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[The Topic Of Your Paper Goes Here]

by Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name Submitted This_Month This_Number_Day, This_Year CORS456, Course_Tit e_!s_Listed_"n_Course_Cata o# Abstract $%ro&ide '5 to (5) *ords in +ara#ra+h ,orm des-ribin# the main idea or .bi# +i-ture./ Your te0t shou d summari1e the main +oint2s3 o, your to+i- as an .abstra-t./ Don4t use Paper more than (5) *ords/ Don4t use ess Your than '5 *ords/ This tit e +a#e shou d ,it on this +a#e/ You may add an a++ro+riate #ra+hi- i, you i5e be o*/6 @dit this do-ument/ Re+ a-e any te0t in bra-5ets *ith your o*n9 then, de ete a bra-5ets7 $ 6 @dit the ,ooter/ Re+ a-e .CORS456. *ith the -ourse name and -ata o# number o, this -ourse/ "n- ude your name and your to+i- tit e/ $%ut a .mind the ma+. or .-o#niti&e *eb. you -reate here *ith at least a dozen in5ed Sa&e edited ,i e in this *ay7that CORS4568YourFirstName8YourLastName8 .bubb es./ You may use any too to -reate that/ Re-ommended7 , a ,ree on ine Your!ssi#nmentName8ThisSemester8ThisYear88)(/do2.)(, );, )<A. are a++ i-ation that he +s you to -reate mind ma+s/6 &ersion numbers/ :hen you modi,y your ,i e, a *ays sa&e the ,i e usin# .S!B@ !S. usin# the ne0t &ersion number/ This e iminates the -han-e o, accidentally o&er*ritin# your +re&ious *or5/ ", you use O,,i-e ;))', sa&e the ,i e as an .O,,i-e ;))<. ,i e/ 2C i-5 on the .-ir- e. in the u++er e,t8hand o, the s-reen and use the .Sa&e !s. -ommand to sa&e as Introduction an O,,i-e ;))< ,i e/3 $Start ty+in# the te0t o, your +a+er here/ To sa&e +a+er, "t is re-ommended that you do S+e -he-5 byine +ressin# .F'. 5ey/ Che-5 your #rammar/ NOT indent the ,irst o, yourthe te0t ,or ea-h +ara#ra+h/ !nd, thereYour is nosenten-es reason to shou d be - ear and -om+ ete/ doub e8s+a-e ines/ % ease use this ,ormat ,or *ritin# a +a+er in this -ourse/ ! you For -redit, a *ays submit by+ara#ra+h the dead ine/ ha&eto do,u is ty+e o&er the te0t in this and de ete a o, the bra-5ets/6 De eteCre+ a-e a e0istin# ima#es and te0t in this tem+ ate/ ! *ays use your o*n *or5/ Ne&er use -o+ied te0t as your o*n/ =se or -itations9 $Fee ,ree to in- ude re e&ant ima#es in your +a+er9 this is Duotes en-oura#ed and e&en e0am+ es insert are +ro&ided/ i, you -ite oryou Duote sour-e, do NOT more "n e0+e-ted/ ", you or +aste@&en ima#es in :ord, *i aha&e to modi,y itsuse . ayout./ than ; senten-es &erbatim ,rom any sour-e/ you +ara+hrase, any :ord ;))<, se e-t the ima#e, then ri#ht8i-5 to see",o+tions/ Choose .Format %i-ture. in .+ara+hrased shou d usethin#s senten-es are '5E di,,erent in.ti#ht, senten-e order to -han#e the te0t. ayout/ To 5ee+ sim+ that e, you may *ant to use a +o+u ar stru-ture and *ord usa#e ,rom the ori#ina / -hoi-e/6 "ma#es are tri-5y in a :ord do-ument/ You need to -han#e the . ayout. o, an $=se aima#e/ third8+erson narrati&e the +a+er/ That is, .me., .my., !,ter you +aste ,or or insert an ima#e, sedon4t e-t ituse and."., then ri#ht8i-5 .you. to se e-t +ronouns/ >ee+ ,o-used on the +ro,essiona nature o, .Ti#ht. sharin# ayout/ in,ormation or ideas a ,ormat ,or the ayout / Many +eo+ e +re,er the You *i ,ind *ith busy tea-hin# +ro,essiona s/ !s a strate#y, state the im+ortant idea ri#ht a*ay and then dire-tions ,or modi,yin# the ayout o, an ima#e in this do-ument/ dis-uss it and ho* it im+a-ts tea-hin# and earnin#/ ?e &isua *hene&er you -an by e0+ ainin# *ith a re e&ant ima#e/ Try to in- ude at east ; ima#es +er +a#e, i, +ossib e/6 this .te0tbo0. by - i-5in# on the border t*i-e/ Delete 5ey/ $"n your +a+er, *hen youThen, ma5e +ress a 5ey the statement, +ro&ide a re,eren-e to your sour-e, usin# !%! ,ormat/ ?e o*, you *i see some in5s to on ine re,eren-es to !%! ,ormat/ 2Bersion ((/F/)F Cmb3 !s an e,,e-ti&e strate#y, +ro&ide e&iden-e *hen you *rite by +ro&idin# re,eren-es, ,a-ts, and e&en a-ti&e in5s/ :hen you +ro&ide a in5, + ease use the -om+ ete =RL as


CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e ( o, '

te0t and then in5 it9 there are ad&anta#es in +ro&idin# your in5s in this *ay/6

Go* to modi,y the . ayout. o, an ima#e in :ord ;))</

Instructions [ ection Headin!] (/ Your *or5 must be ori#ina / Do (our o%n %or). Do NOT -o+y and +aste un ess you $Fee ,ree to inude a dire-t se-tion ,or adire-t +arti-u se-tion o, use your'uotation narrati&e te0t/ This Duote a sour-e y/ headin# ", you Duote y, ar you need to $ar)s / +ara#ra+h has an e0am+ e o,ations su-h a headin# dire-t y abo&e9 you -an see the se-tion Re,er to the =LM re#u on + a#iarism7 headin# is -a Student ed .Se-tion Geadin#./ ! se-tion headin#, o, your -hoi-e, -an or#ani1e Fi ename7 %o i-y Manua ;))'8;))J_)<8(F8;))J/+d, 2See +a#es ' and J/3 your *ritin# e,,e-ti&e y by brea5in# u+ -om+ e0 -ontent into re ated .-hun5s./ "t is %ermanent address7 htt+s7CC*ebser&i-es/u m/eduC+o i-iesCdo-ument/+h+KiL<<J(4 re-ommended that you,or use a se-tionare headin# to he + or#ani1e your ideas/ =sua y, you The -onseDuen-es + a#iarism se&ere/ *i ;/ ,ind this ty+e o, ,ormattin# in a-in# +o+u ar Hourna s, bra-5ets ne*s etters, in on ine te0t/ "t4s @dit this do-ument by re+ any te0t in *ithand your o*n9 then, de ete a &ery e,,e-ti&e in 5ee+in# the attention and ,o-us o, your audien-e be-ause it he +s your bra-5ets/ :hene&er you see .CORS56'., re+ a-e it *ith the -ourse name and readernumber understand ho* -ontent is inte#rated and or#ani1ed/ ! se-tion headin# is sim+ y o, this -ourse/ bo d on its ,ooter/ o*n ine, as you see here, *ith a +, o, the ,irst etters </te0t @dit the To Hust do this in :ord ;))<,abo&e, - i-5 on *ie% Header and -ooter -a+ita i1ed9 there nothis +un-tuation/ Please note" This is non#standard acade$ic 4/ Sa&e this ,i is e in *ay7 .O& /01#Your-irstNa$e#Your2astNa$e# %ritin!. Please use this for$at for e$ester#ThisYear##34.doc this course. 6 TheAssi!n$entNa$e#This 2.)(. is the &ersion number/ You *i a most -ertain y ha&e &ersions/ "n ,a-t, it is re-ommended that you [&eco$$ended &e'uire$ents] use and 5ee+ &ersions/ :hen you modi,y your ,i e, instead o, sa&in# the ,i e *ith the $Your +a+er shou d be .to+i-a is, it shou!S. d ha&e +ro,essiona re e&an-e about a an same name, sa&e the ,i .9 e that usin# .S!B@ as the ne0t &ersion number/ This is +arti-ue,,e-ti&e ar subHe-t/ "t to shou d in,orm, +ersuade, e0+ ore, +redi-t,y ana y1e, or submit inte#rate *ay determine your atest &ersion, es+e-ia *hen you re&isions/ ideasA thou#ht,u y/ The intended audien-e o, your +a+er *ou d be busy +ra-ti-in# This e iminates the +ossibi ity o, a--identa y o&er*ritin# your +re&ious *or5/ ! *ays tea-hers and administrators/ You shou *rite somethin# that your reader *ou *ant to sa&e the ,i e as an Office 5336 ,id e/ ", you use O,,i-e ;))', sa&e it as an d .O,,i-e 5no* more about a,ter s-annin# the abstra-t on the tit e +a#e/ 6 ;))<. ,i e/ This is im+ortant/3 5/ S+e -he-5 by ta++in# the -1 5ey on your 5eyboard/ Che-5 your #rammar/ @&ery shou d be - e0-essi&e ear and -om+ ete/ subHe-t/ "nstead, -hoose a +ers+e-ti&e senten-e $Don4t *rite about an y broad 6/ =se ,or +ro,essiona -itations/ Gere are some !%! -itation re,eren-es7 that !%! has the interest o, your audien-e/ htt+7CCtra-5star/4tea-hers/or#Ctra-5starCtsC&ie*Tra-5/doKnumberL;<<''J ?e as &isua as +ossib e/ =se ima#es *hen a++ro+riate/ ", an ima#e he +s to '/ For ,u -redit, a *ays byy, the dead -ommuni-ate an idea submit e,,e-ti&e use it/ ine/ J/ ", you submit an assi#nment ear y or -ome durin# re#u ar y s-hedu ed o,,i-e hours, %ro&ide a-ti&e in5s *hene&er +ossib e/ be,ore an assi#nment dead you #et he + *ith your *ritin#/ !nd, you *i *e Choose a to+ithat +eo+ e, i5e ine, yourse ,,*i *ou d *ant to earn more about/ This is re-ei&e a -om+ imentary so,t drin5/ +arti-u ar y im+ortant in .Ne* Media. -ommuni-ation/ ?e interestin#I !t a minimum, your entire sin# e8s+a-ed +a+er shou d be bet*een < and ' +a#es Delete this .te0tbo0. - i-5in# the border Then, the Delete 5ey/ on#/ Don4t -reate a by +a+er that on is more than 't*i-e/ +a#es on#/ +ress !s a re-ommendation, try to ma5e your +a+er about 4 +a#es on# *ith at east ; ima#es +er +a#e/

