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One Shot Collection Story 1 Goguma World DEJA VU Walking behind him, Hyun wanted to remember everything the

e sun, the wind and Yonghwa looking back at her and smiling his choding smile. Dj vu thats what she felt. Ive been here before she smiled except it was almost winter not summer. She stood still and aimed her camera. Shed taken 3 quick pictures before he even noticed that she wasnt behind him. Hyu*un! He stopped and looked at her. Why did you stop? Nothing, I just took some pictures, she smiled and started walking towards Yonghwa. Go ahead, dont mind me, she came up to him and stood on tip toe to kiss his nose. I need to look for something in one of the stores. Alright, see you at the ice cream shop. Vanilla? his eyes were twinkling. Yes, double scoop please! She blew him a kiss as she headed towards the shops. She wanted to buy some t shirts. She bought the shirts and other things. She put her sunglasses on as it was almost noon. Time for another layer of sunscreen she thought. Isnt he so delicious? She heard 2 women as they walked past her. Definitely! He looks so sexy with that handsome face and that killer body Thats so sweet two teens almost collided with her as they were stepping out of the shop. They giggled and looked back. Her eyes followed their gaze. Seated on a bar stool was her husband eating ice cream and totally oblivious to every female eyeing him. He wore khaki shorts, a white wife beater and sandals. His sunglasses were perched on top of his jet black hair with his fringe lightly brushing his eyes. His arms were muscular and his body was lean. He would lightly brush the fringe from his eyes, a gesture that she still found sweet and sexy at the same time. Yes, she agreed with them. He is sexy her husband. At 32, he could still pass for a college man. The two ladies next to him smiled as he took a small portion of the ice

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cream and fed it to a little boy who was sitting on top of the bar. Not too much, Yongie baby, he smiled as he wiped the toddlers mouth. You might get a stomach ache and your Omma will kill me. Hes adorable! the two ladies exclaimed. How old is he? one of them asked. He just turned one Yonghwa answered in English. He looks just like you youre both handsome Thank you he smiled boyishly. He turned slightly pink. Are you Japanese? No , he shook his head and smiled at them. I am Korean. Hmmmmust be that concert tomorrow one of the ladies said. Oh that one yes my granddaughter and her friends are going there. They are such fans. She even learned to speak Korean! Yonghwa smiled when he heard this. He scooped another small portion and fed it to the baby. Are you part of the concert? Before he could reply, Hyun walked up to them smiling and waving at the baby. The toddler cooed and tried to reach her as Yonghwa turned to smile at her. Oh dont tell us - this is your wife! Yes she is Yongs replied again in English. Hello, Hyun smiled at the ladies. Your baby looks like your husband except the little guy has your eyes. Just then Yonghwas phone started to vibrate. He looked at the message and smiled. We have to get going now were meeting some friends. Yonghwa stood up and made a slight bow to the ladies. Say bye-bye, Yonghwa lifted the little boy and gently carried him. Yonghwa made a waving motion so that the little boy would follow. Looking at his father, the little boy made the same waving motion. And the ladies waved back. He going to be a heart breaker that one. Yonghwa smiled his killer smile that had the ladies wishing they were twenty years younger. Yonghwa and Hyun walked out of the ice cream house and into the sunshine.
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Yah, Oppa! I didnt get any ice cream! Hyun looked at him and pouted. Ah, mianhe Sarang-ah! Yonghwa exclaimed. Did you want me to go back and get you some? No, thats okay Oppa, Hyun said. You have fan girls there. Those ahjummas!? Yonghwa exclaimed. Ani all the other females that were looking at you! No, they were looking at Yongie! Because my baby is so cute! he said as he kissed the toddlers cheek. She secretly smiled at his response. No matter what Yonghwa has never given her a reason to think he flirted with other women. She had learned to curb her jealousy in the years that theyd been together. She still got jealous but she was cooler about it. Well, he had gotten handsomer. His body was leaner and more muscular then when they met each other in WGM. When he got out of the army he continued the physical exercises and by that time she didnt get jealous anymore and was actually very proud when the fan girls said his body was hot. Well, hes mine she smiled to herself. Looking is free but I am the owner. Yeobo why are you looking at me like that? Yonghwa angled his head and peered down at her. Nothing, she smiled and slightly shook her head. Just buy me lemonade. Hyun took Yong Jae from him and walked towards the nearest bench. Okay he smiled and headed for the lemonade stand. Hyun set her son down and made him sit on the bench. Opening her back pack she took out the sunscreen for babies and applied it on Yong Jae. He didnt like it much and kept turning his face away. Ah Yongie youre just like your Appa! You need to put this on because too much sun is bad for the skin. Hyun continued to apply sunscreen on every part of his skin that was exposed. She put his baseball cap back on. He smiled up sweetly at her and said Ma. Omma, baby, say Omma she smiled at him and gave him a hug. Lets wait for Appa to come back with Ommas lemonade. A-pa his cute little fingers wiggled as Yonghwa approached them. Hello baby! Yonghwa hunched down in front of his son. The little boy laughed and reached for his fathers face. Yonghwa pursed his lips and made a funny face. Hearing his little boy laugh was music to his ears.

