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Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. Isaac Asimov

We are taught from an early age to fear death, that unknowable force we are all moving towards, simply by existing. However, this aspect of human life is not one discussed easily amongst those in western society. Death is not an easy topic to discuss openly, without the fear of perhaps upsetting or insulting. This one aspect that binds us all together, touches us all, irrespective of race, gender, or orientation; the one thing we all have in common, yet so often it is considered a dark sub!ect. Talking about one"s own mortality is considered morbid and morose. #ne truth remains however. We all die. $very single living organism experiences death. %ndeed, according to Dr. &igmund 'reud, (%t is the aim of all life." We live to die. Homo sapiens as a species have shown great technological advances over the past few centuries. )et one thing we have not, and will arguably never achieve, is to create a way of dealing with death in a uniform manner as a population. We grieve differently, we die differently. Death touches us all. &hould we fear death, try to actively repel it, through attempts to prolong our lives* %f technology moved to such a point that death could be avoided, endless life became a possibility, would we ever be able to really live*

Without being able to investigate death and the repercussions for the deceased, is it possible to study death in any meaningful way, without being able to experience it*

Taken from Life, Death, and Grief, published in s!cholo"ical #ociet! $evie%, &''(, issue )&.

Experiment Two

#he hadn't been afraid of the dark. *ot before. *ot before it entered her life %ithout her kno%in", envelopin" her like a second skin, becomin" a part of her. #he hadnt been claustrophobic, petrified the %alls %ere closin" in around her. +rushed to death %ithout kno%in" the!'d even moved. *ot scared of thin"s that cra%led around her toes. ,asn't afraid to sit alone in a darkened room and %onder if somethin" %as touchin" her face, or if it %as -ust her ima"ination. *ope. #he %asn't scared before. #he %as no%. It took time to become afraid of those thin"s, and time %as all she had, stretchin" out in front of her %ithout end. #he blamed herself. .lamed her friends. .lamed him. #he shouldnt be there, and someone %as to blame for that. /ad to be. #hed become a responsible adult. The ri"ht thin", supposedl!. Gone %ere the da!s shed spent "oin" into to%n, t%o, sometimes three times a %eek. 0araoke on a 1rida!, pullin" on a #aturda! 2 if there %ere an! decent lads out 2 3uiet one on a #unda!. *o% she %as al%a!s the first one to leave, earl! on in the ni"ht, %hen ever!one else %as -ust "ettin" started. #he didnt like the feelin" of bein" drunk. That loss of control, of sensibilit!. #hed been hun"over so man! times. #he'd decided it %asnt %hat responsible adults did. /er mum had drummed that into her one ni"ht, holdin" back her hair as t%o bottles

of %hite %ine and "od kno%s ho% man! vodka and lemonades decided the! %anted out. #hed rather be at home no%, %atchin" T4 after a da!s %ork, especiall! if it meant he %as sittin" close to her. #he didnt even mind that he al%a!s had the laptop on, pla!in" that stupid football mana"ement "ame. 5ust bein" there %ith him %as enou"h. #he still en-o!ed a drink at the end of a %ork da!, a "lass of %ine %ith a meal and the occasional full bottle at the %eekend. .ut the bin"in" had stopped. That %as for certain. ,hen a +heek! 4imto cocktail had been forced into her hand b! one of the "irls %ho told her shed love it she didnt sa! no. ort and ,0D. ,ho thou"ht of these

thin"s6 #he didnt care. It tasted blood! "reat. 7ne more led to four more, and before she kne% it, she %as in an ei"hties8 themed ni"htclub, dancin" her heart out to +hesne! /a%kes. T%o a.m. hit, and she %as sa!in" her "oodb!es. #he loved them all. /er "irls. Al%a!s left %onderin" %h! the! didnt see her more often. Dont "o !et, %ell all share a ta9i later. +lub doesnt shut for another hour. Its alri"ht, Ill be fine. Im knackered, %ant m! bed. *eed to "et back : *o, its oka! Ill %alk up to the tunnel stretch b! the museum if I cant "et one. 4oice "oin" hoarse from shoutin" over the music. romises to do it all a"ain soon. To "ive them a te9t %hen shed arrived home. 1inall! she %as out of the club, the bouncer helpin" her do%n the final step. 1resh air hit her, alon" %ith the realisation she %as as drunk as shed been in a lon" time. #he be"an searchin" throu"h her handba" for her phone, eventuall! findin" it in the same pocket it %as al%a!s in, %antin" to call a ta9i to pick her up.

