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Ingleby Mill Newsletter November 2013

the schools Eco-Team on the last Wednesday of the half term. Parent Teacher Consultation Evenings Thank you to the very, very many of you who met with your childs teacher to discuss his/her learning. The attendance was high. I hope you have a good idea of how your child has settled into the new class and how well he/she is working. We know that when home and school work in partnership, childrens learning benefits and they make good progress. I hope you found the meeting useful and have been offered ideas about how you can support your childs learning at home. If you didnt manage to get in to see your childs teacher, please contact school to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time. Remembrance School will be supporting the British Legion Poppy appeal again this year. Poppies will be on sale this week and we will hold our annual Remembrance Assembly with children from Y1 Y6 on Monday 11th November.
Behaviour for Learning Pupils at Ingleby Mill generally behave very well and incidents of inappropriate behaviour are relatively few. In line with changes to national expectations, we are in the process of reviewing our Behaviour Policy (current policy is available on the schools website). Parent Governors will be representing your views but if you have any suggestions about what might be included, please contact Mrs Coverdale by the end of November.

Welcome to what promises to be another very busy half term. The children all returned to school fresh and ready for learning on Monday morning. They were all keen to get back into their routines and to begin working a great start! As the nights are now drawing in, could we ask that you consider reflective strips on childrens coats/bags like those on our Book Bags? It makes the journey to and from school just a little bit safer during the darker winter months. We look forward to seeing you at the various events planned for the end of term (Foundation Stage Carol Concerts, Year 1 Nativity, Christingle, Parties dates are to follow). It promises to be a VERY busy half term. Oh, What a Wonderful World Week

At the end of the first Autumn half term, we had a themed week based around geography with children in all classes learning and practising geographical skills such as mapping, collecting data, researching the impact of humans on the environment etc. This important week ensures that children gain some understanding of the wonders of the world in which we live and it confirms our commitment to giving our children a well rounded education: we are one of only a few schools to hold the Primary Geography Quality Mark which is due for renewal next academic year. Soup and Share Thank you to the parents/carers who attended our Soup & Share. These are the unsung heroes of our school, family members who give their time willingly to help out in school on a regular basis. All of the produce the children had grown was made into a big soup by Claire the Cook which was then shared with our parent/grandparent helpers and members of

Policies Many of our policies can be found on our website. If there is anything missing from there that you would like to see, please let us know. Allergies/Medical Conditions It is vital that we are kept up to date with any medical conditions/allergies your child may develop. Please let the school office know in writing. Conditions such as asthma, allergies or eczema are recorded on a medical register (as well as in SIMs) but we can only keep children safe if we know. Your help with this is greatly appreciated. Performance Data Please see overleaf our end of key stage Performance Data for 2012/2013. As you can see, our childrens attainment is well above national averages. What is also pleasing is the progress children make during their time with us. Thank you for supporting us with your childs learning: this is vital to their success and we do appreciate your support.

Ingleby Mill Primary School 2013 Headline Data Year 1 Phonics Screening Test: 88% children met the Governments required standard in this test (up 16% on 2012). In Stockton on Tees the percentage of children meeting the standard was 68%. Key Stage 1 (End of Y2) Age Related Expectation L2b (2012 National Figures appear in brackets) L2+ 98% (91%) Maths 98% (88%) Reading 97% (83%) Writing 96% (88%) Speaking & Listening 96% (89%) Science Key Stage 2 (End of Y6) National Expectation L4 (2013 National Figures appear in brackets) L4+ 93% (85%) Maths 95% (86%) Reading 96% (83%) Writing (teacher assessment, externally moderated) 89% (74%) Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPaG) Combined Reading, Writing & Maths 91% (76%)

L2B+ 94% (76%) 93%(76%) 91% (64%)

L3 38% (22%) 39% (27%) 23% (14%) 33% (22%) 39% (21%)

L5+ 55% (41%) 55% (45%) 30% (30%) 64% (48%) 24% (21%)

Key Stage 2 Progress: 2013 National Figures, where available, appear in brackets. 2 or More Levels of 3 Levels of Progress Progress 89% (88%) Reading 27% 95% (91%) Writing 31% 95% (88%) Maths 32% We aim to improve further the progress pupils make between KS1 and KS 2. Whilst most pupils make expected progress (2 levels), we know that higher numbers of pupils could and should make better than expected progress (3 levels). This is an area of focus for the year ahead.

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