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1. Complete the chart with the verbs using the -ing form
walk - ride - cut - get - play - die - write - wait - tie - say - bring - put - move - pay
. ..
... .. ..

.. ..

2. Write sentences in the question and negative forms.

a. We are dancing.
b. He is sleeping.

c. I am talking.

d. She is running.
e. They are eating.
f. You are jumping.
3. Write am / is / are.
a. Look at the cat. It . eating.
b. They .. playing with the dog.
c. The aeroplane . flying in the sky.
d. Mum . washing the car.
e. I .. chatting on the Internet.
f. Jim and Joan .. driving to town.
4. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Continuous of the verbs below.
a. The crocodile .. .(sleep)
b. Dad . on a ladder. (stand)
c. They .. .(dance)
d. We biscuits. (bake)
e. He .. a horse. (ride)
5. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a. at her desk / sitting / the teacher / is ?

b. her blue shirt / isn't / Sarah / right now / wearing .

c. a letter / to Tom / you / writing / are ?

d. fighting / the dog and the cat / in the garden / now / are .

e. sleeping / at the moment / aren't / boys / the .

f. on TV / they / a film / watching / are ?
6. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the Present Continuous.
a. They .. a report at the moment. (write)
b. She .. to her teacher.( listen)
c. We .. chicken today. (eat)
d. It .. this morning. (rain)
e. I . on the phone now. (talk)
f. Our friends us today. (visit)
g. Jenny .. very well at the moment. (sleep)
h. You the meeting. (enjoy)
7. Complete the questions with the Present Continuous and write answers.
a. . at me? (that woman/look)
Yes, ..
b. your meal? (you/enjoy)
c. .. your new house? (workers/build)
d. for the weekend? (she/shop)
No, ..
e. your guitar? (you/play)
f. at his desk? (he/sit)
g. .. a cake? (you/make)
No, .

8. Make the -ing form of the verbs and put them in the correct part of the chart.
ask / do / drive / get / have / leave / listen / make / put / shop / sleep / smile / stop /
swim / try / tidy / win / write
run running

take taking

walk walking


9. Change the sentences into questions.

a. I'm making a lot of noise. ..
b. Clare is reading.
c. You are watching the news.
d. It is snowing.
e. We are waiting for the bus. .
f. You are sitting here.
g. David is enjoying the film.
h. The bus is stopping.
10. Complete the letter below.
Dear Jim,
We (have) a terrible holiday. It (rain) .
I (sit) .. in the hotel. I (watch) ..
television. Tom and Peter (play) computer games.
Alice (read) .. a book. Susan (make) ..
a cup of coffee. The baby (cry) . . I want to go home.
All the best,
11. Correct the sentences.
a. I playing tennis with my best friend.
b. John and Mary don't going to the beach.
c. My sister is walk on the beach now.
d. We not studying French at school this year.
e. I aren't watching TV.
f. Fred are eating a sandwich for his lunch.

12. Change the sentences into negative.

a. You're listening to me.
b. Tim is studying.
c. We're talking.
d. You are writing.
e. Catherine is lying.
f. They are waiting for us.
g. Anna's having a good time.
h. I'm reading at the moment. .
13. Correct the sentences.
a. I don't studying now.

b. Is she talk on the phone?

. ?
c. He is play computer games.
d. Do you making a cake?
. ?
e. We aren't try to solve the problem.

f. They don't reading a magazine.

14. Write negatives and questions.

a. You are playing with the dog.
b. She is studying for a test.

c. Tom is washing the car now.
d. I'm cleaning the house today.

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