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Ahemmy lemonade. Hyun said as she reached for the plastic tumbler. Mianhe Sarang-ah, Yongie distracted me Yonghwa smiled at her sweetly. Hmmso delicious, she said after taking a long sip. Okay you can finish the rest Im putting sunscreen on your face. No need sarang-ah. He turned his face away exactly like his son. Im not emceeing, Im just performing. So? she answered. She didnt stop until she covered his face and neck with sunscreen. Then taking another can of sunscreen from her bag, Here spray this on your arms and legs Yeobo he pouted but did as he was told. But really secretly he was happy because she took time to take care of him and their baby. Hyun applied sunscreen on her face and neck after giving Yongie a toy to play with. Are you finished Oppa? Yonghwa handed the can to Hyun. Just then two guys passed by and eyed his wife as she was spraying her legs. Their glances were appreciative. Yonghwa frowned as he looked at them. Hyun didnt look like a woman who had a one year old child. Shed gotten her figure back just months after Yong Jae was born. Today she wore a pretty sundress - it wasnt too short and her arms were bare. It had a low back but her hair covered it. She wore low sandals. Almost no makeup and sunglasses perched on the top of her head. But to him, she was a goddess his personal goddess and he didnt like anyone looking. Let me do that for you Honey Yonghwa said in English while grabbing the can from her. The two guys looked away quickly but not before they gave him a thumbs up sign. Oppa, youre speaking English again! Hyun said as she watched him spay the sunscreen on her legs and spread it evenly on her ankles and feet. He smiled up at her his personal goddess. What is that smile for Yoo*ong Oppa? Hyun narrowed her eyes at her choding husband. Before Yonghwa could answer, Yong Jae dropped the toy on the ground and was trying to reach it. Thats already dirty Yongie Hyuns lighting fast mother instincts grabbed the toy and stuffed it inside her bag. Yongie looked at her and his chin started to quiver. He already started to cry when Yonghwa scooped him up. Yongie baby dont cry, Yonghwa patted his sons back. But the baby
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continued to cry. He must be sleepy already, Oppa. Lets get something to eat and Ill prepare his bottle and food while were waiting for our food. Hyun was on full mommy mode. They went to an Italian restaurant and were lucky enough to get a table at the back. It was kid friendly so they were able to get a high chair for the little one. Oppa, let me just wash my hands so I can prepare his food and bottle. Go ahead and order. Hyun put down her knapsack and headed for the ladies room. She was quite in a hurry so she didnt notice that more than a few heads turned as she walked by. She was drying her hands when two girls approached her. Excuse me but are you Seohyun? One of the girls asked. Hyun was quite surprised because they werent Korean but they talked to her in Korean. Umyes I am. Hyun smiled at them. Although she hadnt been active since she got pregnant Hyun was used to people looking at her or sometimes still asking for her autograph. Are you here with Yonghwa Oppa? Hyun found it extremely cute that they had blond hair and blue eyes but they talked to her in Korean. It was halting but it was correct. She was used to this - fan girls calling Yonghwa their Oppa whether or not they were older or younger than him. Shed been an idol for the most part of her life. She was used to uncle fans too. But it took a long time for Yonghwa to get over the fan boys and an even longer time to get over the uncle fans. You look so lovely in person. They exclaimed in English. Thank you. Hyun smiled and answered in English, yes, were here to eat our lunch. You can speak to us in Korean we understand but cant speak it so well though They all laughed then. It was always heartwarming to know that a lot of international fans have taken the effort to learn Korean. Also, a lot of Korean idols have taken to learning English so that they communicate better with their international fans. Excuse me, but I need to go back now. I need to feed our baby Hyun told them as she headed out the bathroom door. Hyun walked back to their table and knew that the two girls followed her. She saw Yonghwa talking to 3 people. He smiled as she approached. Yong Jae had stopped crying and was busy playing with another toy that his father found in the backpack.
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Annyeong the 3 people bowed to Hyun, we are from Korea town LA and have come for the concert. Hyun bowed and took her seat. Husband and wife looked at each other. This was their life. Theyd grown used to it but as new parents they were concerned for their baby. They appreciated that a lot of people were curious about Yong Jae but they also wished that he would grow up as normal as possible. They had to turn down requests for autographs and pictures due to agency restrictions and asked for their fans understanding. Yong Jae was cranky so Hyun had to quickly prepare his food and bottle. Opening a small stainless container Hyun mixed the food that shed prepared earlier. Yonghwa put the bib on Yongie and just like young parents they were happily feeding their son. Sarang-ah what did you prepare this time? Yonghwa asked as he wiped Yongies mouth. Hmmbroccoli, carrots and potatoes. Hyun always prepared Yongies food, last night she had called the front desk and requested that the vegetables be steamed and sent up to their room when their breakfast was served. She always had a small blender whenever they travelled. It was getting easier for her now that the baby was starting solid food. Looking at his wife, Yonghwa congratulated himself again for being such a lucky man. Hyun was not only a goddess but she was also a loving wife and a wonderful mother. She was hands on when it came to Yongie. True, she had help from her mother and his own mother but Hyun with her stacks of books learned all she can about taking care of their baby from the moment her pregnancy was confirmed. Unlike her, his time as an idol hasnt stopped. He would be away for concerts and tours while she was left with the baby. He felt guilty about that and tried to make up for his absences by spending as much time with them as his schedules permitted. Not that Hyun ever complained more like she didnt. So this was the first time they were ever with him for a concert. Oppa why are you smiling strangely like that? Hyun looked at him as she was feeding the last spoonful of food to Yongie. Nothing, he grinned widely at her. I was just remembering how hard it was to get the grandparents permission to take Yong Jae with us. I know, she laughed also. They were fine for me to go with you but Yong Jae no way. Both sets of grandparents were anxious about the babys first trip abroad. They were concerned because there would be too many people and all other problems the new parents may encounter when they bring their baby with them. Well, he was their only grandchild so it was only normal. Theyve called four times since we got here! Yonghwa said shaking his
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head. Dont forget to include the text messages Hyun laughed. Time to clean up baby boy she crooned to Yongie. Let me take him Sarang-ah, just wait for the food Yonghwa lifted the toddler and took the knap sack from her. He headed for the family room to clean and change their son. She watched him go and noticed all the heads that turned as he passed by. She laughed to herself when she saw the two teens that talked to her earlier sigh and look at her husband. Hed definitely gotten hotter when he became a father. Their food was starting to get cold but they had to take turns holding the now sleepy baby so that they could eat. But they were still sweet though feeding each other and chatting away. To anyone who didnt know them they looked like a young family enjoying the day. After their lunch, Yonghwa took the baby from Hyun and securing the baseball cap on the little boys head they stepped out into the afternoon sunshine holding hands. Oppa, I told you we should have taken his stroller, Hyun looked at her husband. No, were fine. He smiled at her and kissed her hand. Yonghwa loved to have his little boy in his arms. He would take the time and effort to carry the little boy every time they went out. He wanted to make up for all the times he had to spend away from them while CNBlue was on tour. He was always at his happiest when he was carrying his son and holding his wifes hand. Oppa, we cant ride the Ferris wheel Hyun said as they were walking towards the amusement park. Yes we can he winked at her. How? We cant take Yongie up there! Hyun exclaimed in full mommy mode. Of course we cant Yeobo he replied. Im choding but Im also a responsible father. So youre taking the Ferris wheel by yourself? Hyu*un! Yeobo! Youre so funny sometimes Yonghwa tried not to laugh because he may wake the baby up. He reached for his phone and hit speed dial. Why arent you here yet? Were just parking Hyung! You are so impatient Hyun could clearly hear Jungshins voice.
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Oppa you made them come here? Yes I did. I called on my powers as Hyung to make them come here and take us back to the hotel but not before taking you to the Ferris wheel. Hyun laughed and blushed furiously. She knew that the boys would tease her mercilessly for this. Ah, this choding husband of hers! But it was just so typical of Yonghwa to do that for her. Ey! Sarang-ah youre turning so red! You think Im so cheesy again right? Hyun nodded her head and was about to hit him on his shoulder. Remember Im carrying a sleeping baby! Anyeong! they turned around to see Minhyuk, Jungshin and Jonghyun walking towards them. Sorry he had to bother you for this Hyun was still red in the face. Theres no cure for that, Hyungsongnim, Minhyuk answered. Its his mission in life to bother us. Ah, hes asleep! Jonghyun came up to pat Yongies back. We wanted to walk around with him. Hell be waking up soon, Yonghwa said as he shifted the baby to Jonghyuns arms. Hyu*un and I need to line up. He handed the knapsack to Minhyuk and pulled his wife towards the queue for the Ferris wheel. Im still sleepy myself, Jungshin yawned and shook his head. Just then Yongie opened his eyes and yawned. Yah, baby Yongie is awake now Jonghyun shifted the toddler so he could see his face. Ma was all he said. He wanted his Omma, putting his fingers to his mouth he was preparing to cry. Ah, Yongie dont cry Jonghyun was softly bouncing the toddler up and down. Lets go explore okay? Minhyuk and Jungshin followed them while making funny faces to stop Yongie from crying. They made quite a sight, 3 attractive men carrying a toddler around. Meanwhile, it was finally Yonghwa and Hyuns turn on the Ferris wheel. As they were climbing up Hyun turned to her husband and asked havent we been here before, Oppa? Yes, all day long I was feeling like we were just repeating everything that happened before our first date Yonghwa pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. What a date that was, Hyun sighed as she remembered what happened after that first date.
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Sarang-ah are you going to break up with me? Yonghwa asked in a mock hurt tone. The last time we were here you broke up with me after 2 weeks. Mianhe but I cant do that anymore, Yoo*ong Oppa, we have a baby now. Hyun smiled up at him. Do you remember this? He leaned in to kiss her. On cue she closed her eyes and sighed as he lips touched hers. When the kiss ended he playfully said, but you know a lot more than kissing now huh? Uh-huh I definitely know more than just kissing now! Her eyes sparkled mischievously. You want a demonstration? Ani, not now later you can impress me with your skills He moved her hair and let his fingers play on her bare back. She felt goose bumps in her arms and she caught her breath. He just had to look at her in a certain way and she would be turned on. Even on a Ferris wheel at 3 in the afternoon. This choding! She hit his chest playfully and blushed. Oppa! He laughed and kissed her again letting his tongue explore her mouth. Oppa, stop! Were going down He reluctantly let her go when the Ferris stopped to load and unload passengers. One more turn Sarang-ah he whispered into her ear. She nodded and they hugged each other as the Ferris wheel took them for another turn. When they came down they headed immediately to where they had left his dongsengs and their baby. Uhm, theyre not here Yonghwa said looking around. Where did you think they could have gone? They probably took Yongie around when he woke up, Hyun said as she hit the speed dial. Minhyuk! Were done with the Ferris wheel. Where are you? Were in the car Minhyuk answered. It was getting too hot and we didnt want Yongie to sweat. Arrasseo, were coming They found the white van and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal one little boy on Jungshins lap who was laughing and trying to reach
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for the sizeable teddy bear that Minhyuk was holding. Yah! Its bigger than Yongie! Hyun exclaimed as she got into the van next to Minhyuk. The toddler was already squealing with happiness when he saw his mother. his little hands reached out for her and he was trying to wiggle out of Jungshins lap. Yongie-ah, you just see Omma and you forget your samonims! Jungshin said as he handed the toddler to Hyun. Ah my baby missed his Omma, Hyun embraced the little boy. He gripped her tightly and gave her a wet kiss. He turned and pointed to the bear. Who got that? Yonghwa asked. He was in the front seat with Jonghyun. I did Jonghyun said as he started the van. I won it in one of the games. Wah Yongies samonims are so good to him. Were you good to them too? Hyun nuzzled his face and he smiled showing his baby teeth. When he stopped crying, he was good. Minhyuk patted the little boys head. Then we went around didnt we Yongie? Lets go home to rest. What time do we need to be there for the sound check? Yonghwa asked his donsengs. About a little after 10 tonight Hyung Junghsin checked his phones scheduling calendar. Manager Hyung said not to be late because the schedule is tight. Hyu*un did your unnies call yet? Yonghwa asked his wife. You should be asking Jonghyun Oppa not me Im on leave from SNSD remember? Its 5 hours from New York to LA then another hour to get to Irvine. Yoona and the other girls would be so tired by then. I only have at least 2 hours to be with her before our sound check. Yonghwa patted Jonghyuns shoulder. Hed been there and done that. It was hard but they had to do the best they can. Yoona and Jonghyun just got recently engaged and were planning to marry by next year. Both their agencies had agreed on this. The van stopped in front of the hotel. Yonghwa opened the door and got Yongie from Hyun. Clasping Hyuns hand he helped her out of the van. Jonghyun handed the vans key to the valet and they walked to the hotels entrance. They were aware that a lot of pictures were being taken and some fans called out their names, they took the time to wave a bit and smile. With Hyuns hand on his arm, Yonghwa held his sons face away from the cameras until they got to the lobby.

