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April, 2011

The April Reader

Table of Contents:
Fiction Blue .............................................................................. 3 Poetry Back When we Won Both the Battle and the War A Femini t !oem "un#erin# $%enin# '( )o(a#e *o tal#ia +inecdoche ................ 8

Credits & Information Preface:

.......................................... 13

The April Reader i a monthl( pu,lication o- poetr(, pro e, and mi cellaneou u er. u,mitted content. /nitiall( concei%ed a a ucce or pu,lication to the 0ine Writer 1uild, The April Reader aim to ,ecome a hu, o- online writin# and content. 2peratin# under the ,elie- that the ri e o- the internet ha allowed the written word to re#ain parit( with ma .media and tele%i ion, The April Reader hope to er%e a a launchin# point -or the -uture writer o- thi #eneration.

................................................................ 8 ................................................................ & ....................................................................... & ..................................................................... 1& ..................................................................... 10 Essays

.TAR 2ur /R3 3hannel4 +er%er4 Room4 5TAR

Our Distribution Page: www.theaprilreader.or#

+u,mit (our writin#, comment , and whate%er el e to4

'( War on +ound ..................................................................... 11


/n the mornin# two men came to %i it me. Wearin# #re( tie and un#la e , the( tuck me a eriou and pro-e ional men. The( were the t(pe o- men that alwa( tra%eled a a pair, the t(pe that re-erred to each other a 8m( a ociate9. 2nl( one o- them introduced him el-. "e aid hi name wa 'r +later. / didn9t in:uire into hi -ir t name.


'r +later wa a tall man. "i #re( uit -it him ti#htl(, accentuatin# hi lon# tor o and thin wai t. "e eemed to like point( attire, like he wa makin# a t(le out o- it. The houlder o- hi uit ;utted out prominentl(, and hi hoe had uch a point to them it wa hard to ee where hi -oot -it into them. $%en hi %oice wa harp. *ot har h, ,ut %er( well pronounced and a clear a the re-lection on hi un#la e . Wearin# the e<act ame out-it, hi a ociate looked a i- he were a li#htl( maller clone o- the man tandin# ne<t to him. 'r +later aid the( had a propo ition -or me, kippin# an( detailed introduction or plea antrie . "e de. cri,ed how the( had elected me -or an important e<periment. / wa one o- tho e trick(.to.-ind people that had clo e to no connection to relati%e or pou e. who wa till in ome wa( within the ,ound o- ociet(9 %i i,le pectrum. 'eanin# / wa makin# u e o- a #o%ernment er%ice in tead o- e capin# to unci%ili=ed pocket o- the world -or the m( -inal da( o- li-e. +later aid m( participation in their o--er would perhap one da( make me -amou , on a imilar le%el to the -ir t man on the moon. >et the( conceded that / wouldn9t ,e around to ee it, and al o due to the ame un-ortunate e%entualit( / would not re%i%e compen ation in an( -orm. thou#h the( would donate a u, tantial amount o- mone( to a charit( o- m( choo in#.


/n m( da( here / thou#ht / would ,e a,le to reali=e omethin# meanin#-ul to do with the remainder o- m( time? ome #reat cau e or ma terpiece that would prout. But nothin# came, and / had ,ecome marred in the monoton( o- m( ,ed and m( room and thi ,uildin#. / wa more intere ted in the chance to lea%e thi place than an( promi e o- po thumou -ame or charita,le donation. A-ter the( le-t / mulled o%er what / had ,een told. /t wa all a ,it -ar.-etched, ,ut +later poke a,out it with deadl( eriou ne . 2ne thin# he aid tuck in m( mind -or da( . @We don9t know what will happen -or ure, ,ut chance are (ou won9t come out o- it ali%e. All we can #uarantee i that (ou won9t -eel an( pain.A B A car wa arran#ed -or m( tran port when the time -inall( came. A-ter +later9 initial %i it he ad%i ed that / would ,e called upon in a week. / hadn9t communicated with him ince then. The car the( upplied looked ,rand new and e<pen i%e, ,ut it wa an unmarked and almo t completel( ordinar( il%er +edan. A chau--eur had e%en ,een hired to tran port me. /t wa pro,a,l( -or the ,e t, / hadn9t dro%e in (ear . / wondered i- m( licen e wa e%en till %alid. / wa ne%er directl( told the le%el o- ecrec( under which thi e<periment wa takin# place, ,ut in-ormation wa not #i%en out loo el(. / wa onl( told what wa nece ar( -or m( participation. The( didn9t tell me the location / wa headin# to wa ecret? ,ut the

