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16 (1): 13-22 (2009)

Fires control spatial variability of subalpine

vegetation dynamics during the Holocene
in the Maurienne valley (French Alps)1
Aurélie GENRIES2, Centre de Bio-Archéologie et d'Écologie (UMR 5059 CNRS), Université Montpellier 2,
and Paléoenvironnements et Chronoécologie (PALECO EPHE), Institut de Botanique, 163 rue Broussonet,
34090 Montpellier, France; and CNRS, Institut des Sciences de l'Évolution, CC061, Place Eugène
Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, cedex 05 France, e-mail:
Serge D. MULLER, Université Montpellier 2 and CNRS, Institut des Sciences de l'Évolution, CC061,
Place Eugène Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, cedex 05 France.
Lény MERCIER, Loïc BIRCKER & Christopher CARCAILLET, Centre de Bio-Archéologie
et d'Écologie (UMR5059 CNRS), Université Montpellier 2, and Paléoenvironnements et Chronoécologie
(PALECO EPHE), Institut de Botanique, 163 rue Broussonet, 34090 Montpellier, France.

Abstract: Due to stresses resulting from their high altitudes, subalpine forests are sensitive to disturbances, including fire.
This study analyzes the long-term relationships between fire and subalpine vegetation in the western Alps. High-resolution
analyses of charcoal, pollen, macroremains, and other palynomorphs were performed on sedimentary cores from 2 small
peaty ponds located above 2000 m asl. in the Maurienne valley, France. Results reveal similar long-term vegetation dynamics,
with differences concerning the structure and composition of local and surrounding plant communities. The vegetation
pattern appears partially related to local fire occurrence, which was most frequent between 8900 and 6500 cal. BP at one lake
and between 4100 and 1800 cal. BP at the second. Fires notably triggered the development and occurrence of populations of
Acer and Alnus incana-type during a 2000-y period and the asynchronous alteration of Pinus cembra forests at both sites.
Results show that the low-competitive species, i.e., Larix decidua or Pinus uncinata, were never stimulated by increasing
fire frequency. This highlights the past importance of local-scale processes such as fire, which favoured pioneer broad-leaved
species but did not threaten the resilience of the subalpine forests dominated by the cembra pine.
Keywords: charcoal, disturbance, macroremains, mountain, plant dynamics, pollen.

Résumé  : En raison du stress lié à l'altitude, les forêts subalpines sont sensibles aux perturbations,  y compris le feu. La
présente étude vise à analyser les relations à long terme entre le feu et la végétation subalpine dans l'ouest des Alpes. Des
analyses à haute résolution du charbon de bois, du pollen, des macrorestes et d'autres palynomorphes ont été effectuées sur
des carottes de sédiments provenant de 2 petits étangs tourbeux situés au-dessus de 2000 m dans la vallée de la Maurienne,
France. Les résultats révèlent une dynamique végétale à long terme similaire, mais des différences dans la structure et la
composition des communautés végétales locale et environnante. Le patron de végétation semble relié en partie à la fréquence
locale de feu, plus élevée entre 8900 et 6500 cal. BP dans un des étangs et entre 4100 et 1800 cal. BP dans l'autre. À noter
que les feux ont provoqué le développement et la présence de populations d'Acer et d'Alnus de type incana durant 2000 ans et
une modification asynchrone des forêts de Pinus cembra aux deux sites. Les résultats montrent que les espèces peu compétitives,
c'est-à-dire Larix decidua ou Pinus uncinata, n'ont jamais été stimulées par l'augmentation de la fréquence des feux. Cela met
en évidence l'importance passée des processus à l'échelle locale comme le feu, favorisant les essences feuillues pionnières,
mais sans menacer la résilience des forêts subalpines dominées par le pin cembro.
Mots-clés : charbon de bois, dynamique végétale, macrorestes, montagne, perturbation, pollen.

Nomenclature: Tutin et al., 1968–1993.

