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Dctcrmining Dimcnsions of kcaIity:

A Conccpt Mapping
of thc kcaIity TV tandscapc
kobin t. Nabi
Th rccarch cxamnc |hc dmcnon undcr,ng rca|,-bacd TV
program a a fr| |cp |ovard uncovcrng |hc rca|, programmng
ubgroup |ha| mgh| cx| n vcvcr' mnd and |hc |hcmc |ha| mgh|
d|nguh |hcm. Tvo ampc-onc of |udcn| and onc of c|, rc-
dcn|-cngagcd n a or|ng |a| of JJ rca|,-bacd program. \u|d-
mcnona cang \DS) ndca|cd |vo undcr,ng dmcnon aong
vhch audcncc |hn| abou| rca|, TV romancc and compc||vc-
nc), vhch vcrc uppor|cd b, ubcqucn| ana,c. Thcc fndng
bo|h hcp framc fu|urc |hcorc|ca, drvcn rccarch on rca|,-bacd
programmng and offcr ngh| n|o hov rccarch n|crc|cd n |hc cf-
fcc| of programmng |hcmc mgh| procccd.
1ho ncrousod prosonco ol routy-busod progrummng ucross tho toovson und-
scupo hus gonorutod not ony mons ol dodcutod vovors but uso vuvos ol scho-
ury ntorost n rocont yours. Such ntorost comos lrom u rungo ol porspoctvos, ncud-
ng omprcu nvostgutons busod on contomporury modu ollocts thooros to.g.,
Koostru, Muhonoy, & \ostorvot, l998, Nub, oy, Morgun, & Sttt, 2003, Cvor,
l994) und moro cuturu, quututvo unuysos tsoo lshmun & Cuvondor, l998, und
Murruy & Cuootto, 2004). 1hs grovng body ol rosourch hus gonoruy tukon ono ol
tvo tucks: unuyss ol ndvduu progrums, ko g ro|hcr to.g., Coudry, 2002, H,
2002, lonos, 2003), Survvor to.g., Huruovch & 1rossot, 2004, Loosco, 2004,
Schupro, 2002), or Thc Rca Vord to.g., Kruszovsk, 2004), or consdoruton ol tho
omorgng gonro us u vhoo to.g., Nub ot u., 2003, koss & \tz, 2004). Hovovor, us
tho numbor ol routy progrums hus prolorutod, u nov locus on subgonros vthn ro-
uty 1V hus omorgod. kouty crmo shovs, ko Cop und Amcrca' \o| Van|cd,
huvo rocovod tho most uttonton to.g., Cuvondor & ond-Muupn, l993, Cuvondor &
lshmun, l998, Lschhoz, uckvo, Cortz, & Chrcos, 2002, Cvor, l994, Cvor &
Armstrong, l995, l998), though roloronco to othor cutogoros, such us gumodocs
to.g., Survvor), dutng to.g., |hc achcor), und mukoovor/lostyo progrums to.g., A
Vcddng S|or,), uro bocomng moro common to.g., Coudry, 2004, Lvorott, 2004).
2007 roudcust Lducuton Assocuton Iourna of roadca|ng & Lcc|ronc \cda S12), 2007, pp. J71-J90
Journal o BroaJavting & Flctroni McJia/Junc 2007
Rohin I. Nahi |h.D., Unvcr|, of |cnn,vana) an aoca|c profcor of communca|on n |hc Dcpar|-
mcn| of Communca|on a| Unvcr|, of Caforna, San|a arbara. Hcr rccarch n|crc| focu on |hc n|cr-
pa, bc|vccn cmo|on and cogn|on n |hc con|cx| of oca nfucncc and |hc ma mcda.
Athough tho ntorost n oxumnng cutogoros ol routy 1V progrums rolocts tho do-
voopmont ol both tho progrummng styo und routod rosourch, tho nuturo ol ths ro-
sourch dosorvos moro curolu uttonton us t hus mpcutons lor tho thoorotcu scopo
und vudty ol tho concusons thut mght bo druvn. lor oxumpo, vhon umpng u
rungo ol routy progrummng togothor undor tho uuspcos ol studyng routy 1V, tho
mpcuton s thut u routy progrums shuro somo common louturos or thomos thut,
rogurdoss ol tho purtcuur progrum, v oxpun vhy thoy uro vutchod or tho ollocts
such vovng mght huvo on porcoptons ol socoty. Hovovor, upurt lrom routy,
vhch tsol s not coury dolnod, t s not obvous vhut unlyng thomo ustlos tho
mussng togothor ol such dvorso progrums us Cop, Amcrcan do, und Thc Rca
lurtcuury troubosomo lor tho study ol routy 1V subgonros s thut schours up-
pour to group progrums busod on porsonu mprossons ol smurty ruthor thun on o-
thor coury dolnod progrum chuructorstcs or, utornutvoy, vovors' suboctvo por-
coptons ol common thomos. Consoquonty, ths typo ol nqury s olt vunorubo to
nconsstoncy ucross studos, throutonng compurubty ol rosourch lndngs und,
thus, tho crouton ol u cohoront knovodgo buso. Yot by oxporng tho systomutc
thomos thut mght oxst n tho vust urruy ol routy progrummng, rosourchors voud bo
vo-stuutod to consdor tho ollocts ol vovng such progrummng on u rungo ol thoo-
rotcuy roovunt outcomos, ncudng socu routy bools und porcovod norms us
por cutvuton thoory tsoo Corbnor, Cross, Morgun, Sgnoro, & Shunuhun, 2002),
bohuvoru onuctmont us contru to socu cogntvo thoory tsoo unduru, 2002), con-
struct prmng tkoskos-Lvodson, koskos-Lvodson, & Curpontor, 2002), thrd-por-
son ollocts tloroll, 2002), und tho ko. 1hs, n turn, voud oxpund tho rungo ol thoo-
rotcuy busod rosourch on ths st dovoopng modu phonomonon, uovng lor u
rchor undorstundng ol tho procossng und ollocts ol ths typo ol progrummng.
1ho purposo ol ths rosourch, thon, s to dontly tho most suont thomos vovors
porcovo ucross routy-busod progrummng, und to tho oxtont possbo, to dontly ro-
uty 1V subgonros und thor dolnng uttrbutos. ln dong so, rosourchors muy bo bottor
postonod to both study tho thomos most koy to bo nkod to thoorotcuy drvon,
porcopton-busod ollocts und bostor tho mothodoogcu soundnoss ol rosourch on
subgonros ol routy 1V by ollorng u cohoront rutonuo lor croutng such groupngs
lroo ol rosourchor dosyncrusy.