1or fucks sake. Too loud. *ot in the club an! lon"er, but her voice hadnt cau"ht onto that fact !et. A couple stared as the! passed b!, as she continued her ar"ument %ith the stupid batter!8suckin" smart phone. The decision to %ear comfortable shoes becomin" the best idea shed ever had. #he set off for the ta9i ranks at the end of ;atthe% #treet, hopin" it %ouldnt be too lon" a %ait. #he %alked past the old +avern +lub, the sound of some shitt! band murderin" old hits %aftin" out of the doors, as a fe% tourists spilled out onto the street. #he couldnt find a ta9i, 3ueues of people do%n *orth 5ohn #treet. #he %alked a%a! from the li"hts of the clubs in the cit! centre, hopin" to "et one comin" out of the tunnel. ,hen she %as !oun"er it had been easier, as there %as al%a!s enou"h of them to be safe "ettin" the ni"ht bus home. *o% she had mone! in her pocket she %ouldnt have to sit on a full bus, the stink of kebabs and vodka shots seepin" into her clothes. The lads %ho %ere either s3uarin" up to each other, or tr!in" it on %ith an! "irl %ith a pulse. *o thank !ou, she could pa! the ei"ht 3uid and "et home %ithout an! of that. #he stood on the corner near the museum, %aitin" for a hackne! %ith its li"ht on to pass her. #he %rapped her arms around herself, cold air be"innin" to bite as she stopped %alkin" and leant a"ainst the #t 5ohn's Gardens %all, the museum over to her ri"ht. The entrance and e9it to .irkenhead tunnel directl! opposite her. #%a!in" to silent music. #he %as cold, %ishin" shed picked a %armer coat %hen shed left the house earlier. #hed picked the ri"ht shoes, that %as supposed to be enou"h. Ten minutes %ent b!, then fifteen, before a hackne! finall! came to%ards her, slo%in" do%n before passin" her.

/e!< It %ent up to%ards to%n, then did a =8turn and headed back her %a!, comin" to a stop in front of her. #he opened the door, barel! re"isterin" the driver at all, -ust shouted her address at him, and settled back in the seat. #he %as "lad to be in the %armth of the car. As the! drove throu"h the cit! centre, she be"an to feel -ust a little uncomfortable, the driver lookin" strai"ht ahead, barel! ackno%led"in" her presence. /ed not said a %ord since shed entered. ;ust be one of the ne% forei"n drivers that %ere comin" over from >astern >urope or %herever. /er mum %ould kno%. #he should rin" her mum tomorro%, she thou"ht. #he hadnt been in touch much latel!, and she %anted to catch up. #he !a%ned a fe% times in succession, the blurred buildin"s "oin" past becomin" h!pnotic as the cab %ound its %a! out of the cit! centre to%ards home. #he battled her tiredness and lost, as her e!es closed and sta!ed that %a!. That %as her mistake. #he %oke %hen the cab came to a stop and looked up to see the driver "ettin" out of the cab. Throu"h blear! e!es, confused b! the sudden absence of movement, she sat full! upri"ht. Im a%ake, its oka!, she called out, but he %as alread! %alkin" around the cab, past her door and out of her si"ht. anic didnt set in strai"ht a%a!. +onfusion %as first. ,here are %e6 The %indo%s inside had misted over, and she s%iped her hand over the pane. To one side she sa% trees linin" a "ravel drive%a!. #he tried openin" the door, but the handle %ouldnt bud"e. #he moved across the seat, and tried that

door handle. #ame result. #he s%iped her hand over the %indo% a"ain, seein" a house to the other side. A stran"e house. *ot her house. 7h shit, not her house. ,hats "oin" on6 #he could hear the mans shoes crunchin" throu"h the "ravel behind the car and then her %indo% darkened. #he -umped in her seat. /e %as crouched level %ith the %indo%, his face obscured b! a black balaclava. anic started then. /is voice came throu"h the %indo%. #lo%, precise. ,ere in the middle of no%here. #o if !ou scream, no one %ill hear !ou. ;ore importantl!, if !ou do scream, Im "oin" to break the fin"ers on !our ri"ht hand. #cream a"ain, and Ill cut them off. ?ou understand me6 There %as no trace of an accent, !et there %as somethin" odd about his voice. #he started to move across the back seat to the opposite door. Adrenaline kicked in. The need to "et a%a!, to "et out of there, overtakin" ever!thin" else. /e %as 3uicker thou"h. The door opened behind her and a hand "rabbed her b! the shoulder. /e %as stron". 1i"ht back, fi"ht for her life, fi"ht back. ,ithout screamin". #he used her fists a"ainst the opposite %indo%, pullin" on the door handle %ith all her %ei"ht, as the man attempted to dra" her out. /e "ot a firm "rip of her dress, and placed his arm around her neck, turnin" her around. #he kicked out at him, but felt herself bein" lifted from the car. /e dra""ed her all the %a! inside the house, his "rip around her throat chokin" the air out of her lun"s. /er e!es drifted do%n%ards and then around. #tone steps %ith marble pillars to the sides marked the entrance, but she had no time to look at them as she %as pulled alon" a darkened corridor. #he needed to breathe properl!. ,atched as one