Mountain forests are sensitive to climate variability, are strongly shaped by natural, e.g., windstorms, wildfires,
changes in human practices, and disturbances (e.g., Grace, or avalanches, and anthropogenic disturbances, e.g., cut-
Berninger & Nagy, 2002). Disturbances are defined as tings, grazing and browsing, or litter collecting (Schumacher
“relatively discrete events in time that disrupt ecosystem, & Bugmann, 2006; Gimmi, Bürgi & Stuber, 2008).
community, or population structure and change resources, Numerous paleoecological studies have been performed
substrate availability, or the physical environment” (White & in the Alps to evaluate the influence of external factors
Pickett, 1985). In the European Alps, mountain landscapes on vegetation changes (e.g., Burga, 1988; David, 1995b;
Nakagawa, de Beaulieu & Kitagawa, 2000; Ali et al., 2005;
Carcaillet & Muller, 2005; Muller et al., 2007). Nevertheless,
2008-03-04; acc. 2008-08-26.
Associate Editor: Renzo Motta. our knowledge of the modality of disturbance influences
2Author for correspondence. remains weak with respect to changes in fire regimes and
DOI 10.2980/16-1-3180 the duration or magnitude of fire related processes on plant

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Genries et al.: Fires control subalpine vegetation dynamics

communities. Changes in the frequency and intensity of rotundifolia. Above ca.  1900  m  asl, the upper subalpine
natural and anthropogenic disturbances are expected in the belt is dominated by sparse stands of Pinus cembra, Pinus
coming decades as a consequence of global climate change uncinata, Larix decidua, and Picea abies, alternating with
(Schär et al., 2004; Schumacher & Bugmann, 2006; Fischlin meadows and scattered Juniperus sibirica, Vaccinium spp.,
et al., 2007). The changing relationships between vegetation and Rhododendron ferrugineum. Locally, the upper tree-
and disturbances in extreme ecosystems such as subalpine line reaches 2350-2400  m. Traditional land-use comprises
forests raise questions about their stability and their future cattle and sheep husbandry and meadows for haymaking,
response to such events, particularly fire, which is recog- resulting in large areas of grassland. The alpine-tundra belt
nized as a major control of terrestrial ecosystems (Wright, (>  2300  m  asl) is covered with boulders and short-grasses
1974; Bond, Woodward & Midgley, 2005). dominated by Carex curvula and Nardus stricta. Today, the
Studies conducted in the Alps suggest that fires occurred surroundings of the studied lakes are grazed by sheep, cat-
during the Holocene (Vorren, Mørkved & Bortenschlager, tle, or horses from June to October, and the vegetation cover
1993; Wick, 1994; Tinner, Ammann & Germann, 1996; is characterized by highly diversified meadows dominated
Carcaillet, 1998), but very few of these studies have under- by Carex sempervirens and Festuca rubra (Ozenda, 1985).
taken paleo-fire frequency reconstruction (Carcaillet et  al.,
2009). Unlike boreal ecosystems (e.g., Lynch, Hollis & Sampling design and chronological control
Hu, 2004; Carcaillet et  al., 2007), subalpine forests of the Cores were sampled with a Russian corer (1000  ×
European Alps appear to have experienced complex fire 75  mm) within 1  m2 in each of the 2 ponds. Charcoal and
regimes in space and time (Carcaillet, 1998; Tinner et  al., pollen were analyzed on the longest cores (495 and 345 cm
2005; Stähli et al., 2006); a similar pattern has been observed length at Lac du Thyl and Lac du Lait, respectively), and
in the subalpine Canadian Cordillera (Gavin et  al., 2006). plant macroremains were analyzed on parallel shorter cores
Fires could thus have locally impacted vegetation trajectories (395 and 300 cm, respectively).
during the Holocene, altering or stimulating vegetation Chronologies were obtained from the longest cores,
