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Warren 1 Max Warren Instructor: Malcolm Campbell English 1102 September 25, 2013

Exploring Big Data in Its Current State

Big Data, Big Problems
hesis: !ig "ata is harm#ul because it is an in$asion o# c%ber pri$ac%, as &ell as pri$ac% in general' he (igital brea(crumbs that &e lea$e behin( in our e$er%(a% li$es can al&a%s be lin)e( bac) to us as sources' he contro$ers% create( b% the *S+ (ata mine, currentl% in construction in ,tah, is -ust a small glimpse into these problems, an( the #uture problems o# !ig "ata' Summar%: ,sing the example o# .oogle maps/ tra##ic, or the i(eas o# getting sic) reports #rom 0aceboo) an( &itter posts, sho&s the le$el o# insecurit% o# pri$ac% on the internet' he uses o# !ig "ata, collecte( in the &rong han(s, coul( ha$e serious si(e e##ects' ,sing !ig "ata to pre(ict patterns o# human beha$ior in certain situations coul( lea( to inaccurate action an( o$er reliance, an( in the &rong han(s coul( lea( to (angerous c%ber1attac)s, (ea(l% terrorist attac)s, an( serious crime' Breadcrumbs in a Digital World Imagine one (a%, %ou &a)e up in be(, an( something -ust (oesn/t #eel right' 2ou ha$e a hea(ache, a runn% nose, an( -ust #eel plain &ea) in general' What (o %ou (o3 2ou ta)e %our temperature' 2ou call in sic) to &or) or school' Ma%be %ou e$en (eci(e to (o a 4uic) .oogle search o# %our sic)

Warren 2 s%mptoms' 5ittle to %our )no&le(ge, (ata about sai( .oogle searches are being store( at this $er% moment' In 2012, accor(ing to statisticbrain'com, the a$erage number o# .oogle searches per (a% &as 5,136,000,000' hat totals to 1,783,910,000,000 .oogle searches that %ear: +n( all o# that in#ormation is processe( an( )ept on .oogle ser$ers' his is the premise behin( !ig "ata' ;5ast %ear &e all generate( so much (ata that it &oul( ta)e about <0 billion i=hones to hol( it all> ?0ran)@' hat/s a lot o# (ata, but &here (i( it come #rom3 he short ans&er is, &ell, e$er%&here' !e%on( .oogle searches an( internet use in general, (ata is generate( in e$er%one/s e$er%(a% li$es' 0rom basic transactions at %our #a$orite stores to the location o# %our cellphone, (ata is being generate(, collecte(, an( store( in some &a%' [Add more about what Digital Breadcrumbs are.] Better Safe than Sorry !ut is all this inno$ation an( (ata mining a positi$e thing3 What is this (ata being use( #or3 +re &e sa#e3 + stor% #rom Peterborough This Week, a ne&spaper in =eterborough, Antario ma% help ans&er these 4uestions: ;+ #urious man &al)e( into a arget store in Minneapolis an( (eman(e( to )no& &h% his teenage (aughter &as sent some inappropriate coupons in the mail' BSheCs still in high school an( %ouCre sen(ing her coupons #or bab% clothes an( cribs3/ he #ume(' B+re %ou tr%ing to encourage her to get pregnant3/ !ut &hen the manager calle( the (istraught (a( a couple o# (a%s later to apologiDe, he &as

Warren 3 tol( it &asnCt necessar%' +#ter a startling tal) &ith his (aughter, the man ha( learne( she &as, in #act, pregnant'> So much #or pri$ac%E I can onl% begin to speculate &hat &as going through the (aughter/s hea( &hen her (a( came to her about coupons' Who coul(/$e )no&n that arget &oul( be responsible #or re$ealing the (aughter/s secret3 !ig "ata is responsible #or this inci(ent' Without arget/s implementation o# !ig "ata to buil( shopper pro#iles, to in this case gi$e accurate coupon (istribution, this ne$er &oul( ha$e happene(' +n( this is onl% a piece o# the puDDleE imagine i# these shopper pro#iles &ere combine( &ith other !ig "ata sets, such as .oogle searches, or cellphone location' .i$en enough time, an%one &ith the resources an( time to access this (ata coul( come to )no& %ou more than %ou )no& %oursel#' NS ! Conspiracy or "eality# FInclu(e research about the *S+ an( conspiracies surroun(ing the agenc% here'G [Need more Topics]

$o% Big Data Will Sa&e the World

hesis: !ig "ata/s bene#its $astl% out&eigh its conse4uences' "ata inaccurac% is to be expecte( an( can be neglecte( in this case' ,sing !ig "ata, research can be con(ucte( on a nearl% real1time scale, (ecreasing things li)e illness, tra##ic, an( time nee(e( #or problem sol$ing, &hile increasing things li)e me(ical research e##icienc% an( climate pre(ictabilit%'

Warren 6 Summar%: !rea(crumbs are generate( an( rea(il% a$ailable, there is no stopping that' his $ast amount o# (ata mining is inten(e( to be use( #or the greater goo(, an( this coul( be the case in the near #uture' !ig "ata is -ust a collection o# 1s an( 0s, an( has no lin)ing to an% particular in(i$i(ual' he implications o# !ig "ata in the me(ical #iel(, in in#rastructure, an( in problem sol$ing in general &ill bene#it societ% in masses &a%s' Stopping an Epidemic [Benefits of Big Data in medical research.] 'raffic Control [Infrastructure and Big Cit benefits.] Problems# Solutions( [!eneral "roblem sol#ing benefits.] In&asion of Pri&acy [Counter claims of "ri#ac in#asion here.] [Point$ Digital Breadcrumbs are alwa s left behind.] [Point$ Telemarketers e%am"le. &ou tele"hone number.]

Warren 5

Wor)s Cited
0ran), +(am' ;What !ig "ata Means 0or !ig Cities'> All Things Considered' Inter$ie& b% Melissa !loc), 2013' Web' 26 Sept' 2013' H!ig "ata: the goo(, the ba( an( the ugl%'H Peterborough This Week' 26 Iune 2013: =oints o# Jie& Ke#erence Center' Web' 26 Sept' 2013' H.oogle +nnual Search Statistics'H 'tatistic Brain (''' 17 Iune 2013' Web' 26 Sept' 2013' Lhttp:MM&&&'statisticbrain'comMgoogle1searchesMN' [I ha#e more references) but ha#e not incor"orated them in m "a"er et.] [*ore references include sources from +P( and Points of ,iew (eference Center.]

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