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A headline in the Times of India which shows the turmoil in BJP was almost anticipated by the woman B with

three years of astrology with sound astrological reasoning.!! That is amazing though she wrote it all in poor English with sound logic based on astrological combination's. It's an ugly free-for-all in BJP 20 Jun 2009, 0117 hrs IST, TNN Yes, I taught them astrology and methods of research and I am learning from them !! The Congress Party The Congress Party has gone through such turmoil many times when it split many times .The present Congress party formed in 1978, will await such a fate but on a much minor scale in two to three years is what can be seen and predicted on the basis of what the three year old astrology woman had written to me about. Of course that is remarkable and adds a new dimension totally to mundane astrology. And if I apply this to the horoscope of USA and Pakistan I will predict worse times for both of them in coming years, after two years in one case and four years in another. And it will not fail as I have tested it already on many cases in mundane astrology ! The irony of it is that I taught this and got done research on this on natal horoscopes and I have myself never applied it to mundane astrology. Astrology is a super science with unfathomable depth. No one can ever master it. It is an ocean which sometimes resembles a rivulet and sometimes a mighty river in flood when it actually is a vast ocean. In 2004, if the BJP had only secured fifteen more seats it might have staked its claim to forming the government and even got some allies. In 2009, if it had got fifty more seats it would still have been far behind the Congress in staking any claim. That secret is well explained if I apply the observation of woman B and the research of the woman A to mundane astrology which I have not done ever!! To say that experienced astrologers and the ones known for their worse then half baked knowledge, appearing in television channels failed to see is to say that they have still to learn astrology or will never learn it!! What is this you will ask me. I will ask you to wait till we produce a substantial replicable research once again. I want these women to produce a full scale research individually and disclose it. I never steal the research of anyone. The credit that is due to our students is what they must get. It is why we have produced so many brilliant researchers writing

their books so well in the last few years. There is so much to learn indeed.

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