of her comfortable shoes slipped off and became lost in the darkness. #he kicked at the "round, scratched at his arm, used her fin"ers to tr! and prise her %a! out of his hands, but nothin" %orked. #he %as bein" dra""ed alon" on her heels. /e stopped, shifted his "rip so she %as no% in a headlock. #he could breathe a little. The! %ent throu"h an openin", before she bounced do%n%ards. A staircase, she "uessed. #he couldnt tell. It %as too dark. The! came to a stop. /e took his arm from around her head, and before she had a chance to move, he pushed her %ith t%o hands. #he fell back%ards, landin" hard. #he heard, rather than sa% a door close. #he spran" up, the pain from the fall lost in the midst of heav! breathin" and adrenaline. Let me out of here !ou bastard< 7pen this door, open it no%. #he %as in darkness and "rasped at the door, tr!in" to find a handle or an!thin" that %ould open the door. #he used her fists, ban"in" on the door %ith all her stren"th. ' lease, don't leave me here.' #he continued to ban" on the door until her hand started to ache. #he s%itched hands. It came then. A voice throu"h the %alls, an audible static over it. #he stopped, cockin" her head to listen. ?ou %ill be fed. ?ou %ill have %ater. There is a hatch openin" on the door %hich can onl! be opened from the outside, throu"h %hich this %ill be provided. 7n some da!s !our food %ill have an e9tra in"redient, in order for me to clean up. ?ou %ill not kno% %hen this is. If !oure "ood, I %ont have to kill !ou. The voice %as silent then. #he stood still, strainin" to hear an! other noise, backin" a%a! from the door carefull!. #he put her hands out in front of her, her e!es tr!in" to ad-ust.

There %as no sound, other than her o%n breathin", pantin" in and out. #he spread her arms around, -umpin" a little as her hand brushed a"ainst a flat surface. #he took a lar"e breath in, stru""lin" to keep the panic in. #he couldn't see the %alls around her, !et she could alread! feel them. +losin" in on her. #he %as alone, in the darkness.

Chapter One Sunday 27th January 2013 !ay One

1rost!, brisk air s%irled around #efton ark and its surroundin" area, the earl! mornin" mist onl! -ust be"innin" to lift above the tree line. Detached houses, set back from the main road, lined the street on one side, %here flashin" li"hts from multiple vehicles had dra%n out blear! e!ed "a%kers. The! stood on the pavements shiftin" on cold feet in the earl! mornin" li"ht. ;ostl!, the! %ouldn't sa! t%o %ords to each other, but the earl! mornin" e9citement had driven them out, even caused conversation to break out. At one time the houses had contained %hole families, no% most %ere converted apartments, sellin" for si98fi"ure sums. Detective Inspector David ;urph! turned his attention back to the park over the road@ not !our small, famil! friendl!, s%in"s and slide t!pe of park. Instead, acres of "reener!, beautiful old trees, and enou"h space to see somethin" ne% each time !ou %alk throu"h there. And the odd dead bod! turnin" up unannounced. It %as usuall! suicides./an"in" from a tree or a bunch of pills in the middle of a field. /opin" no one finds them before the! "o. .ut at times it %as somethin" else. /e sa% the li"hts in the distance. .lue, red, shiftin" from left to ri"ht. The constant pattern havin" a seemin"l! h!pnotic effect on those strainin" to see further into the park be!ond. ;urph! %as sittin" in his car, the en"ine settlin" as he summoned up the ener"! to "et out and make his %a! over. The li"hts of the marked cars parked in front of his +itroen reflected off the dark interior inside, a strobe effect bouncin" off the dashboard.