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They reached the couples suite and Yonghwa sighed with relief. They were always a little bit anxious when too many people took an interest in Yong Jae. Hyun went inside their bedroom to freshen up. Breathe, Hyung! Jungshin said as he collapsed on the sofa. Theyre just curious. He is the son of two idols so they naturally want to see him. Ara, I just dont want to cause our parents concern since this is the first time Yong Jae is with us. Yonghwa put the toddler down. Minhyuk was on the floor with the teddy bear so he and the little one continued their little game. Jonghyun put the baby on his lap and they pretended to have a hide and seek match with Minhyuk. Soon the room was filled with his baby laughter. Hyun joined them in the sitting room wearing comfortable jogging pants and one of Yonghwas tee shirts. Her hair up in a high pony tail she looked like she was in her early twenties. Yah, Hyungsongnim, dont make Yongie notice you or else hell forget about us again! Jungshin said as he too was on the floor playing with the toddler. Go sit with Hyung. Yonghwa pulled her down and they sat together in the arm chair. Glancing up at them Minhyuk said to Jungshin,theres a sofa but they squeeze themselves in one armchair. Dont worry these things will come to you, Jonghyun chuckled just then his phone vibrated. Oh she must be on her way he smiled as the caller ID appeared. It was a picture of Yoona and himself. At about the same time Hyuns phone also rang. It was kind of hard to pull it out of her jogging pants as Yonghwa had squeezed them into the arm chair. Oppa! Let me go first, my unnies are calling She stood up but as soon as she gets her phone he pulls her back into the arm chair. Yah, Hyung get a room! Minhyuk blushed. Pabo, we are in their room! Jungshin started laughing. Jongie Oppa! Well be there soon! Yoona said to her fianc. Cant wait to see you! Maknae! Cant wait to see you! All SNSD except for Yoona shouted over the phone unfortunately Hyun had it on speaker mode and the shout startled Yong Jae so he started crying. Yah! You made the baby cry! Yonghwa got out of the chair and cuddled his son. Mianhe Yong Sobang! the girls panicked.
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Its okay unnies, Hyun calmed them. Hes just a bit sensitive to sound but hell be fine Oppas soothing him now. Cant wait to see you too! It was past 7 when SNSD arrived. They were quickly ushered into the hotel amidst the cheers and the flashing cameras. As soon as they reached their adjoining suites the girls quickly changed into jogging suits and rushed to go to Hyuns suite. It must be them, Jungshin said when they heard a noise outside the suite. Prepare yourselves were about to be invaded! Hyungsongnim, next time get the presidential suite okay? This suite might not fit all of us! Anyeong! The eight girls greeted them as they entered the room. Minhyuk, Jungshin, Jonghyun and Hyun immediately shushed them. Wheres the baby? Sunny asked in a low voice. Hes tired already Unnie, Hyun explained. Oppa is in the room putting him to sleep. Ah we wanted so much to see him! We even bought gifts! Jessica pouted. She and all the other members each had a gift for Yong Jae. Hyun send them pictures every week but they were on a world tour and havent been in Korea for the last 2 months. Just then Yonghwa came out of the room and slowly closed the door. Um you came Yong sobang, firstly let me apologize for making the baby cry Taeyeon said as Yonghwa approached them. Its okay, hes only a year old, he will get used to you. Yonghwa smiled at them. Whats all this? he asked pointing at the shopping bags. Our gifts, we missed Yong Jae so much Sooyoung answered. UmmmYong sobang would it be okay to look at him for a bit. Well go in 2 at a time and be ever so quiet. Tiffany rubbed her hands in a pleading gesture. Its okay if you dont want to Yong Sobang, we can always see him tomorrow, Hyoyoen said. No its okay to see him just give it about 10 minutes so we can be certain hes sleeping deeply Yonghwa answered. Have you guys eaten? Yuri asked them. Deh, we finished just before you came. How about you? Have you eaten? We havent called room service yet, we hurried here instead but we will eat as soon we see Yong Jae
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Hey, two love birds, have you finished embracing each other? Taeyeon asked and everyone shifted their gaze to two people who were nearest to the door. Jonghyun was leaning on the wall back hugging Yoona. He had his arms around her and his chin rested on her shoulders, their hands intertwined. Hyung spare us isnt one pair of lovers enough? Must you always make us envious? Jungshin whined. I know right these people always making us singles feel left out! Hyoyeon chimed in. Okay who goes first to see Yong Jae? Hyun stood up from Yonghwas lap. While Hyun took the girls to see Yong Jae. Yonghwa was curious to see what they bought for his son. By the time all the girls had seen the baby hed brought out an Armani baby bomber jacket, a Young Versace Jogging shorts set, Little Marc Jacobs baby shoes, a Roberto Cavalli baby hat, a Baby Dior Boys set, 2 toddler pants from Diesel, Pedipeds sneakers and 3 Paul Frank pajamas. Yah! This is too much! Yonghwa said as he looked at all the gifts. He cant wear all of it now. Of course not Yong sobang but babies grow up fast. Besides, hes our first nephew and our Maknaes first baby. Tiffany reasoned out. And I thought my mother was unstoppable when she bought baby clothes in Lotte, Shinsegae and Hyundai in one day Yonghwa laughingly remarked. Now that weve seen the baby we can go and eat! Im so hungry! Sunny massaged her tummy. Im so sleepy Jessica muttered. Youre always sleepy! every one responded. Kaja! We need to leave now. Get some rest. Taeyeon was ushering all the girls out of the room. Are you staying with him? she asked Yoona. Deh, unnie if possible until their sound check Yoona shyly answered. I will eat later. Hmmlove Taeyeon sighed. How about the two of you? Arent you going? Yes we are Jungshin and Minhyuk got up from the floor. Hyung! Heres our room key. Were heading for the bar Jonghyun caught the key. He and Yoona turned slightly pink. Room service is fast. Well just come back at 10 Hyunnie are you bringing your precious baby tomorrow before the concert?
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We havent discussed it yet Unnie but hopefully we will even if only for a little while. Okay were leaving then. Good night. The door closed. At last peace and quiet with my family before I have to leave in an hour and 30 minutes. Can you believe all the gifts your unnies gave Yong Jae? Oppa, they love Yong Jae. They miss him. Besides I know someone whos planning to have a special guitar made for his little boy not right now though but soon. Okay you caught me there. Anyway, lets just leave them here. Well just clean up tomorrow. Lets just lie down for a bit. Cuddling up together on the bed with their son asleep in his portable crib Yonghwa and Hyun reviewed all the pictures they took that day. This one is my favorite so far. Hyun said. It was a shot of Yonghwa and their son as they were walking on the board walk. He had his back to the camera and Yong Jae was looking at him. She took the shot just as he was turning his head to ask her why she stopped. It was a beautiful shot of his profile and Yongies. Moments like this you need a souvenir to remember forever, she thought to herself. So are we bringing the baby to the concert tomorrow? Not really you can both come in but just before the concert starts would it be okay if you and Yong Jae leave for the hotel? Its going to be hectic back stage and I dont want you in the middle of it. Manager Hyung will take you back. Im sorry Hyu*un I really want you to be there but Yong Jae may have a hard time. Another thing to love about him. He was never selfish possessive yes, sometimes jealous selfish no, he always thought about her and now about Yong Jae. Oppa its okay its going to be taped anyway. Im sure well see it on YouTube by the next day or at least parts of it. How are your preparations? Everything ready for the fans? Well run thru it again tonight and itll be perfect. Thank you for helping with this Sarang-ah My pleasure. I hope theyll love it. Just then his phones alarm goes off it was comical how he jumps out of the bed and runs outside so that the noise wont wake the baby. Hyun had tears in her eyes when he came back in. Oppa youre so funny! Now go and do the sound check. Come back soon. Sleep now Hyun while Yongie is sleeping. Ill be back as soon as I
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can. He gives her a kiss on her forehead tucks her in. See you later, saranghae Yonghwa makes sure that the balcony doors are closed before he leaves. He stops to peek in the bedroom and smiles when he sees Hyun dozing off. He closes the door to their suite and goes down to meet his band mates. It was 2 am when he finally comes back. He was tired and very sleepy. He opens the door and finds the baby on the bed with Hyun. He must have woken up, Yonghwa said to himself. He gently lifts the toddler and puts him back in his crib. He sighs as he gathers his wife in his arms and closes his eyes. BEFORE THE CONCERT He is so adorable! Hyun had lost count of all the people who had come in to see Yong Jae. They were in the SNSD dressing room. There were six acts in this concert and all of them including the production staff have come over. Yong Jae almost bounced out of her arms when he saw Yonghwa . A-pa his twinkling eyes and little hands opened and closed as he stretched himself towards his father. Hey how are my babies? Yonghwa kissed his son and kissed Hyuns cheek. He was dressed in a sleeveless t shirt, tight black pants and rubber shoes. Hair artfully messy with a little liner in his eyes. Rock star and gorgeous as always. Were leaving soon Oppa, it starts in 15 minutes right? Yes, Manager Hyung is outside waiting for you and Yong Jae. Ill walk you out. No need Oppa. Youre already dressed and there will be a lot of people outside. All the more I need to make sure youre both safely in the van he said as he took Yong Jae from her and gently pulled her up from the chair. Bye unnies, fighting! Hyun embraced all her 8 unnies. Looking at his wife embracing her unnies Yonghwa knew just how hard it was for her to turn her back on her career and choose him. She could have continued despite being married but Hyun decided to become a mother. And that for him was her biggest sacrifice and it made him love and cherish her more. She was a bit teary eyed when she linked her hands with Yonghwa. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled down at her. Ready? She nodded her head.