changes triggered by large-scale processes such as climate based on 12 AMS 14C datings and a series of 17 210Pb
(Overpeck, Rind & Goldberg, 1990; Willis et al., 1997). measurements at Lac du Thyl and on 7 AMS 14C datings at
The present study aims at distinguishing the influence Lac du Lait (Carcaillet et  al., 2009). 210Pb measurements
of regional and local-scale processes on subalpine vege- were obtained by alpha-counting (Genries et  al., 2009).
tation changes in a French alpine valley, with a particu- AMS measurements were carried out on terrestrial plant
lar focus on fire regimes. Charcoal, pollen, and macrore- macroremains (13 samples) or on bulk sediment when
mains analyses were carried out on sediment profiles from macroremains were not available (6 samples). Calibrated
2 small subalpine ponds; these analyses were then used to ages (cal.  BP) were computed with the Calib 5.0 program
reconstruct the long-term changes in fire and vegetation at (Stuiver & Reimer, 1993), using the calibration data set
these sites. Comparison of the 2 sites using the multi-proxy INTCAL04 (Reimer et al., 2004).
approach was employed to explore the past function of
regional and local-scale processes on vegetation trajectories, Charcoal analyses
enabling us to examine the role of fire. Contiguous sediment samples of 1  cm3 were collected
along the cores for charcoal quantification. They were
Methods soaked in a 3% NaP2O 4 solution and sieved through a
160-µm mesh. Fragment surfaces were classified under
Study sites a dissecting microscope (40×) using an ocular-grid with
Lac du Thyl (45° 14' 26"  n, 06° 29' 59"  e; 2038 m asl) 100 squares, each of 0.0625  mm2, in height size-classes
and Lac du Lait (45° 18' 52"  n, 06° 48' 56"  e; 2180 m asl) increasing exponentially. The total surface area of charcoal
are 2 small, peaty ponds (1300 and 2000  m 2, respect- was calculated for each sample by determining the mean
ively), 26  km apart, situated on south-facing slopes in the surface area by size-class and multiplying it by the number
Maurienne valley (northern French Alps). Both sites were of particles. Charcoal measurements were reported as char-
previously investigated: Lac du Thyl by David & Barbero coal concentrations (mm2·cm–3) and charcoal accumulation
(2001) under the name Pré Bérard, and lac du Lait by David rates or charcoal influxes (CHAR; mm2·cm–3·y–1). The fire
(1993; 1995a,b) and David & Barbero (1995). The Maurienne reconstructions derive from Carcaillet et al. (2009).
valley, located at the northern limit of the Mediterranean
climatic influence, is one of the driest areas of the Alps. Pollen and macrofossil analyses
Its intra-annual variability and mean annual amplitude of For pollen analysis, sediment samples of 1  cm3 were
precipitation and temperature are within the range of the taken along the core to reach a constant temporal resolution
European continental climate (Ozenda, 1985). of ca. 100 y. Samples were soaked using 10% hot KOH, and
Land-use abandonment, which began during the second carbonates and silicates were eliminated using 20% HCl
half of the 19th century, has resulted in an intense woody and 70% HF, respectively. Part of the organic matter was
biomass build-up. Today, the lower subalpine belt (ca. 1700– removed by acetolysis, and then the samples were mounted
1900  m  asl) is covered by coniferous woodlands domin- in glycerin on glass slides. Pollen identifications were
ated by Pinus sylvestris, Larix decidua, and Picea abies, based on pollen atlases (Reille, 1995–1999) and on com-
with understoreys characterized by Juniperus communis, parisons with the reference collection of the University of
Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, and Ononis Montpellier 2. Pollen percentages were calculated based on