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e ; o, '

=se this ,ormat/ =se bu ets, *hen a++ro+riate/ For e0am+ e, this is a bu eted item/ Gi#h y re-ommended7 :hen you use a ar#er ima#e, +ro&ide a -entered -a+tion in a s i#ht y sma er ,ont si1e dire-t y be o* it/ Ca+tion te0t -an be a brie, des-ri+ti&e +hrase9 use a +hrase that ends *ith a +eriod/ "n :ord ;))<, to add an a-ti&e in5 to the "nternet, hi#h i#ht the -om+ ete "nternet address that you ty+ed in as +art o, your narrati&e/ Then, ri#ht8- i-5 to see o+tions/ C i-5 on .Gy+er in5.9 you *i then see a *indo* a++ear, as sho*n be o*/ There are t*o ste+s to add a te0t in5 to an "nternet address76

Go* to insert a hy+er in5 in :ord ;))</

[7ditin! I$a!es] $There are &arious *ays to -a+ture ima#es/ One .,ree. *ay is des-ribed here, usin# %aint and the .%rint S-reen. 5ey on the 5eyboard o, a :indo*s -om+uter7
htt+7CCu m/eduCMbeutnerC;))'CGandout8Ca+turin#8"ma#es8;))'/++t6

$", you *ant a too that you *i a *ays use, -onsider -a+turin# and editin# ima#es *ith a -ommer-ia +rodu-t -a ed .Sna#it./ This so,t*are a++ i-ation has many use,u ,eatures/ You -an do*n oad a <)8day tria &ersion/ There is an edu-ationa dis-ount a&ai ab e ,or students/ This +rodu-t is one o, the &ery ,e* -ommer-ia +rodu-ts that " hi#h y re-ommend/ The in- uded #ra+hi-s editor a o*s you to -reate hi#h y +ro,essiona edu-ationa #ra+hi-s &ery Dui-5 y/ For e0am+ e, the ima#es used on this +a#e too5 about a minute to -a+ture and edit *ith Sna#it/ O, -ourse, you may use any ty+e o, #ra+hi-s editor/ The in5 ,or Sna#it7 htt+7CC***/te-hsmith/-omCs-reen8-a+ture/as+6 [-or$at] $"n this modi,ied non8standard ,ormat, *e *i try to -onser&e +a+er/ @&ery +a+er shou d be at east < +a#es on#/ @&ery +a+er in- udes $a tit e +a#e *ith tit e and abstra-t

