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Drexel University

Master of Science in Learning Technologies Graduate Cooperative Education JOURNAL

EDHE 715

Samantha Dailey
Week: Two / Four / Six / Eight /

November 19, 2013

Lessons Learned: JOURNALING - Reflection on Purpose and Objectives

Throughout the co-op, lessons are learned and opportunities for improvement are discovered. As part of a continuous improvement process, documenting lessons learned will help the progression of your co-op and the project/s on which you are working.

Lessons Learned (questions to think about)

What worked well and/or didnt work well either for this project/co-op or for your project team? What could or should be done differently? What surprises did you discover and how did you manage them? What co-op circumstances and/or challenges were not anticipated? What co-op goals and/or objectives were attained this week (refer to your Final Co-op Plan)? Note: The questions above can be used to guide your reflection and help you in identifying key learning points. Your journal should be personalized to highlight your co-op experience. Other prompts are provided in your syllabus.
I cant wait to be done! It is not that I have not enjoyed my course work or time at Drexel, but I am so excited to graduate! I am so close I can almost taste it! I cannot lose sight of my project and attention to detail at this exciting time though! Therefore, the creation of the calendar has been helpful. I have been following the calendar (for the most part) and seem to be on track. I have not yet completed my summary of artifacts or reflection, but have made good progress on both. I used Microsoft Excel to analyze my lengthy data. In my last reflection, I mentioned using Google. Like in other areas, Google failed me. I could not analyze or reference sheets in Google like I could in Excel. I switched gears and used Excel. This meant I had to download all of my work from Google to Excel. While it may not sound like a lot, it was over 10 spreadhseets I needed to refigure. Google really was not as helpful as I thought it would be throughout this project. I think Google would have been more helpful if I was working with someone and I needed to share the data. However, in my situation, Microsoft Excel did just fine! I was able to easily compile, view and analyze the data. I felt that I was going to go crazy looking at so many different numbers/charts/graphs. I asked Julie and Kellie to roughly review the data to make sure it made sense in comparisons. They provided some valuable feedback. I was able to add the necessary pages to my Weebly site for the completion of my ePortfolio reflecting my work in Co-Op II. It actually took me a few minutes to recall the way I set the Weebly up! I guess if you dont use it, you lose it! While I didnt anticipate that, after a few minutes, I was back to being a regular Weebly user! I used the samples provided to us as a guide as well as the helpful PowerPoint and rubric in the syllabus. I am happy to report that the shell for my ePortfolio is all set. I need to finalize the artifacts and reflections to include! The five artifacts I will be using are: 1. Portfolio Assignment and Rubric - this was distributed to the students as an overview of what was required and how it would be assessed. 2. Sample Portfolio a sample portfolio will be available all identifying information has been removed 3. Data compiling of data from pre- and post-assessments broken down by class as well as subject matter 4. Pre-and Post-Assessment list of questions used to measure knowledge coming in and exiting the course.
EDHE 715 Reflective Journal Page 1 Drexel University

5. Interviews student responses to questions I am working on hiding the student names in Excel and saving the data files as PDFs or even screen printing them and adding it to a PowerPoint for easier comparison on the website. I will need to test Weebly to see which is more feasible. I have the Pre-and Post-Assessment as well as the Portfolio Assignment and Rubric saved as a PDF to upload as well. Below is my adjusted calendar for the end of the quarter.

Co-op Highlights complete as needed to track your research

Significant Co-op Successes/Accomplishments
Project Success ePortfolio set-up Finalization of data Factors That Supported Success All pages were added and set-up in my ePortfolio Excel was a HUGE help in easily compiling, viewing and analyzing data

Co-op Challenges and Solutions

Project Challenges Timeframe ePortfolio Recommended Solutions Stick to the timeline drafted/revised to be completed on time See if a PDF, PPT or regular Excel file would be best on the ePortfolio and for my classmates to review

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Drexel University

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