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The greatest enemy of excellent is good.


America is richly populated with good Christian schools. Not only are many of these schools good, but some are very, very good. Few Christian schools, however, can accurately be classified as great. Indeed, as the anonymous quote above reminds us, most schools are content with just being good schools. They have determined that being great is certainly not worth the effort and anguish that characterizes the journey to greatness. Therein lies a major reason why many Christian schools are floundering today and run the risk of closing their doors tomorrow. It is a worthwhile endeavor to continue to move onward and upward for Christ, always motivated by the biblical challenge that to be excellent in all things is a goal to which all Christian individuals and organizations should aspire. It is time for HCA to embark on the journey to greatness in an organized, aggressive fashion. This document, Strategic Plan 2013-2017, was developed with short-term and long-term goals and objectives in mind. When reviewing this plan, bear in mind that some goals may be somewhat general; whereas other goals are very specific. All goals and objectives will be evaluated annually to determine if the Strategic Plan 2013-2017 needs updating. What is important about this original plan, as well as any annual updates, is that all goals and objectives are achievable within the four-year timeframe. In terms of organization and presentation, the following ten (10) independent areas of emphases constitute our plan: Governance and Administration Education and Student Life Spiritual Matters Admissions and Marketing Business Matters Personnel Issues Communication Parental Involvement Land and Facilities Advancement Conclusion

Each area of emphasis is critical in meeting the strategic goals of HCA. Furthermore, each area is in concert with the mission of the school. Therefore, this Strategic Plan 2013-2017 is presented after careful and prayerful consideration. May God bless Hebron Christian Academy as it continues to move from Good to Great! Sincerely,

Tim Hillen Headmaster

Governance and Administration...................................................................................................... 3 Education and Student Life ............................................................................................................... 5 Spiritual Matters ................................................................................................................................... 7 Admissions and Marketing ................................................................................................................. 9 Business Matters ................................................................................................................................. 11 Personnel Issues ................................................................................................................................. 13 Communication ................................................................................................................................ 15 Parental Involvement ....................................................................................................................... 17 Land and Facilities ............................................................................................................................ 18 Advancement ................................................................................................................................... 19 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 21

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Governance and Administration

OBJECTIVE(S): An educational institution, much like any professional organization, must be well organized and operate with a high degree of excellence in all areas of governance and administration. In order for HCA to achieve a high degree of this desired excellence, the following action steps will greatly enhance its governance and administrative functions. ACTION STEPS: Develop, publish, and operate according to an Organizational Chart that clearly outlines the authority structure of HCA. Develop, publish, and communicate a comprehensive Manual of Policies & Procedures, a sampling of the policies addressed in this manual follows: Attendance Requirements For Children Of All HCA Employees Code Of Ethics For HCA Volunteers Criteria For Reduction In Personnel Designated Giving Employee Code Of Ethics Expulsion and Future Re-Admission Possibilities Extension Program For Homebound Students Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Supervisory Compensation Schedule Faculty Compensation Financial Aid Policy And Process Headmasters Advisory Committee Institutional Identification NepotismHiring Practices Request To Withdraw Student (Request Initiated By Parents or By HCA) School Trips, Field Trips, Student Activity Supervision School-Wide Reading Materials Student Lifestyle Statement Student Referral Program Student Withdrawal, Dismissal, and Possible Future Re-Entry Substitute Teacher Compensation Tuition Responsibility Scenarios Vacation Days

Continue to provide the Board of Directors with thoughts and recommendations geared toward adopting a formal governance model that clearly delineates the role of the Board and the Headmaster as they assume their leadership functions at the school. Whenever desirable and financially feasible, continue to prioritize and implement safety and security measures outlined in the Safety & Security Plan (available on the HCA website). Finalize steps to correct deficiencies and implement recommendations sited in the 2007 ACSI/SACS Accreditation Report (copy available to review in the Headmasters office). Create and empower an official Steering Committee for the specific purpose of preparing HCA for the 2014 ACSI/SACS re-accreditation visit.

