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ZEU1113 PROFICIENCY ENGLISH [ASSIGNMENT 1] Choose three best characters from the following that are rightfully deserved to be the survivor of a natural disaster. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Answer :
Among the six given characters listed above, I would pick the 19 year old agriculture student as my first choice, the other second to none would be the 30 year old pregnant lady followed by the 50 year old engineer. First and foremost, I am going to state my reason and express my humble opinion based on their qualities and positions they hold in the society in order to build a better future for everyone to enjoy. Being the youngest of all, the agriculture student is a budding hope . And to determine how our future would be like depends on our young and youthful generations who must be cultivated as a great potential from the start, so that someday they can contribute something to the populace as well as transforming the world at the end of the day. Yes, indeed every great person on this earth started out from zero to hero and they soon make a difference from nobody to somebody. Besides, agriculture has been historically known as a prime economic force that remarkably propels a civilization from land of nothing to something since the dawn of time. The soil is the place of birth and source of all living things, and the agriculture student can somewhat fully utilized it as to give a new soul to everyones life by restoring the environmental damage and balancing the ecosystem. Agriculture can do good things to the environment that makes this world a greener, healthier and better place to live in. Since the purported idea is about calamity survival, I believe that the pregnant lady should be the portrayal of productiveness, rebirth and time to start anew. The offspring is a soon-to-be blooming leader of tomorrow. A catastrophic tragedy surely may have claimed many lives, but the loss of life is compensated with the existence of newborns. Taking the pregnant lady into account is not only because we solely have to protect the unborn baby but also to inspire people on the power of motherhood in garnering hope, joy, peace and harmony with regard to humanity. For the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world the child bearing and child raising mother is surprisingly the backbone of the world. Life does mean a lot to us if the one who gives birth to you and was once the pregnant lady is none other than your own biological mother. From the womb to the tomb, future means nothing without the production of todays generation. Hence, women, mothers or the pregnant lady deserved to live and shall be given their rightful place in society.

50 year old engineer 28 year old actress 30 year old pregnant lady 19 year old agriculture student 40 year old doctor (alcoholic but have made several discoveries) 70 year old religious person


As the name suggests, the role of an engineer is a very significant one because this intellectual planner is responsible to come up with a setting of design that safe enough to withstand the incredible force of nature. The engineering knowledge against natural disaster is desperately needed in our preparedness for the upcoming unexpected mishap and devastation by reflecting on the past failures, and looking toward the future disasters. The stability and resistance of an infrastructure is deeply crucial as that will help to minimize the harmful impacts on top of to prevent destruction and losses caused by hazards. Despite of the fact that natural hazards are the act of God as a punishment and reminder to the unfaithful, engineers job in disaster mitigation and management could save thousands of innocent lives. So, 50 years of age is just a matter of number here, like they say the older the wiser. Meaning that the more experienced the engineer the better the chance for us to survive from being the victim of calamities through their ingenious innovations of advanced warning systems, improved structural designs and green development for the sake of Mother Nature and human being. The world is moving because of the driving force of the engineers. All in all, if anyone were to be asked to have their life been spared, no one will ever choose to accept death for some reasons. What we always do is that we only feel gratitude when we are being deprived of something. The sense of loss and the troubled times taught us to be strong-willed and also more concerned towards oneself and others. Every person has their own parts and opportunities to stand out and shine because everyone has their respective capabilities that may be advantageous upon others. Since we all humans are mutually dependent, the kindness act of giving and receiving will keep good values within society alive. Lastly, keep in mind that an ending is a new beginning. Start the new chapter with resolutions to live the dream, never lose hope and believe!

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