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ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 16 (1), 2009

pollen sums exceeding 500 terrestrial pollen grains, exclud- gesting the multi-millennial progressive development of a
ing Cyperaceae, aquatic species, and Pteridophyta spores. marginal peat-forming wet meadow. This process, which
For macrofossil analysis, the cores were sliced into lasts 700  y until 6500 cal.  BP, precedes the disappearance
1-cm-thick samples, representing volumes of about 22 cm3. of pollen and macroremains of Acer and Alnus incana-type
Each sample was soaked for 45 min at 90 °C in a 10% KOH (zone  4). The end of zone  4 (5500 cal.  BP) is marked by
solution. The bulk solution was sieved at 160 µm, and plant replacement of microscopic algae by rhizopods and Carex
remains were identified under a dissecting microscope radicels, indicating a transition from open waters to peat.
(60×). Identifications were achieved by comparisons with This sedimentological change, which induces a drop in the
the reference collection and atlases of plant remains (e.g., input of detritical material from run-off, happens after one
Berggren, 1969; Schoch, Pawlik & Schweingruber, 1988). fire. This may explain the contemporaneous decrease in
both pollen percentages and macroremains influx of Pinus
Numerical analyses and temporal zonation cembra. The beginning of zone  5, around 5500 cal.  BP, is
Correspondence analyses (CA) were computed on char- marked by a new increase in pollen percentages of Pinus
coal influxes and pollen percentages to estimate the rela- and a drop of Pinus cembra and other tree macroremains,
tionship between fires and plant composition and to analyze associated with a decrease in pollen of Abies, Poaceae,
the vegetation trajectories per site. Macroremains were not and other herbs. Zone  6 (4900–3900  cal.  BP) records,
considered because of their low diversity of taxa and their both in pollen and macroremains assemblages, the local
restricted source area (a few tens of metres around the peat). disappearance of Betula and the extension of Carex mead-
The assemblages identified by the CA enabled us to delimit ows over the entire site. The replacement of rhizopods by
pollen zones. Pediastrum boryanum between zones 6 and 7 indicates
Correlation analyses were performed with Statistica a return to semi-open waters, supporting the hypothesis
version 6 (StatSoft France, 2001). The correlations were of a sedimentary hiatus between 3900 and 1600 cal.  BP.
calculated between the number of fire events per 1000 y and The late Holocene (zone  7) is characterized by fluctuat-
pollen percentages on the whole sequences. Correlations ing and declining pollen records of Pinus, Abies, Betula,
were considered significant for P-values ≤ 0.05 and ≤ 0.01. and Apiaceae and a simultaneous increase in Picea, Alnus
viridis-type, Fagus, anthropization indicators (cultural
Results proxies: Juglans, Castanea, Plantago, Cannabinaceae, and
Chronology cereals), and other herbs. This leads to a vegetation similar
Four radiocarbon datings were excluded from the age/ to that of the present for at least 1600 y.
depth model of Lac du Thyl due to methodological or tapho- Lac du Lait
nomical problems. Two of the measurements were inferred
Generally speaking, Lac du Lait recorded fewer
from macroremains that were too old (reworking), and 2
macroremains than Lac du Thyl, probably resulting from its
were derived from bulk sediments containing old carbon
from the coal-rich bedrock (Permo-Carboniferous schists larger size. Four pollen zones were recognized (Figure 1b),
and sandstones; Service géologique national, 1988). The with a homogeneous record in the first 3 zones. Between
measurements on bulk sediment should have been done on 10 200 and 8700 cal.  BP (zone  1), Pinus, Abies, Betula,
total organic carbon. The chronology of Lac du Thyl shows a other trees, and Poaceae dominate the pollen percentages
break in the sedimentation rate, revealing a likely sediment- and very few macroremains are recorded. The beginning
ary hiatus from 3900 to 1600 cal. BP, although no change is of zone  2, around 8700  y ago, shows a weak decrease in
evident by visual observation of the sediments. This hiatus pollen percentages of Abies, Betula, and other trees, an
could be confirmed with palynomorphs analysis. To com- increase in pollen percentages Pinus cembra and of other
pare the 2 ponds, we kept only the Holocene sequence for herbs, and expansion of Pinus cembra, Betula, and Carex
Lac du Lait, and present the results for the period 10 200– macroremains. A moderate fire frequency, i.e., 9 fires with-
0 cal. BP (Figure 1b). in 4600  y, is recorded in this zone. Around 4100 cal.  BP
(zone  3), Abies and Alnus incana-type pollen percentages
Pollen and macrofossil data increase, as does fire frequency (13 fire events recorded
Lac du Thyl within 2300  y). Finally, zone  4 (1800 cal.  BP) is marked
Seven pollen zones were recognized (see Figure  1a). by a decrease in fire frequency (only 1 fire recorded), a
The pollen assemblages from 8900 to 8600 cal.  BP decrease in Pinus, Abies, and Betula pollen percentages, and
(zone  1) are characterized by Pinus, Betula, and herbs an increase in pollen percentages of Picea, Alnus-viridis-
(Apiaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Rumex, Filipendula), and type, other trees, anthropization indicators (cultural proxies:
the macrofossil record attests seeds and catkin scales of Juglans, Castanea, Plantago, Cannabinaceae, and cereals),
Betula. Around 8600 cal.  BP (zone  2), the pollen percent- Cyperaceae, and other herbs. The tree macroremains dis-
ages of Abies, Acer, and Alnus incana-type increase. In appear at 1500 cal. BP, replaced by Cyperaceae. The last
these first 2 zones 8 fire events are recorded. Around 7200 millennium is characterized by an increase in Cyperaceae
cal.  BP (zone  3), Pinus cembra expands, according to macroremains and the replacement of Tetraedron and
the increase in pollen and macrofossil abundances. This Pediastrum boryanum by Carex radicels, rhizopods, and
date also corresponds to a rise in both Cyperaceae pollen Botryococcus, which reveal the expansion of peat-forming
percentages and macroremains influxes of Carex sp., sug- marginal communities. Cyperaceae dominance both in