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Develop and implement a framework for improvement to address any deficiencies (major or minor) sited by the accreditation visiting team during and after the official visit in the spring of 2014. Devise and, when needed, initiate a plan to replace key administrative personnel. This plan should include recruitment strategies and a process to maximize opportunities for seamless administrative transitions. Prepare, publish, and operate according to job descriptions for all HCA employees. Develop and institute specific work-year requirements for all HCA employees. Prepare and publish a series of job applications (i.e., faculty, staff, coach, administrator) pertinent to the position for which the applicant applies. Develop and institute a series of formal evaluation instruments, ones that address the desired results for all employee positions. Develop and implement compensation systems and processes for all positions, including those related to co-curricular and extra-curricular assignments. In conjunction with the Board of Directors, develop and implement a specific Naming Policy for approved facilities (current or new) or for special honors and distinctions. Develop and implement a Signage Policy to regulate all advertising activities on the HCA campus. Such a policy should include both athletic and non-athletic facilities, as well as specific designations for monies received. Review and, when necessary, make changes to the various summer camp offerings. Such changes should include, but be not limited to, hiring a summer camp director, establishing fee guidelines, regulating wages, etc. Devise and implement a comprehensive set of principles of operation, ones that address class size, faculty/staff assignments, class offerings, reduction in personnel, etc. Develop and implement a comprehensive written statement detailing HCAs philosophy of athletic participation. In general terms, provide all HCA constituencies with this Strategic Plan 2013-2017 in order to proceed in a systematic, aggressive, and professional manner to accomplish important goals at HCA.

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Education and Student Life

OBJECTIVE(S): The primary and only legitimate purpose for our school s existence as school is to be a place of academic teaching and learning where Jesus Christ is honored as Lord. To this end, HCA is committed to provide each student with a high-quality, broad-based, relevant educational experience within the context of a thoroughly biblical Christian worldview. The following action steps should prove helpful as HCA moves forward toward achieving this major goal. ACTION STEPS: Since American children, in general, and HCA students, in particular, experience one of the shortest school day calendars in the world, it behooves HCA leaders to discuss ways to extend the school experience, including: adding more instructional days, considering longer school-day hours, regulating classroom interruptions, and emphasizing more dedication to time-on-task utilization of class time. In order to provide our students with a high-quality, broad-based educational experience, devise/implement a model curriculum and begin systematic efforts to include these curriculum offerings. In specific terms relative to the college-preparatory nature of our school, move aggressively forward to increase honor classes and advanced placement (AP classes) as part of the students curriculum opportunities. In order to provide our students with high-quality curriculum materials, a formal curriculum/textbook evaluation and adoption policy needs to be developed and implemented. Initiate steps to improve student achievement results, especially the results on secondary precollegiate national ability and achievement tests (i.e., the SAT and ACT). As a goal, make all necessary curriculum and instructional modifications to improve scores by a minimum of five (5) percent during the next four years as compared to the last four years. Initiate a comprehensive analysis of the grades K-12 curriculum, and if necessary, implement curriculum changes that have the net effect of enhancing each students education experience. Revamping the entire K-12 technology program should be a top academic priority at HCA. This re-vamping process includes hiring competent technology instructors, identifying and implementing a comprehensive K-12 technology curriculum, beginning significant utilization of digital textbooks, providing ample technology software, hardware, and facilities, and developing specific goals to quickly move in the direction of one-to-one (i.e., computer to user) learning in all appropriate grades (TBD). An immediate goal is for all high school students to possess/use individual tablets/computers in HCA classrooms and learning centers by the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. A similar plan should unfold for middle school students by the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year. Expand student trips to select local, regional, and national colleges and universities in order to better acquaint our students with future college/university opportunities. These trips should include both Christian and secular colleges and universities.

