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HYOSINE-N-BUTYLBROMIDE MECHANISM DRUG OF ACTION Generic Name: Inhibits Hyoscine-Nacetylcholine at butylbromide receptor sites in Brand Name: autonomic BuscopanClassification:

nervous system, Antispasmodics which controls Dosage: secretion, free10 mg acids in Route: stomach; block IV central Frequency: muscarinic PRN for abdominal pain receptors, which Form: decreases Ampule involuntary movement. SPECIAL PRECAUTION Myasthenia gravis Avoid driving & megacolon. operating Parenteral Untreated narrow- machinery after parenteral angle glaucoma administration. Prostate hypertrophy w/ urinary retention mechanical stenosis of GIT Tachycardia. ADVERSE EFFECT Xerostomia Tachycardia urinary retention, allergic & skin reactions rarely Dyspnea Visual accommodati on disturbance infrequently inj site pain (after IM inj)Rarely anaphylactic reactions & anaphylactic shock. NURSING RESPONSIBILITY Assess for eye pain Monitor Output ration Assess for parkinsonism and EPS Assess for urinary hesitancy Assess for constipationAsses s for tolerance over long term therapy

INDICATION CONTRAINDICATION Acute GI, biliary & genitourinary spasm, including biliary & renal colic Parenterally also as an aid in diagnostic & therapeutic procedures eg gastroduodenal endoscopy, radiology.

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