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Genries et al.: Fires control subalpine vegetation dynamics

Figure 1. Simplified diagrams of pollen percentages, macrofossil influxes, palynomorph occurrences, and charcoal influxes at Lac du Thyl (a) and Lac
du Lait (b). The taxa include only those reaching mean pollen percentages ≥ 1% on at least 1 of the 2 sites. Anthropization indicators include plants related to
agro-pastoral practices at the regional scale: Juglans, Castanea, Plantago, Cannabinaceae, and cereals (Behre, 1981). Dashed lines separate the pollen zones.
The fire reconstructions derive from Carcaillet et al. (2009). Charred particles > 0.0625 mm2 were tallied after sieving and bleaching at high resolution all
along the cores according to Carcaillet et al. (2001). The peaks of charcoal accumulation rates (mm2·cm–3·y–1) are used as fire proxies after statistical analyses
of frequency distribution of detrended charcoal series (Gavin et al., 2006; Carcaillet et al., 2007). These analyses enable the date of occurrence of each fire,
and thus the number of fires for each pollen zone of the diagram, to be determined. The identified fires are indicated by arrows.

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ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 16 (1), 2009

terms of pollen and macroremains shows the development incana-type between 8600 and 7200 cal. BP. The CA clearly
of subalpine tree-less meadows. demonstrates the close link between these taxa and charcoal
abundances (Figure 2b).
Correspondence analyses
Lac du Thyl Lac du Lait
The correspondence analysis (CA) performed on pol- The CA (Figure  2c) distinguishes well only pollen
len assemblages (Figure 2a,b) distinguishes well the 7 zones zone  4, which features greater heterogeneity than the
described above. The F1/F2 factorial map depicts about other zones. Axis 1 (F1) incorporated ca. 64% of the vari-
2/3 of the total variance of the assemblages (axis 1 [F1] ca. ance and axis 2 (F2) ca. 12%. F1 opposes zones 1, 2, and
32% and axis  2 [F2] ca. 30%), which is a consequential 3 to zone 4, indicating that the main change in vegetation
result. F1 shows on the positive side assemblages of zones recorded at this site during the Holocene period is the
1 to 6, and on the negative side only zone  7 (Figure  2a), one that occurred 1800  y ago. The vegetation of zone  4
whereas the F2 axis distinguishes pollen assemblages rich is characterized by Fagus, Picea, Alnus viridis-type,
in Pinus cembra and Cyperaceae (positive side) from the anthropization indicators, and Cyperaceae (Figure  2c-d).
others on the negative side (Figure  2b). This indicates that The position on the positive side of F1 of both Alnus
the last few centuries of the chronology, characterized by incana-type and charcoal abundances highlights their
pollen of Fagus, Picea, Alnus viridis-type, and anthropiza- close connection (Figure 2d).
tion indicators, are very different from the rest (Figure 2b).
The position of zone  2 on the positive side of F1 and the Statistical comparison of site trajectories
negative side of F2, outside the general trajectory, is due The CA based on a single matrix of all pollen assem-
to pollen assemblages particularly rich in Acer and Alnus blages of Lac du Lait and Lac du Thyl (Figure  3) utilized

Figure 2. Correspondence analyses of Lac du Thyl a) assemblages; b) taxa and Lac du Lait c) assemblages; d) taxa. The zone numbers refer to the pol-
len zones described in Figure 1. Taxa are labelled as follows: Psyl, Pinus sylvestris-type; Pcem, Pinus cembra; Puni, unidentified Pinus; Abie, Abies; Pice,
Picea; Betu, Betula; Qpub, Quercus pubescens-type; Acer, Acer; Ainc, Alnus incana-type; Avir, Alnus viridis-type; Auni, unidentified Alnus; Fagu, Fagus;
Otre, Other trees; Anti, Anthropization indicators; Apia, Apiaceae; Aste, Asteraceae; Poac, Poaceae; Cype, Cyperaceae; Oher, Other herbs; Spor, Spores;
Char, Charcoal.