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Implement/expand an appropriate system of student rewards for noteworthy academic achievements, service initiatives, and outstanding performances. As an example, facilitate the implementation of the HCA Top Scholars Program, a new initiative designed to honor the highest academic achievers (i.e., the Top 10 or Top 20) for each graduating class. Initiate a wide variety of on-line and dual-credit instructional opportunities for our students. Expand the scope and role of HCAs Prefect leadership group to include greater opportunities for members to assume responsibilities, engage in leadership activities, and serve in new and unique ways as they represent HCA. Solicit/encourage student participation on various ad hoc committees (e.g., dress code revision committee) to assist with specific decision-making issues. Develop and operate a comprehensive before-school and after-school tutoring program specializing in subject remediation, standardized test preparation, study skills, organizational skills and practices, and subject-specific instruction. Develop and operate a comprehensive summer enrichment program, including academic remediation, various fine art offerings, sports camps, and various activity/supervisory offerings. Initiate a comprehensive review of the entire HCA inter-scholastic athletic program. This review, and all subsequent recommendations and actions, will focus on a wide variety of athletic issues, including the quality of current programs, our goals and vision for future facilities, facilities, our philosophy of athletic participation, coaching needs, booster club operations, etc. Establish/implement a specific written protocol for all athletic, fine arts, and academic scholarships/signings. Take appropriate steps to ensure that all HCA graduates strongly resemble the student portrait presented in the publication, Experiencing Hebron Christian Academy (available on the HCA website). Lay the necessary groundwork to improve alumni relations, including the possibility of establishing an HCA Alumni Association. Devise a strategy to address the needs of students who have been officially diagnosed with learning disability (LD) challenges. This strategy should include specific parameters within which HCA personnel can be effective to meet both the needs of the students and the goals of the school. Take all necessary steps to safeguard and promote the college preparatory status at HCA.

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Spiritual Matters
OBJECTIVE(S): Without question, a major reason why parents chose to educate their children in Christian schools and why administrators, faculty, and staff members choose to serve in Christian schools, is the unmistakable fact that Jesus Christ is acknowledged and honored as Lord and Savior and may freely be proclaimed as such in the Christian School environment. In order for HCA to achieve its spiritual goals for its students, essential programs must be included, opportunities for service must be available, and an employee base of strong Christian role models must be secured. Some action steps necessary to achieve the desired results follow: ACTION STEPS: Enhance the current student leadership program by implementing a very specific student leadership curriculum, including instruction and activities focusing on biblical leadership instruction and principles taught by experienced teachers. Conduct a thorough review of HCAs chapel program offerings and, when necessary, make changes that better serve our student s needs and desires, including personnel growth opportunities in terms of their knowledge, receipt, and application of Gods word. Add a strong biblical apologetics component to the Bible curriculum. This component should be grades K-12 in scope. Spiritual journey portfolios (sample copy available in Headmasters office), tracking each students spiritual highlights and activities, should be considered for use. HCAs Mission Statement needs to be widely proclaimed, publicized, and posted throughout the campus, discussed in the classrooms, and understood by all members of the HCA community. HCAs Statement of Faith needs to be widely proclaimed, publicized, and posted throughout the campus, discussed in the classrooms, and understood by all members of the HCA community. HCA should expand its educational/spiritual ministry by organizing and/or hosting various parent seminars (daytime and evenings) designed to entertain, inform, educate, and strengthen HCA families. Experiencing HCA, a document that lists 25 major student outcomes that should be characteristic of a students Christian school experience, should be a source document for future curriculum inclusions, emphasis, and instruction (available on the HCA website). A grades K-12 biblical scope and sequence should be developed/implemented outlining the spiritual game plan for current and desired spiritual instruction and emphasis. Much like an academic scope and sequence, a written, living document needs to be publicized with specific desired spiritual outcomes. This system appropriately should highlight the absolute necessity for each student to make a personal decision to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord, to acquire an understanding and belief in the authority and infallibility of Gods Word, to share ones faith with others, to disciple others and to become an articulate defender of ones faith.

