Africa.

holiday season with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



The following is a list of those

and back to South Africa durJ

gave'towards our expenses of going to America

:he time of my father's recent death and funeral.



Thank-you very much, eact

.-very one of you, for your help during this time.

Pete Fran

*Note: These names are not in any specific order, alphabetical or otherwise.
Mrs. Charlotte Hill

M/M Michael Barry

North Blvd. Christian Church,
Amory, Miss.
M/M J. A. Daniel M/M William M. Martin M/M Brown MiUer

Church of Christ, Marceline, Mo.

M/M David Bledsoe

M/M Ted Avant

M/M Roger Stein

Mrs. Elizabeth Golden

Marshall Laughren
M/M R. J. Warner Berea Christian Church Bible Bowl

M/M George Lake

M/M BiU Graham M/M Ken Davis Westside Church of

Team, Hampton Georgia

First Christian Church, Newnan Georgia Mary Sibley
Mrs. Jordan Reba Gaston

Mrs. Vicki Conaway

M/M E. J. Craven

Christ, Jonesborough Tn.

M/M Herbie Hodgins

Mrs. Patton

M/M WiUiam Bailey

Mrs. Ogletree
Denise Belladosa Dodie Slater
Dot Watkins

Mrs. Crowley
WiUa Releford
Ann Lahnon

Sybil Carter Margaret Treadway

Louise Green Jewel Hammock

Betty Miley
Mrs. Hado Mrs. Driver

Ute Eddy
Mrs. Hancock Ellen Baldwin Ann Turfor

Mrs. Susan Gordy Cathy Reagan

Jean Kitchens

Seiglinde Eddy Shirley Hardy

Karen White

Cheryl Wallace
Yvonne Matthews

Clara KeUy April Turkett Virginia Adams

Steve Machan

Aileen Hamby
Sheila MiUes

Glenda Whitehead

Brenda Campbell
Anita Mitchell

Jean Westbury
Joann Bowles

Pauline Harrison,
LPN Instructor

A. M. I. Hospital,

Griffin Georgia
Rosie Grier

Dr. & Mrs. Kelley Holly Grove A^M.E. Church, Griffin,Georgia

Caroline Womack

Jackson Temple Holiness

Mae Thayer
Linda Fields

Church, Griffin, Georgia

Mrs. Dube

Melba, from X-Ray Dept.

Margaret Anderson
E. Brownlee

Phyllis Walker
M/M Esmond Barrett

Veima Couch
JeaneUe Giles

M/M George Luna

Mary Sweitzer

M/M Bob Chastain

Mrs. Laura Stanley Francis Gingras

M/M Robert Shirmer
Louise Hurt Jeff McNabb

Mrs. Betty English

M/M Alvin H. Gavel

M/M IC^ith Mayer

Minnie WEstmoreland

M/M John Attaway

M/M J. R. Pass
Mrs. W. W. Fears

M/M Terry Jones Mrs. William A. Payne M/M Jimmy Sutton

M/M J. L. Henderson Jr.

Mrs. Eleanor Nutt M/M Robert Greer

M/M Doug Echols Lone Oak Christian Church, Johnson City, Tn.
Bob and Connie Andrews M/M Charles Ponder

M/M W. C. Mobley
M/M M/M M/M M/M Paul Jackson Jr. Von Woods Erwin Roberts Art Steele

M/M Billy Greer

Gary Greer

Oscar La mar Young M/M Bobby McBrayer

Tina Ponder M/M Bob Marken

M/M Marshall Sparling

M/M James S. Pollard M/M P. J. Brownlee

DouglasviDe Christian

Church Bible Bowl,

Karen Yingling
Mrs. Pearl Wallace M/M Joe W. Steele

M/M Henry Miller

M/M Ozer Daniel Dr. & Mrs. Delno Brown


H. H. Hardin Brian W. Bierman Rob!t M. Hill Charles M. Priem Bev Palmer J. W. Greene

Douglasville XSeorgia
Fall Branch Church of

Christ, Fall Branch, Tn.