Thc Gcnrc (and Subgcnrcs) of kcaIity-8ascd TV
Athough poopo mght huvo u sonso ol tho progrums thut lu nto tho cutogory ol ro-
uty toovson, thoro s no cour ndustry stundurd or dolnton ol tho gonro. \th tho
rungo ol vurous ncurnutons n mnd, Nub ot u. t2003) ollorod tho loovng doln-
ton ol routy 1V: progrums thut lm rou poopo us thoy vo out ovonts n thor vos,
contrvod or othorvso, us thoy occur tp. 304). 1hoy lurthor dontly sovoru koy oo-
monts thut chuructorzo such progrums: tu) poopo portruyng thomsovos, tb) lmod ut
372 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
oust n purt n thor vng or vorkng onvronmont ruthor thun on u sot, tc) vthout u
scrpt, td) vth ovonts pucod n u nurrutvo contoxt, to) lor tho prmury purposo ol
vovor ontortunmont. ln ossonco, routy progrums uro murkod by ordnury poopo on-
gugod n unscrptod ucton und ntoructon.
\thn ths subsot ol toovson progrummng, thoro uro urguuby u numbor ol
subgonros. Athough thoro hus boon no systomutc uttompt ut dovoopng u typoogy ol
routy progrums, somo ollorts to dontly subgonros uro n ovdonco. lor oxumpo,
Coudry t2004) rolors to gumodocs, or progrums thut bond quutos ol documonturos
und gumo shovs, und uro lurthor chuructorzod by thor socu procossos. Lvorott
t2004) locusos on vhut sho torms trunslormuton 1V tp. l60), hor ubo lor tho dspu-
ruto group ol homo mprovomont 1V progrums ko Tradng Spacc und Vhc You
Vcrc Cu|, vhch sho contrusts vth so-cuod voyour progrums, ko Thc Rca
Vord, Survvor, und g ro|hcr tsoo lonovozk, 2000).
usod on thor ussossmont ol tho rungo ol routy progrummng, Cuootto und
Murruy t2004) dontlod sx subgonros: gumodocs to.g., Survvor, fcar fac|or), dut-
ng progrums to.g., Ioc \onarc, nd Da|c), mukoovor/lostyo to.g., A Vcddng
S|or,, Lx|rcmc \a|covcr), docusoups to.g., Thc Rca Vord, Soror|, Lfc), court
progrums to.g., Iudgc Iud,), und routy stcoms to.g., Thc Cbournc), uong vth
mscounoous othor progrums louturng coobrtos to.g., Cccbr|, oxng). Sm-
ury, Nub, Sttt, Hulord, und lnnorty t2006) dontlod sx subgonros busod on un
oxporutory luctor unuyss ol tho vovng lroquoncy ol l2 routy-busod progrums:
romunco tThc achcor), crmo to.g., Cop), nlormutonu to.g., Tradng Spacc), ro-
uty-drumu tThc Rca Vord), compotton/gumo to.g., Survvor), und tuont to.g.,
Amcrcan do). 1hoso groupngs uro not unko cutogoros dontlod lrom un ndus-
try porspoctvo, ncudng tuont und survvu compottons, porsonu mukoovor,
homo mukoovor, got-rch-quck schomos, docudrumus, und Mr. kght progrums
tltzgorud, 2003b).
\ho on thor luco thoso typoogos huvo mort vth sovoru ovoruppng cutogo-
ros, ncudng dutng, gumo/compotton, und drumu/soups, thoy sullor lrom notubo
mtutons. lrst, tho typoogos, such us thoy uro, lu to cupturo tho lu rungo ol rou-
ty progrummng. Cuootto und Murruy t2004) ovorook crmo drumus und tuont pro-
grums vhorous Nub ot u. t2006) omt mukoovor progrums. ln lurnoss, novprogrums
uro dovoopod ovory souson so typoogos dovoopod n ono your mght bo out ol duto
tho noxt. 1hus, ths mtuton muy bo ousy ovorcomo, but t doos spouk to tho do-
syncrutc nuturo ol thoso ondouvors.
Socond, tho curront typoogos do not urtcuuto tho quutos or progrum chuructor-
stcs thut dolno ouch cutogory. \hut, lor oxumpo, voud quuly us u tuont pro-
grum: Coury, Amcrcan do, n vhch sngors compoto lor u rocordng contruct,
voud. ut voud Thc Apprcn|cc, n vhch cunddutos compoto n u soros ol bus-
noss tusks to vn u ob vth Donud 1rump: Cuootto und Murruy t2004) ollor no n-
sght on ths muttor. \ho Nub ot u. t2006) roy on vovng lroquoncy lor cutogory
dovoopmont, mukng tho ussumpton thut vovors muy chooso to vutch progrums
vth smur chuructorstcs, ths sort ol mothod s mprocso gvon tho host ol rousons
Nabi/kFAtlTY TV DlMFNSlONS 373
vhy poopo vutch tor don't vutch) vhut thoy do, ncudng vork or lumy commt-
monts, vovng puttorns ol othor housohod mombors, und so lorth.
1hs loods nto u thrd und urgor concorn: \hut ol progrums thut mght struddo tvo
or moro cutogoros: 1horo uro numorous oxumpos. Survvor, tho utmuto gumodoc,
mght usobo consdorodu docusoup, gvontho ntrcuto routonu bonds thut shlt ovor
tho courso ol tho souson tsoo Huruovch & 1rossor, 2004, und Schupro, 2002). Thc
achcorc||c rovovos uround dutng, but thoro s u strong oomont ol compotton us
sutors vo lor u roso, tho sgnu thoy v movo on to tho noxt round ol ovuuuton. ln-
dood, lugodoznk t2003) suggosts routygumoshovs ncudonot ust Survvor undThc
Ama2ng Racc, but uso Tcmp|a|on and und Lovc Cruc. lurthor, Dhoost t2005) ro-
lors toThcCbournc us udocusoupvhorous CuoottoundMurruyt2004) cutogorzot
us u docustcom. Addtonu oxumpos uro roudy dontlod. Amcrcando s u compo-
tton progrumbusod prmury on vocu tuont ust us Thc Svan s u mukoovor progrum
vthunoomont ol compottontosoovhchugyduckng hus trunslormodmost dru-
mutcuy. lurthor, Cop locusos on crmo, but t s uso nlormutvo us to poco proco-
duro ust us Tradng Spacc s nlormutvo ubout homo docoruton.
So, hov mght ono hundo thoso chuongos to croutng u typoogy lor routy 1V:
Cno strutogy s to contnuo to uov schours to dovoop thor ovn und ook lor ponts
ol cohoson umong thom-not tho most ollcont strutogy to bo suro. A socond moro
vubo upprouch mght bo to locus not on tho groups tho progrums mght lu nto but
ruthor to dontly tho dmonsons thut mght undoro tho vdo rungo ol curront routy
1V progrums. lndood, somo pussng roloroncos to ths sort ol upprouch oxst n tho t-
oruturo. ln hor ossuy pontng out tho dllcutos thut muy urso n tryng to dstngush
documontury und routy 1V, Murruy t2004) suggostod thut gumodocs uro tho oust ko
documonturos n torms ol uosthotcs und nurrutvo structuro vhorous docusoups uro
most smur us thoy uck tho gumo sotup. 1hs suggosts gumo or compotton mght
bo un undoryng dmonson. Athough hoplu, tho strutogy ouvos opon tho quoston
ol vhothor tho quutos schours porcovo uro routod to thoso porcovod by tho vov-
ng uudoncos.
