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Evolution of the BIM p o!e"" #n$ involve%ent in Su"t#in#&le De"i'n #n$ Con"t u!tion C#(o Co"t# Unive "it( of Ne) Me*i!o

EVOLUTION OF THE BIM PROCESS AND THE SUSTAINABILITY + Abstract Thi" p#pe )ill 'ive the !on!ept of BIM ,Buil$in' Info %#tion Mo$elin'- #n$ e*e%plif( )hi!h !h#n'e" the p o!e"" & ou'ht #n$ .eep & in'in' to the $e"i'n #n$ %#n#'e%ent in the !on"t u!tion in$u"t (/ The fi "t p# t of thi" p#pe )ill 'ive the evolution of the $e"i'nin' p o!e"" in !on"t u!tion #n$ ho) BIM )#" # e0e!te$ e"e# !h #t the &e'innin' #n$ tu ne$ into # ne!e""# ( ".ill no)#$#(" fo 0o&" in the !on"t u!tion # e#/ An$ then the p o' e"" of e"e# !he" #n$ "oft)# e $e"i'ne " th#t )o . on the p o!e"" )ill &e $i"!u""e$ 'ivin' #l"o the p o" #n$ !on" of the u"e of the p o!e""/ 1hi!h othe " # e#" # e u"in' BIM o "i%il# p o!e"" to !h#n'e thei u"u#l )#( of )o . )ill &e $i"!u""e$ #" )ell/ The the%e !ho"en to &e the fo!u" of the e"e# !h #t l#"t )#" the Su"t#in#&ilit( in the !on"t u!tion #n$ ho) BIM i" involve$ in thi" topi! "u!h #" in # e#" li.e2 the !ont ol of e%i""ion"3 p o$u!tion of )#"te"3 p o$u!tion of ' een ene '( #n$ #l"o u"e of e!(!le$ %#te i#l" o the $e!on"t u!tion %etho$/ Keywords: BIM, Building Information Modeling, design, management, process, construction, evolution, researches, software, sustainability


Evolution of the BIM p o!e"" #n$ it" #ppli!#tion" Introduction The$5" evolution %#$e ne!e""# ( the !on"t u!tion of l# 'e #n$ !o%ple*e" &uil$in'"/ To %#.e it po""i&le the $evelop%ent of ne) te!hnolo'ie" )e e ne!e""# (/ The $ #)in'" #n$ the $ #ft"%#n"hip too. pl#!e to the $e"i'n #t fi "t #n$ eve (thin' th#t involve" the "t u!tu #l pl#nnin' fo the"e &uil$in'"/ The ole of the # !hite!t #n$ the !ivil en'inee in' &e!#%e %o e vi"i&le on the "o!iet( #n$ e6ui e$ %o e .no)le$'e #n$ e"e# !h/ A" the !on"t u!tion &e!#%e # "t on' fiel$ in the in$u"t ( the !on"t u!tion %#n#'e%ent poppe$ out #" # ne!e""# ( fiel$ of "tu$( to i%p ove the "!he$ulin' #n$ !ont ol of l#&o " #n$ %#te i#l"/ To %#.e !le# the ole of the !on"t u!tion %#n#'e 3 The Ch# te e$ In"titute of Buil$in' ,CIOB- "ho)" the e"pon"#&ilitie" of it #n$ the e$u!#tion &#!.' oun$ th#t5" ne!e""# ( #"2 7the pl#nnin'3 $e"i'n3 p o$u!tion3 #$#pt#tion3 %#inten#n!e3 e"to #tion3 !on"e v#tion3 %#n#'e%ent3 ev#lu#tion #n$ e!(!lin' of the &uilt envi on%ent e6ui e" inte #!tion &et)een $i"!ipline"3 %u!h #" the p o%otion of he#lth #n$ the !u in' of $i"e#"e e6ui e # %ulti8p ofe""ion#l #pp o#!h/9 The "!he$ulin' #n$ the $ #)in' !#%e &( #" the fi "t e""enti#l "tep to the &uil$in' !on"t u!tion #n$ the i%p ove%ent of the"e "tep" "ho)e$ up ne!e""# (/ The fi "t evolution in the $ #ft%#n"hip )#" the CAD "("te%/ Co%pute 8#i$e$ $e"i'n ,CAD- i" # "("te% $e"i'ne$ to &e u"e$ in %o$el" $efine$ &( 'eo%et i!#l p# #%ete "/ 7The"e %o$el" t(pi!#ll( #ppe# on # !o%pute %onito #" # th ee8$i%en"ion#l ep e"ent#tion of # p# t o # "("te% of p# t"3 )hi!h !#n &e e#$il( #lte e$ &( !h#n'in' elev#nt p# #%ete "/ CAD "("te%"