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e < o, '

an .introdu-tion. se-tion a narrati&e di&ided u+ into &arious se-tion headin#s o, your -hoi-e at east ; re e&ant ima#es +er +a#e 2Re-ommended7 i, you re,er to a *ebsite, +ro&ide a s-reen -a+tureI3 a summary a bib io#ra+hy se-tion -ontainin# at east 5 sour-es 6

$% ease .brea5. a +a#e so that ea-h se-tion o, re ated te0t does not trai by Hust a ine or t*o on another +a#e/ This is -onsidered #ood +ro,essiona +ra-ti-e/ To do this, Hust insert a +a#e brea5/6 [Para!raph -or$at] $@a-h o, your +ara#ra+hs shou d ha&e < or more re ated senten-es/ @a-h senten-e shou d be s+e -he-5ed by usin# the F' s+e -he-5 5ey/ @a-h senten-e shou d be #rammati-a y -orre-t and -om+ ete/ =se Hust one s+a-e a,ter e&ery +eriod9 there is no need to use t*o s+a-es bet*een senten-es/6 [8iblio!raph(] $Your bib io#ra+hy shou d be in its o*n se-tion/ Your bib io#ra+hy -itations shou d be in !%! ,ormat/ You -an ,ind in,ormation about ,ormattin# your -itations here7 htt+7CCtra-5star/4tea-hers/or#Ctra-5starCtsC&ie*Tra-5/doKnumberL;<<''J6 $"n e&ery +a+er you *rite, you need to use at least 6 citations of peer#re9ie%ed articles ,rom authoritati&e a-ademi- Hourna s or +ub ished a-ademi- boo5s and at least 5 references fro$ other credible sources: includin! references on the Internet / Nenera y, -itations shou d be re-ent/ "n the ,ie d o, "nstru-tiona Te-hno o#y, try to a&oid -itations that are more than 5 years o d un ess the -ontent is not sensiti&e to re-ent -han#es/ ", you are dis-ussin# a te-hno o#y inno&ation, your -itations shou d be Duite re-ent, -ertain y *ithin the ast year or so/6 [;2< Online Database] $"t is re-ommended that you use on ine re,eren-es ,or your -itations/ You may use re,eren-es to =LM on ine materia s7 htt+7CC***/u m/eduC ibraryC C i-5 on the in5 -a ed .7bsco Host 8 abstra-ts, inde0es, ,u te0t Hourna s./ >ee+ in mind that you *i need to -onta-t the =LM Library in order to re#ister so that you -an a--ess @bs-o Gost resour-es ,rom o,,8-am+us9 this in&o &es ,ree re#istration/ % ease -onta-t the =LM Library dire-t y/ The +hone number is7 2<(J3 <4;8()'( :hy do you need to re#isterK The resour-e is an e0+ensi&e subs-ri+tion that sti+u ates that on y students -an use this ser&i-e/ :hen you do a--ess @bs-o Gost, you *i see this s-reen a++ear76

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e 4 o, '

!n on ine database o, many thousands o, +eer8re&ie*ed Hourna s/

$!,ter you a--ess @bs-o, - i-5 on the in5 to .!-ademi- Sear-h Com+ ete.9 the database is des-ribed abo&e in the ima#e/ Some, but not a o, the entries in- ude the ,u te0t o, the arti- es/ =se the ad&an-ed sear-h ,eature, as sho*n be o*/ Sear-h ,or +eer8 re&ie*ed arti- es *ith ,u te0t76

Se e-tin# ,u te0t +eer8re&ie*ed arti- es/

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e 5 o, '

