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Local Offer Area Updates for SE7 Local Offer Workshop 10th January 2013


Brighton & Hove

East Sussex Yes Chaired by local pathfinder lead Representatives from: Parents (1) from PaCC Social Care (childrens disability service) An assistant Headteacher/SENCO and a SENCO Health Post 14 team CVS IT Project Manager Parent Partnership and Family Information Service (joint service in ESCC) Consultant employed one day a week to work with schools Short breaks manager SEN manager Early years (asked but not attended thus far) School governor (as above)

Hampshire Yes Representatives from: Parents (3) including chair of Hampshire parent carer network Adult Services Social Care Special School Headteacher Ethnic minority Traveller Achievement Service Health School Nursing (joining this month) Joint Commissioner (leading LO Health element) Post 14 team VCS IT Project Manager and Pathfinder IT Lead Early years College Educational Psychology Parent Partnership

Kent Yes Education (LA), Schools (primary, secondary and special), Health (commissioning and practitioner), Social Care, FE Colleges, Parent/Carer Forum, Voluntary Organisations, Parent Partnership Service, Community and Engagement Unit (includes ICT link), Skills and Employability Team, SEN Tribunal Service.

Medway Yes

Surrey Yes Principal Consultant Inclusion and SEN, Babcock 4S (CoChair) 2 - Parent Specialist Teacher Post 16, PSS Joint Head of Additional and Special Educational Needs, Centre Manager, Sythwood Childrens Centre Targeted Services Manager SW Area SALP Manager Assessment Manager, LLDD, Headteacher at The Park School SE Therapy Locality Manager, NHS Parent Partnership Adviser, Head of Virtual School for LAC, Policy and Project Officer, Parent Commissioning and Short Breaks Manager, Team Manager, Surrey Parent Partnership, (CoChair) Early Years and Childcare Manager, NESCOT college 2 -Family Voice Parent Forum reps Head of The Childrens Trust VCS Representative

West Sussex Yes 3 parents from the West Sussex Parents Forum Strategic Commissioning Manager for Disability Commission Manager Integrated Working Parent Partnership Manager Learning General Advisers for different areas of the County Head Teacher of mainstream Primary School Representative from West Sussex Council for Voluntary Youth Services WSCC SEND Pathfinder Project Officer Service Manager Early Childhood Services Senior Family Information Service Adviser

Do you have a Yes separate workstream for the Local Offer & Learning and who sits on this? Partnership Consultant Chair Pathfinder Lead SEN Resource Manager Parent / PaCC (2) Amaze Operations Director Manager, Family Information Service Headteacher (special school) LA ICT Assistant Head (primary school) SENCO (secondary school) Integrated Childrens Disability Service Manager

Pathfinder Lead/ Psychology & Inclusion Service Manager Parent Partnership Service Co-ordinator Educational Psychologist SEN Assessment Manager Deputy Manager, SEN Assessment Team Head Teacher, Primary Special School SENCO, Primary School Head Teacher, Primary School with The group has a PD Unit Terms of Reference which Parent Carer Forum includes outcomes Representative College Head agreed by the Strategic Manager, Change Board. Early Years Services IT Business Liaison Officer Director of Engagement & Inclusion (Mainstream Secondary School with attached SEN centre Childrens Therapy Manager, Community Healthcare (attended once so far) Director, Ethnic Minority Forum (VCS)


Brighton & Hove

East Sussex




Surrey Commissioning Manager LLDD, Head of St Peters Hospital PRU Finance Consultant, Babcock 4S Transition Development Manager Assistant Headteacher of Virtual School for LAC Head of PSSS SENCO Head Infant School Children Centres Advisory Team Head of Specialist Centre at Therfield School Head of Surrey Teaching Centre at The Childrens Trust Early Years Coordinator NE Surrey PCT, NHS Senior Service Support Assistant for HASEN IT Advisor Area Lead SEN, North West

West Sussex

How often do you meet


Bimonthly but needs to be more regular


Every 6 weeks

There have been three meetings since August, with monthly meetings planned from January 2013.

Every 6 weeks


Do you have subgroups meeting separately to discuss individual elements of the local offer e.g. IT Health, Education


A newly formed group for education and plans to form a health/care groups

An established group for education and plans to form a health group

Yes. We are developing a pilot Local Offer in one district where the Assessment and Planning strand is being trialled.

We have had one separate IT meeting; two members of the Local Offer work stream met with the IT Account Manager for Children and Adults Directorate.