EVOLUTION OF THE BIM PROCESS AND THE SUSTAINABILITY : en#&le $e"i'ne " to vie) o&0e!t" un$e # )i$e v# iet( of ep e"ent#tion" #n$ to te"t the"e o&0e!t" &( "i%ul#tin' e#l8)o l$ !on$ition"/9 ,In!/3 n/ $/-/ Thi" ne) tool %#$e it po""i&le to ove !o%e #'e" of %#nu#l $ #ftin'/ 7Mo$elin' )ith CAD "("te%" offe " # nu%&e of #$v#nt#'e" ove t #$ition#l $ #ftin' %etho$" th#t u"e ule "3 "6u# e"3 #n$ !o%p#""e"/ Fo e*#%ple3 $e"i'n" !#n &e #lte e$ )ithout e #"in' #n$ e$ #)in'/ CAD "("te%" #l"o offe ;<oo%; fe#tu e" #n#lo'ou" to # !#%e # len"3 )he e&( # $e"i'ne !#n %#'nif( !e t#in ele%ent" of # %o$el to f#!ilit#te in"pe!tion/ Co%pute %o$el" # e t(pi!#ll( th ee $i%en"ion#l #n$ !#n &e ot#te$ on #n( #*i"3 %u!h #" one !oul$ ot#te #n #!tu#l th ee $i%en"ion#l %o$el in one=" h#n$3 en#&lin' the $e"i'ne to '#in # fulle "en"e of the o&0e!t/ CAD "("te%" #l"o len$ the%"elve" to %o$elin' !ut#)#( $ #)in'"3 in )hi!h the inte n#l "h#pe of # p# t i" eve#le$3 #n$ to illu"t #tin' the "p#ti#l el#tion"hip" #%on' # "("te% of p# t"/9 ,In!/3 n/ $/-/ The !on"t u!tion %#n#'e%ent "t# te$ to 'et i%p ove%ent" #" )ell/ 1ith "p e#$"heet "oft)# e #n$ othe tool" $evelope$ to thi" # e#3 the !on"t u!tion %#n#'e "> )o . 'ot e#"ie #n$ %o e t#n'i&le3 o '#ni<e$/ At thi" point3 p ofe""ion#l" #n$ "!ienti"t" of the !on"t u!tion in$u"t ( &e'#n to thin. of # )#( to %#.e thin'" even %o e p #!ti!#l #n$ #'ile3 t (in' to put #"i$e #ll tho"e p#pe $ #)in'"3 t (in' to %#.e !h#n'e" on the $ #)in'" in # p# #%et i!#l )#( #n$ %#(&e %e 'in' the !on"t u!tion %#n#'e%ent3 the # !hite!tu #l #n$ "t u!tu #l %o$elin'3 the ele!t i!#l #n$ %e!h#ni!#l "("te%" in one uni6ue p o!e""3 %#.e it )o . in # "in'ul# "("te%/ Th#t5" )e e BIM !#%e fo $evelop%ent/ Definition The Building Information Modeling i" t(pi!#ll( u"e$ #" th ee8$i%en"ion#l3 e#l8ti%e3 $(n#%i! &uil$in' %o$elin' "oft)# e to in! e#"e p o$u!tivit( in &uil$in' $e"i'n #n$ !on"t u!tion/

EVOLUTION OF THE BIM PROCESS AND THE SUSTAINABILITY ? The #! on(% BIM h#ve &een %#$e popul# in the )hole )o l$ #n$ h#ve "eve #l $efinition"/ Chu!. E#"t%#n5" BIM H#n$&oo. "ho)" the $efinition of BIM #" 7# %o$elin' te!hnolo'( #n$ #""o!i#te$ "et of p o!e""e" to p o$u!e3 !o%%uni!#te3 #n$ #n#l(<e building models.9 The &uil$in' %o$el" )ith the i%ple%ente$ "("te% !#%e to &e !h# #!te i<e$ &(2 7building components , ep e"ente$ &( $i'it#l o&0e!t" th#t .no) )h#t the( # e #n$ !#n &e #""o!i#te$ )ith !o%put#&le ' #phi!"3 $#t# #tt i&ute" #n$ p# #%et i! ule"-3 components ,th#t in!lu$e $#t# th#t $e"! i&e ho) the( &eh#ve-3 consistent non-redundant data ,"o !h#n'e" # e p op#'#te$ to #ll vie)"3 #n$ coordinated data ,"o the p e"ent#tion of #ll vie)" of %o$el i" !oo $in#te$-9 ,1#t"on3 +@A@-/ The $ e#%" of #ll p ofe""ion#l" in the !on"t u!tion fiel$ !#%e t ue/ One uni6ue "("te% to %o$el "t u!tu #ll(3 # !hite!tu #ll( #n$ ove tho"e %o$el" #l e#$( 'et # &u$'et3 # !on"t u!tion "!he$ule #n$ # %#te i#l" t#.e8off/ Th#t5" )h(3 to$#( BIM i" # ne!e""# ( tool fo #ll the En'inee "3 Con"t u!tion M#n#'e "3 A !hite!t" #n$ %o"t p# t of people th#t pu "ue #n ent #n!e on the !on"t u!tion in$u"t ( #" p ofe""ion#l"/ BIM used in the Sustainable Design and Construction En'inee " th#t "tu$( the "u"t#in#&le # e# on the !on"t u!tion fiel$ too. BIM in (ou o)n f#vo on e"e# !he" th#t h#ve ' een &uil$in'" #" fo!u" !#lle$ B een BIM/ 7The"e tool" p ovi$e i%%e$i#te in"i'ht into ho) $e"i'n $e!i"ion" i%p#!t &uil$in' pe fo %#n!e/ BIM #l"o en!ou #'e" #n inte' #te$ $e"i'n p o!e"" C # ! iti!#l "t #te'( fo' p o0e!t" ' eene / Be!#u"e of the )#( BIM f#!ilit#te" ' een $e"i'n3 !on"t u!tion #n$ "u"t#in#&le out!o%e"3 the ' o)th of ' een &uil$in' #" #n #!!epte$3 )i$e"p e#$ p #!ti!e i" helpin' to #!!ele #te BIM #$option/9 ,M!B #)8Hill Con"t u!tion3 +@A@-/ Mo"t "pe!ifi!#ll(3 BIM !oul$ )o . to %ini%i<e )#"te" #" "#i$ #t the Eu ope INNOVA St#n$8Inn H#n$ &oo.

