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WKNJ Newscast October 8, 2013 Juan Ortiz Good afternoon, its Wednesday November 13, 2013 at _____________ oclock

and youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im _____________ with the news.

In Local News,

According to fire officials at Port Elizabeth a man was severely burned after a forklift that he was working on burst into flames in a box trailer on Monday afternoon.

The worker, who has yet to be identified, was attempting to remove the last forklift from a shipment they had received earlier. But the attempt went awry when the worker tried to turn on the machine and said machine caught on fire. This according to Elizabeth Fire Department Deputy Chief Carl Hietmeyer. (HAY-T-MAY-YER)

Heitmeyer (HAY-T-MAY-YER) said the worker suffered third degree burns on his hands, second-degree burns on is head and also received damage to his throat.

The worker was quickly transported to Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston. His current condition is not immediately known.

It has been a year after Hurricane Sandy and so far only a quarter of the federal funding set for housing assistance has reached Jersey residents who were directly affected by the super storm. This is according to a coalition of housing groups who analyzed the way the federal assistance has been distributed.

The Christie administration quickly rebutted the findings saying that one third of the money has been dispensed.

The Fair Share Housing Center and Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey said they found that of the $1.16 billion dollars dedicated to helping affected homeowners and renters recover from Sandy, less than $283 million had been distributed in the past year.

Lisa Ryan, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Community Affairs, said the groups figure was inaccurate. Saying that the group relied on data, some of it being a month old.

In National News,

Hawaii will now become the 16th (sixteenth) American state to legalize same-sex marriages in the nation.

The states legislature made the announcement of passing the measure on Tuesday afternoon. The legislation will take effect on June 1st, 2014.

Hawaii governor, Neil Abercrombie (Abur-crum-bee) will sign the legislature today.

Hawaii joins fifteen other states that have also legalized same sex marriages like California, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

Proponents of same sex marriages are hopeful that more states will join the list in the months to come.

If you havent been instructed to take cholesterol medications by your doctor yet, well that might change soon.

On Tuesday the American Heart Associates and the American College of Cardiology released on Tuesday a new treatment regiment that will mainly focus on risk factors rather than just cholesterol levels of an individual.

These new guidelines could end up doubling the amount of people taking cholesterol medication, experts say.

Dr. Steven Nissen, the chief of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic says the biggest change compared to the old guidelines is that there is no more a big focus on the numbers.

To replace the numbers driven guidelines, experts have put in place questions that may or may not suggest risk factors to cholesterol and then from there doctors can decide whether to put them on a medication regiment or simply suggest lifestyle changes.

After months of uncertainty, the Justice Department has finally reached a deal that will allow the merger of American and US Airways.

The US had hoped to block the merger, because the merger would result in less competition and higher priced tickets for costumers.

The mergers, says the Justice department, will increase the presence of low cost airlines in airports throughout the nation.

The merger still needs to be approved by the bankruptcy court but the companies expect to be completely merged by December 2013.

In International News, Its been four days since Typhoon Haiyan flattened many areas in the Philippines and many are still desperate for help from nations around the world.

On Wednesday organizations and nation around the world scrambled to deliver essential supplies to the devastated nation. But rain from a depression nearby grounded some of the plains carrying supplies and poor road conditions made delivery very difficult and increased the suffering of thousands.

The lack of food and water lead to survivors taking extreme measures to find nourishment by looting.

The death toll of the typhoon has been reported to be 1,833. While over 2600 (twenty six hundred) were injured and at least 84 people still remain missing.

According to the Philippine government over 2 million people still need food and aid.

Stay tuned for more coverage on this story.

In a private ceremony yesterday afternoon at the state department, Caroline Kennedy was sworn in by the Secretary of State, John Kerry as a U.S. ambassador to Japan.

The event was private and the media was not invited but the State Department did release a photo of a smiling Caroline Kennedy, wearing a black dress, as Kerry was swearing her in.

Kennedy was accompanied by husband Edwin Scholssberg (Sh-loss-burg) and her son John Jack Schlossberg.

Kennedy is the United States first female ambassador to Japan. Her swearing in comes just ten days before the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of her father, president John F Kennedy on the 22nd of November.

More news, sports, and weather coming up (play PSA #1 here.)

In Sports,

Rutgers University has been getting a reputation of getting their football players into the NFL. Rutgers currently has 24 alumni on NFL rosters.

This comes after Rutgers got some recognition on Monday during the nationally televised Monday Night Football on ESPN.

Most recently Rutgers won against Temple 23 to 20.

Your WKNJ hourly weather update

Right now on campus it is very cold with a temperature of 34 degrees Fahrenheit but it feels like 24 degrees thanks to the wind chill. The wind is blowing 15 miles per hours, so its windy.

We will have a high of 41 degrees today and a low of 31 degrees with partly clear skies. Its going to be a pretty cold day so bundle up

Tune in later for meteorology reports on 90.3 FM.

In Entertainment News

Pop star Kelly Clarkson has made it very clear in recent television appearances that she wishes to soon become a mother.

And on Monday night while appearing on the Tonight Show, Clarkson told host Jay Leno that she and new husband Brandon Blackstock have been actively trying to conceive.

But when asked by Leno is she was pregnant, Clarkson did not say a direct no but instead stated that her and her husband are not announcing anything right now, leading to some to believe the pop start may be in the early weeks of pregnancy.

Clarkson recently released a holiday themed album, Wrapped in Red, that is out now!








Anticipation has been high for the sequel to the Hunger Games. The sequel named, Catching Fire, will hit theaters next Friday, but some of the early reviews have already been released.

Most of the early reviews say that Catching Fire is probably just as good or maybe even better than its predecessor, The Hunger Games.

The reviewers praised acting by Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Huntcherson.

Although some reviews do see a link in similar plots between the two movies, but still claim its a must see movies.

Are you going to go see Catching Fire next weekend?








Thats it for your news. Youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im _____________________ and well be right back after this. (Play PSA #2 here.)








List of Stories: 1. ml#incart_river 2. nters.html#incart_river 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. rom_monday_night_football.html#incart_river 9. 10. 11.

CHECKLIST FOR PLAGIARISM 1) (x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) (x ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.

3) (x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( x) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) ( x) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) ( x) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7) (x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.

8) ( x) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.

Name: Juan Ortiz Date: _Nov. 13, 2013

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