;urph! shook his seatbelt off and leaned for%ard, attemptin" to see past the li"hts and people millin" around the park. /e slumped back in the seat %hen it became clear he %ouldnt see an!thin". /e scratched his beard, the trim hed performed the previous ni"ht "ivin" it a coiffed ed"e, %hich he decided said distin"uished rather than hidin" a double chin. /e stifled a !a%n and opened the car door, stretchin" his lon" le"s out, the ti"ht feelin" in his calves tellin" him hed ma!be overdone it on the cross trainer the previous evenin", tr!in" to shift those last fe% pounds of %ei"ht. /ed been a%ake no more than fifteen minutes %hen his D+I had called. That made it less than an hour into the da! for him, and he %as %alkin" to%ards the bod! of a dead "irl. *ot ho% ;urph! usuall! liked to start off a da!:especiall! a #unda!. A phone call from %ork before hed even had chance to drink his coffee. /ave a slice of toast. ut a fresh suit on. Death could be incredibl! selfish. ;urph!, hed ans%ered once hed finall! located the phone hidin" in his -eans pocket on the bedroom floor. #tabbed at the screen, tr!in" to ans%er the stupid thin". David6 ;urph!s shoulders slumped. D+I #tephens. ,hich, outside of normal hours, usuall! si"nified nothin" "ood. ,hats happened6 A bod!. #uspicious circumstances. 1ound in #efton ark. #hit. .ad6 *ot sure of all the details at the moment. Im %anted6

,h! else %ould I be callin" !ou David6 Im not !our blood! alarm clock. Its been a %hile, thats all. ,as startin" to %onder if Id be stuck on break8ins for another si9 months. ,ell !ouve "ot somethin" else no%. ,hos %ith me6 $ossi or Ton! .rannon. ?our decision. Great. *ot e9actl! #ophies fuckin" +hoice. Lan"ua"e. ,erent !ou tau"ht never to s%ear in front of a lad!6 And an!%a!, be""ars cant be choosers. /o% lon" until !ou can "et do%n there6 ;urph! crooked his phone bet%een his shoulder and ear. Grabbed his trousers from %here the! had been l!in" ne9t to his -eans. ,hich end6 ,hich end of %hat6 The park. 5esus %ept. 7h, Ai"burth Drive. 5ust look for the li"hts. #ounds like half the blood! force is there. ;urph! Aipped up his trousers and "ave the previous da!s shirt a sniff. Ill be there in t%ent! minutes. /e left the house five minutes later reversin" out the drive%a!, and onto the road. Decided t%ent! minutes %as probabl! a little optimistic. Itd probabl! be double that this time of the mornin", even %ithout the usual %eekda! traffic throu"h the tunnel. /e shook his head, tu""ed on his bottom lip %ith his teeth, and turned ri"ht out of the small %indin" road %hich surrounded the small estate, lamentin" the fact he %as alread! "oin" to be pla!in" catch up %hen he "ot there. The commute ma! have been bad, but at least it "ave him a chance to %ake up. ,ithin five minutes he %as on the motor%a! headin" for the ,allase! tunnel,

%hich separated the ,irral and Liverpool. The ,irral is a small peninsula, onl! separated from Liverpool b! the $iver ;erse!, and connected b! a mile8lon" tunnel underneath the seabed. The ,irral hadnt al%a!s been home. In fact, hed onl! been able to call it that for the previous fe% months. The differences bet%een the t%o places %as closin" in recent !ears. The ,irral %as historicall! kno%n as simultaneousl! livin" in Liverpools shado%, %hilst also en-o!in" much more %ealth than most of Liverpool. These da!s, the link %as closer. ,hilst the %ealth %as still stron" in the %est of the ,irral, %ith the likes of ,est 0irb! and /es%all, the destruction of the shippin" trade at +ammell Lairds on the east side meant that the ,irral no% had its o%n pockets of deprivation. >ven the kids spoke in a #couse accent these da!s, albeit a bastardised version of it. ;urph! %as comfortable livin" there, even if the subtle differences became more apparent ever! da!, needlin" at him. /e loved the cit! of Liverpool. The people, the buildin"s, the histor!. /e -ust needed to time a%a!. ,orkin" there %as enou"h for no%. /e used his fast ta" %hen he arrived at the ,allase! tunnel booths, and broke the fort! mile an hour limit "oin" under the $iver ;erse!, but it %as still fort! minutes after the phone call b! the time hed pulled the car to a stop. /e %alked out into the damp and cold 5anuar! mornin", Aippin" his coat up as he %alked to%ards the railin"s %hich lined the path, hastil! strun"8up crime scene tape stre%n across them. The %ide main road %as shado%ed b! hi"h trees on both sides, %hich masked most of the vie%. A couple of uniforms stood "uard at the park entrance 2 a 3uick flash of his %arrant card and he %as able to pass throu"h. /e could see the hive of activit! a couple of hundred !ards or so up ahead, near a stone path %hich cut throu"h the "rass on either side, leadin" from the