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Institute specific training programs and activities regarding students sharing the gospel (e.g., The Four Spiritual Laws), discipling others and preparing them to meet the professors during their future college/university experiences. Provide increased opportunities for students to put their faith into practice (e.g., prayer initiatives, personal testimonies, chapel participation, student newspaper inclusions, debate competitions, etc.) Institute opportunities for employees and students to engage in a variety of Christian worldview opportunities (e.g., Truth Project Seminar for adults and HS students). When facility arrangements permit, Headmaster-lead devotional sessions and the concept of cross-level prayer groups should be initiated.

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Admissions and Marketing

OBJECTIVES: In an era of challenging economic developments and declining school enrollment, it is imperative that HCA move in the organizational direction of establishing an effective Admissions and Marketing Department. The creation of this department should be an organized, efficient, and dedicated effort to spread the good news of HCA throughout the greater-Atlanta metropolitan area. This can best be achieved by accomplishing all or most of the following goals: ACTION STEPS: Establish an official Admissions & Marketing Department separate from the Advancement Department. Whenever feasible, hire a Director or Coordinator of Admissions & Marketing. Create an admissions and marketing committee, drawing upon the expertise of employees, parents, and key community members. Develop, fund, and implement a comprehensive admissions and marketing plan. Oversee all organizational, operational, supervisory, and evaluation aspects of the admissions and marketing department. The primary goal of the admissions and marketing department is to increase student enrollment. Specifically, the following student enrollment growth chart reflects HCAs enrollment goals for the duration of this Strategic Plan 2013-2017: 2013-2014 .................................................................................................................. 920 2014-2015 .................................................................................................................. 950 2015-2016 ................................................................................................................ 1000 2016-2017 ................................................................................................................ 1040 Re-vamp the entire admissions process to provide parents of prospective HCA students with a more informative, professional, and customer-friendly experience. As a starter, de-centralize many admissions activities to achieve greater utilization of principals and other school-level employees. Conduct a comprehensive overhaul of all admissions and marketing publications, including applications, brochures, and other related literature pieces. Design/implement an exit survey for families not returning to HCA, regardless of their reasons (e.g., finances, academics, philosophy, last student graduating, etc.). Evaluate/implement new ways to market the school, including television, radio, print media, billboards, exterior signage, internet, DVDs, etc.

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Implement a consistent institutional identity program, focusing on graphic design regulations, colors, styles, logos, etc. Provide for the creation, display, and sale of various HCA products and athletic wear, both for the enjoyment of the HCA community and for advertisement in the greater-Atlanta metropolitan area. Establish an external visitation strategy to develop relationships with area churches, preschools, other K-8 Christian schools, and organizations that value a Christian education for its membership. Constantly analyze current data and use that data to make re-enrollment predictions, establish enrollment goals, and make necessary adjustments to programs and personnel in order to maximize all admissions and marketing efforts. Develop and institute campus tours that provide informative and important exposure to enrollee candidates and their families. Such tours should be designed and implemented to put our best foot forward in all of these plans and activities.

