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I am Parthi, final year BBA student of Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore. I am doing research wor in the abo!e mentioned to"ic. In this regard I am in need of your res"onse for the #uestionnaire. $our res"onses to the #uestions will be e"t highly confidential. De o!ra"#i$ Detai%s %i& 'ame( %ii& Age( %a& )ess than *+ $rs %b& *, $rs - .+ $rs %c& ., $rs - /+ $rs %d& Abo!e /, $rs %iii& Gender( %a& 0ale %b& 1emale %i!& Designation( %!& 2ualification( %!i& De"artment( %!ii& Com"leted years of ser!ice in Cor"oration Ban %a& )ess than 3 $r %b& 3 $rs - + $rs %c& , $rs - 34 $rs %d& 33 $rs - 3+ $rs

%e& 3, $rs - *4 $rs %f& Abo!e *4 $rs

P%ease enter &our o"inion 'or t#e 'o%%o(in! )uestions t#rou!# ti$*


, - Stron!%& A!ree. / - A!ree. 0 - Neutra%. 1 - Disa!ree. 2 - Stron!%& Disa!ree S+No 3 * . / PARTICULARS $ou now what is e5"ected from you at your wor . $ou ha!e the materials and e#ui"ments that you need to do your e!eryday wor . $ou are "erforming a 6ob that matches your s ills. $ou are gi!en am"le fle5ibility to "erform your 6ob. , / 0 1 2

+ , 8 9 :

$ou feel comfortable wor ing with your team members. $our organi7ation has created a "rofessional, attracti!e wor area that is functional and "romotes "roducti!ity $our salary is fair, e#uitable and com"etiti!e. $ou are a "art of a su""orti!e and "roducti!e team. $ou feel attached with your com"any, team ; other em"loyees. $ou ha!e the o""ortunity to grow and "ros"er with the organi7ation. $ou wor in a trusting and ethical en!ironment $ou ha!e a su"er!isor who is res"ectful and one who ins"ires you $ou are offered economically feasible em"loyee benefit "rograms tailored to indi!idual needs.

34 33 3* 3.

S+No .2 S+No .1 3/ .. 3+ ./ 3, .+ ., 38 .8 39 3: *4 *3 ** *. */ *+ *,

PARTICULARS Performance, goals are beha!ioural, result<oriented and achie!able. PARTICULARS Performance is regularly trac ed and measured. Ade#uate training facilities are gi!enagreed to the em"loyees. Performance measures are mutually on ; discussed by both the em"loyee ; su"er!isor. A !ariety of training ; de!elo"ment "rograms are offered to Performance is a""ro"riately rewarded with raises, incenti!es, im"ro!e s ills. rewards and recognition. =raining hel"s in increasing "roducti!ity of em"loyees, to Performance measurement is used as criteria for "romotions. achie!e organi7ational goals. =he organi7ation rewards or recogni7es em"loyee beha!iour. =raining "rograms are well<"lanned. Rewards in your organi7ation are immediate and a""ro"riate. =raining "rograms are of sufficient duration. =raining is "eriodically e!aluated and im"ro!ed. =raining "rograms em"hasis on de!elo"ing technical ; managerial ca"abilities of em"loyees. =raining of wor ers is gi!en ade#uate im"ortance in your organi7ation. >m"loyees are s"onsored for training "rograms after carefully identified de!elo"mental needs. =hose who are s"onsored for the training "rograms ta e the training seriously. =raining Program meets my needs ; e5"ectations. =he #uality of training "rograms in your organi7ation is e5cellent. >5ternal training "rograms are carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their #uality and suitability. =here is a well<designed and widely shared training "olicy in the com"any. Content of the training "rogram will be logically organi7ed I e5change the nowledge gained at the training centre with my colleagues at wor "lace

*8 *9 *:


I am able to handle my 6ob effecti!ely after attending the training "rogram

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