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Genries et al.: Fires control subalpine vegetation dynamics

a large number of assemblages (90 for Lac du Thyl, 1800  cal.  BP around Lac du Lait. We detected only 1 fire,
100 for Lac du Lait) and taxa (20). The first 2 axes of the dated at almost 8900 cal.  BP, that occurred at the Lac du
CA correspond to ca. 58% of total variance, which is a solid Lait site during the first millennia of the Holocene. This
statistical result. Figure  3a enables to distinguish the simi- result suggests that fires did not occur around Lac du Lait,
larity and differences between the trajectories of the 2 sites. although evidence of fires was found at Lac du Thyl and in
Before ca. 6500 cal. BP, Lac du Lait appears very stable and southward valleys based on charcoal from travertine (Ali
no significant trend is perceptible, whereas the assemblages et al., 2005; 2006). The low influx of wood charcoal record-
of Lac du Thyl show a large variability. Lac du Thyl is char- ed at Lac du Lait during the Early Holocene (Figure  1b)
acterized by assemblages rich in Acer and Alnus incana- is therefore surprising, but it may be linked to the low
type, whereas Lac du Lait is characterized by high Pinus abundance of Pinus cembra and Betula macroremains
percentages, including P. cembra (Figure 3b). About 6500 y (Figure 1b). The charcoal we found may have resulted from
ago, the pollen assemblages of Lac du Thyl change, indi- extremely low-severity local fires in a low-tree-biomass
cating a transformation of the surrounding vegetation, and ecosystem, or from the transportation of charred particles
become more similar to those of Lac du Lait (Figure  3a). from a regional source area. The very small size of the par-
The sites present convergent trajectories only for the last ticles found also suggests that they may have been the result
1600  y, indicating a similar controlling process during this of regional transportation (Tinner et al., 2006).
period. The pollen assemblages characterizing the late- The variability of fire regime at the scale of a single
Holocene (the last 2000 y) on the right side of axis 1 show valley confirms the absence of a clear temporal pattern of
the arrival of Picea and Fagus in the valley, as indicated fire dynamics in the western Alps (Carcaillet, 1998; Tinner
by pollen, suppression of trees, and the development of et al., 1999; 2000; Stähli et al., 2006). It moreover implies
meadows in the subalpine belt (anthropization indicators, that fires never spread over large areas within the studied
increase in Poaceae and Cyperaceae pollen, and macrore- zone, and that they depend on local processes, overlying the
mains) and the spread of a disturbance-resistant taxon, i.e.,
regional climate. Biomass composition and structure, top-
Alnus viridis-type (Figure  3b) along with fire suppression
ography, heterogeneity of substrates, and elevation all affect
(Figure 1a,b; Thyl: 2 events; Lait: 1 event).
fire ignition and spread.
Discussion Long-term vegetation dynamics
Holocene fire dynamics Comparison of the 2 diagrams (Figure  1) and the CA
Whereas fires are currently extremely rare in the sub- (Figure 2) reveals extremely different pollen records, much
alpine belt of the western Alps due to forest suppression more heterogeneous at Lac du Thyl than at Lac du Lait. This
for agro-pastoral activities in recent centuries, the charcoal suggests a more local record at Lac du Thyl, which is the
records (Figure 1) show that fires were periodically frequent smallest site (Jacobson & Bradshaw, 1981); this is also sug-
during the Holocene. The records at the 2 sites appear very gested by the close similarity between pollen and macrore-
different, however. First, the charcoal influx is more regu- mains assemblages (Figure  1a). The homogeneous pollen
lar at Lac du Lait, which suggests a more extended source record at Lac du Lait (Figures 1b and 3a), on the other hand,
area for pollen. Second, the timing of fire frequency chan- may represent an averaged long-distance input, although it
ges is asynchronous between the 2 sites: the highest fre- converges with the macroremains pattern.
quencies occurred between 8900 and 6500 cal.  BP around Comparison of the 2 diagrams and the CA also reveals
Lac du Thyl and from 7000 to 5000 cal.  BP and 4100 to differences in the composition and structure of the surrounding