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Business Matters
OBJECTIVES: Many, if not most, Christian schools in America are suffering financially. The weakened economy of the past several years has had a devastating economic impact on Christian schools, including HCA. Enrollment numbers are down, tuition assistance is up, and voluntarily charitable giving is far below desired levels. With the challenges to be confronted, it is imperative that effective business function performed by skilled business practitioners become a major focal point at HCA. This new emphasis will be successful if the following goals are met: ACTION STEPS: Conduct a thorough review of all past and current business-related practices at HCA. Make all necessary changes in an ongoing effort to achieve a high degree of professionalism, efficiency, financial stewardship, parent friendliness, and, at the same time, comply completely with all applicable legal, moral, and professional standards and guidelines. Thoroughly review the 2010 analysis of HCAs human resource policies and activities performed by the consultants from Independent School Management (ism). Whenever appropriate, implement their recommendations in a timely and expeditious fashion. A copy of the 2010 report is available for review in the Headmasters office. Revisit all specific monetary policies of HCA and, when appropriate, institute changes. Such polices include, but are not limited to, budgetary allotments, vendor relationships, investment policies, and other important Board-initiated monetary policies (e.g., financial aid declarations, tuition collection guidelines, bid process regulations, etc.). Devise/implement a comprehensive policy related to all non-tuition income producing efforts (e.g., tutoring, summer school instruction, athletic camps, student supervision, etc.) of HCA employees, parents, and friends. Develop a specific facility rental/usage policy to govern all aspects of potential facility usage by outside individuals and organizations. Revise the current policy related to refunds for student withdrawal to include specific guidelines and actions for non-compliance. This policy, of course, must be approved by the Board of Directors (BOD), thus reflecting their philosophy and the extent to which HCA will pursue parents with outstanding tuition obligations. Evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the professional tuition collection services of FACTS for all students/families. Evaluate the idea of developing/implementing an extended tuition payment program, the goal for which is to provide parents with secure, long-term HCA schooling for their children and, at the same time, avoid potential significant annual tuition increases. Take appropriate steps to earn accredited status with the Evangelical Council for Fiscal Accountability (ECFA).

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Increase HCAs school store (i.e., the Lions Den) services by opening two separate store sites, undertaking the added responsibility of selling school uniforms, and continuing to provide ample opportunities to purchase HCA sportswear and other HCA identification/spirit items. All functions of store operations will be designed to meet the dual goal of convenience and increased affordability. Evaluate the current student lunch program, as well as various food-service operations utilized at other schools. If deemed necessary, institute changes for various food/drink items or, if necessary, change the current food service provider. Enlist the professional services of auditing firms to conduct all financial HCA audits, including 403(b) audits, to ascertain the health of HCAs business functions. If deficiencies are identified in any audit, take all appropriate measures to correct the deficiencies. Continue the process to provide maximum budgetary information to members of the administrative team. In that regard, institute appropriate measures of responsibility and accountability (i.e., living within budgetary amounts) and de-centralization of budget functions. Develop and publish a specific investment policy that governs how all HCA funds will be handled, both on a short-term and long-term basis.

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Personnel Issues
OBJECTIVE(S): The most important person in the formal educational life of a student is the teacher. Therefore, teachers and the support staff must be qualified, effective, and committed. In turn, the school must be committed to providing only the best teachers available, those that are continually moving from Good to Great status. In terms of personnel, nothing but the very best will do at HCA. This commitment to provide the best will require clear, fair, generous, and visionary policies, programs, procedures, and priorities, many of which are presented as follows: ACTION STEPS: Increase personnel networking activities (locally, regionally, and nationally) to help identify and attract highly-qualified teachers and administrators to HCA. Develop and publish an up-to-date organizational chart that clearly delineates HCAs authority structure, and implement plans and procedures to facilitate proper chain-ofcommand operations. Expand the scope and significance of the Headmasters Advisory Comm ittee, a newly created committee comprised of faculty and staff members organized to solicit/receive advice pertaining to various school issues, especially those directly affecting HCA employees. Develop/implement a comprehensive employee compensation package with specific wage and salary goals, as well as an attractive and equitable fringe benefits program. If/when possible, develop an initiative and timetable for implementing these goals. Enhance and expand the concept of the ARM Program (i.e. Attract, Retain, and Mentor) in order to move aggressively forward to provide HCA students with top-quality faculty and staff. Develop/implement a Professional Employee Code of Ethics, specifically detailing expected beliefs and behaviors of all HCA employees. Develop/implement strategies to secure maximum funding for the Worthy Servants Program. Provide clarity of expectations and responsibilities for all employees by developing and publishing clearly-written policies and procedures, most of which deal with HCA personnel. Periodically, offer the internal seminar Moving Up To Administration for individuals aspiring to a career as a Christian school administrator. Design, solicit funding, and implement a program to recognize outstanding teachers and staff members. Four annual recipients should be named. One for each school level and one for the staff. Specifics of the program should be developed and included in the Manual of Policies and Procedures. In order to bring a higher degree of continuity to the current faculty evaluation program, a new Faculty Evaluation Policy needs to be developed, including the construction and adoption of a new formal faculty evaluation instrument. The policy and evaluation instrument should be developed and utilized commencing with the 2013-2014 school year.