window were tinted on the in ide, and ,oth the window and door were locked. The ordeal made me u piciou , ,ut at thi point in m( li-e / had no rea on to worr( a,out m( a-et(. / wa happ( to ha%e the wind lead me. We dro%e -or at lea t a -ew hour , the dri%er keepin# hi ilence. / lept throu#h the re t. The ,uildin# we arri%ed at wa n9t what / wa e<pectin#. /t looked ,eaten ,( time . an old ,rick tructure, three torie hi#h that looked read( to ,e demoli hed durin# the ne<t tron# ,ree=e. +ome o- the plain #la window were intact, ,ut man( were a, ent, lea%in# onl( their -rame . There were no remnant o- ,roken #la on the #round howe%er, the( were ;u t empt(. $ither omeone took the trou,le to tid( the place up, or there wa no #la to ,e#in with. The ,uildin# tood alone on a plain ,arel( u tainin# ome poradic wild #ra . There wa onl( one road plittin# the middle o- the land cape, and it di appeared out o- %iew without a twi t or a turn. *othin# el e ,ut the cracked concrete car park ad;oined the road. /n the di tance were ,lue tained mountain . 'r +later #reeted me a / approached the entrance. "e eemed to ha%e ,een waitin# -or me. "i a ociate wa not pre ent. @/ hope (ou9ll accept m( apolo#( -or the lon# ;ourne(. /t wa di--icult to -ind a uita,le location -or our purpo e .A We entered the ,uildin# throu#h -lim ( wooden door

and to m( urpri e it eemed onl( a -aDade remained -rom the ori#inal tructure. The room in ide had ,een completel( re%amped. The( had ,een re.pla tered, and the mell o- paint till hun# around. The( were completel( empt( ,ei#e colored room , e<cept -or one with a ta,le and ome chair . We continued to the end o- the corridor until we -aced a door made out o- teel and thick #la that didn9t -it the dEcor at all. We entered throu#h it to a mall room that eemed to ,e an intermediar( ,etween the re#ular ,uildin# and omethin# more purpo e-ul. The ound o- omethin# like a hea%in# air conditioner tarted, m( companion didn9t -eel it nece ar( to e<plain the phenomenon a we waited in the mall room. A-ter a,out a minute there wa a click and the ound topped. Thi wa o,%iou l( the cue to proceed throu#h the door on the other ide. We came into a room wholl( di--erent to the other . The wall eemed to ,e made o- ome kind o- metal. "ar h li#ht came -rom lar#e -i<ture in the ceilin#, re-lectin# o-- the wall and makin# the room a luminou a it could ,e. There were computer et up in a ,ank whirrin# awa( doin# omethin#. 'ore men were there to #reet u , thou#h the( didn9t wear #re( tie and uit . The( looked more like (our t(pical la, uit , onl( the( were #re(. The( all wore un#la e , and -or once / knew wh(. @The e are ome o- m( a ociate , here to o%er ee the proceedin# ,A +later aid to me upon eein# con-u ion on m( -ace. / wa #i%en ome ,rie- nod to acknowled#e m( pre ence. The room wa plit in two ,( a thick pane o- #la , apt -or %iewin# and protection. /n the room wa a man in a white protecti%e

uit and omethin# mall and ,lue on a ta,le. /t eemed like that wa the -ocu o- all thi . @Be-ore we proceed, /9ll ha%e to a k (ou to i#n ome thin# . We9ll al o ,rie- (ou on what we know. /t houldn9t take lon#,A +later aid, maintainin# hi calm and preci e manner opeech. "e took me to a room connected to the one we were in and reiterated mo t o- what he had told me on our -ir t meetin#. / wa then handed le#al document to i#n. / tru ted +later9 a--irmation that the( contained nothin# / hould ,e wear( oand onl( kimmed them ,e-ore i#nin#. / wa #uided ,ack into the main room and then throu#h the #la di%ide. @/t hould ,e a :uick proce . >ou9ll -eel ome en ation a it enter , ,ut nothin# that could ,e de cri,ed a di com-ort or pain.A The handler told me. "i %oice wa di torted -rom ,ehind hi -ace ma k. >ou could hear hi ,reath pa throu#h it like he wa wearin# a cu,a uit. "e aid to approach it. /t wa n9t a##re i%e. At -ir t it wa a ,all? a mall phere o- murk( ,lue l(in# in ide a ,eaker in the center o- the ta,le. /t looked like putt(, or an under i=ed kick ,all. /t at inanimate a / approached. The handler told me to pick it up. @/t9 oka(, there9 no harm,A he pau ed to ,reathe. @1o ahead and pick it up.A / did a in tructed and tipped in onto m( palm. At -ir t