Figure  3. Synthetic correspondence analyses of Lac du Thyl and Lac du Lait a) assemblages; b) taxa. Taxa are identified as follows: Psyl, Pinus
sylvestris-type; Pcem, Pinus cembra; Puni, unidentified Pinus; Abie, Abies; Pice, Picea; Betu, Betula; Qpub, Quercus pubescens-type; Acer, Acer; Ainc,
Alnus incana-type; Avir, Alnus viridis-type; Auni, unidentified Alnus; Fagu, Fagus; Otre, Other trees; Anti, Anthropization indicators; Apia, Apiaceae; Aste,
Asteraceae; Poac, Poaceae; Cype, Cyperaceae; Oher, Other herbs; Spor, Spores.

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ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 16 (1), 2009

plant communities. Between 8700 and 4100 cal.  BP, the the run-off waters. This development may be the reason
simultaneous decrease in Abies pollen percentages and for the decrease in the macroremains record at that time.
appearance of Pinus cembra macroremains around Lac du Macroremains were nevertheless recorded throughout the
Lait (Figures 1b; 2c,d; 3a,b) could be due to a densification whole sequence (Figure  1a), so this filtering effect must
of the pine canopy (Muller et  al., 2006). The subsequent have been limited, probably because of the small size of the
1800-y period (zone  3) of slow increase observed in pol- pond (1300  m2). Charcoal and pollen grains, on the other
len percentages of Abies (but no macroremains) and Alnus hand, are transported by both run-off and wind, and the fil-
incana-type (Figure 1b) in relation to fires (Table I) would tering effect is thought to have less influence on these par-
then mark a canopy-opening phase. The positive relation of ticles. Consequently, the records should accurately reflect
Abies to fires, which challenges the conclusions of Tinner the general variations in fire frequency and vegetation dur-
et  al. (2000), is probably an artefact due to canopy open- ing the second part of the Holocene. From 5500 cal.  BP,
ing by fires, leading to a better Abies pollen record. The the vegetation trajectories at the 2 sites, hitherto different,
best record of Alnus incana-type is in agreement with its become similar (Figure 3a), with a closing of the pine can-
present-day pioneer ecology (Rameau et  al., 1993). The opy. It must be noted that the canopy closing at Lac du Thyl
dominant regional pollen input, which dilutes the local is dated 1000  y earlier in the study of David and Barbero
record, probably explains the constant elevated Pinus pol- (2001) than in our analysis.
len percentage and the inconsistent positive correlation
between fire events and Pinus cembra pollen percentages Local and regional-scale controlling processes
(Table I). The macroremains record, which reflects the local Climate and human activities are regional-scale pro-
vegetation, shows that infrequent fires did not alter the local cesses; the former transformed the Holocene vegetation
Pinus cembra population. Around 1000 cal.  BP, the record dynamics and species migrations (de Beaulieu, Kostenzer &
of Carex radicels and rhizopods associated to the increasing Reich, 1993), while the latter has profoundly modified the
Cyperaceae pollen percentages and macroremains depicts landscape (e.g., T. Nakagawa, unpubl. thesis). In our study,
the progressive development of Cyperaceae peaty margins long-term analysis of the vegetation dynamics around the sites
related to the terrestrialization of the pond (Korhola, 1995). indicates similar histories, with a dominance of pine from the
Unlike Lac du Lait, Lac du Thyl records, between 8500 early mid-Holocene until almost 1800 cal.  BP (Figure  1).
and 6500 cal. BP, an original community composed of Acer The last 1800 y have seen a profound change of the vegeta-
and Alnus incana-type and little abundance of cembra pine tion structure (Figure 1) and composition (Figures 2 and 3),
(Figures  1a;  2a,b;  3a,b). This community is evidenced to with a significant change in the plant cover (Figure 1). This
be anew in relation with the occurrence of frequent fires. period is characterized by a great heterogeneity (Figure 2a,c)
(Figure  1a; Table  I). The pollen record of Acer at Lac du and a similar trajectory for the 2 sites (Figure 3a), associated
Thyl, which closely matches its present-day upper limit with Alnus viridis-type, Fagus, Picea, and cultural proxies
(Rameau et al., 1993), is consistent with the charcoal from (Figures  1;  2b,d;  3b). Alnus viridis-type is recorded almost
this taxon found in soil profiles at similar altitudes (Talon, exclusively during the last 2 millennia, which underlines its
Carcaillet & Thinon, 1998; Carcaillet & Brun, 2000). The close association with human history (de Beaulieu, 1977;
significant correlation between Acer and charcoal abun- Muller, David & Wicha, 2000; Nakagawa, de Beaulieu &
dances (Table I) shows that the local persistence of a maple Kitagawa, 2000), especially phases of land-use abandon-
stand over 2000  y results from frequent fire disturbances, ment since grazing and trampling may prevent regeneration
as suggested by David & Barbero (2001). The CA notably and growth of green alder (Richard, 1990). Anthropogenic
reveals a clear opposition between Pinus cembra and char- fragmentation of the landscape into small units and the clear-
coal, Acer, and Alnus incana-type on axis  2 (Figure  2b). ing of woody communities for pastures caused the local
The significant negative correlation of Pinus cembra with treed ecosystems, dominated by Pinus cembra and Betula,
fire at Lac du Thyl (Table  I) suggests that P.  cembra was to be replaced by grass-dominated meadows (Figure  1)
disadvantaged by fire (Figure  1a). The results could indi- throughout the Alps (e.g., de Beaulieu, 1977; Muller, David
cate that fires constrained pine populations around the & Wicha, 2000; Muller et al., 2006; Nakagawa, de Beaulieu
site, by controlling their spatial structure. At 5500 cal.  BP, & Kitagawa, 2000; ). The establishment of pastures led to
the record of Carex radicels and rhizopods indicates the suppression of fires because of a lack of fuel and a decrease
final closure of the Cyperaceae peat that had begun at least in woody population connectivity. Only 2 fires were recorded
1500  y earlier, as indicated by the increase in Cyperaceae around Lac du Thyl and 1 around Lac du Lait during the last
pollen percentages and macroremains (Figure  1a). The 2 millennia, whereas these sites experienced higher frequen-
fossil record, which earlier had resulted from both aerial cies earlier during the Holocene (Figure 1).
and run-off inputs into open waters, shifts at this point to While fire is a long-term climate-sensitive disturb-
mainly aerial input because the peaty marginal belt filters ance (Power et al., 2008), the periods of high fire occurrence