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Develop/implement a two/three year staff development program focusing on areas of school life (e.g., technology) where faculty training is essential and the benefits of such training result in increased professional competencies, and thus, student benefits. Involve all HCA employees in intra-school Good to Great initiatives, including contests to solicit ideas that are of special benefit to HCA. Institute specific requirements for all HCA employees to read, understand, and operate according to various policies and procedures. Special emphasis should be given to the fact that these policies and procedures will be enforced as written.

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OBJECTIVE(S): Parents make a considerable financial investment when they choose to send their children to HCA. It is quite understandable, then, that parents want as much information as possible about their school experience. Therefore, it is incumbent upon school leaders to solicit ideas, perceptions, and opinions from the clientele it serves. Thus, the following communication action steps should prove important and helpful to all parties: ACTION STEPS: Thoroughly institute and apply the Matthew 18 Principle as the biblical process to deal with all interpersonal relationship issues, including invoking Matthew 18 procedures for almost all HCA conflict resolution cases. Publish and disseminate HCAs Organizational Chart (available on website or in hardcopy form in the Headmasters office) to better inform students and parents of the schools chain of-command structure. Continue the process of upgrading the HCA website to achieve goals of attractiveness, accessibility, availability of information, and helpfulness, both to the HCA community and to inquiring families locally, state-wide, and nationally. Formalize the publication ROARING as a quarterly communication piece at HCA. If warranted, expand the publication from its present four-page format to a six-page or eightpage format. Implement the concept of providing suggestion boxes at appropriate locations on HCAs two campus sites. Concurrently, devise and communicate general guidelines for suggestion box utilization. Develop and publish the document In The Know as a viable communication tool to assist new HCA families in their understanding of important school-related information. Expand the current concept of Parent-Headmaster Coffee sessions to include ParentPrincipal Coffee sessions at all three school levels. Develop and disseminate communications that should be helpful to students and parents in their HCA experience. For example, sharing recommended reading lists, vocabulary lists, standardized test taking tips, etc. should prove to be helpful. Make available to all parents the schools Annual Report (see Advancement section), an important document that summarizes annual giving efforts and provides special acknowledgment of donors who generously help fund important school projects. Develop and publish a Volunteer Code of Conduct, a document that outlines expectations and responsibilities for all HCA parent volunteers. Hold an annual State-of-the-School Night, the purpose of which is for the Headmaster to discuss goals, needs, accomplishments, and the direction of the school. The entire HCA parent community will be extended an invitation to attend this event.

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Establish and operate a Communication Council, a committee of the Headmaster and select HCA employee leaders convened to increase internal communication efforts, and thereby increase the knowledge and efficiency of all school operations. Expand the concept of the Headmasters Advisory Committee, an internal committee of the Headmaster and select faculty and staff representatives organized to share ideas and advice on how better to serve fellow employees at HCA. Conduct an analysis of all communication pieces and make changes necessary to improve such communication efforts. This analysis includes, but is not limited to, intra-school communications, external e-mail communications, professional publications, etc.