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She was surprised when Minhyuk, Jungshin and Jonghyun were waiting outside the dressing room. Are you coming also? Of course, youre Hyungsongnim and we love this little guy. Minhyuk took the little boy from Yonghwa while Junghsin took the baby bag. Jonghyun blew a kiss for Yoona and walked behind them. It was still chaotic when they stepped outside. There were still production people going about and there. Lots of vans were parked closely together. They hurried towards the white van. See you later Sarang-ah Yonghwa kissed her and kissed the baby. Saranghae Say bye Appa, bye samonims Hyun made Yong Jae wave. Fighting! she smiled at them. They were near the hotel when the CNBlue manager asked her Hyun do you miss it? Deh, Oppa I miss it Hyun said softly because Yongie had fallen asleep. You can still come back you know. Your still have a contract Ara, they said I could come back whenever I want but Yongies still small. I would have to think about it Youre a good girl Hyun. Yonghwa loves you very very much. She smiled and nodded her head. The ride was uneventful and she was thankful that he accompanied her up to her suite. She changed Yongie to pajamas and started to fold the clothes that her unnies had given him. She was sad that she couldnt be in the concert to watch her husband and unnies perform. Truthfully she missed performing. She sighed and blinked back her tears. she heard a little voice calling her. Running to the room she saw Yongie standing up on his crib. Seeing her he laughed and fell down. Ommaomma he raised his arms to her. Oh, baby you said Omma! Youre such a good boy Lifting him up and smelling his baby scent Hyun didnt feel so sorry anymore. Being an idol can wait she wanted to be a mother first. CNBLUE SET This will be our last song for tonight and weve prepared a special slideshow for you. Jonghyun told the audience. Wed like to thank all the fans who stayed with us even when we had to go into military service. All the fans who have supported us since
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we made a comeback. Thank you so much! Jungshin waved to the audience. Now its Hyungs turn Minhyuk did a drum roll. The audience laughed. I know all of you are curious about my son Yong Jae so as a thank you to all of you whove supported Hyun and myself let us treat you to a slideshow! The audience went wild. SsshwaitwaitOppa has more to say Yonghwa tried to calm them. Youll be hearing as background music a lullaby we composed for Yong Jae. It will be available for download starting tomorrow. All proceeds will go to a hospital wing that CNBlue will be building in Ghana. So lets go! The slideshow opened with Yonghwa holding Yong Jae when he was only hours old. Jonghyun had taken the picture and it showed Yonghwa still with traces of tears in his eyes as he held his newborn son. The next slides were of Yong Jae with CNBlue either individually or as a group. Minhyuk with his face stained from food that Yongie smeared on him. Junghsin with his face all scrunched up as Yonghwa tries to wipe Yongies baby spit from his shirt. Jonghyun holding Yongie up just before he threw up on him. It was hilarious and the audience loved it. There were slides of him sleeping, crying, yawning and being a baby. Dressed up and just in diapers, the audience were enchanted with this beautiful baby boy. The second to the last slide was that one had the audience oohing and ahing it was a picture of Yongie at six months old on his high chair dressed like a prince surrounded by 9 SNSD goddesses dressed in full gowns exactly like cover for their The Boys album. The last slide was the most beautiful it was of Yongie seated in Hyuns lap they were smiling into the camera and he had his hand up as if he was reaching for someone. This was taken by Yonghwa when he turned 1. When the lights came on the applause was deafening. Id like to thank my wife for allowing me to share these pictures with you. The next time you see Yong Jae hell be in middle school! Everyone laughed and clapped their hands as CNBlue exited the stage. BACKSTAGE The last performance was SNSD and they surrounded CNBlue as soon as they went backstage. Yah if we werent performing right after 2PM we would be crying right now. Taeyeon hit Yonghwa lightly on his arm. It was so sweet of you and Maknae to share Yongies pictures with audience. I just know that itll be all over the internet by tomorrow. Hyun and I thought long and hard if we wanted to show him to our fans
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and decided that they deserved to see him. It was past 1 in the morning when Yonghwa fresh from his shower slipped under the sheets to embrace his sleeping wife. How did it go? Hyun sleepily embraced him and kissed his neck. They loved it Yonghwa kissed her lips softly. Thats good, turning to her husband she buried her hands in his still damp hair. Kissing him fully, Hyun pressed her body against him. So should I show you my skills now? she whispered to his ear. Im a bit tired but Im game he smiled as his hands started caressing her silk nightie. Who said you had to do anything? Skills baby. His laughter was stopped by her tongue in his mouth. Ahhhe so loves his wife.

Story 2 Before I Let You Go Their car suddenly stopped. Both of them looked at each other. They were having happy ride a while ago, singing like crazy and enjoying their free time until this. What happened? Luhan broke the long silence and looked at the one who was driving, Kai. The latter shrugged his shoulder and quickly went out of the car. Luhan followed his friend and both of them checked the busted engine. They realized it got overheat. Damn! Kai silently cursed. This was such their luckiest day ever. Ill call Kris so he can get us. Luhan suggested and took his phone from his pocket when suddenly Kai grabbed his hand. Aniyo. He will just laugh at us telling were bunch of idiots. Tsk! he just remembered how the leader of Exo-M snorted and later teased them when they told them that they will be out for a quick drive. Are you still thinking about it? I know you got annoyed with him but its only Kris whos at the dorm right now. If we will not call him then we will be stuck in here. Worst is, media might see us. Busted. Doomed. Luhan felt like he was lecturing his friend. He needed to do this. This EXO member sometimes could be stubborn. Kai sighed and nudged him to call Kris. But Luhans shoulders dropped when he found out that his batteries were out. Just pure luck. Mines already empty. Give me yours and Ill call him instead. he
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extended his hand towards Kai. What? I didnt bring mine too. Kai was shaking his head. Pabo! What were you thinking upon leaving your phone?! Luhan became irritated. And what were you thinking too when you let that empty?! Kai fought back. He sighed with defeat. He was right. Theyre both fool. What now? Yes, they could take a cab going back to their dorm but what about this car. They will be killed by their manager hyung. This was his baby. They were just hopeless. They cant even asked help from those cars passing by. It would be dangerous since theyre idols. They will be recognized. Luhan was fiddling his phone back and forth and Kai was stumping his foot when suddenly a sleek gray BMW car stopped in front of them. They looked at each other and were both alarmed. What if the person inside it is was a paparazzi. A freak one. They were still startled when the window slowly moved down. Luhan and Kais eyes both grew wide when they finally recognized the driver. It was the leader of CNBLUE. The golden boy Jung Yonghwa. A respected sunbae. Is everything okay? Yonghwa asked them. Annyeong haseyo Yonghwa sunbaenim. Luhan and Kai luckily found their voice and bowed to him. Annyeong haseyo. Do you need help or anything? Kai gently scratched his head and told Yonghwa their problem. Luhan just nodded and caught another leaning figure beside the driver. The person was sleeping and looked like a girl. He didnt want to think it was her. He suddenly felt a sting of pain on his heart. No, he should not be thinking about it right now. Must be a friend or Jungshin. Thats it. Luhan was silently convincing himself when Kai tapped his shoulders and told him that Yonghwa offered a hitch. Would it be okay sunbaenim? he shyly asked. Yonghwa smiled. Ne. Hop in. They both seated at the back when Kai noticed the other person beside Yonghwa. Before Luhan could stop him, he already blurted out his curiosity. Oh! You are with someone sunbaenim! he exclaimed that caused the other person stirred from her sleep. Kai, realizing his mistake, covered his mouth. Chwesonghamnida. But gaped in surprised when he recognized the face of the person who just woken up. Luhan wanted to drown himself from his seat or go out from the moving car. It was really her. Seohyun. She was also surprised when she saw her labelmates inside Yonghwas car. Before he could utter something, Yonghwa explained.