MM David Floyd Auxiliary of the Gideons

Mrs. Mary Barfield

M/M Melton Greer M/M R. L. MacLean
Helen Barrow Anna Studdard

Gideons, Henry Co. Camp:

Dr. Vernon G. Paulk

M/M Richard Little

Lonnie Lynn
RusseU Zinkel Sr. Doyle Patrick Jimmy White

Mrs. Marje Young M/M Earl Pendley

Ann Brown

M/M George Morris

M/M TerreU Jones
Deb S. Banks

M/M Jim Ridgeway

M/M Glen Heath Mrs. B. J. Larson

Frank Stanley Gideons, Griffin Camp;

Various unnamed members M/M Dale Reinschild

M/M Robert Johnston

Hazel Greer

M/M Henry Nutt SaDy Mobley

M/M Keith Exum

Wanda Capron

M/M I. M. Wilkerson

M/M George Shouse

Sabra Hensler

M/M Chris Cannaday

Lisa Overstreet M/M Bill Hensler M/M James Chamblee Mildred Prothro

M/M John Chappell

M/M Charles E. Fontana

M/M James S. Cameron

M/M Doyle Morris

M/M M. L. Smith

M/M Henry Buck

M/M Ken Yingling Douglasville Christian Church, Douglasville, Georgia

M/M Roger David M/M Murray J. McKnipht


P.O. Box 165, Kraaifontein 7570, South Africa Telephone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682

December 1986
Dear fellow-workers,

As this is typed on Kovemher 25, ve are presently in Johannesburg

in the middle of a two week trip.

not "be home until December 2.

We left home on the lUth and will

We are presently at at the home of


I Bill and Verna Weber, missionaries to Johannesburg until we go home.


I Since our last Supporter's Letter we have kept up our busy pace. Since David Matutu has stopped doing church or school work, I have had to start writing his correspondence lessons. I have completed
one and have had i t translated into Afrikaans and am in the process

of getting it translated into Xhosa. when I am waiting of translators. to keep ahead of this.

I was able to get all lessons

caught up, graded and sent back to students.

It is a hard process

Please pray that I might be able

The work in Bishop Lavis is going well.

had three baptisms.

On November 9 and l6, we

The church in

We praise the Lord for those.

Mfuleni also had eight baptisms on the l6th.

On the l^vth we left on this trip. We spent the 15th and l6th in
Graaff-P.einet and taught lessons on Saturday and preached on Sunday, Fran also taught with her flannelgraph and that was very well recieved. We had an encouraging time with these brothers and sisters.

We left there on the l6th and drove to East London.

meetings there and during the week I

From the ITth We had great

On Sunday

to the 23rd, we held evening meetings with the brothers in Butterworth

which is in the Transkei, about 70 miles from East London.

also taught the children with her flannelgraph three times.

preached seven times and Fran

the 23rd, we held an ordination service for the minister in Butterworth,'

Colben Mngonyama. All in all, i t was a great week of services with 20 decisions. We even had an open-air service which was a new experience
for me. We drove yesterday from East London to Johannesburg which

was a 13 hour trip covering 1,02T kilometers.

So needle-ss to say,

we are tired. Before arriving home, we will be in Mafikeng in Bophutatswana for two days for an American Thanksgiving dinner. We hope that this letter finds you well. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support this month and sincerely hope that you have a great holiday season. May God bless. /


Box 403 Milligan College. Tri'37682'

Phone: (615) 929-1374rA^-/ ''hyGyh




Outre c temiaoin

P.O. Box 165, Kraaifontein 7570. South Africa

Telephone: (Direct Dial) 011-27-21-902-0682

December 30, 1986

Season's Greetings!

believe that another year has come and gone. I have heard the savin?-

pray rarifsr'fll ^ven'blfto


t La'l'of

wrlrf^ipH ? (which IS always our mam purpose), and saw alotgets of new country. We were glad t to get home. One can only ride so long before one really wearry.

missionaries, did a

While we were in Johannesburg (staying with the Bill Weber family), we all went to soend
^nd obey L ^h'" 'hat are eagerexchange and ready to hear and the gospel. It was also aperfect opputunity to compare notes, ideas and encourage one another. It is easy to get lonesome for that type of fellowship. '
love for her

\ missionaries in Boputhatswana. This was a treat for all of us. The work

week^vi^r'^LllT,r wrhave hnd f f


This was our holiday and it was one of the best ever. We would

''f?'I-^ghren, Pete's mum, came for athree P''' tomorrow for her journey home

of 15 prayer is that you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas Mav the v.r of 1987 bring in our Jesus to nilyourre nf vn,, f in SouT Ti have done for you us. joy We and lookpeace forward to Lord serving our Christ Lordltoge'Thanks ^^^^^^^ with

frica for along time. May He continue to bless you as you live for Him.
Love in Christ,

C >-\OLV\ . Pete & Fran

LAVERN & BARBARA CLARK. Forwarding Agents

Phono: (616) 020 1Q74

Box ^08'* Milligaw CisiHiEigiL, TN OFOOQ

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