A thrd upprouch, thon, mght ugun lorogo locus on dovoopng un oboctvo
typoogy por so und locus moro on tho progrumuttrbutos thut mght utmutoy dolno
vurous subgonros lrom tho uudonco porspoctvo. y consdorng hov vovors mon-
tuy mup thoso progrums, ono voud bo ubo to tup nto tho dmonsons undoryng
hov uudoncos porcovo routy 1V progrums. 1hoso dmonsons mght thon bo usod
us u sturtng pont lrom vhch to dovoop thoorotcuy drvon hypothosos ubout tho
oxpoctod ollocts ol vovng such progrummng. lurthor, thoro s tho possbty thut
groupngs uong thoso dmonsons mght omorgo, vhch mght ud n tho dovoopmont
ol u typoogy ol routy 1V nlormod by vovor porcopton, to tho oxtont thut voud bo
Cny ono study hus sought to oxporo tho cogntvo muppng ol routy progrums
tNub ot u., 2003). Hovovor, no cour groupngs omorgod porhups, us Nub ot u. ur-
guo, bocuuso tho groupng tusk vus busod on u vdo rungo ol toovson progrummng,
ncudng novs, gumo shovs, stuuton comodos, ovonng drumus, und soup oporus,
thut muy huvo muskod moro lno-grunod dstnctons vovors mght ordnury muko
374 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
umong routy-busod progrums. 1hs rosourch, thon, locusos oxcusvoy on rou-
ty-busod progrums und sooks to unsvor tho quoston: \hut dmonsons, or progrum
uttrbutos, uro most suont n vovors' dstnctons umong routy-busod progrums: ln
uddrossng ths quoston, t s hopod tho rosuts v ud rosourchors n moro systomutc
dontlcuton und study ol subgonros ol routy-busod progrummng.
Froccdurc and Farticipants
1vo sots ol dutu voro cooctod n tho Summor ol 2004-ono busod on u sumpo ol
l70 undorgruduutos und tho othor on u sumpo ol l3l cty rosdonts uvutng ury
As routy-busod progrummng s urgoy turgotod tovurd youngor uudoncos,
und routy vovors uro 40% moro koy to bo ugod l8-34 tltzgorud, 2003u, luboru,
200l, Mongrun, 2005), tho undorgruduuto sumpo s rousonubo und, porhups, ovon
prolorubo. Hovovor, tho ury dutu v hop to ussoss tho gonoruzubty ol tho stu-
dont lndngs.
oth sumpos voro uskod to compoto u sortng tusk n vhch thoy voro to puco 33
routy-busod toovson progrums, prosontod n uphubotcu ordor, nto groups busod
on smurty usng vhutovor crtoru thoy doomod uppropruto tsoo Appondx lor pro-
grum st). 1o mnmzo orror n tho unuysos und consstont vth Nub ot u. t2003),
ony tho rosponsos ol thoso lumur vth 30 ol tho 33 progrums n tho studont sumpo
tn = 63) or 29 ol 33 progrums n tho ury sumpo tn = 30)
voro ncudod-u sutubo
upprouch lor tho concopt muppng, vhch s olton busod on us lovus l0 sortors tluck-
son & 1rochm, 2002, soo uso McKoovn & 1homus, l988).
lor tho cty rosdont dutu, 40%ol tho lnu sumpo vus muo, und 60%lomuo. 1hor
uvorugo ugo vus 30 yours od tSD = 8.54), und 50% voro Cuucusun, 30% Hspunc,
7% Alrcun Amorcun, 3% Nutvo Amorcun, und 6% Cthor. lltoon porcont ol tho
sumpo hud up to u hgh schoo dogroo, 35%hud somo coogo oducuton, 39%hud u
coogo dogroo, und ll% hud un udvuncod dogroo. Cn uvorugo, thoy vutchod 4.29
hours ol 1V duy tSD = 2.54). 1hoso ncudod n tho unuyss dd not dllor lrom thoso
oxcudod n gondor dstrbuton or oducuton ovo, but thoy voro gonoruy youngor
t30 yours vs. 39 yours, p < .0l), voro oss koy to bo \hto t50% vs. 73%, p < .05)
und vutchod sghty moro hours ol toovson por duy t5.05 hours vs. 4.07 hours, p =
.06). 1hoso domogruphc dlloroncos botvoon vovors und nonvovors ol routy 1V
uro smur to thoso lound by Nub ot u. t2003), und uro consstont vth nutonu dutu
thut suggosts routy 1V vovors uro moro koy to bo undor ugo 35 tMongrun, 2005).
Cn uvorugo, rospondonts croutod 8.l groups lrom tho 33 routy progrums.
lor tho undorgruduuto sumpo, l6%ol tho lnu sumpo vus muo, und 84%lomuo.
1hor uvorugo ugo vus 2l.6 yours od tSD = 2.66), und 79% voro Cuucusun, 8%
Hspunc, 6% Alrcun Amorcun, 5% Asun Amorcun, und 2% Cthor. Noury
tvo-thrds ol tho sumpo voro sonors t60%) und ono-thrd voro unors t33%), und
ovoru, thoy vutchod 4.84 hours ol 1V duy tSD = 2.l3). ln contrust to tho ury sum-
po, tho undorgruduutos ncudod n tho unuyss dd not sgnlcunty dllor lrom thoso
oxcudod n torms ol ugo, ruco, or duy hours ol 1V consumpton, but dd dllor n
gondor dstrbuton vth moro vomon bong moro lumur vth tho rungo ol routy 1V
progrums thun mon t84% vs. 39%, p < .00l). Cn uvorugo, rospondonts croutod 7.4
groups lrom tho 33 progrums.
Compurng tho cty rosdonts und studonts ncudod n thor rospoctvo unuysos, tho
studont sumpo ncudod moro vomon t84% vs. 60%, p < .05), voro youngor t2l.5
yours vs. 30 yours, p < .00l), und voro moro koy to bo \hto t79%vs. 50%, p < .05),
but vutchod u compurubo numbor ol hours ol 1V por duy. 1hoso dlloroncos suggost
sopuruto unuysos ol thor sortng rosuts uro vurruntod. lrom ths pont, unoss othor-
vso spoclod, u unuysos uro busod on ony thoso purtcpunts vho mot tho ncu-
son crtoru lor tho sortng tusk tcty rosdont n = 30 und studont n = 63).
ln tho survoy, rospondonts voro lrst uskod to ndcuto hov muny hours ol 1V thoy
typcuy vutch durng ouch ol lour tmo porods t6u.m.-noon, noon-6p.m.,
6p.m.-mdnght, mdnght-6u.m.) durng tho uvorugo vookduy und vookond duy.
1hoso dutu voro combnod tvoghtng tho uvorugo vook duy quostons by u luctor
ol lvo und tho uvorugo vookond duy by u luctor ol tvo) to crouto un uvorugo 1V
vovng hours/duy mousuro. 1hoy voro thon uskod to ndcuto on 4-pont scuos t0 =
novor to 3 = lroquonty) hovlroquonty thoy vutch ouch ol 33 routy-busod progrums.