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Their car got broke. Luckily, I saw them and so, thats why theyre here. Ah Are you going somewhere Kai..Luhan? Luhan stared at her and answered her back, Its our day off so we decided to go on drive. Were very unfortunate that we cant call anyone since my phone was empty and Kai left his. Seohyun nodded and smiled at them. Im sorry I was sleeping when you got inside. We came from a long trip. She smiled and looked at Yonghwa. You didnt wake me up. She playfully hit his arms. You were having a good dream Hyun.. thats why. Yonghwa laughed and earned another hit from her. Luhan wanted to close his eyes. Hyun. That name no one could call her except him. Her Yong. He didnt notice Kai was already silently observing him. He saw the pain written all over his friends face. It was no secret on him that Luhan liked SNSD maknae. No, like was too shallow. He loved Seohyun since the day his eyes first laid on her. I hope youre both okay now. A gentle smile formed from her lips. Were okay. Thank you to Yonghwa sunbaenim. Luhan looked at her and to the man who owned her heart. Genchana. I will just drop you off on your dorm then. Besides, it would be the same way going to us. Yonghwa smiled. Luhan couldnt find reasons to hate him. Everyones right. Jung Yonghwa was such a humble man. Despite the fact that he and his band were well-known, he never let this fame topped off his head. He was respected by many. Even their SM sunbaes and hoobaes. Changmin hyung told them once how he adored Yonghwas skills and determination. He knew that CNBLUE became an extended family of their company. Yonghwas presence was normally seen in SM. Its no longer secret for them that he was SNSD maknaes boyfriend for two years or more. For some idols, they were the perfect couple. They loved each other. He knew all of these but he never let go. He didnt want to, even if reality was hurting him. Thats why he was trying his best to avoid incidents like this, seeing them together, showing their undying love, even in front of them. Who says theyre awkward couple? Maybe around people who didnt have any idea that they were dating, but for them who were completely aware, theyre just comfortable to show off. Like this moment, Seohyun leaned her head on Yonghwas shoulder while his hands grasped hers tightly. They were both smiling. Luhan suddenly felt Kais gentle tap on his shoulders and with a look on his eyes telling him that everything will be alright. Seohyuns phone rang and they couldnt help but to hear her conversation with Hyohyeon. Eonni, I will go directly in CNBLUE dorm. Ne. Ill just go back tomorrow morning. Yong oppa will drive me home. Of course, we had a good time. I have mastered skiing already. she giggled while Yonghwa chuckled. Ne. Good night Eonni. she turned off her phone and faced her
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boyfriend. Hyohyeon eonni was jealous. She said she wanted to learn too and beat me once. A gleeful laugh came from her oblivious of her two label mates at the back. Tell her to find someone like me who can teach her. Yonghwa laughed thinking how he just praised himself. Seohyun just pouted and later widely smile. Then she turned to the EXO members and talked to them casually. Yonghwa joined the conversation too. Kai was trying his best to cover up Luhan who seemed to forget that the famous Yongseo couple was in front of them as he was responding timidly to their questions. He was silently praying that Yonghwa or even Seohyun wouldnt notice it. After a while, she excitedly exclaimed to them that they already reached their dorm. She turned to them who were obviously caught staring at them. One was amused and one was dangerously silent. Seohyun frowned on Luhans expression. Something was wrong with it. She felt pain and anger. Yeah. Were already here. Kamsahamnida Yonghwa sunbaenim.. Seohyun. Kai uttered his appreciation. Luhan followed. Aniyo. By the way, I already texted someone who could get your car. Yonghwa told them. Kai hit his head like it was the moment they remember about the car. Sinja! We forgot about it. Kamsahamnida. Kai was bowing his head many times which earned a laugh from the couple. Genchana. Kamsahamnida sunbaenim. Seohyun. We will go now. Luhan found his voice and bowed to them once again. They both smiled at him. The car left while Luhan was still standing and staring at it from afar. He felt Kais hands patting his head. Do you want to drink soju?I guess, you want to talk about something. Luhan nodded and they both entered the building.

Story 3 Get Over You First Glimpse Clich maybe, but she was like an angel God sent. Her wavy brown hair complimented her small goddess-like face. Her flawless white skin and slim body made her stood from the rest of the ladies in that studio. People were talking about her too. Innocent, smart and well-mannered lady; thats how they described her. A perfect example of his ideal woman. A small smile formed on his lips while never leaving his gaze. Wonsik noticed it and put his arm on his shoulders.

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You like her, huh? Ne. Ive heard shes taken. To whom? JUNG. YONG. HWA I dont believe it. Wonsik chuckled before detangling his arm from his shoulders. Youre smitten hyung. From then on, every time press asked him about his ideal type, he would always answer, Seohyun Sunbaenim over and over again. Second Encounter Exactly after two months, he saw her again in music shows. Luckily, VIXX had the same comeback schedule with her group. They greeted them backstage but his gaze would always linger on her. He wanted to talk to her alone, tell her about his intentions and make friends with her. But that would be bold and he needed to gain confidence first. Good thing, they were quite closed to SNSDs maknaes, EXO. He knew some of the boys from the group liked her too but when it comes to love, all is fair. Did he just mention that word? He shook his head. It was too early to tell but he was pursuant enough to get close to her. He continued observing her for weeks when CNBLUE made their comeback. Wonsik teased him about it but he shrugged it off. YongSeo was part of Seohyuns past. After a week, he was sure that he had enough spirit to approach and talk to her. After their performance, she saw her talking to Tiffany. After a while, the latter went in to their dressing room. Perfect timing. He was about to forward his steps when suddenly, a blonde guy approached Seohyun with a tired expression on his face. He saw how she worriedly cupped his face and fixed his fringes. His eyes grew wild when he saw he slowly pulled her waist and put his head on her shoulder. Seohyun sighed and patted his back, more of comforting him. Was it true? Were they dating for real? He couldnt contain the pain on his heart and he quickly moved backward. Away from them, for a while. During their interview, same question was thrown to him and he gave the same answer. Of Warnings and Pieces of Advice Hyung stop mentioning her now as your ideal type. Please change it. Wonsik blurted out after their guesting on ShimShimTapa. Kiddo, please mind your own business.

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Didnt you hear what Shindong Sunbaenim just said a while ago? It was loud and clear. Yes, he heard it. Shindong was in playful tone when he said No, not Seohyun, but there was a hint of warning. Read between the lines. His beautiful dongsaeng was in a relationship already and her man was a jealous type of a guy. He heard it himself as well and saw how he seemed guarding his property. Youre so stubborn. We dont want any conflict with other groups including CNBLUE. Remember, we are still rookies hyung. But he was stubborn indeed because when he had that chance, he approached Seohyun and gave her their signed album. Kamsahamnida. I will really listen to this. Kamsahamnida Sunbaenim. He bowed and about to open another topic when he heard someone calling her. Hyun That name. It was purely intimate and only he could use it. Oppa, dont you have your fan signing later? We have but Im hungry. Oh right. Mian. I brought sandwiches for us. Seohyun later realized N was still there. Ah Oppa, you know VIXX right?Hes --- Yonghwa bowed respectfully to N before greeting him. I like your song. Kamsahamnida Yonghwa Sunbaenim. Youre album is a big hit too. Come to our concert next time then. I will do that. Yonghwa looked at Seohyun and pulled her hand. We better go. See you later. Annyeong haseyo N*ssi. And then the pair walked outside with hands interlacing each other. Seohyun was laughing and playfully hit his arms like he was throwing another joke again. N didnt notice a small tear escaped on the side of his eye. Crap, it hurt too much. Forever Hoping N got a text from Ryewook, inviting for a small party SUJU members threw after their successful world tour. He and Wonsik went to the event and
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saw powerhouse idols there; Shinee, TVXQ, EXO, f(x), KARA, 2PM, 2AM, CNBLUE and SNSD. All hail the kings and queens of KPOP. They couldnt help but to be thankful that their group became close with at least one of the SUJU members. Ryewook gave them a bumped fist as they went it. Shindong saw them too and waved. N!Wonsik!Come over. Im glad youre here. Thank you for inviting us Sunbae. Genchana. Common, eat. N looked around and saw no traces of Yonghwa and Seohyun. He was more than relieved that they werent there. He didnt know what to do if he would see them again together and happy. The atmosphere was friendly. Jonghyun of Shinee offered him a drink and he gladly took it. At the middle of their drinking session, Donghae noticed the couple entering the restaurant. Yah! Where did you go? Youre so late. Yonghwa laughed and put his arms on Donghaes shoulders. Mianhe hyung. Hyunnies parents invited us for a dinner. Ne, thats true Oppa. Alright. Common join us. Siwon butted in. Sit beside me Seohyunnie. All eyes fixed to him including Yonghwa. Siwon laughed hard and put his hands up as a sign of defeat. I was just kidding guys. Eunhyuk chuckled, If looks can kill, youre a dead meat. Everyone giggled. They continued eating and drinking until midnight. Wonsik was already drunk and N was glad that he was able to refrain himself from drinking too much. He looked at his left and saw them cuddling at the corner. Her hands were on his lap and he was playfully playing her fingers. His one arm was on her shoulder and she was resting her head on his chest. He kissed her hair and softly whispered something on her ear. She giggled and looked up to him. He lowered down his head and placed his lips on hers. Seohyun cupped his face and kissed him some more. N saw how his hands drawing some circles on her back and pulled her waist. He withdrew his face and put some few pecks before looking at her. He said something and Seohyun nodded. Yonghwa grabbed her hand and together they rode on his Land Rover, away from the place. N wanted to hit his face from jealousy. He couldnt take it anymore. He lowered down his head and cried. Wonsik groggily patted his head.

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Let go now. Just let it go.