entrance into the distance. The main activit! seemed to be concentrated on a "rass ver"e %hich %ent up into the treeline. ;urph! dropped his head as the %ind picked up, and be"an %alkin" to%ards it. #ir< Detective +onstable Laura $ossi, second "eneration Italian. 1ive and a half foot tall, dark lon" hair. #tron" lookin", from the broad shoulders %hich made her look stock!, to the roman nose %hich complimented her features. ;ost of the sin"le, and 3uite a fe% of the married, lads at the station had tried and failed %ith her. ;urph! %asnt one of them. #he came boundin" to%ards ;urph! and brushed her hair a%a! from her face, tuckin" strands behind her ear. ?ou all ri"ht6 ,hat have %e "ot6 ;urph! said as she reached him. ;ornin" to !ou too sir. ;urph! looked do%n at her, $ossi bein" at least ei"ht inches smaller, and about half his %ei"ht. /e smiled as she looked up to him, before realisin" %here the! %ere and adoptin" a stoic face once more. /e %as "lad she %as there. In a %eird %a!, and completel! %ithout conte9t "iven he had no kids of his o%n, he %anted to look after her@ be a father fi"ure of some sort. #he %as ine9perienced, he supposed. *eeded some "uidance. ,hich, if this %as a bona fide murder case, he could definitel! do %ithout. >speciall! considerin" his last effort. Lets "et on %ith it. And stop callin" me sir, ho% man! times do I have to tell !ou. +ourse. #orr! sir. ?oun" female, found b! a corpse sniffer around si9 a.m. 1ull! clothed. *othin" around the bod!, -ust laid out beneath a tree. ;urph! looked around and spotted the man she %as referrin" to, talkin" to some uniforms. An older "u!, probabl! in his mid8si9ties, his do" sittin" ne9t to him, silent on his lead. /e have an!thin" to sa!6 ;urph! said.

*ot much, do" ran off into the trees, he %ent lookin" for it and found the "irl. Is nobhead here6 $ossi looked confused. ,hos a nobhead6 ;urph! smiled, still findin" it amusin" that the #couse accent didnt match the ;editerranean looks. .rannon. Is he around6 $ossi attempted to hold back a lau"h behind a hand. ;urph! noticed her fin"ernails, bitten do%n rather than manicured. ?eah, hes off on the hunt for clues. /is %ords, not mine. Good. ;urph! replied. 1at bastard could do %ith some e9ercise. #7+7s here !et6 About t%ent! minutes before !ou. An! other %itnesses6 *ot at the moment. 7ka!. ?ou looked at the bod! !et6 $ossi shook her head. ,ell then. Lets not keep her %aitin". ;urph! snapped on his "loves, e9tra8lar"e, and be"an %alkin" to%ards the scene. /e could see the alm /ouse, a lar"e dome buildin" %hich %as the centrepiece of the park, in the distance, past the trees. The "reat "lass %indo%s %hich "ave it the appearance of a hu"e "reenhouse looked dull and lifeless in the mu""! mornin" li"ht. ;urph! and $ossi entered the tent %hich %as bein" erected around the bod!. The treeline %as thicker there, the "round, still not completel! unfroAen from the previous harsh %inter, crunchin" underneath his feet.

The click and %hirr of photo"raphs bein" taken %as the onl! soundtrack to the scene. ;urph! let his e!es be dra%n to the "irl. >arl! t%enties he fi"ured. lain lookin", dressed conservativel! in black trousers and a red v8necked -umper. 7ne earrin", %hich meant either one %as missin" or %as no% a souvenir. /is mone!, as al%a!s, %as on the latter. Al%a!s to the morbid thou"ht first. To be fair, he %as usuall! ri"ht. ;urph! side8stepped around the ed"e, carefull! avoidin" an!thin" that looked important, and stood at the foot of the bod!, takin" it in. #he had the distinctive pallor of the dead@ pale, the colour drained out of her as the blood stopped flo%in". The clothes looked ne%, un%orn, the creases on the -umper lookin" like the! %ere from packa"in", rather than %ear. #he %as spread8ea"led, her arms outstretched in a 4, her le"s doin" the same. +arefull! placed in the position. It looked unnatural, posed, %hich %as probabl! the intention, ;urph! thou"ht. /er face %as %hat dre% his "aAe. /alf8 lidded e!es, starin" ri"ht throu"h him. .lue, "laAed, the last ima"e the!'d captured that of %hoever had left her here. /er mouth %as sli"htl! parted, the top ro% of her teeth on sho% in a final "rimace. ="l!, red marks over her bare neck. Dr #tuart /ou"hton, #tu to his friends, %as crouched ne9t to the "irl. /ed been the lead patholo"ist in the cit! for as lon" as ;urph! had been %orkin". /is "re! hair %as thinnin", his posture lookin" soft as he stood up from his haunches. /is short, s3uat stature onl! enhanced b! the ever8"ro%in" paunch he %as cultivatin" around his middle. /e turned to look at ;urph!. Dr /ou"hton, %hat have %e "ot6 Took !our time Dave.