nothin# happened. The ,all ;u t at com-orta,l( in the cup o- m( hand. /t -elt like ru,,er. @+ta( calm, (ou won9t -eel an( pain,A "e tre ed. The ,all lowl( turned to li:uid that trickled down around m( hand . /t clun# to m( kin, like a pider to a wall. /t wa n9t plea ant ha%in# an animate lime crawlin# around m( hand, ,ut / didn9t -eel alarmed. /t ur-ace -elt... natural. Gike the te<ture o- a plant lea-, onl( le olid, and warm. /t ,e#an to e<plore all the wa( up to m( hirt lee%e. A it nuck -urther alon#, mall ;olt like tatic electricit( truck alon# m( arm. /t almo t -elt like it wa compellin# m( mu cle to mo%e, ,ut it could ha%e ,een m( ima#ination. /t ,e#an to -eel like it had du# it el- in throu#h tin( puncture in m( kin, omehow makin# hard needle -rom it o-t li:uid. /t wa in;ectin# it el- in to me, drainin# it el- throu#h it needle ,eneath m( kin. The needle didn9t hurt thou#h, the( were like mall (rin#e . / could -eel the -orei#n li:uid mi<in# with m( ,lood. /t tra%eled toward m( ,rain with increa in# peed. / ,e#an to -eel the li:uid ha%in# an e--ect on me. / uddenl( -elt calmer A -eelin# o- lo t re pon i,ilit(, relea in# all m( concern to the u, tance. / -elt it ,e#in to enter m( head, the li:uid -elt like it wa ,u,,lin# a it #ained pace within me, m( %ein :uirmin#. 'ore o- it wa enterin# me, ,ut ,( now / couldn9t top it i- / wanted to. / wa per-ectl( content to let it do a it plea ed. / could rela< all m( mu cle and relin:ui h control. /t -elt like / wa -ree.-allin# ,ack. ward , ,ut / wa n9t a-raid o- the colli ion with the #round. / knew omeone wa there to catch me. Then / wa -loatin# in the air. All -eelin# o- wei#ht le-t me. The concept o- #ra%it( wa #one.

/ could till ee. The kin on m( arm wa co%ered in a thin ,lue -ilm, pul atin# a it ucked more o- it el- into me. /t wa mo%in# m( hand , -eelin# the power, -eelin# the te<ture and the tin#lin# o- it new ac:ui ition . / watched with a mile on m( -ace? thou#h that wa pro,a,l( ;u t m( ima#ination. / had alread( ,e#un to lo e the -eelin# in m( -ace. The la t thin# / heard wa a door clo in# ,ehind me, and then / lo t m( ear too. / noticed it e--ect on m( mind immediatel(. /t wa a harp en ation. Gike a lot o- -ocu ed pre ure ,orderin# on pain pre in# on m( kull. But it wa o :uickl( #one / ,arel( had time to -eel it. /mmediatel( / lo t control o%er the direction o- m( own thou#ht . /t pre ence now -elt co (, like a hole had ,een du# out -rom m( #re( matter and promptl( -illed. The -ir t thin# it took wa m( en e o- el-, lowl( remo%in# the ,arrier ,etween u . That wa oka(, we didn9t need it an(more. / could -eel it ma a#in# m( neuron and m( (nap e , redirectin# pathwa( and remouldin# idea to uit hi t(le. We were no lon#er eparate entitie . "e wa a part o- me, thou#h omehow he kept me locked out o- hi thou#ht . /t wa a redecoration, completel( under tanda,le -or an( new home owner. / lowl( lo t m( en e o- a di%ide, ,etween it ide othe ,rain and mine. / wa ,e#innin# to come around to hi wa( o- thinkin#. A more ection ,lacked out, and mo%ed to hi control, the( -elt more and more like mine a#ain, onl( di--erent. / didn9t control them an(more, ;u t o, er%ed. / wa the addition, the mutation. / wa the little %oice in hi head. But he ne%er took awa( -rom me hi i#ht. / could alwa( ee, ;u t no lon#er -eel,