Story 4 I Need You 1 The boys were unusually silent while on their way to the event. They were expected to attend the 2nd Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards' at Seoul Olympic Park that day. Everyone was anticipating for another award especially that they just got the Triple Crown on Show Champion but that didnt give them reason to smile. The maknaes were looking at the front seat where hyungs were sitting. They were extremely worried for Yonghwa. Yes, he was smiling during the encore stage but that was for the camera. Off cam, he was different. Jonghyun glanced at their leader too. He wanted to tell Yonghwa that it was fine but deep on his heart, he knew he was just merely convincing himself. That lawsuit filed against them was unexpected. They never saw it coming. How will they convince everyone that they were innocent when other people were already throwing them rocks? Minutes passed and later they were all walking down the red carpet. Cameras were flashing left and right. Jungshin was giving his best to smile pleasantly. He thought he looked like a fool as he could sense that he was just doing it among the four of them. Yonghwa was just nodding and raising his hand but never smiled. Minhyuk was silently praying that media wouldnt give fuss out of it. Jonghyun was uncomfortable himself too. He wanted to call Yoona and hear her voice, surely that will make him happy. After their turn, they walked straight at the assigned table. Instead of sitting, Yonghwa directly went to the backstage saying he wanted to breathe some fresh air. Jungshin couldnt take it anymore. He should call her. She was badly needed, right now. Much to his dismay, she was not picking up her phone too. She must be on her way. Jungshin decided to text her instead. Seohyunnie.. I know this is a bit bold from me but can you do me a favour? Please talk to Yonghwa hyung now. He was at lost. We dont know what we will do to him. Seohyun received the message and Taeyon noticed her worried look after reading it. Wae? Whats wrong? Eonni, can I talk to Yonghwa oppa later? Seohyun pleaded. Taeyon sighed and looked at Tiffany. The latter nodded in agreement. Ne. Just be careful not to be caught maknae. Kamsahamnida eonni. After a short while, TTS were already gracing the red carpet too. They were all pretty and the maknae was extremely putting so much effort to look calm in front of the camera but at the back of her mind, she knew she was not. She wanted to run towards backstage and meet him sooner.
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She sighed on relief when their turn was over. She hurriedly sought him. Seohyun was looking back and forth when she suddenly noticed a man sitting in the stairs on a secluded place of the backstage. Head down and eyes were glued on the floor. Seohyun silently sat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. She gasped his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Yonghwa was still silent. From this day on, I want us to be braver. I want you to hold my hands firmly and well both face the world with no fear. ---- These were your words when we celebrated our first year anniversary back then. The Jung Yonghwa that Ive known and I love have that kind of character.. fearless. The world we choose to live in is cruel there are people who will let us down and tear us apart. Such a pity for us right? But Im not afraid because you promise to hold my hand and will never let me go. Please dont break that vow oppa. I need you. Yonghwa suddenly turned her and hugged her tightly. His shoulders were shaking and so were she. They were both crying. Im sorry Seohyun*ah. Im sorry. I felt so helpless. Im sorry. Seohyun hugged him even tighter. After few minutes, they were both calm but still holding each other. Youre right. I should not feel like that. I need to be brave for my brothers, for my fans, and for you. Now, thats the Yonghwa I know. Seohyun lookep up to him and Yonghwa kissed her nose. A warm smile appeared for the first time. Hmm.. thank you babe. I think its me that needs you so badly. I cant leave without you Seo Joohyun. Ani. We need each other because I cant leave without you too. They looked at each other, then Yonghwa bent down and captured her waiting lips. They broke their kiss and slowly walked inside the event. To avoid scandal, they needed to part ways. Before doing so, he kissed her one more time. I love you Hyun. I love you too Yong. I Need You 2 Imagine Me Without You Congratulations!!! Balloons and confetti waving gleefully together with the loud greetings from Soshis and Shinee boys. They all got startle with the craziness of their friends.

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So this is your way of showing some love, huh? Yunho asked first. Of course Hyung! Minhyuks appa reserved this resto for us. Jonghyun answered back while putting his hands on Lee Jonghyuns shoulders. Woah. Im pretty hungry. Can we start now? Shindong touched his tummy and they all laughed at him. Minhyuks father was happily serving them together with the crews. This was a normal scene for them. Every now and then, SM artists ate together with FNC talents. He was more than glad that his son found true friends on the current world he belonged. Lets make a toast everyone. Taeyon raised her glass. To TVXQ! To Super Junior! said Yonghwa. To SNSD! said Changmin. To Shinee! said Victoria. To FX! said Minho and Eunhyuk. To SM-FNC friendship! Jessica screamed. Yeongwonhi!!! Drinks flood on the table a sumptuous dinner. The girls were busy chatting on their own so as the boys. Jessica was happily talking to Jungshin and Minhyuk as she already called them her babies to everyones surprise. The Ice Princess heart suddenly melted for these two punks to Yunhos amazement. Kyuhyun and Victoria were snuggling at one area too while Amber and Luna were rolling their eyes watching them. Jonghyun was obviously silent. He was totally disappointed because Yoona wasnt there to celebrate with them. Sooyoung told him that she visited her father. Minho and Krystal were bickering around as if they were not lovers. Knowing that everyones busy with each business, Yonghwa suddenly took Seohyuns hands and asked permission to leave. Their friends teased them but Yonghwa just smiled. Oppa, where are we going? Seohyun asked when Yonghwa started the ignition. To celebrate Valentines day babe. Its already 12 am. Ohh! I almost forgot this day. Its okay. Yonghwa grinned. They reached their apartment and walked hand in hand upstairs. Before opening the door of their room, Yonghwa blindfolded her and slowly guided her inside. Whats this?

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Shhh.. be still baby. Then she felt that Yonghwa left her side and walked somewhere. Then he turned back and slowly removed the blindfold. She covered her mouth in surprise when she saw a pink grand piano with music sheets on it. Seohyun slowly forwarded her steps and played some notes. Then she looked at Yonghwa. Oppa Happy Valentiness Day buin.. A small tears escaped from her eyes and embraced him. What did she do on her earlier life for God let her have this wonderful man? Seohyun couldnt say anything. She was happy greatly happy. I also put their some musical sheets with the five songs Ive wrote for you. Banmal Song? Ani. They are new and unreleased. But they are all for you. I want you to sing and play it for me. Seohyun hugged him again. Are you happy? Seohyun nodded. Very much. Thank you Yonghwa*yah. Anything for you Joohyuy. Can I play it now? Yonghwa nodded and she sat in front of the piano. She then saw the title of the first song.. IMAGINE ME WITHOUT YOU. She began playing it and tears gently streaming down her face as she realized the meaning of it.

Imagine me without you Ive been lost and so confused I wouldnt last a day Without you there to see me through

Yonghwa hugged her from her back and put his chin on her shoulder. Seohyun realized shes so blessed. Story 5 With You 1

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Hyung, arent you going to sleep? Jonghyun worriedly asked as he saw Yonghwa poured another coffee on his cup. He was not sure whether he would thank their manager for accidentally leaving his coffee-maker on their dorm. Now, their leader who promised to his girl not to take too much caffeine was doing exactly the opposite. Later, Jonghyun knew Seohyun will ask him again, like investigating. Thats your fourth cup hyung. Jonghyun continued as he stared at Yonghwa who couldnt help but to yawn. I need this Jonghyun. I need to stay awake. he answered his dongsaeng as he gently massage his temple. Hes getting headache. Are they not yet over? Ani. Im worried actually. Hyunnie has been telling me shes tired but knowing her, she will not stop. Yonghwa sighed as the memory of their conversation last week came rushing.

Seohyun silently entered his room. Yonghwa didnt even take a glance. He was busy strumming his guitar, writing something on his music sheets, or biting his lips when he noticed some error. In short, her boyfriend was gone in the world of composing. Seohyun sighed and continued staring at him while leaning her body at the door. After a short while, she walked towards him and hugged him from his back. Her head was at the left side of his neck. Wae? Are you hungry? Yonghwa asked while deleting another word on his tablet. I wonder what song youre going to write for me this time. she whispered on his ear. Yonghwa smirked and strummed his guitar one more time. Seo Joohyun, I have my parents and fans as my other inspirations on writing a song. Seohyun chuckled and pulled the guitar from him. She walked towards his bed and sat at the edge of it. She played his guitar and sang a song. Yonghwa chuckled. But Im your greatest inspiration right? Seohyun uttered as she continued playing the instrument. A small smile formed from Yonghwas lips. He walked towards her and took the guitar. He placed it on his bed and let Seohyun stood up. Then he carried her and put her on his study table. Yah, Jung Yonghwa! Seohyun squealed when she felt his hands at the hem of her shirt.
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Okay. So the song is for you. And then I need to get my price. Yonghwa whispered on her ear. Seohyun hit his shoulder which earned a big laugh from him. I told you Im tired and then youre doing this. Not again Jung Yonghwa. Not again. Yonghwa laughed one more time as he noticed her flaring nose. She was dead serious. Ahrasso. But I miss you. Im here and you still miss me? That bed misses you too. Aish! Seohyun was about to hit him again when he pulled her nape and his lips landed on hers. At first, he was kissing her lightly. His lips moved to her jaw, her cheeks, her earlobes and then back to where it started. Yonghwa kissed her thoroughly which earned a moan from Seohyun. Their tongues met. Each touch and kiss sent shivering feeling down her spine. Oppa.. Yonghwa carried her back to his bed and let her feel that he was her precious woman all the time.