Table I. Correlation analyses (r2 values) for Lac du Thyl and Lac du Lait. Significant correlations are indicated by * when P-values ≤ 0.05
and by ** when P-values ≤ 0.01.

Pinus cembra Total Pinus Alnus viridis-type Alnus incana-type Abies Acer
Thyl – 0.15 ** – 0.21 ** – 0.01 0.32 ** 0.06* 0.24 **
Lait 0.31 ** 0.29 ** – 0.10 ** 0.08 ** 0.17 ** – 0.01

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Genries et al.: Fires control subalpine vegetation dynamics

were not synchronous (Figure  1). Nevertheless, the study responses to fires to increase our knowledge of the link
highlights the close link between some taxa and fire occur- between fire and subalpine ecosystems.
rence, and it demonstrates the existence of common tra-
jectories between the sites when vegetation is submitted to Acknowledgements
high fire frequency. Indeed, when fires became frequent
Financial support was provided by the Institut National des
(8900–6500 cal.  BP at Lac du Thyl, 4000–1800 cal.  BP
Sciences de l'Univers (INSU-CNRS, France), the national pro-
at Lac du Lait), local pine abundance decreased, benefit- gram ECCO (to C. Carcaillet), and a research allocation from the
ting Alnus incana-type and Acer at Lac du Thyl and Alnus French Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
incana-type at Lac du Lait (Figure 1, David, 1995b; David (to A. Genries). We offer our grateful thanks to A. Ali, S.  Ivorra,
& Barbero, 2001). The CA notably shows that the persis- F. Roiron, and B. Vannière for field assistance and to J. Ferrier and
tence of open environments is related to the regular occur- P. Schevin for their help during the laboratory work. This publica-
rence of fires (Figure  2b,d), which is confirmed by the tion is contribution ISE-M n° 2008-053.
significant positive correlations between fire occurrence
and the pollen percentages of Acer and Alnus incana-type Literature cited
(Table I). In spite of phases with frequent fires, Pinus cem-
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ÉCOSCIENCE, vol. 16 (1), 2009

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