or proce the %i ual in-ormation in to meanin#-ul picture . The thin# / aw repre ented nothin#. There wa no lon#er a re-erence to reco#ni=e an(thin# ,(. / aw, ,ut it wa onl( on the ur-ace. The ima#e rolled pa t me like a roll o- -ilm. /n one e(e and out the other. And then he miled, and he let me -eel it. "e #a%e me the -eelin# o- happine , the nice ,ur t o- electricit( that tra%eled alon# the %ine o- hi mind. All the po iti%e emotion were wellin# up at once. / wa one with hi -eelin#. /t wa warm and com-ortin#. "e wa certain, and he wa content. "e had the moti%ation. "e had the direction. "e had all the in-ormation he would e%er need. And he let me ,e a pa en#er to it all. / wa allowed to ee all he would accompli h. "i ,ene%olence wa omethin# / -ound hard to comprehend, ,ut the ,eaut( o- it wa / didn9t ha%e to. "e had e%er(thin# worked out. BBB



Back When we Won Both the Battle and the War

Four (ear a#o "arold hipped o--or #lor( on the crui e hip 'e<ico. "e returned on the ame %e el. A it docked, he could ee the ea o- cheerin# women and children ;u<tapo ed on the ea -rom a da( #one ,(. +u=(. +he cheered ;u t -or him then. +he threw her traw hat. /t wa doomed to ink ,ut a ,ree=e li-ted it to a-et( "arold ru,,ed the hat9 -ra(ed rim. +he ma( ,e out there now he thou#ht, But i- he i , it9 not -or (ou. The ea eemed adder,

"e hoped it wa ;u t him. @"ow could we ha%e knownJA +ecretl( he wi hed it wa n9t ;u t him. "e (elled @3heer upKA And threw the hat to the crowd. it ank into the ea And he knew that it didn9t mean hit

Feminist Poem
)a#ina are Gike ,uddin# ,lo om ? The(9re mell( And attract in ect


!ungering E"ening
!eople mull a,out in the parkin# lot o- tore that ell ,oth knowled#e and -urniture, ,a kin# in neon #low o- 2)$* BAL$M +NB+ "eadli#ht , -loodli#ht , and 3hapter ,ound hip ter wa h out e%er( inch o- pa%e mentOo%en,aked u, P ,lindin# ,oth the e(e and the mind. A,o%e, the na%( -a,ric o- the ni#ht i a#low o- en chantin#l( #ar #antuan -ull ,aked moon, ,ein# awed at ,( the crowd ou, ,ur,ia.

#y $oyage
The cra h o- the wa%e The roar o- the wind The -eel o- the pra( '( de ire to win Full ail nowK Rudder ri#htK *ot a-raid, no -ear, nor -ri#ht 3ome on m9Bo(K We9ll catch them (etK "urr( tie that lineK Rudder Ge-tK 3annon -ired BoomK and 3rackK +plinter in the air The mell o- ulphur and iron -ill m( no e Blood and cream pierce the moke that cloud m( e(e The ,oat rock in re pon e +uddenl( / look a,out / earch and earch / hout @3aptainKA @Where...A The cannon roar once more @Where i m( 3aptainJA

'( e(e the( ,urn '( ear the( rin# '( mind i hattered '( lim, num, / la( down acro that deck +ome ailor / am '( oul ha ,een coured / know now that / Am a coward

Gackin# all en i,ilit( no a,ilit( to make en e and thorou#hl( non. en ical ,ut oh o en iti%e when (ou conte t that the earth ma( ,e round (ou #et a repl( like @that9 ,la phem(K o-- with hi headK thi ,la phemou ,a tard denie hi one true -ather who art up in hea%en and hi oh hol( ,rother who o died -or hi in / don9t think (ou know what (ou are up a#ain tA ,ut i a k ;u t one :ue tion i- he hall -or#i%e me -or all o- m( in doe that not then #i%e me permi ion to in a#ainJ

/n the pa t thin# were. The( dreamt o- ,ein# u , in our -l(in# car a we leapt o%er hori=on and e<plored deep pace. /n the pre ent thin# are. / dream o- the pa t when men were men and thi wa not a po t on Face,ook.