Yonghwas thoughts were stopped when he heard Jonghyun calling him. Hyung, theyre done. Arent you going to prepare? Ah ne. You will go with me, right? Jonghyun nodded and they went to MBC. Through SNSDs manager, they peacefully reached the backstage without people seeing them. Then they saw the tired figured of Jessica pulled by Yuri, Taeyon and Tiffany both leaning at each other like couple, Sunny busy fiddling her phone like she had still so much energy and Sooyoung and Hyohyeon talking to their cordi eonni. Sunny was the one who noticed them first. Oh, Yonghwa.. Jonghyun! Annyeong! they both greeted them. Hows filming? Yonghwa asked Sunny. Tiring really. Wah! Are they for us? she squealed when she noticed packs of dosirak on their hands. The two smiled and nodded. The rest of the girls stood up and happily uttered their thanks. Yoona emerged from one room, fully prepared to go and hurriedly approached the crowd and hugged Jonghyun. The girls rolled their eyes. Jessica even uttered, Oh My God Im Yoona! which earned a deathly glare from the latter.
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Jonghyun was shyly scratching his head while pulling Yoona to sit. Yonghwa was looking around trying to find Seohyun. Shes in the other room. Taeyon reading his thoughts answered him. Yonghwa walked through the other door and there he saw her figure leaning tiredly on a couch. Her one arm was on her head. He closed the door and made his way towards her. Then he lifted her up and then let her sit on his lap. He put her head on his chest and stroked his hair. Im tired.. exhausted.. but I had fun. It feels good to be back on stage with SNSD. I mean, all of us, not just TaeTiSeo. Thats a relief knowing you did enjoy. Lets go to the house. You need to rest babe. Hmmm.. youre not sleeping in your dorm tonight? Ani. I want to be with you. I already asked hyungs permission. He said it would be fine if Ill take you to the airport tomorrow before 7am. Are you sure? Are you not busy? Yonghwa nodded and pecked her lips. Everything for you babe. I love you. Seohyun smiled and hugged him tightly. Hmmm.. I love you too Jung Yonghwa. With You 2 Pancake-Cupcake Couple Changmin: Ayo Cupcake! Hahaha Hongki: What an adorable Cupcake huh?! Joon: Cupcake! Cupcake! Kyuhyun: Er.. this is too mushy..Cupcake. rofl