[-ile Na$in!] $Sa&e your do-ument *ith this ,i e name7 .O& /01#Your-irstNa$e#Your2astNa$e#YourAssi!n$entNa$e#This e$ester# ThisYear##34.doc 2YourAssignmentName is the name o, this assi#nment/ For e0am+ e, this -ou d be somethin# -a ed .riti'ue 5: .ase tud(: or Paper/ .01. is the &ersion number/ You shou d 5ee+ your &ersions9 this is hi#h y re-ommendedI :hen you modi,y your ,i e, instead o, sa&in# the ,i e *ith the same name that o&er*rites +re&ious *or5, sa&e your *or5 usin# .S!B@ !S. *ith the ne0t &ersion number, as a se+arate ,i e/ This is an e,,e-ti&e *ay to easi y determine the atest &ersion, es+e-ia y *hen you submit re&isions/ This strate#y -om+ ete y +re&ents a--identa o&er*ritin# o, *or5 on a ,i e/ % ease sa&e the ,i e as an Office 5336 ,i e/ ", you use O,,i-e ;))', sa&e the ,i e in an .O,,i-e ;))<. ,i e ,ormat/ This is im+ortant/6 [.hec)list @dited the tit e +a#eK @dited the ,ooterK Made a - ear abstra-tK Made an interestin# summary suitab e ,or busy tea-hin# +ro,essiona sK ?ib io#ra+hy7 !t east 6 re-ent -itations o, peer#re9ie%ed articles in !%! ,ormat that are .,u te0t. a--essib e and at east ; more -redib e re,eren-esK S+e -he-5edK Nrammar -he-5edK Sa&ed the ,i e *ith the re-ommended ,i e nameK =+ oaded the ,ina i1ed ,i e to Mood eK6 [ u$$ar(] $! *ays in- ude a summary ,or your +a+er at the end o, your narrati&e se-tion/ "t shou d NOT be identi-a to your abstra-t/ =se a se-tion headin#, Hust i5e you see dire-t y abo&e this +ara#ra+h, ,or your summary/ This is &ery #ood +ro,essiona +ra-ti-e/ Your summary +ara#ra+h shou d in- ude u+ to (5) *ords/ !&oid +ro&idin# ne* materia , -ontent, or ,a-ts in a summaryI6

$This in5 +ro&ides an e0-e ent summary ,or -itin# a re,eren-e *ithin your narrati&e7 htt+7CC***/dianaha-5er/-omC+d,sCGa-5er8Sha*8!%!/+d, 6 $This in5 des-ribes the !%! ,ormat ni-e y and in- udes e0am+ es ,or -itin# on ine re,eren-es7 htt+7CC***/ iu/eduC-*isC-*+C ibraryC*or5sho+C-ita+a/htm 6 "n this e0am+ e, &ery detai ed e0am+ es o, !%! ,ormat *ritin# are des-ribed7 htt+7CC&a en-ia/--/, /usC r-*estCa+a+a+er/htm 6 ?e# ey, S/ 2(FFJ, Oanuary (F3/ !+in# an#ua#e/ Newsweek, 131, 5685J/

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e 6 o, '

?ooth, :/ 2(FF), O-tober ;F3/ Mon5eyin# *ith an#ua#e7 "s -him+ usin# *ords or mere y a+in# hand ersK The Washington Post, +/ !</ @-5ho m, @/ 2(FJ5, Oune ;53/ >an1i the -him+7 ! i,e in s-ien-e/ The New York Times, ++/ C(, C</ Fouts, R/ 2(FF'3/ Next of kin What chim!an"ees ha#e taught me a$out who we are% Ne* Yor57 :i iam Morro*/ Nardner, P T/ @/ Ban Cant,ort 2@ds/3, Teaching sign language to chim!an"ees 2++/ ;6F8 ;'F3/ ! bany7 S=NY %ress/ Nibbons, !/ 2(FF(3/ DQHR &u a o&er a#ain7 Chim+8 an#ua#e *ars/ &cience, '(1, (56(8 (56;/ Nreen,ie d, %/ M/, P Sa&a#e8Rumbau#h, @/ S/ 2(FF)3/ Nrammati-a -ombination in Pan !aniscus %ro-esses o, earnin# and in&ention in the e&o ution and de&e o+ment o, an#ua#e/ "n S/ T/ %ar5er P >/ R/ Nibson 2@ds/3, )*anguage+ and intelligence in monkeys and a!es ,om!arati#e de#elo!mental !ers!ecti#es 2++/ 54)85'J3/ Cambrid#e7 Cambrid#e =ni&ersity %ress/ Ga , >/ N/ 2;))5, !u#ust ;F3/ :eb +a#e tit e/ We$site title% Retrie&ed Se+tember ;5, ;))5, ,rom htt+7CC***/5ansas/-omCm dC5ansasC(;5)6<4</htm/ Lea5ey, R/, P Le*in, R/ 2(FF;3/ -rigins reconsidered .n search of what makes us human% Ne* Yor57 Doub eday/ OSSu i&an, C/, P Yea#er, C/ %/ 2(FJF3/ Communi-ati&e -onte0t and in#uisti-om+eten-e7 The e,,e-t o, so-ia settin# on a -him+an1eeSs -on&ersationa s5i / "n R/ !/ Nardner, ?/ T/ Smith, !/ 2(FFF3/ !rti- e tit e/ /ournal name, J, ;4</ :i son, O/ ?/ 2(FFF3/ 0ook title/ % a-e o, +ub i-ation7 %ub isher/

CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear

%a#e ' o, '

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