#y War on &ound
3urrentl(, / am li tenin# to "ea%en Np "ere ,( $cho and The Bunn(men. A / li ten, / e<perience an inner mind ,attle with a -orce that ha hit on and ,een -eedin# o-- mu ic, mo%ie , and an( ort o- indu tr( (ou can think o-- ince tho e indu trie e<i ted. /9m talkin# a,out m( current enem(, the critic . /9m al o cr(in#, ,ecau e /9m li tenin# to omethin# o u,par a $cho and the Bunn(men.


/ ,elie%e Mr. Mre told it ,e t ,ack in 1&&I, when ,o( could ,e ,o( and mu ic apparentl( ,e#an to di%e ,om,. While #i%in# an inter%iew -or a documentar( called @Rh(thm and Rh(meA. "e aid, @All the critic need to hut the -uck up until the( do or tr( to do the hit the( are critici=in#A Well aid, -uck the police2h wait, wron# meetin#. The e<i tence o- critic i pro,a,l( ome ort o:uantum ph( ic pol(math e:uation with propertie that ,ind to the uni%er al a hole. The e ,reathin# h(pocritical eni#ma it at their computer and li ten to mu ic all da(. The( then proceed to write a,out thi mu ic ,ecau e the( know e%er(thin# a,out it. +uddenl(, mu ic and ound i #rada,le. Take a mall -raction out o- (our mundane monke( e<i tence and think a,out thi .


+ound i #rada,le. /- (ou did not hear me, (ou #ot an AQ, cau e / didn9t a( an(thin#. /t made me wonder i- ca%emen e%aluated ound the ame wa(. 3a%eman /%an wa ,an#in# on the rock with uch -ine e that other ca%eman decided it wa an e<pre ion o- matter inkin# into a ine capa,le %orte< o- tree emen. 3a%eman Brilliant ,an# rock li#htl( di--erentl(, with a ,it le -ine e and a ,it more oulJ We killed that ca%eman, and pro,a,l( ha(ed with hi #irl mate. *otice how thi e a( i -ormatted. /9m writin# hort, di--icult to read, hard to under tand para#raph that cop( the t(le u ed ,( Ro,ert 3hri t#au, the appropriatel( named @Mean o- American 3ritic A, which / u pect he #a%e him el-. /- all o- the a,o%e made en e, then (ou are pro,a,l( a critic. /t9 oka( thou#h, ,ecau e we all are. Wh( then do we ha%e critic J $%er(one can criti:ue a mu ic, or a poem, or an automo,ile. /9m criti:uin# the critic in thi article. Wh( do we tru t the e people with ta teJ /- an arti t make an al,um a critic completel( di mi e . / that a mark o- an arti t with no ta teJ *o it i n9t. Ta te i onl( an ae thetic when related to an( ort o- art -orm. /t9 a mark o- -ooli hne on our part -or li tenin# to the e critic in the -ir t place. 1ettin# ,ack to m( mind ,attle. / -ound that / reall( didn9t en;o( "ea%en Np "ere. /t8 an al,um (ou ha%e to li ten to -or a while, and then turn it o--. !erhap it i tunele dri%el, and that9 what / want ri#ht now. The mi take / made

i that / read ome re%iew a-ter / heard o- the al,um, and then li tened. The ,attle didn9t commence at once. /t took a ,it otime. / tarted dou,tin# m( el-. 'a(,e /9m wron#J 'a(,e thi mu ic i n9t up to par and i a 3 like Ro,ert -rom the )illa#e aidJ !erhap it9 a MQJ What i that mellJ $%entuall( / could ;u t li ten to the on# and not ,e ,othered ,( what / read earlier. / don9t hate Ro,ert -rom the )illa#e, / ;u t di like what he doe , and there i a di--erence. / ne%er know what the hell he i on a,out until / ee the #rade, ,ut ma(,e that i the i#n o- m( unenli#htened el-. /- (ou are a ,and, or a on# writer, or the police. Mon9t worr( a,out critic . *ot e%er(one will like (our mu ic. 3hance are ma(,e no one will. "ow man( people ,ou#ht )an 1o#h9 paintin# when he wa aroundJ Al o important to note that tho e dud rated al,um u uall( end up on top F00 li t -or a corporate rock ma#a=ine, and the ,u ine i alwa( ri#ht. What am / talkin# a,outJ >our mu ic i terri,le, and -uck the police.



