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Shift By Michael Ibbs

(c) Netherhall School

FADE IN: 1.EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY THIEF runs round corner with purse in hand. BRUCE appears walking towards the entrance of the alley. BRUCE (Voice over) Those first few days with the costume on were tough. BRUCE stops a moment to take a calming breath, clenching his fists then disappearing again in a flash. BRUCE (Voice over) I didnt have any experience or training, just this naive dream that I would be great the first time I went out and fought crime. BRUCE appears behind THIEF and grabs the back of his shirt spinning round and making him run into the nearby cages filled with recycled cardboard. BRUCE (Voice over) Turns out its not that simple. BRUCE (Confident) Look Im not exactly a fashion critic I mean look at what Im wearing but that purse just does not go with that mask. THIEF takes a swing at BRUCE hitting him in the face and knocking him backwards. BRUCE stumbles a bit but manages to steady himself before reaching up to where he was hit and wiping it with the back of his hand. BRUCE Look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. THIEF drops bag and charges at BRUCE who disappears and then reappears behind the THIEF before kicking him in the back launching the THIEF towards the wall of the alley.


CONTINUED: BRUCE (Determined) Hard way it is then.


BRUCE and THIEF begin to fight, THIEF beginning with a swing at BRUCE which he ducks then charges forward grabbing THIEF round the waist and driving him into the wall. Once against the wall BRUCE begins punching THIEF in the side, until THIEF rears back his arm and delivers a hard strike to BRUCE knocking him away. BRUCE (Voice over) The beginning was painful and full of bruises but all that meant nothing to me. BRUCE backs away from THIEF who pulls out a knife and points it at BRUCE. BRUCE (Voice over) All I cared about was being a hero. BRUCE Hey can you think of any good superhero names for teleporters? THIEF runs towards BRUCE but he teleports away. BRUCE I mean all the good ones have been taken and I want my name to be good. BRUCE appears a few meters away from THIEF, then hes gone and to the side. THIEF begins to panic frantically looking around. BRUCE I was thinking Shift, what do you think? BRUCE appears behind THIEF and hits him in the back of his head, knocking him out. BRUCE pauses then grabs hold of his back. BRUCE (Painfully) Ow Im going to feel that in the morning. BRUCE walks to the purse teleporting away after picking it up.


2.EXT. STREET OUTSIDE HOUSE WOMAN walking quickly down street towards her home with her arms clutched nervously at her sides glancing around. WOMAN reaches house and sees her purse lying on the front steps then. She looks round not seeing anyone nearby, then picks up purse and walks inside. BRUCE (Voice over) Of course every hero has an origin story. FADE TO BLACK SHIFT

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