Altor ndcutng hov onoyubo thoy gonoruy lnd routy-busod progrummng to
bo vth lour, l tnot ut u) to 7 tvory much) toms: onoyubo, ontortunng, pousurubo,
cuptvutng (ury = .93, studont = .95) und hovroustc thoy lnd such progrums vth
lvo l tnot ut u) to 7 tvory much) toms: roustc, truo-to-lo, uccuruto, puusbo, un-
roustc trovorso codod, ury = .88, studont = .9l), rospondonts voro uskod to com-
poto tho sortng tusk doscrbod boov.
Altor tho sortng tusk, tho cty rosdont rospondonts voro uskod to ruto ouch ol oght
progrums potontuy roprosontutvo ol vhut uppourod to bo unquo subgonros ol rou-
ty 1V tNub ot u., 2006)-Survvor tcompotton), Thc achcor tromunco), Tradng
Spacc thomo mukoovor), Thc Rca Vord tdrumu/soup oporu), Thc Svan tporsonu
mukoovor), Amcrcan do ttuont), Cop tpoco), |un|'d thddon cumoru)-uong l2
uttrbutos on 0 tnot ut u) to l0 toxtromoy) scuos, ncudng: compottvo, romuntc,
unknd, roustc, socuy uccoptubo, unlur, susponsolu, lunny, unroustc, nto-
gont, mndoss, und othcu. 1hoso uttrbutos voro choson busod on Nub ot u.'s
t2003) MDS rosuts ol u rungo ol progrumgonros, ncudng routy, und uugmontod by
uddtonu uttrbutos uong vhch tho progrums mght rousonuby vury to.g., compot-
ton, romunco). kospondonts voro uskod to ruto ony tho progrums vth vhch thoy
voro lumur. lor ths rouson, tho dutu voro not rostrctod to ony thoso vho voro n-
cudod n tho sortng tusk unuyss. kuthor, uny ol tho orgnu l3l purtcpunts vho n-
dcutod thoy voro lumur onough vth tho progrum to ruto t voro ncudod. Conso-
376 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
quonty, ouch progrum vus rutod by botvoon 52 to l09 purtcpunts. 1ho survoy
concudod vth domogruphc mousuros.
ln contrust, u sopuruto sumpo ol studonts t^ = 49) rutod tho oght progrums dont-
lod ubovo uong tho sumo l2 uttrbutos ollorod to tho ury sumpo. 1ho sumpo vus
6l% lomuo und 39% muo, und thor uvorugo ugo vus 22 yours tSD = 2.ll). 1hoy
voro prmury sonors t82% sonors, l4% unors), und thoy vutchod un uvorugo ol
4.03 hours ol 1V duy tSD = l.64).
1ho studonts voro lrst uskod to roport thor 1V
vovng puttorns tsoo ubovo), domogruphc nlormuton, und lroquoncy ol vovng tho
sumo 33 routy-busod progrums ncudod n tho sortng tusk, und thon to ruto tho oght
progrums. As studonts voro uskod to ruto ony thoso progrums vth vhch thoy voro
lumur, ouch progrum vus rutod by unyvhoro botvoon l8 und 45 purtcpunts.
Sorting Task
As notod ouror, un oxporutory luctor unuyss ol tho vovng lroquoncy ol l2 rou-
ty progrums by Nub ot u. t2006) rosutod n tho loovng potontu groupngs ol rou-
ty-busod subgonros: routy-drumutc progrummng tThc Cbournc, Thc Rca
Vord), romancc Thc achcor, Thc achcorc||c), gumo shov/compotton tSurv-
vor, Thc Ama2ng Racc, fcar fac|or), tuont tAmcrcan do), crmo/poco tCop,
Amcrca' \o| Van|cd), und nlormutonu tTradng Spacc, A ab, S|or,). Luch ol
thoso progrums vus thus ncudod n tho sortng tusk uong vth 2l othor progrums o-
thor popuur n tho rocont pust or ut tho tmo ol dutu coocton roprosontng u broud
spoctrum ol notvork und cubo routy-busod progrummng to.g., La| Comc S|and-
ng, |un|'d, uccr L,c for |hc S|ragh| Cu,, Thc Rc|auran|, Thc Svan, soo Appondx
lor tho compoto st).
Consstont vth protocos lor concopt muppng tluckson & 1rochm, 2002),
rospondonts voro nstructod to group shovs by vrtng tho numos ol smur progrums
togothor on tho nod pugos loovng tho progrum st. ll unlumur vth u progrum,
rospondonts voro nstructod to crco tho progrum numo und not sort t.
1hoy voro
lurthor nstructod to uso ouch progrumony onco. lurtcpunts voro uso tod thut most
poopo crouto 6-l2 groups, but to crouto us muny or us lovus nocossury to cupturo tho
smurtos und dlloroncos umong tho progrums thut thoy porcovod. 1ho sts thon
sorvod us tho lounduton lor mut-dmonsonu scung tMDS) unuyss lromvhch tho
concopt mup, und ts undoryng dmonsons, omorgod.
lor ouch sumpo, tho sortng dutu voro convortod to dssmurty scoros tsoo
kosonborg, Noson, & Vvokununthun, l968) thut voro thon usod to crouto un MDS
Nabi/kFAtlTY TV DlMFNSlONS 377
conlguruton tvth tho soltvuro progrum SlSS l2.0) usng u Lucdoun dstunco mot-
rc. 1ho stross pot vus usod to dotormno tho uppropruto numbor ol dmonsons to
doscrbo tho dutu, und tho stross mousuro vus usod to ovuuuto hov vo ouch conlg-
uruton cupturod tho obsorvod dstuncos, vth smuor stross scoros suggostng m-
provod lt. lor tho ury sumpo, tho stross pot ndcutod u shurp docrouso n mprovo-
mont n S-stross botvoon tho socond und thrd dmonsons ts
= .23, s
= .l7, s
= .l6),
suggostng u tvo-dmonsonu souton s most uppropruto. 1ho vurunco uccountod
lor uso ndcutod u tvo-dmonsonu souton to bo un uccoptubo lt ol tho dutu tR
.88), vth tho throo-dmonsonu souton uddng 6% to tho vurunco oxpunod. 1ho
studont sumpo domonstrutod compurubo rosuts, vth tho shurp docrouso n m-
provomont n S-stross botvoon tho socond und thrd dmonsons ts
= .l9, s
= .l4, s
.l3) und un uccoptubo lt ol tho dutu tR
= .92), vth tho throo-dmonsonu souton
uddng ony 3% to tho vurunco oxpunod. 1hus, tho tvo sumpos convorgo n sup-
portng tho poston thut tho rungo ol routy-busod progrums dstrbuto uong tvo d-
loovng procoduros smur to koskos-Lvodson tl997) und Nub ot u. t2003),
tho dutu cooctod on tho roprosontutvo progrums lrom tho cty rosdont und studont
sumpos voro usod to ud n tho ntorprotuton ol tho dmonsons-u urgoy suboctvo
procoss tluckson & 1rochm, 2002, McKoovn & 1homus, l988). 1ho rutod progrums
uppourod dstrbutod throughout tho mutdmonsonu spuco lor both sumpos. 1ho
moun rutngs lor ouch progrum lormod tho lounduton lor tvo nov dutu sots tono lor
ouch sumpo) on vhch u soros ol mutpo rogrossons voro porlormod vth tho coor-
dnutos ol ouch progrum n tho MDS us tho prodctor vurubos und tho moun rutngs
lor ouch dmonson us tho dopondont mousuros.