Well, that a,out wrap up our -ir t i ue. From the tart thi i ue wa meant to ,e a proo- o- concept more than an(thin# el e. A te t to #au#e i- we could do thi a well a ee what kind o- reaction we #et. Becau e o- the hort time.-rame ,etween our editor #ettin# to#ether and thi relea e, we weren9t a,le to #enerate that man( u,mi ion and there-ore couldn9t prune the content down a much a we would ha%e liked. And a a likel( re ult the :ualit( o- the content hown ha not reached it -ull potential. We hope to impro%e thi a we #ain reputation and e<perience. Ba icall( thou#h the ucce o- the =ine depend on the :ualit( and :uantit( o- work (ou u,mit. The wa( we handle the con truction o- that material into a cohe i%e readin# e<perience i pro,a,l( o- le i#ni-icance -or the time ,ein# while we #et our -ootin#. +o ,a icall( the ,e t thin# (ou can do i write the ,e t thin# (ou9%e e%er written and then rewrite a couple hundred time o (ou don9t em,arra (our el- and then end it in to u . /- (ou9re not a writer . or ;u t ha%e cripplin# dou,t a,out the :ualit( o- what (ou produce that inhi,it (ou -rom u,mittin# . (ou can till help the =ine pro per. /9m #oin# to u##e t that i- (ou9%e mana#ed to #et throu#h at lea t one i- not more o- the piece in thi =ine (ou9re #oin# to ha%e an opinion a,out it that i uni:ue and worth harin#. The truth ma( ,e that it i actuall( a dime a don and the world would ,e -ine without it, ,ut that doe n9t mean (ou houldn9t %oice it an(wa(K The more di cu ion re%ol%e around the content the more ,ene-icial it will ,e to u,mit work to the =ine thu #i%in# u more content to work with. Thi i %ital, o we ur#e (ou to tart a thread a,out it, or -ind one that ma( ,e alread( there. /t

houldn9t ,e hard con iderin# the peed o- RlitR. What you should send to ' () S3reati%e Writin#R!oetr( S3ritical e a(.work and anal( i S3op(ri#ht.-ree or 3op(ri#ht.e<pired !icture and e a( to ,e -eatured SWe, link to cool internet -reeware, we, ite , or on#oin# e%ent S2--er to run new TAR ection and ,e in%ol%ed with the =ine What you should not send to ' () SMilapidated opinion piece o corro i%e that it melt our ke(,oard S!oorl( written material (ou ha%en9t e%en ,othered to pell. check O!R$++ FIP S*++, new ima#e and e a( clearl( windled -rom ome poor neti=en without permi ion SGon#, whin( rant o unima#inati%e our monitor will ha%e -i t hole OAlmo tP $%er(thin# el e #oe .TAR +ta--


Credits & Information

+u,mit (our writin#, comment , and whate%er el e to4 We-site) http4RRtheaprilreader.or# I(C) 5TAR on ... Editors) !role KUM$RMUNp:V Wildwea al KF%Tu.n1ohA Guco KR.t)p=*&V# BBB Thank (ou to tho e who u,mitted (our work, e peciall( tho e who #raciou l( accepted to ,ecome anon(mou in the pirit o- Cchan and thi =ine. BBB

nd now for an informati"e word from Wildweasal on copyright) Copyright law in the United States states that when you write
or create any work, you as the creator of this work, possess ownership of this work at the time of its creation !hen you submit something to The "pril #eader, you still retain the copyright to the work, and you still own what you ha$e submitted %y emailing your work to T"# you are simply gi$ing T"# permission to host this work on our &nternet ser$er There is ne$er a point in time at which T"# becomes the owner of your work and you will always own the work that you ha$e submitted

+ee (ou ne<t i ue, .TAR editor


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