No, but this is needed. An Education Sub Group meeting is to be set up very soon to look at school area wide minimum standards as part of what would have been the Statutory Assessment Guidance review. 2

Is there representation missing?

Brighton & Hove

Post 16 Health Early Years

East Sussex
EP, CVS, School Governors, Early Years, and locally there is a THRIVE project that is concerned with information for early help (amongst other things) Young people

School representation on the main group has been hard to get. We had a primary head involved but he has had to withdraw due to staffing issues. It has not been possible to get a secondary head on the group

Most appropriate early years representative currently being identified.

I think it would be useful to have a greater presence from health and possibly social care

Yes Young people and FIS rep.

West Sussex
We are still working to obtain representation from Health. It is not necessarily that they are not willing to engage, but more deciding on who is the best person to invite. We are also aware that we need to identify an I.T representative and the Workstream Lead has spoken to I.T Services to identify a suitable person.

Have you generally made schools & colleges in your area aware of the Local Offer? Have you had a positive response in terms of collaboration?

Yes. Information has been disseminated e.g. through SEN Partnership Board and at the recent launch event for the new SEN Partnership Strategy. The Chair of the workstream group is meeting with Sencos to discuss the minimum standards.

There has been a school inclusion conference and also Inclusion managers meetings where this has been discussed There are plans to hold workshops for schools early next year We have approached early years settings, schools and colleges in a number of ways. There is a plan to put more information out to schools in the new year There is a bursars conference soon when LO will be discussed as part of pathfinder There has also been communication through a newsletter for parents and carers

We have approached early years settings, schools and colleges in a number of ways. through the pathfinder reps, at standing committees, conference for SEN Governors meeting Area and district managers through early years Incos meeting with college LDD leads building on work of Education Officer and SEN Inspector consultation workshops SENco updates and school briefings are planned for next term There are a small number of settings who are working with us to develop this but it has been hard to engage the wider school network at a time when they are faced with many demands and the School Funding Reform. There is also

An e bulletin has been drafted for the director to agree which will be accessed by all schools. Meetings are arranged with the primary and secondary schools forums in the pilot area. Recent presentation provided in pilot area to the SENCo network where there was considerable anxiety about the new assessment and planning process and how it will affect their role. Therefore future presentations will need to have a greater emphasis on the role and benefits of the Local Offer so that all SENCos and Schools can understand the benefits.

Head Teachers were made aware of the questions for schools via email by one of the Head Teachers on the work stream. There are further meetings planned for January, when we intend to ask schools to begin answering the questions.

Yes, participation in questions for schools and colleges.

The Local Offer Workstream Lead and Lead Educational Psychologist has visited Heads Executive groups to raise general awareness, has discussed this at SENCo briefings, and also visited a special school to have an example of a special school filling out the Regional Local Offer school questions. The Parent Partnership Manager has carried out the same task with regard to the school questions with a mainstream secondary and mainstream junior school. A General Adviser Additional Educational Needs 0-11 has visited SENCo locality groups to talk about the area wide minimum standards, to gain feedback and to ask them to try to complete the table. In terms of a response from schools, the general feeling is that 3


Brighton & Hove

East Sussex

some apprehension about very differing responses from schools and what impact this will have.




West Sussex
some Heads feel a bit detached from this at the moment as it is a pathfinder and may not feel they need to become involved yet. SENCos seem more aware of the need to contribute to this work and tend to be more involved with the feedback that we are receiving.

Have you involved parent carers or young people? If so, how? If not, how do you plan to involve them?

Parent carers are actively involved through PaCC our Parent Carers Council. Two PaCC parent reps sit on the workstream group and will report back to the wider PaCC group.

We started off with an information and involvement event in Feb We visited parent groups to talk about the LO We have had a PaCC rep

We have met with members of HPCN on several occasions. Have discussed LO at an Information Day event/ Parents involved in sub group and looking at development with schools information. Information from regional group on the HPCN network. LO part of events being planned by HPCN in January February. Some parents have contributed to discussions about features of websites that are helpful to have. Parents have contributed ideas about boundary issues that they hope the LO will explain. Workstream have prepared questions about the LO so that participation workers already working with young people can include discussion about the LO in the work

Parents and carers have been involved from the start. Communication to wider group mainly via the Parent/Carer Forum. Parent/Carer Forum, PPS and Workstream Lead planning series of parent drop ins following success of recent event. Easy read documents on websites. Two focus groups of young people attending FE college recently held. A wide range of SEN and disability represented. Both groups have indicated there wish to remain involved

We have representation from the Parent Carer Forum on both the Change Board and the Local Offer work stream. Medway is planning a Young Persons Advisory Group for the duration of the Pathfinder.