1vo crtoru voro usod to dontly koy dmonsons: tu) hgh mutpo Rs to ndcuto
tho rutod dmonsons uro vo ussocutod vth tho MDS dmonsons tsoo 1ubo l), und
tb) u ov corrouton botvoon tho tvo dmonsons to ndcuto thut thoy uro routvoy
orthogonu tsoo 1ubos 2 und 3).
Mugntudo ruthor thun sgnlcunco s ol prmury
concorn gvon tho smu sumpo ol progrums rutod. Cvon compotng oxpunutons
vth compurubo lts, tho most rousonubo oxpunuton busod on tho nuturo ol tho pro-
grums und thor dstrbuton v bo sooctod. Cl noto, bocuuso tho opposng uttrbutos
ol rou und unrou voro hghy nogutvoy corroutod tr = -.95), u rou-unrou scuo vus
croutod by subtructng tho uttor vurubo lrom tho lormor vthn tho pur.
Dimcnsions of kcaIity TV
usod on tho unuysos ol both tho studont und ury dutu, tho lrst dmonson ol tho
MDS souton coury corrosponds vth tho uttrbuto ol romunco, vth tho buk ol tho
dutng routy progrums domnutng ono ond ol tho spoctrum, und tho othors sprn-
kod uong tho mdrungo to tho opposto ond ol tho contnuum tsoo 1ubo l und lg-
uros l-2). usod on stutstcu purumotors, tho socond dmonson urguuby roprosonts
dogroo ol susponso, unkndnoss, or compotton. Hovovor, consdoruton ol tho pro-
378 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
grum dstrbuton suggosts thut tho torm compottvonoss s tho bost lt us progrums
n vhch contostunts compoto houd to houd domnuto ono ond ol tho spoctrum, pro-
grums thut bond compotton vth oomonts ol soup oporus und drumus scuttor
through ts mdrungo, und moro docusoup, docu-crmo, und lostyo/mukoovor pro-
grums compoto tho othor ond ol tho contnuum. ocuuso u ol thoso progrums cun ur-
guuby bo susponsolu to.g., tho outcomo ol u compotton lor u rocordng contruct
muy bo us oxctng us tho outcomo ol u homo or porsonu mukoovor), tho quuty ol
susponso voud not roprosont ths dmonson vo. Athough unkndnoss mght
sorvo us un utornutvo chuructorzuton ol dmonson 2 busod on tho studont sumpo
dutu, ts sutubty busod on tho ury poo dutu s not us good, und tho ury-busod dutu
sot muy bo moro roubo us tho sumpo both sortod und rutod tho progrums und tho
sumpo szos lor tho rutngs voro urgor. lndood, n roloctng on tho throo uttrbutos
undor consdoruton, t s koy thut compottvonoss s u moro gonoru cutogory thut
subsumos tho othor tvo. 1hut s, progrums thut uro compottvo muy bo nhoronty
moro susponsolu tus thoorotcuy unythng cun huppon) und moro koy to cupturo
poopo troutng ouch othor unkndy. 1hus, tho broudor cutogory ol compottvonoss
bost sorvos tho ntorprotvo procoss.
Subgcnrcs of kcaIity TV
Athough tho MDS tochnquo s not ntondod to dontly cutogoros ol obocts ko,
routy progrums, t s st possbo to oxumno tho rungo und dstrbuton ol tho pro-
grums such thut tho typos ol progrums thut uudoncos tond to soo us moro or oss ds-
Nabi/kFAtlTY TV DlMFNSlONS 379
TabIc 1
MuItipIc CorrcIations for thc TcIcvision Frogram katings
lrogrum kutng Scuos
Mutpo Corrouton
Studont Sumpo
Mutpo Corrouton
lury loo Sumpo
l. komuntc .76 .82
2. Susponso .75 .38
3. Lnknd .69 .53
4. Compotton .68 .74
5. Lnrou .65 .64
6. kou .63 .67
7. Lnlur .59 .62
8. lntogont .56 .59
9. Mndoss .52 .52
l0. Socuy Accoptubo to \utch .5l .6l
ll. Lthcu .5l .53
l2. lunny .l5 .48
TabIc 2
CorrcIations Among FossibIc MDS Dimcnsions (Studcnt SampIc)
kCM S LNK C LNk k LNl lN1 M SA L1H l
komuntc tkCM) - -.l6 .l5 .40 .62 -.6l .l9 -.63 .52 -.43 -.44 -.ll
Susponso tS) - .92 .47 .32 -.l8 .88 -.40 .42 -.54 -.57 -.05
Lnknd tLNK) - .5l .57 -.4l .97 -.6l .69 -.74 -.82 -.03
Compottvo tC) - .79 -.7S .48 -.47 .53 -.6l -.39 -.57
Lnrou tLNk) - -.9S .53 -.6l .86 -.83 -.72 -.4l
kou tk) - -.42 .52 -.80 .78 .60 .49
Lnlur tLNl) - -.68 .72 -.78 -.82 -.l0
lntogont tlN1) - -.82 .84 .84 .46
Mndoss tM) - -.98 -.94 -.43
Socuy Accoptubo to \utch tSA) - .92 .54
Lthcu tL1H) - .22
lunny tl) -
^o|c: Corroutons n bod uro sgnlcunt ut p .05
TabIc 3
CorrcIations among FossibIc MDS Dimcnsions ()ury FooI SampIc)
kCM S LNK C LNk k LNl lN1 M SA L1H l
komuntc tkCM) - -.38 .22 .35 .66 -.68 .25 -.68 .55 -.58 -.43 -.46
Susponso tS) - .36 .36 -.24 -.38 .5l .l6 -.l8 .03 -.02 .03
Lnknd tLNK) - .25 .77 -.57 .97 -.69 .83 -.69 -.76 .08
Compottvo tC) - .24 -.29 .42 -.27 .07 -.23 -.l6 -.44
Lnrou tLNk) - -.93 .69 -.89 .97 -.83 -.82 -.l6
kou tk) - -.5l .79 -.82 .74 .71 .23
Lnlur tLNl) - -.65 .71 -.68 -.73 -.05
lntogont tlN1) - -.86 -.94 -.91 .49
Mndoss tM) - -.79 -.80 .00
Socuy Accoptubo to \utch tSA) - .98 .56
Lthcu tL1H) - .46
lunny tl) -
^o|c: Corroutons n bod uro sgnlcunt ut p .05
tnct mght bo dontlod. ln dong ths, t s cour lrom both tho studont und ury MDS
conlgurutons thut progrums thut mght bo thought ol us dutng-routod occupy u
unquo spuco dstnct lrom progrums ol othor possbo subgonros. lurthor, ths
subgonro roprosonts both strong romuntc thomos us vo us modoruto compotton
to.g., Thc achcor, Ioc \onarc).