EVOLUTION OF THE BIM PROCESS AND THE SUSTAINABILITY D 7Buil$in' info %#tion %o$ellin' i" # "u"t#in#&le )#( of )o .in' &e!#u"e it !ut" out $upli!#tion #n$ )#"te f o% the &u"ine"" p o!e""e" involve$ in $e"i'n #n$ !on"t u!tion/ An#l("i" of envi on%ent#l i%p#!t" #n$ life8!(!le !o"t" !#n #l"o &e !# ie$ out #t #n e# l( "t#'e3 )ith $e"i'n !h#n'e" %#$e ")iftl( #n$ e#"il( C offe in' lon'8te % &enefit/ F o% the !ent #l BIM3 fu the %o$el" !#n &e %#$e fo "pe!ifi! pu po"e"3 )ith the $e!i"ion" fe$ &#!. into the !ent #l BIM/9 A" # "("te% th#t !onne!t %#n( fiel$" to )hole p o0e!t un$e !on"t u!tion "tep" the BIM p o!e"" !oul$ &e u"e$ to p e8vi"u#li<e $e!i"ion" &efo e the( !#n &e effe!tivel( t#.en/ So #" to ene '( i%p ove%ent" ,#n$ p o$u!tion of !le#n ene '(-3 "%# t )#te "("te%"3 p e!i"e 6u#ntit( of %#te i#l" #n$ p e!i"e u"#'e of the%/ Both # e#" e%#in in !on"t#nt e"e# !h to i%p ove ne) te!hnolo'ie" &ut i" un$eni#&le th#t the(5ll &e to'ethe h#n$ &( h#n$ f o% no) on/



In!/3 ,n/ $/- Computer- ided !esign "C !# and Computer- ided Manufacturing "C M# Ret ieve$ Fe&/ A@3 +@A:3 f o% http2FF)))/in!/!o%Fen!(!lope$i#F!o%pute 8#i$e$8$e"i'n8!#$8#n$8 !o%pute 8#i$e$8!#%/ht%l

B#le3 G/ ,+@A@-/ CI$B%s &rofessionalism: n inconclusive definition of construction management Ret ieve$ Ret ieve$ Fe&/ H3 +@A:3 f o% http2FF)))/!io&/o 'F"ite"F$ef#ultFfile"FRe$efinin' I+@Con"t u!tionI+@M#n#'e%ent/p$f

1#t"on3 A/ ,+@A@-/ BIM ' a driver for a change Ret ieve$ Fe&/ A@3 +@A:3 f o% http2FF)))/en'inee in'/nottin'h#%/#!/u.Fi!!!&eFp o!ee$in'"Fp$fFpfDH/p$f

Eu ope INNOVA ,+@@J-/ (he )( *!-I** + *!B$$K Ret ieve$ Fe&/ H3 +@A:3 f o% http2FF"t#n$# $"/eu8innov#/o 'FP#'e"FNe)"Det#il/#"p*Ki$LAE+

EVOLUTION OF THE BIM PROCESS AND THE SUSTAINABILITY J M!B #)8Hill Con"t u!tion Re"e# !h #n$ An#l(ti!"/ ,+@A@-/ ,reen BIM ' +ow Building Information Modeling is Contributing to ,reen !esign and Construction/ Be$fo $3 MA2 S%# tM# .et Repo t

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