;urph! shot his hands to his mouth. +allin" me Dave %hen !ou kno% I dont like it6 ?ou never fail to shock. And it %as onl! because I kne% !oud be here alread!. ,hat can !ou tell me6 Are !ou runnin" this one6 /ou"hton said. ;urph! "aAed at the patholo"ist and shru""ed his shoulders. I -ust do as Im told. /ou"hton pursed his lips at him. ,ell then, cant tell !ou much at the moment, he said, "esturin" to%ards the !oun" %oman. This is ho% she %as found, her arms and le"s outstretched like shes doin" a star -ump, onl! l!in" do%n. Theres no evidence around the bod! as far as %e can tell so far, and shes been dead around t%elve hours. *o ID, handba", purse, nothin". 7ther than that !oull have to %ait for the post mortem for me to tell !ou more. ,ere movin" her out no%. ,h! suspicious then6 ;urph! asked, kno%in" the ans%er but %antin" to piss off the doc a little more. /ou"hton muttered somethin" under his breath before continuin". As !ou can no doubt alread! see, theres bruises around her neck %hich indicate asph!9iation. 1irst paramedic on the scene noticed them, and, in m! opinion correctl!, assumed it %as better to call in the bi" bo!s. ;urph! looked closer at the "irl. Lar"e bruises under her chin, turnin" darker as time moved on. A lar"e birthmark, or mole, the colour of stron" coffee on the lo%er left side of her neck. Did she die here6 *ot certain !et, but Im almost positive she %asnt. *o si"ns of stru""le around the area. The "rass is flattened onl! in the immediate vicinit! of the bod!.

An! other distin"uishin" features aside from the mole, I need to kno% about strai"ht a%a!. And let us kno% %hen the post mortem is. /ou"hton nodded, and %ent back to %ork. ;urph! left the tent, $ossi trailin" behind him. ,ell take a statement from the %itness and then %e should tr! and find out %ho she is. $ossi nodded and set off to%ards the %itness. ;urph! be"an the process of removin" his "loves and lookin" around the area, seein" a fe% familiar faces from older crime scenes about the place. /e nodded and e9chan"ed "reetin"s %ith some of them. *o one stopped to talk to him. /e %asnt surprised. /e "ave one last look at the finished tent, the uniforms %alkin" around the area, lookin" under the bushes and scourin" the "round. .ack to it.

Chapter Two Sunday 27th January 2013 !ay One

This is >ddie .ishop, $ossi said as she led the do" %alker to%ards ;urph!. /e %as a "re!8haired man %ith a stooped posture, a little 5ack $ussell paddin" alon"side him. ?ello%, stained teeth "rimaced back at ;urph!, the mans %rinkled hands "rippin" the lead ti"hter, as he kept the do" close b!. 5ust a couple of 3uestions, ;r .ishop. >ddie is fine. 7ka! >ddie. ;urph! replied, notin" the softness of the infamous #couse accent. #oftness %hich !ou onl! reall! heard from the older inhabitants of the cit! no%ada!s. Do !ou %alk this %a! often6 he continued. T%ice a da!, first thin" in the mornin", a"ain in the evenin". ;urph! %atched as $ossi %rote do%n the conversation in her notepad. And the do" found the victim. >ddies face "re% serious as he e9plained ho% hed found the do" stood over the !oun" %oman. Terrible shame. ,ill take me a lon" time to "et over this, Ill tell !ou that for nothin". And !ou didnt notice an!thin" out of the ordinar! this mornin". An!thin" at all6 ;urph! asked. >ddie shook his head. #ame as al%a!s, -ust me and 1lo!d. he replied, "esturin" at the do". ;urph! finished up %ith >ddie, e9plainin" the need for a formal statement and promisin" to keep him informed, kno%in" that %ould be hi"hl! unlikel!.