1ho dstrbuton ol tho othor progrums, hovovor, vus not noury us cour, though tho
dstrbutons voro somovhut smur ucross tho tvo dutu sots. Conoruy spoukng, tho
so-cuod tuont und gumodoc progrums voro dstnct lrom tho mukoovor progrums.
Hovovor, progrums thut mght rousonuby roprosont tho tvo typos ol progrummng
ttuont und gumo) ntormngod uong tho compottvonoss dmonson to.g., Amcrcan
do, Survvor). Smury, tho crmo progrums to.g., Cop) dd not occupy u unquo
spuco, but ruthor bondod vth both tho porsonu mukoovor progrums to.g., Van| a
famou facc) und somo docustcom progrums to.g., Smpc Lfc) n tho studont sum-
po, und vth homo mukoovor progrums to.g., Tradng Spacc) n tho ury sumpo.
Stutod unothor vuy, progrums supposody n tho sumo cutogoros voro sproud uong
tho dmonsons ruthor thun occupyng proxmu spucos. lor oxumpo, gumodocs, ko
g ro|hcr, Thc Apprcn|cc, Thc Ama2ng Racc, und Survvor voro not groupod to-
gothor. Nothor voro tho tuont progrums to.g., La| Comc S|andng und Amcrcan
do), cosmotc surgory progrums to.g., Van| a famou facc und Lx|rcmc \a|covcr),
or docusoups or stcoms to.g., Thc Rca Vord, Thc Smpc Lfc, und Thc Cbournc).
ln ossonco, though t mght bo concudod thut routy-dutng progrums uro dontlod
most coury us u unquo subgonro, tho othors uro ntortvnod to tho pont vhoro t
voud bo promuturo to concudo thut uny typoogy voud roprosont cour dstnctons
umong progrums n tho mnds ol vovors.
382 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
Figurc 1
MuItidimcnsionaI Spacc Configuration of kcaIity-8ascd TV Frograms
(Studcnt SampIc)
1ho MDS rosuts lrom both sots ol dutu suggost thut tho tvo chuructorstcs most su-
ont to uudoncos vhon thnkng ubout routy-busod progrummng uro romunco und
compotton. lurthor, though dutng progrums uro, routvoy spoukng, u unquo typo
ol routy progrum, no othor coury dllorontutod group omorgod. 1hs s not to
suggost thut subgonros ol routy progrums do not oxst n tho mnds ol vovors or cun-
not bo studod, but ruthor thut tho bounduros botvoon und umong potontu
subgroups uro gonoruy lud. 1hus rosourch must bo sonstvo to tho vuys n vhch
tho progrums consdorod vthn cortun groups uro smur und dlloront to ono un-
othor us vo us to progrums n othor subgroups. 1hut s, tho quutos ol tho progrums
uro moro mportunt thun tho cutogoros n vhch thoy mght bo pucod.
ll ono uccopts thut compotton und romunco uro koy uttrbutos thut dstngush
umong routy progrums, tho psychoogcu ollocts ol consumng such progrummng
cun thon bo consdorod. lrom u cutvuton stundpont, thomos ol romunco or dutng
n routy progrums mght bo ussocutod vth tho dovoopmont tor ronlorcomont) ol
moro unroustc bools ubout dutng routonshps tSogrn & Nub, 2002) vhorous
thomos ol compotton mght lood nto tho moun vord syndromo tsoo Corbnor ot
u., 2002). lndood, tho luct thut rou poopo tto tho oxtont thoy uro soon us such) uro
contruy louturod n thoso story nos mght ntonsly thoso ollocts to.g., ussoo,
200l, lottor, l986). lurthor, ropoutod purng ol thoso tvo uttrbutos mght crouto
Nabi/kFAtlTY TV DlMFNSlONS 383
Figurc 2
MuItidimcnsionaI Spacc Configuration of kcaIity-8ascd TV Frograms
()ury FooI SampIc)
und/or ronlorco tho vov ol potontu mutos us przos to bo von ruthor thun chorshod
ong-torm routonu purtnors.
Horo t s mportunt to noto thut uccoptng tho urgumont thut uudoncos do not ro-
uby dvdo routy progrums nto mutuuy oxcusvo subgroups doos not nocossury
vurrunt umpng soomngy dlloront progrums togothor uong ony tho tvo dmon-
sons dontlod. 1ho luct thut, on uvorugo, tho purtcpunts dovoopod 7-8 groups ol
routy progrums suggosts thoy do ndood soo moro nuuncod dlloroncos umong thom.
1hoy ust tond to dsugroo us to tho nuturo ol thoso dlloroncos. ln rovovng tho sortng
dutu, u rungo ol crtoru uppourod to bo usod, us ovdoncod by tho ubos u lovrospon-
donts t6%) spontunoousy choso to uttuch to thom. lor oxumpo, ono porson's ubos
suggostod sortng busod on progrum contont to.g., crmo, dutng, homo mukoovor)
vhorous unothor porson locusod on notvork ol dssomnuton to.g., M1V or A&L
shovs). ln tho luturo, cosor uttonton to tho ubos pucod on thoso groups by thoso
vho vutch tor don't vutch) ths progrummng mght provo hoplu n loshng out tho
uttrbutos uudoncos soo us most roovunt. lndood, subocts mght uso bo uskod to ruto
progrums uong u rungo ol thoorotcuy roovunt dmonsons, ko dogroo ol postvo or
nogutvo contont, vhch mght routo to thrd-porson ollocts, purtcpunt routoubty
or koubty, vhch coud bo nkod to socu ournng ollocts, or ovon moro spoclc
thomos, ko trunslormuton, thut mght routo to cutvuton ollocts. As uddtonu ut-
trbutos bogn to omorgo, rosourchors mght lnd u vuroty ol vuys to group routy pro-
grums to gun nsght nto tho quutos thut nluonco progrum consumpton, onoy-
mont, und ollocts.
Coury thoso lndngs uro ust u bognnng und must bo undorstood n routon to tho
mts ol tho mothod ol dutu coocton. lrst und loromost, tho groupngs uro busod on
uudonco undorstundng ol tho progrums to bo sortod. As tho ncuson crtoru voro
sot ut 30 ol 33 progrums und 29 ol 33 progrums lor tho studont und ury sumpos ro-
spoctvoy, thoro s no doubt thut somo orror vus ntroducod nto thoso muppngs.
