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NO, 23

School was hardly the annual
The Fabers





preparations were begun for the long trip


for the summer when south to convention held in Osakao


made this arduous 1500"^nile round

in the VW. Besides their baggage they had equip ment for camping on the way. After a stop at Lake Tovada the first night they proceeded to Sendai for a stopover and visit with Paul Nielsen and the newest missionary farailc^ to. Japan, Milton C Joneso From Sendai two cars were used and they were join ed by the third one after arrival at Harold Sims#

The night the Fabers returned to Tomakomai guests

started to arrive. The simmer work had begun. first weeks in July were used for preparatioriS The for

the 4-day evangelistic meeting to be held July 22 with Mr. Akira Oda of Osaka Bible Seminary.
is well known for his work in Greek and the

Mr, Oda


cation of a Japanese/Greek dictionary.) Mr. Kimura,

the local preachier, (see
made banners for the car

story on page 2) and large signs to place near the church building as well

as posters to put on telephone poles. The evangelistic meeting was aided by a fourthyear Bible college student, Mr, Masuda, as
a part of Osaka's annual week of evange lism. Including the local help there was an average attendance of 15. By American

stardards this was a very low attendance but in comparing it with previously held
mi^etings here in Tomaknniai it showed a

upper class DVBS

marked improvement. This was evidenced by the return appearance of people who had attended previous meetings and the atten
dance of the father and mother of 2 bro

thers who are in the Sunday School. These two brothers have attended Sunday School regularly since its inception almost two yesxs age. During the meeting the 11 year old son said, " Dad is going to be a
Christian." He hasn't made this decision


Pray that the boy's desire be true.

The following week (July

t i l the Fabers moved to

27-30) the an
Tomakomai. Now

nual camp was held in Sapporo. Seporate camps were held in Obihiro and Sapporo un

they join the Sappcro camp just 40 miles away. All of the family, except Charles who was working daily cutting grass at the
camp time
(Contintied on page 4)

Pag 2

September 1970

Pl^iS ai^being made to build a church building in the city of Tomakomai.

In the fall of I966

chased for a mission

land was pur

home and a

chiorch building in a now rapidly growing area of Tomakomai. The mis

sion hone was built
obtained from the

with the


Obihiro mission

land and house when the Fabers came to Tcsnakomai in 1968,

Permission to ijse the other plot of farm land they had purchased was finally granted after 2 years of le gal negotiations, A clear title has
On June first Mr, Hiroaki Kinura

now been secured to pave the way for the church building. Using plariS secured through Mr. 0,
T. Sparrow of Miami Springs, Floridj^

joined the Fabers in Tcanakanai to beccme the Japanese minister.

The Faber's first contact with Mr*






when he

the Fabers have been working on plans for the local building. Al
though the layout is not final the building will be about 1680 sq, ft. with an auditorium, 3 class rocsns, a small office, a cry room and a bap
tistry. It will cost a miniriium of

started to attend Tetsiman church in

Obihiro, This was shortly after the death of a very close Christian friend juid following a severe bicy

cle/car accident.
ble Seminary

Mr. Kimura was

and graduated

baptized on his birthday, January 1^

$10,000 and maybe more for even the

most modest building.

19^. He enrolled in the Osaka Bi

in 1965
this last spring under a 5 year pro gram. Mr. Kiimira is 24- years old.






depend on American


Miss Kae Yamamoto (standing beside Mr, Kimxxra in the above pictm*e) is
a kindergarten teacher and a member
whicH" meets in of^he "AsaM cKurcK

help finance the building. The con tract with the city when obtaining permission to change the land to a
residential lot called for the build

ing to te built within 1 year,

terminates in 1971,


its church building next to the Osa ka Bible Seminary. They met at a combined youth meeting. Miss Yama moto made her first trip to Hokkaido
this sxmmer to visit Mr, Kimura and

A picture of the inccsnplete model of the building made by Mr, Kimura

is shovm below.

his parents



live 15 miles

north of Obihiro where his father is

the superintendent of the elementary


They have made

to be married

known their wishes

and on November 2nd

will hold a formal engagement meet ing in the Moiwashita church of Christ in Sapporo,
Pray for Mr, Kimura as he takes over the leadership in Tcariakomai and for them both in their future plans.

September 1970

Page 3

m,ain street

Itoi's ci-ty housing area

(1 year ago)


alumonum factory

Itoi*s city housing araa

aluminum comparer's Itoi apartments

looking at apartments frcm church lot

i ji:
picnic time
(Continued frovi page I)

Miss Hayashi at DVBS

Miss Kajisawa's class

golf course, attended as wrU as the preacher, Mr. Kinura. Two or three Junior High boys expressed interest in camp but were told not to go by their homerocm teacher. Getting school permission to go has always been a problem but this can be over-

ccme as time passes. There were 80 present for camp with ^ cf these attending the full it days. There were three girls present who former
ly were frcin ObihirO, also in Tomakomai to days. They were help a few

There were very few days left



fore DVBS was to start on August ^h.

Total enrollment for the week was 23





attendance of 16,
school closed



Mrt Suzuki leads chapel

with a picnic Surday afternoon in the backyard of the mission home. Miss Hayashi and Miss Kajisawa, both fnmnrly rf IIVi-^ hi r-n, jninfid thp. Fabers and Mr. Kinura in this year's VBS, Miss Hayashi now cooks at the Bible college and Miss Kajisawa teaches kindergarten at Tanabe,

Belinda left Japan via Northwest Airline's jumbo jet 7^7 August 27 and will be at Platte Valley Bible College from September 7th, Address Box 636, Scotts- bluff, NB 69361,
Aryone wanting to send forwarding, agent, Christmas presents can get clothing sizes frcm the

new set of slides is available from John Noe.

J?5DVK programs also are late for some of you.



one was added this year but


Forwarding address 1 John Noe, Box 173, Adel, Iowa, 50003,

Mission addressj

Ernest and Neva Faber, 336 Itoi, Tamakciaai, 053 Japan

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