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Parental Involvement
OBJECTIVE(S): Parents are, of course, ultimately responsible for the education of their children. It should be expected, if not required, that parents play an active role in this responsibility. HCA is committed to partner with parents in all phases of the educational experience. This partnership may manifest itself in several ways. A few recommended high-priority opportunities for parent involvement at HCA are presented in the following list: ACTION STEPS: Solicit and utilize parent involvement for all major fund-raising events (e.g., Annual Fund, Walk of Faith, Auction, future Capital Campaigns, etc.) Include parent representation on special ad hoc committees (e.g., the Steering Committee for ACSI/SACS re-accreditation) in an effort to maximize their stakeholder status at HCA. Create/administer a series of survey instruments designed to solicit HCA parent opinions regarding various school issues. Not only will this initiative meet the goal of increased parent involvement, but it will also provide another excellent communication opportunity. Establish an official Lions Athletic Booster Club, the one and only official athletic booster club at HCA. Like other official and important organizations, by-laws will need to be written, goals established, operations defined, and expectations shared with all HCA parents who desire to become members. Much like the Lions Athletic Booster Club, special consideration should be given to creating the Lions Fine Arts Booster Club, an official organization of parents designed to provide support for all aspects of our Fine Arts Program (i.e., vocal and instrumental music, visual arts, and performing arts). All tasks associated with launching and operating the Lions Fine Arts Booster Club will need to be formulated. Evaluate the desirability and feasibility of starting the HCA Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF), a formal parent organization designed to increase parent participation in HCA school life. If considered viable, the various organizational tasks (e.g., writing by-laws, establishing goals, defining membership, electing officers, etc.) will need to be accomplished before the PTF is officially launched. Formalize/expand the current parent volunteer program to include as many qualified and willing parent volunteers as possible. This process should include specific procedures for assigning volunteers and implementing the Volunteer Code of Conduct. In general terms, strive to achieve an organizational status that is parent-friendly in all aspects, including operating procedures, financial measures, parent appreciation initiatives, etc. Be more intentional when drawing upon the talents and abilities of our parents by using them in a wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities.

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Land and Facilities

OBJECTIVE(S): HCA is a relatively young Christian school (operating under its current name since 1999). For a school this young, HCA is blessed with outstanding facilities situated nicely on ample and attractive acreage. This is not to say, however, that HCA is without significant facility challenges. The need for a permanent elementary school facility, a permanent middle school facility, and expanded athletic venues, top the list. To move from Good to Great , HCA is committed to the task of moving aggressively forward to meet these challenges. Implementing some or most of the following recommendations will begin/continue our aggressive march forward: ACTION STEPS: Re-visit prior facility master plans and update with a current facility master plan that includes the following: Permanent elementary school location and facility Permanent middle school location and facility Construction of all-weather eight-lane track Visitor seating at the football/soccer complex Possible administration building housing offices of the Headmaster, Business Office personnel, Advancement Department personnel, Admissions/Marketing Department personnel Practice athletic fields Location and placement of outdoor athletic facilities (i.e., baseball, tennis, softball)

Expand/enhance available parking and roadways, and develop effective traffic flow patterns. Design, fund, and install major identification signage. Whenever possible, enhance exterior facility appearance with items such as stone, brick, custom lettering, painting, etc. If/when possible, secure additional property adjacent to or near present campus sites. Develop campus beautification plans for both campus sites, consisting of shrubs, trees, flowers, rock formations, etc. If the present location of the baseball field is deemed satisfacto ry for HCAs long-term plans, devise/implement a plan to secure lighting for that facility. Develop and institute a facility modification plan for current and future facilities. Modification examples include: faculty work rooms, library arrangements, storage facilities, etc.