Hovovor, unuyss ol tho most commony mssod progrums ol tho studont sumpo
shovod thut ony lvo progrums voro not knovn by moro thun l0% ol tho sumpo:
^ahvc S|ar tn = 27, 24%), Thc Ama2ng Racc tn = 9, l4%ol sumpo), Aab, S|or,
tn = 8, l3%), \cc| \, fo| tn = 8, l3%), und Thc Rc|auran| tn = 7, ll%). A othor
progrums hud oss thun u l0%mss ruto. lndood, l2 progrums voro rutod by ovoryono,
sovon progrums voro mssod by ony ono porson, und unothor lvo voro mssod by
ony tvo poopo. lor tho ury sumpo, lvo progrums voro not knovn by moro thun
l0% ol tho sumpo: ^ahvc S|ar tn = ll, 36%), Aab, S|or, tn = 6, l9%), \cc| \,
fo| tn = 6, l9%), Thc Rc|auran| tn = 6, l9%), und Van| a famou facc tn = 5,
l6%). 1o nvostguto hov, l ut u, thoso progrums mght huvo utorod tho muppngs,
thoy voro droppod lrom tho dutu, und tho unuysos voro rorun. 1ho rosutng MDS
conlgurutons roportod voro not mounngluy utorod. 1hus uny orror ntroducod by
thor ncuson s ol mnmu throut to tho ntogrty ol dutu.
Assumng tho MDS dutu uro roubo, uddtonu concorns mght urso lrom tho dutu
usod to ntorprot tho dmonsons. Cusslcuton ol tho dmonsons vus purtuy rount
on thoso dontlod u pror, thus t s possbo thut hud uddtonu ubos boon ncudod
384 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
to.g., trunslormutonu, nlormutonu, ndvduustc, porsonu gun, otc.), dlloront u-
bos lor tho dmonsons thut uroso mght huvo omorgod. Athough ths s thoorotcuy
possbo, ono shoud koop n mnd thut tho dmonsons dontlod-romuntc und
compottvo-lt tho ntorprotvo procoss quto vo, und ovon though tho corroutons
umong tho dmonsons voro busod on ust oght progrums, tho puttorns ucross tho tvo
sumpos uro supportvo ol tho ntorprotutons ollorod. St, hud dlloront uttrbutos
boon ncudod, t s possbo thut tho opposng onds ol ouch dmonson mght huvo
boon moro upty ubood. Altor u, tho noton ol u progrum uckng romuntc or com-
pottvo thomos s not purtcuury hoplu n ussossng tho potontu ollocts thoso sorts
ol progrums mght huvo on roguur vovors. lndood, voro moro nuuncod chuructors-
tcs ncudod, porhups u thrd dmonson mght huvo ovon boon uncovorod. 1hs
suroy uvuts luturo rosourch.
lnuy, t s mportunt to noto thut tho dstrbuton ol tho progrums s, n purt, do-
pondont upon tho progrums ncudod n tho sortng tusk. ll, lor oxumpo, tho dut-
ng-orontod progrums hud boon omttod lrom tho sot, u dlloront socond dmonson
t.o., othor thun romunco) mght huvo omorgod. Cl courso, to do ths voud dscount u
promnont und roudy dontlubo typo ol routy progrum. Moroovor, romovng thoso
progrums voud not uov moro dolnod subgroups umong tho othor progrums to
omorgo. 1hut s, l coury dontlubo groupngs ol progrums oxstod n tho mnds ol
vovors, thoy voud huvo omorgod, vhothor tho romunco-busod progrums voro n-
cudod or not. lndood roconsdoruton ol tho dutu romovng u but tvo ol tho romunco
progrums rosutod n vory compurubo dstrbutons ol tho othor progrums us roportod
horo vhorous to ncudo uddtonu progrums boyond tho scopo ol routy voud koy
compross uny dlloroncos thut omorgod n thoso dutu tsoo Nub ot u., 2003).
1ho dontlcuton ol tvo domnunt thomos n routy progrummng s usolu not ust
lor rosourch on routy 1V, but muy uso huvo mpcutons lor u broudor rungo ol pro-
grummng us vo. Spoclcuy, ths rosourch suggosts thut uttonton to progrummng
thomos n uny sort ol ontortunmont modu, ruthor thun cutogoros por so, mght bo u
moro productvo vuy to go ubout soutng ollocts. Cutvuton-busod rosourch hus bo-
gun to rocognzo ths vth ts somovhut sporudc uttonton to gonro, vorsus ovoru
toovson, vovng to.g., Huvkns & lngroo, l98l, lorso, l986, Sogrn & Nub,
2002). Hovovor, thoro s st u tondoncy to consdor cutogoros ol progrummng, ko
comody, drumu, sports, und tho ko tsoo Zmunn & Vordoror, 2005). Yot suroy
thomos ntortvno such thut rosourchors muy bo bottor sorvod strppng tho progrum-
mng ol ts ubo und consdorng tho thomos thut ubo roprosonts. lor oxumpo,
frcnd s qucky umpod nto stcom, yot thomos ol dutng uro us provuont us thomos
ol comody. Smury, tho modcu drumu Crc,' Ana|om, hus moro obvous thomos ol
romunco thun othor modcu drumus, ko LR or Houc.
lndood, n consdorng hov ollocts-busod rosourch shoud movo lorvurd, schours
mght contomputo utornutvo vuys ol mousurng oxposuro to dlloront thomos n
1V progrummng. Spoclcuy, ruthor thun locusng on gonro consumpton, ro-
sourchors mght consdor uskng ubout thomo consumpton to.g., hov much com-
potton-busod progrummng: romunco-thomod progrummng: sol-mprovo-
mont-busod progrummng:) or, utornutvoy, ubout both quuntty ol cortun
progrummng consumpton us vo us porcopton ol thut progrummng contunng
purtcuur thomos ol ntorost.
Assumng muny progrums huvo mutpo thomos, luturo rosourch mght consdor
not ony vhch thomos tond to bo most rocognzod but uso vhut typos ol poopo uro
moro prodsposod to rocognzo somo thomos ovor othors. lor oxumpo, mght gondor,
sports purtcputon, or rogosty hoghton porcopton ol thomos routod to routon-
shps, compotton, or moruty: 1hs voud not ony oxpun vhy somo poopo cuto-
gorzo progrums, vhothor lcton or routy, dlloronty, but mght uso nlorm rosourch
lrom u rungo ol porspoctvos, ncudng cutvuton, ugondu-sottng, socu cogntvo
thoory, und thrd porson ollocts, us t voud ollor un oxpunuton lor thoso porhups
moro vunorubo, or convorsoy oss vunorubo, to oxporonco-routod ollocts. 1hut s,
t suggosts thut porsonuty truts, lo oxporoncos, und tho ko crouto u sooctvo por-
copton ol progrummng thut rosuts n dlloront poopo porcovng dlloront thomos n
progrummng vhon mutpo thomos uro prosont. Coury ths s spocuutvo, but nono-
thooss u potontuy ntorostng drocton lor tho study not ony ol routy toovson,
but ontortunmont luro moro gonoruy.