An!thin" else6 ;urph! asked $ossi, as she finished %ritin" the conversation do%n in her notepad. Theres someone %ho keeps tellin" uniforms at the "ate that he heard somethin". ;i"ht be an idea to check that out. 7ka!. ,ell do that no%. ;urph! stopped to take in the place. The park %as bi" enou"h to "et lost in, vast areas of "reen and small %ooded areas surroundin" it. In the dark, !ou could become invisible in a place like this, ;urph! said to $ossi as the! neared the "ates. True. erfect places for this t!pe of thin". In and out, probabl! %ithout bein" seen in the earl! hours, $ossi replied, steppin" underneath the crime scene tape. Ill be comin" to intervie% this %itness %ith !ou, !eah6 I mean, I "uess Im "ettin" to partner up %ith !ou on this one6 ;urph! paused. Let me see. ,eve %orked to"ether on and off for about t%o !ears, ri"ht6 $ossi nodded her head up and do%n slo%l!. >ver kno%n me to choose to %ork %ith .rannon6 #he smiled and mocked a salute. Ill -ust "o and "et a ne% notepad from the car. ;urph! %atched as she %alked to%ards her car parked over the road, her posture strai"ht and assured. The trouser suit looked ne%. #ir. #ir< ;urph! stopped and turned. #i"hed for effect. ,hat do !ou %ant .rannon6

D# .rannon stopped -o""in" and bent do%n %ith his hands on his knees, pantin". I : sorr! : /e brou"ht himself up a"ain. I -ust %ondered if there %as an!thin" I can do6 /avent !ou alread! "ot somethin" to do6 I -ust thou"ht !ou mi"ht have somethin" more interestin". Im bein" %asted %alkin" around lookin" throu"h the mud. $ossi is assistin" me on this one .rannon. ;a!be ne9t time. 1or no%, I %ant %itness statements from ever!one %ho lives in these houses %hich face the park entrance. #tart or"anisin" it. .ut : ;urph! smiled in%ardl! and turned back to%ards the road outside the park. .rannon %asnt all that bad reall!. /e %as anno!in" rather than incompetent. /e %asnt even all that fat, but first impressions stick. The uniforms %ere alread! bein" harassed b! local residents ea"er to discover %hat %as occurrin" near their homes. ;urph! pushed throu"h, i"norin" the 3uestions bein" directed to%ards him from a particular %ild8haired older man, adorned onl! in a dressin" "o%n and slippers. ;urph! took the uniformed constable %ho'd been tr!in" to placate the man to one side. ,hich one sa!s he heard somethin"6 The loud8mouthed one. T!pical, ;urph! thou"ht. 7ka!, %here does he live6 The constable pointed to his house, %hich %as e9actl! opposite the entrance. Take him back in. ,ell be there in a minute. [SPACE BREAK] The first thou"ht that struck ;urph! as the! approached the house, %as that it seemed a little bi" for -ust one man.

As he entered, the second thou"ht %as that it %asnt bi" enou"h for one man and the amount of stuff he seemed to o%n. *e%spapers %ere stacked up alon" the hall%a! in bundles, at least four feet in hei"ht, held to"ether %ith %hat looked like old t%ine. A staircase %ith no carpet ran up the other side, %hich %as similarl! stacked %ith paper, but ma"aAines instead of ne%spapers. As ;urph! %alked to%ards the first door %hich led off the hall%a!, he became a%are of a sour milk smell %hich assailed his nostrils, makin" him thankful for the lack of breakfast that mornin". $ossi %as a fe% steps behind him. ;urph! turned to see if it had reached her !et. 1rom the look on her face, he kne% it had. In and out6 Definitel!, or Im "oin" no%. $ossi replied, coverin" her mouth %ith her hand. The! turned into a lar"e livin" room, $ossi almost bumpin" into the back of ;urph! as he stopped in his tracks. 5esus. The room %as full. The onl! visible space to stand %as that %hich ;urph! %as occup!in". #mall portable televisions teetered precariousl! on top of micro%aves %ith missin" doors. #tacks of crocker! %ere piled onto an old mantelpiece a door missin" its "lass leanin" a"ainst it. It %as the %orlds bi""est "ame of 5en"a, onl! usin" household "oods instead of %ooden bricks. ,hos there6 The voice seemed to come from %ithin the mass of %hat ;urph! could onl! think of as ever! item a person could ac3uire in their life, %ithout ever thro%in" an!thin" a%a!.