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OBJECTIVE(S): Never before in the history of the modern Christian school movement have advancement strategies and success become so important. Current funding to compensate for tuition income shortfalls is critical. Consequently, sacrificial giving, both immediate and deferred, is of great importance. In order to operate with a multi-faceted advancement program, and thus achieve most of the goals presented in this Strategic Plan 2013-2017, it would behoove HCA to move forward with the following advancement goals: ACTION STEPS: Create, publish, and communicate the news of HCAs Annual Fund, probably the most important financial initiative for the next several years. This fund will allow HCA donors to specifically designate funds to any one or more of the following categories: ARM Athletics Building Fund Fine Arts General Fund Safety & Security Specific School-Level Enhancements Technology Tuition Assistance Worthy Servants

Specific funding goals have been established and are listed as follows: 2013-2014 ............................................................................................................... $ 125,000 2014-2015 ............................................................................................................... $ 160,000 2015-2016 ............................................................................................................... $ 200,000 2016-2017 ............................................................................................................... $ 250,000 Total $735,000

Publish an annual report each July or August summarizing charitable giving to HCA for the previous school year (or through the end of the fiscal year at the end of June). This report will list individual and organization donors for each advancement department initiative. Additionally, general financial summaries will be provided for Annual Fund giving and other financial solicitation efforts. Develop/implement specific policies and procedures relative to the oversight, collection, counting, verification, depositing, and acknowledgement of all financial donations to HCA. Special additional procedures regarding the receipt and acknowledgement of gifts-in-kind need to be formulated (in writing) and instituted. Identify Christian school-friendly Georgia based foundations for purposes of building relationships and, when appropriate, presenting funding proposals.

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Formalize, implement, and advertise a policy to receive funds In Honor Of and In Memory Of individuals with special relationships to members of the HCA parent family. Devise and implement strategies to inform/educate our parent constituency about Student Scholarship Organizations (SSO) opportunities to direct state income tax dollars to HCA. Such strategies should include, but not be limited to, e-mails, newsletters, parent seminars, special brochures, website notifications, and other forms of communication. In conjunction with the Board of Directors, conduct a desirability and feasibility study to determine the possibility of a future capital campaign to provide funds for facility construction. The findings of such a study should be communicated to the Board and to the broader HCA constituency. Design and implement strategies to secure funds utilizing planned giving methodologies. Specifically, begin the process to solicit donor giving via wills, trusts, and annuities (e.g., charitable gift annuities). Furthermore, develop a Model of an Effective Advancement Department to be used as a guideline to establish activities and delineating friend-raising activities from fund-raising activities. Develop and publish a series of Advancement communication documents that explain initiatives and encourage participation. This literature series should include the Walk of Faith, Annual Auction, In Honor Of and In Memory Of giving, charitable gift annuities, etc. As a starter, communicate this report (i.e., Strategic Plan 2013-2017) in various formats and forums. Every HCA family should receive an e-mail copy. Also, hardcopies of this report should be made available in the Headmasters office. Furthermore, hardcopy reports should be available to outside parties that may have special interest in the HCA educational ministry. Finally, hardcopies should be available for re-accreditation purposes and to assist with special fund-raising efforts. Develop and institute a specific policy that governs all fund-raising activities by HCA employee, student, or parent groups.

Strategic Operating Plan 2013-2017: Good to Great in Gods Eyes Rev. 1.0 9/13

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As the reader of this Strategic Plan 2013-2017 will clearly see, a rather ambitious set of goals will establish HCAs agenda for the next four (4) years. In total, more than 1 35 specific initiatives are presented in this report and will serve as the focus of future action by HCA personnel. What remains to be established are priority listings and specific timetables for action. Indeed, even though this plan is rather ambitious, so too is the desire of the HCA community to notice significant progress on several fronts in a rather short period of time. This desire will constitute the collective goal of all HCA employees and volunteers. What the reader of this Strategic Plan 2013-2017 will also readily determine is that, if the goals enumerated in this plan are substantially achieved before the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year, HCA will indeed have moved in the direction of becoming one of Americas great Christian schools. Please join the entire HCA community in praise and thankfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ for what He intends to do in and for our school. May God bless you in the role you will play to help your school achieve this measure of greatness!

Strategic Operating Plan 2013-2017: Good to Great in Gods Eyes Rev. 1.0 9/13

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