ln sum, ths rosourch buds on Nub ot u. t2003), vho lound routy progrums
tondod to custor uong tho mddo ol tho lcton-rou dmonson, vhch suggostod not
ony thut tho gonro sooms to ncudo progrums thut uro not soon us purtcuury rou but
thut cour dstnctons umong typos ol routy progrums uro not uppuront. y uskng ro-
spondonts to group ony routy progrums, ruthor thun u soocton ol shovs thut ropro-
sont tho gumut ol toovson progrummng, ths rosourch lound tvo dmonsons ol ro-
uty to omorgo-romunco und compotton, und ony romunco-orontod routy
progrums voro coury dontlubo us u group n tho mnd ol vovors. Athough tho
othor progrums muy rungo n thor compottvo nuturo, uny moro spoclc cutogoros
dd not omorgo. lndood, ovon progrums thut on thor surluco muy soom quto dlloront
tCop, Tradng Spacc) voro vovod smury uong both domnunt dmonsons. 1hs
s not to suy thut such progrums do not huvo crtcu dlloroncos n contont thut voud
oud to dlloront ollocts to.g., porcoptons ol uv onlorcomont vorsus ournng ubout
homo docoruton). Hovovor, thoy muy huvo somo smur ollocts nkod to thor undor-
yng common thomo ol compotton vorsus cooporuton.
1hs rosourch lurthor suggosts thut tho dontlcuton ol subgonros ol routy-busod
progrums by provous rosourchors to.g., Coudry, 2004, Nub ot u., 2006) muy bo pro-
muturo n thut such groupngs muy not bo vo-mutchod to tho vuy uudoncos por-
covo thoso progrums. Agun, ths s not to suy thut ollorts to dovoop u typoogy cunnot
moro lorvurd but ruthor thut rosourchors must bo sonstvo to vhothor or not thor cut-
ogoros roprosont vovor porcoptons, ospocuy l thoso typoogos uro usod us tho
lounduton lor ollocts-busod studos. y consdorng both oboctvo chuructorstcs
uong vth vovor porcoptons, ono coud urguuby study both tho conscous us vo
us subconscous ollocts dlloront groupngs ol progrums mght huvo on vovors, und
gvon tho provuonco ol ths typo ol progrummng, such rosourch voud suroy provo
to bo u vorthvho pursut.
386 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
lurors uro sooctod rundomy lrom tho mustor ury st ol tho county, vhch s croutod by
morgng numo sts provdod by tho Motor Vohco Dopurtmont und tho lmu County Votor kogs-
truton Dopurtmont.
1ho ury dutu hud u ovor ncuson crtoron us ony 22 rospondonts voro lumur vth 30 or
moro progrums. 1hough ovorng tho crtoron muy ntroduco orror, tho sumpo on vhch tho
unuyss s busod ncrousod by 32%, vhch soomod ko u rousonubo trudooll.
1ho studont sumpo thut porlormod tho rutngs contunod moro vomon und vutchod moro
hours ol 1V, on uvorugo, por duy thun tho sumpo thut porlormod tho sortng tusk tboth p < .0l).
1hoso compursons, hovovor, uro skovod us ony houvy routy 1V consumors tvho uso tond to
bo moro lomuo und vutch moro toovson por duy) lt tho roquromonts to huvo thor dutu n-
cudod n tho sortng tusk unuysos vhorous uny studont vho knov ut oust ono ol tho routy pro-
grums to bo rutod coud bo ncudod n tho rutngs unuysos. 1hough somo orror s koy ntro-
ducod us u rosut ol usng tvo dlloront studont groups, tho luct thut both sumpos voro druvn
lrom tho sumo suboct poo und ony thoso lumur vth tho progrums porlormod tho sortng und
tho rutng shoud mnmzo ths orror.
Dogroo or sourco ol lumurty to.g., lrom uctuu vovng, oxposuro to commorcus lor tho
progrummng, convorsutons vth thoso vho hud vovod tho progrummng) vus not consdorod
u crtcu luctor to ubty to sort progrums us ony mnmu cuos to.g., romunco, compotton) uro
sullcont to uov conldonco n groupng.
Dospto somotmos strong corroutons umong uttrbutos, luctor unuysos ol tho uttrbutos lor
ouch progrumdd not rovou cour or consstont puttorns such thut tho numbor ol uttrbutos coud
bo ousy roducod vthout sucrlcng concoptuu curty.
Cl noto, u custor unuyss busod on vovng lroquoncy ol tho 33 routy progrums umong tho
ontro ury sumpo t^ = l3l) uso rovouod no cour groupng ol routy progrums consstont vth
tho typoogos proposod n tho toruturo. lurthor, un oxporutory luctor unuyss on vovng lro-
quoncy ol tho 33 progrums vus porlormod to soo vhothor sol-roportod vovng puttorns mght
ovdonco mounnglu groupngs. kosuts suggostod l0 luctors, 6 ol vhch coud bo ubood vth
conldonco. luctor l roprosontod progrums urod on M1V to.g., Van| a famou facc, ^cv,-
vcd, Thc Rca Vord, |un|'d). luctor 2 suggostod dutng progrums to.g., Thc achcor, Ioc \-
onarc, \cc| \, fo|). luctor 3 suggostod porsonu trunslormuton progrums, ncudng both
tuont to.g., Amcrcan do) und porsonu mukoovor to.g., Thc Svan). luctor 4 suggostod compot-
ton progrums to.g., Survvor, Thc Ama2ng Racc). luctor 5 locusod on homo mukoovor to.g.,
Tradng Spacc), und luctor 7 locusod on uvonlorcomont to.g., Cop). 1ho romunng luctors ro-
loctod combnutons hurd to chuructorzo. lor oxumpo, luctor 6 groupod Thc Smpc Lfc, Thc
Apprcn|cc, und Tcmp|a|on and, und luctor 8 groupod uccr L,c for |hc S|ragh| Cu, und
Road Ruc. ln ossonco, vho ths unuyss suggosts somo sonso thut progrums mght bo groupod
nto thomos, t uso suggosts thut uudonco vovng muy bo busod on u host ol othor vurubos
to.g., luvorto chunno, vork schoduos, uccoss to cubo, compotng proloroncos ol othor houso-
hod mombors, otc.) thut uro tungontu to tho progrummng thomos.
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Nabi/kFAtlTY TV DlMFNSlONS 389
390 )ournaI of 8roadcasting & FIcctronic Mcdia/)unc 2007
kcaIity-8ascd Frograms in Sorting Task
4. 1HL AllkLN1lCL
6. A AY S1CkY
9. lC kC1HLk
l0. CClS
l2. lLAk lAC1Ck
l4. l \AN1 A lAMCLS lACL
l5. lCL MlLLlCNAlkL
2l. lLNK'D
22. LLLk LYL lCk 1HL S1kAlCH1
23. 1HL kLAL \CkLD
24. 1HL kLS1ALkAN1
25. kCAD kLLLS
26. 1HL SlMlLL LllL
27. S1Ak SLAkCH
28. SLkVlVCk
29. 1HL S\AN
30. 1LMl1A1lCN lSLAND
3l. 1kADlNC SlACLS
32. A \LDDlNC S1CkY
33. \HlLL YCL \LkL CL1

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