/ello6 Im Detective Inspector ;urph!, this is Detective +onstable $ossi. ;urph! turned to introduce $ossi, but there %as an empt! space behind him. Great. I have a lot of %ork to do. Are !ou "oin" to "et on %ith it6 ;urph! ducked a little, tr!in" to find the source of the voice. /e sa% a flash of bro%n throu"h a small "ap in the structure. +an !ou tell me !our name6 A loud si"h. Arthur $eeves. $i"ht. And !ou live here alone6 Do !ou see an!one else here6 I cant even see !ou ;r $eeves. A small chuckle. I "uess thats ri"ht. Lets cut to the chase. I heard a car last ni"ht. It kept "oin" up and do%n the road, disturbed m! sleep. I "ot up out of bed and looked out the %indo%. I couldnt see ver! %ell, theres not man! streetli"hts up this %a!. It stopped at the entrance to the park. I assumed the!d been tr!in" to find a parkin" space. Then it drove on a"ain, ri"ht into the park. ;urph! stood back up. Did !ou see notice an!thin" about the car6 +olour, model, re" plate6 *ot reall!. It %as dark, as I said. +ould have been dark blue, or dark red. Looked like a normal car. 7r a van. A small van. 7ka!. And %hat time %as this6 About four a.m. I think. ;a!be five or three, or in bet%een. I thou"ht it mi"ht be important, considerin". *ot e9actl! the earl! break ;urph! had been lookin" for. An!thin" else6 #orr!. I %ent back to bed. It %asnt until I sa% all the police cars turn up that I even "ave it a second thou"ht.

,ell, thank !ou ;r $eeves, ;urph! said, pattin" his thi"h, thats a "reat help. Is that it6 ?eah. An officer %ill come and take a formal statement soon. .ut for no%, !ou can "et back to %ork. ;urph! turned out of the room, almost comin" face to face %ith $ossi. There !ou are. 1ound the smell. $ossi %hispered. In the kitchen. Theres about t%o thousand empt! milk bottles in there. >stimatin" of course. Think he "ot bored of rinsin" them out. Lets "et out of here. The! left the house, ;urph! fillin" $ossi in on his conversation. ,hat %as his deal do !ou reckon6 he said as he finished. 7ne of those hoarders I think. ,e should call environmental health. +ant be safe livin" like that. ;urph! murmured an a"reement. *earest ++T4 to here6 At the top -unction %hich leads onto =llet $oad. Almost a mile up the road. ,ill "et onto that. ,hat about from the other end6 $ossi clicked her ton"ue. A lot of roads up that %a!. If our "u! came from there, it could be an! number of places. All ++T4 in the area then6 ;urph! nodded. .est to check ever!thin". ,hat no%6 The!d reached the entrance to the park a"ain. The earl! mornin" mist had cleared, %inter sun threatenin" to break throu"h the remainin" clouds. ;urph! could

still see faint traces of breath as he e9haled. ,e need to find out %ho she is. .ack to the station, check the s!stem for an! missin" persons %ho match the description. 7ka!, %ill meet !ou there. [SPACE BREAK] ;urph! reversed around a corner of a small cul de sac, and pointed the car back to%ards the station. #efton ark is about four miles out of the centre of Liverpool, a%a! from the hustle of to%n, into a leafier suburb. 7nce ;urph! had turned into =llet $oad and then further onto the A roads %hich led to%ards the station, the contrast %as complete. /alf completed buildin"s appeared in the distance, scaffoldin" and cranes became the landscape. The $iver ;erse! %as off to his left, but %as masked b! %arehouses and housin" estates. To9teth on the opposite side, still stru""lin" to recover from the events of t%ent! !ears earlier. A cit! of contrast. Li"ht and dark. $ich footballers and child povert!. Derelict housin" and "lass8fronted office buildin"s. ;urph! lived it all. Took it all home %ith him, and attempted to make sense of it. /o% one cit! could have so man! nuances to the lives of its inhabitants. Then hed realise that ever! ma-or cit! has the same issues. 1eel sli"htl! better about it all. It %asnt -ust Liverpool, the! %erent a special case. Then hed %ake up and be"in a murder investi"ation of a !oun" %oman, and the old feelin"s of resi"nation returned. A thread in the tapestr! of his life comin" loose. 1ra!ed and torn. Threatenin" to be destro!ed completel!. A feelin" in the pit of his stomach. *ot a nervous feelin", somethin" a little different. #omethin" harder to i"nore. 1ear.

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