Local college engaging young people for participation on workstream

We have involved parent carers from the start and very much embrace the principle of co-production. Representatives from the Parents Forum are on all work streams, as well as the Local Change Board and Strategic Board. There is also a West Sussex parent representative (representing SE7 Parent Carer Forums) on the SE7 Regional Board and SE7 Regional Local Offer Steering Group. We have been a bit slower on the young people side, however we do have a representative from the West Sussex Council for Voluntary Youth Services on the work stream and a CYP Officer has been recruited as a result of the pathfinder, so will hopefully be part of future meetings.


Brighton & Hove

East Sussex

that they are already doing




West Sussex

Have you started to collate information/prepare information for the framework?

Starting to identify existing sources of information.

Are working with schools re the minimum standards and the questions. We are concerned that we are not yet populating the framework There is work to be done to locate existing information that can be migrated/linked to.

Are starting to work with schools.

In the early stages for the Thanet pilot as mentioned above.

We plan to start by asking schools to complete the questions in January 2013.

Scoping the task

In our last work stream meeting we have started to map what is important to include in the Local Offer, taking into account the research that Parent Carer Forums and Parent Partnership Services have also carried out. It is vital that the right people are around the table to ensure that everything is captured, so we may continue this at our meeting in January. We are also drawing together information for the school area wide minimum standards and an Education sub group will hopefully meet in the new year to pull this together.

When do you hope to have a Local Offer that will be available to a wider audience?

End of March 2013 in a basic form from which we will develop further.

We have been working towards publishing Education information in April 2013 and then working on the Social Care and Health elements.

We have been working towards publishing Education information in April 2013 and then working on the Social Care and Health elements. The Short Breaks statement has recently be rewritten and coproduced with parents.

It is hoped to have an initial draft for the pilot area in February. This will not be in the final web based format but will contribute to the final version.

Ideally we will have something tangible in place by March 2013.

By the deadline

We hope to have some way of publishing the information related to the SEN funding reforms for April 2013. This will then be the basis of the Local Offer, we can then build on this throughout the remainder of the pathfinder and beyond.

Where will it sit?

LA website with links to Amaze and FIS websites

Hopefully on ESCC with the FIS database (which needs to be updated) being the core for the local offer There are other possibilities-nothing definite but Adult Social Care have a web based resource that could be in the frame

We are in the process of deciding this and are producing a business plan that will describe the scope and requirements of the project.

A meeting has been organised with the Community and Engagement Unit to address this issue

This is currently up for discussion at the next Local Offer meeting.

To be confirmed

This is still being thought through and we hope to get advice at the January event.

Please outline any material challenges, successes, ideas

Brighton & Hove

East Sussex
Challenges Capacity of staff General awareness amongst parents and workers ICT Success Schools and parents better informed

The capacity of staff to follow up the scope and complexity of the LO is a challenge as is resourcing for IT development. Engagement of Education settings challenges as already described. Health have been enthusiastic at stakeholder events when discussing the LO but constrained because of capacity and the changes that are taking place in Health. A meeting with Border authorities ( non SE7) to look at the learning from the Pathfinder was helpful in terms of discussions about the LO.

Successes: The active participation of relevant services and units. Working in partnership with the Parent Forum Involvement of parents and young people Challenges: Composing the ICT element and the budget implications

Medway will be using a map as part of the logo to identify it within SE7

Successes Engaging ICT rep on workstream. Challenges Where will it sit, who will update? Maintenance, security for access, migration of information already held in various locations, gathering information we do not know about, local information, the enormity of task.

West Sussex
Successes: Parents being fully involved with meetings that involve officers that may not have experienced this way of working before. Having the opportunity to look at the bigger picture of how we present information to parents

Challenges: Knowing how and where to start with the I.T side of the work without any resources to fund this.

Any other information/questions Contact person Ros Cook ros@amazebrighton.or Viv Oliver viv.oliver@eastsussex. Tesni Mason tesni.mason@hants.go Linda Baker Mhairi Tynan Barbara Ingram Gary Anderson
Barbara.ingram@surreycc, gary.anderson@babcocki

Heather McIntosh heather.mcintosh@wes


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