Those are messages Yonghwa got since he checked his phone after recording. Like what the hell are they talking about? Kikwang, Simon D and even Jaesuk and Haha texted him about CUPCAKE. They got nothing to do today, really Yonghwa thought and proceeded to his car. After fifteen minutes, he reached their dorm. To his surprise, Jungshin and Minhyuk approached him and hugged him tight, really tight. What are you doing?! he said while trying to push them. His two dongsaengs laughed. We are just giving Cupcake a big hug. After that they burst out
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another loud laugh. Jonghyun on the other side was grinning from ear to ear. Yonghwa shook his head with their silliness and walked towards the kitchen to drink water. The three looked at each other and smiled knowingly, each controlling themselves from laughing again. Surely, Yonghwa will be pissed. Hyung, you didnt tell us that your new nickname is Cupcake. Jonghyun said after clearing his throat. What?Who said that? So this cupcake youre telling me and them texting is ME?! Ne. So that means you havent watched SNSDs show right? on MBC? Minhyuks eyesmiles were showing. Yonghwa nodded. I was in the studio, arranging some important parts. Then he stopped realizing a thing..wait.. did Seohyun say that?Cupcake? The three boys nodded. My Cupcake Jungshin even imitated Seohyuns voice. WHAT?! Oppa.. Seohyun has been tugging his shirt ever since she approached him. He was on their music room and fixing songs for their comeback. Jungshin called her and told her that he was pissed when he heard about the CUPCAKE thing. She wanted to laugh about his reaction. Hes obviously making himself busy but his lips were pouting. Seohyun stood up and put her hands on her waist. Yah! Jung Yonghwa! She acted like she was mad but deep inside she wanted to laugh. Her boyfriend was too cute to bear. Yah! Youre shouting at me as if you didnt do wrong. He said still pouting. Seohyun smiled and sit on his lap. She put her hands on his face then kissed his forehead, his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose, his jaw and lastly, his lips. Do you think that will make me forget everything? Yonghwa put on an I-dont-care look. Seohyun smiled and hugged him. Then she faced him again. Remember the last time I got sick? Yonghwa nodded. I didnt want to eat anything that day, even goguma. So, what you did was, you got me a box of cupcake. You didnt eat it. I did.
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Really? Seohyun nodded. I ate five pieces. It was so delicious. And so thats the reason, you announced to the whole nation about Cupcake? Seohyun nodded again. Yonghwa was trying hard not to smile. I want the whole world to know that I got the sweetest man in the world but I cant say your name. Then, the cupcakes that I ate that day popped out when we were talking about endearments. Seohyun pinched his nose and hugged him again. Then can I call you my PANCAKE too? Yonghwa teased her which made Seohyun pulled out from their embrace. Her eyes became bigger. PANCAKE? Waeyo? Remember the song RING? Seohyun nodded. That was for you. I mentioned there that I missed pancake. So now, you are my PANCAKE. Yah! Seohyun hit his chest. Then both of them laugh afterwards. We are crazy. Seohyun uttered after a while. She was looking at him. Yonghwa chuckled. I know. Were crazily in love. Yonghwa pulled her and kissed her. Seohyun put her arms on his neck. The kiss was becoming deeper. His hands were slowling caressing her milky thighs. She was wearing a dress by that time. Yonghwa was already pulling her underwear down when somebody knocked on the door. Seohyun quickly stood up and fixed her dress. Then Yonghwa pulled her for another mind-blowing kiss before walking towards the door. Seohyun couldnt help but to grin. Now theyre no longer YONGSEO couple but PANCAKE-CUPCAKE couple. Story 6 My Ex Wife As A neighbour Chapter 1 Star Gazing It's been ages since the last time he saw his idol girlfriend, SNSD precious maknae Seohyun. How they ended up dating? Well seeing how jealous Seohyun with a certain woman made Yonghwa able to do wonders to court the following maknae, as he is now sure with her feelings towards him. Months of dating but never actually meeting is super hard for him... how can someone date without actually seeing? Well idols can live with this, as long as they are idols. Besides, they have plenty of memories together as they are in the faux variety show called We Got Married before. If he weren't in that show he probably can't even get
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close to the untouchable Seohyun. Now living in the same apartment building, seeing each other seemed like the most easiest thing to do but with their super crazy schedule nahh it's still not easy. But he hopes that it will be much better than before though. What is CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa doing now? Easy, he is now in FNC lobby with a binocular in his hand spying a certain big 3 building across the road. He sat right besides the window to take a good look at the SM building. 'Got back from Japan after 2 months and went back for a practice. Typical perfectionist Seohyun.' On the 3rd floor, the light is still on so it means that she is still around practicing her dance routine. A particular figure managed to attract his attentions. The figure is obviously Seohyun because he knew perfectly well how his girlfriend looked like. He just hope that nobody is actually spying on her using a binocular like him right now. He really needed to stop this, stalking his own girlfriend. "Jung Yong Hwa you are such a creep" Yonghwa hit his own head and scolded himself in a very frustrating tone. "Yonghwa what are you doing?" "Ah nothing president! nothing. Ehehehe nothing. I didnt do anything."Yonghwa dropped the binocular to the floor while giggling nervously to his President. The FNC entertainment president. "Tsk.. i didn't know that my money maker will be stalking another idol." Han Seung Ho now is pointing towards the binocular on the floor. "Uhmm ehehehe. Once in a while i'm seeing the stars in the sky. Can't I?" "If you are actually watching the star it's fine by me. But you are now doing a thing called stalking, not star gazing." "Oooo no Yonghwa.. your female star is with another male star!" "WHAT?!?" The startled Yonghwa quickly picked the binocular and searched around like a lunatic person only to hear a loud laughter sounds coming from the President's direction. "Sajangnim!" "What? It's funny.. You ask me to move all CNBLUE members to the same aparment building as your girlfriend out of all people only to stalk her? Tsk that's wrong Yonghwa" "Ani... the same apartment is only due to the tight security there. And it's pretty confirm because even she lives there you know." "But she didn't know yet right? You living there?"
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"Nope. I want to make it a suprise to her! After that, we can have dates even when it within the building at least we could actually date. Thank you sajangnim for implementing that idea on me." "Aish you guys are weird. Live in the same building but she doesn't know that yet." "What to do sajangnim. We are busy" Yonghwa winked at The FNC President. "Ahh i don't really care as long as you don't get caught dating. But still why are you stalking your ex-wife?" "Ani it's not stalking. It's called caring and protective.... It just I want to send her home you know. It's dark right now so it's quite dangerous, it's freaking 2 A.M and she drives on her own today. Her manager oppa won't be there to send her. Besides, I miss her." The shy Yonghwa bitted his lips still giggling before Han Seung Ho smacked Yonghwa's head. "Sajangnim, you don't need to hit me" "It's for your own sake... because you have been in the 'daydreaming' land again. But yonghwa yahh your precious star is really walking towards her car now.You better be fast if you want to catch up with her." Han Seung Ho pointed at the White Mini Cooper S in front of SM. --Sunday was suppose to be everyone rest day but it's not the case for the most popular idol group in South Korea called Girls Generation. Seohyun has been practicing all day in SM Entertainment. Wearing a hoody, she ran outside to her car due to being slightly afraid of the darkness. She is all alone tonight and no one was really around... She blamed her perfectionist side to make her stayed up this late. Humming her ex husband song or to be exact her boyfriend song which is Love Girl is one of her ways to calm herself down. Still in her humming mood, she grabbed her car keys in her pocket when suddenly she felt her waist being wrapped with a pair of arms and her mouth is being closed by the same figure. Without even caring her idol image she went into a screaming frenzy, kicking her legs and punching wherever she can. "Yahhh you lunatic! LET ME GO!Unnie! HELP ME. OPPA, YONG HWA OPPA! I'm sorry i should have listened to you... OPPA, PLEASE HELP ME! Kyuhyun oppa! Whatever oppa that are here, help!" She kept on yelling random names out of her mouth until she felt a peck on her cheeks. She froze and stayed rooted on the ground.. Is this person a pervert? He doesn't want money then? He wants me? Suddenly she felt chills when she felt a whisper on her right ear.
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"Remember your cheeks is only for me, your Yonghwa oppa." He tightened his arms that is circling Seohyun's waist and he snuggled his head on her shoulders enjoying the moment. "Opp..oppa? Yong oppa?" "Yes pancake. Why, are you scared? aigoo... You are cute. How can people resist you. Stop making my heart flutter can't you?" Yonghwa started to loosened his arms that is wrapped around her wrist when Seohyun's hand grabbed it and put it back at the original place. "Let just stay like this for a while oppa." "How about the paparazzi Hyun?" "I don't care about them, I just misses you." For 5 minutes they stayed in their position when a loud 'SLAMM' hit Yonghwa's head. "Oppa? Oppa are you okay?" Seohyun quickly squatted down and lifted Yonghwa's up. "I'm okay.. it's just my head. It's a bit dizzy." "What are you doing? Why you hit him?" Seohyun looked angrily at the SM Entertainment security guards. "I'm sorry miss, it's just I heard you scream.. so i thought something happen. I didn't know that you are actually having the time of your life here. hehe." Seohyun who heard that blushed and hit Yonghwa's stomach when she heard him laughing at her. --A Mini Cooper S is seen parked in the parking lot of the apartment with two figures sitting inside the car. "Oppa, I'm sorry okay I will be careful. Next time I will make sure to get back home early okay?" "Ne, you better be. I'm tired of feeling like a stalker." "So are you going back home? You drop me here using my car, so how are you going back?" "Ah nee. Oh. Uhmm.. uhmm. I will somehow" Yonghwa started to scratch his head while smiling awkwardly. "Oppa, you are being weird right now." "Ahh ani.. just go in okay. I will leave first then you can come out from your car okay. But uri pancake don't you have any present for
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making sure that you are safe today?" "Well cupcake i think i do. Do you want to know what it is?" "Ne... bobo?" "Maybe.. if you want it close your eyes." Seohyun approached Yonghwa slowly while Yonghwa formed an 'O' shape while closing his eyes expecting for his prize gladly only to get a smacked on his head. "Ouchhhhh! Hyun* you can really be a seductress when you need to. Bad hyun.. bad hyun.. bad hyun.." Yonghwa started to dance annoyingly showing a merong at Seohyun and he continued his protest with a pout. "In your dream! Aigoo yong choding you stalk me.. and now you want a prize. LOL oppa seriously. Anyways, you said that you already moved. Where is your house now?" "Uhmm house? Ahh house. I dont know. It's late now right.. right? I really need to go so bye hyun!" Yonghwa quickly pulled Seohyun head and leaned in for a forehead kiss before opening her car door only to continue running. "Oppa?" Seohyun stared at the disappearing figure stunned with what's happening. --As the light shone it's way through the window of her room, Seohyun's yawned sleepily towards her mom in the kitchen hoping to eat her breakfast. Too bad that her precious breakfast is not yet ready so now she is hearing a whole lot of chatters from her mum regarding a new neighbour who is apparently an idol like her. Nevetheless, the still sleepy Seohyun didn't pay any attention to the details and left to get rid of the plastic filled with rubbish outside. Seohyun who is wearing a simple yellow sweater and a slack.. completely without make up walked happily when she noticed a very handsome and familiar face grinning at her. "Good morning Seohyun ahhh! I'm living here now. I waited here for hours with my own plastic filled with rubbish. It's so cold. Pancake how can you leave me all alone here. I'm an idol too." "Mwoohhhhhhhh?" Seohyun dropped the plastic bag to the floor and looked at Jung Yong Hwa with her eyes wide open. Chapter 2 None Of Your Business As the light shone it's way through the window of her room, Seohyun's yawned sleepily towards her mom in the kitchen hoping to eat her breakfast. Too bad that her precious breakfast is not yet ready so now she is hearing a whole lot of chatters from her mum regarding a new neighbour who is apparently an idol like her. Nevetheless, the still sleepy Seohyun didn't pay any attention to the details and left to get
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rid of the plastic filled with rubbish outside. Seohyun who is wearing a simple yellow sweater and a slack.. completely without make up walked happily when she noticed a very handsome and familiar face grinning at her. "Good morning Seohyun ahhh! I'm living here now. I waited here for hours with my own plastic filled with rubbish. It's so cold. Pancake how can you leave me all alone here. I'm an idol too." "Mwoohhhhhhhh?" Seohyun dropped the plastic bag to the floor and looked at Jung Yong Hwa with her eyes wide open. --"Here let me help you with the trash." Yonghwa grabbed the plastic bag on the floor. Seohyun flared her nose and crossed her arms on her chest. "Yeah you should! That's the least you can do for me right now Jung Yong Hwa sshi" Hearing her mention his full name together with the sshi, he knew that she is furious. "That's all. No explanation at all?" "Yeap. Let's go now okay." Yonghwa nodded convincingly at her and walked towards the trash can while humming. Feeling like Seohyun is not following him, he turned his back and looked at Seohyun. He smiled evilly and open his mouth as big as possible ready to scream her name in the hallway. "SEO...." "OPPA!" Seohyun hissed and looked at him angrily only to earn a big hearty laugh from him. Seohyun smiled in defeat and linked her arms with his Yonghwa put the trash into the trash can and grinned at Seohyun"Aigoo. Seohyun you are so in love with me. Kyeopta!" Yonghwa pinched Seohyun cheeks while making all these weird cute faces. "Oppa, your hand is dirty." Seohyun slapped Yonghwa hands away and flared her nose. "Aigooo kyeopta uri baby." Yonghwa continued to pinch her cheeks ignoring the protest Seohyun been showing. He knew Seohyun is mad but he's enjoying this. The mad Seohyun. "Let's go, you need to make ma for me!" Seohyun sighed and shook her head at Yonghwa in disbelief. How can a man be this thick skinned. As soon as Yonghwa opened the door of his dorm, Seohyun didn't walked in instead she examined every inch of their dorm with a very suspicious eyes. His CN BLUE members is nowhere to be found. Well this is dangerous. "Why, are you not entering?" "Ehmmm." Seohyun cough awkwardly before continuing her sentence. "Are you alone?" Yonghwa nodded before grabbing her wrist and pulled her into
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the dorm. "Oppa. Its wrong. A single woman and a man in an apartment without anyone else." Yonghwa smiled gently like a proud father would. "I didn't think of this. Maybe i have been too easy going. I'm sorry.. I thought you might want privacy so I shoo the boys away. Ahrasso, we will let the door open okay honey?" Yonghwa patted Seohyun's head and messed her hair up before opening the door a little bit. Seohyun who went searching for the ingredients to make ma shake noticed the grumbling sounds coming from Yonghwa stomach. "Oppa are you hungry?" "NE!" Seohyun chuckled in amusement seeing Yonghwa looking like a starving child begging for food from his mommy. It's rare to see the ever so charming rocker behaving this way and she is honored to be the one seeing him like this. "Ahrasso, let's put my cooking skills to test after years of training. I might as well cook for your whole bandmates." Seohyun started to rummage the cabinets and fridge looking for ingredients to cook. She is shocked seeing how well equiped his kitchen with all the needed ingredients and appliances. "Oppa, you plan this?" "What? I know you will come and cook. That's why I move nearer to you. To taste your cooking first before others do that. See, all the ingredients are well prepared. So Mrs. soon to be Jung... faster, cook!" "Ahrasso will do Yong* but talking about moving nearer. You know I'm still mad right?" Said Seohyun while chopping the meats into smaller pieces. "I know." And 'poof' nothing but silence in the air. He knew somehow she is mad but he doesn't feel like apologizing for it. The thing he does is all for her anyways. Staring at her back lovingly for 10 minutes, he went for a backhug. Suprisingly, she doesn't protest instead she kept on moving and doing her jobs. He moves along with her as he is still backhugging her.Jung Yong Hwa is testing her patience. It's not that she doesn't like it and appreciate his gestures. It just she felt like he is stepping over the line, he doesn't even try to discuss with her first. Even with one wrong move it might cause a scandal. And the last thing she ever want is a scandal. "Are you ignoring me Seo Joo Hyun?" "Ne." "For how long?" "Until you get the reason i'm mad, I'm not going to talk to you at all. After I cook I will immediately go back to my apartment.

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"You know I love you right?" "I will just cook and leave." Seohyun sighed and continued cooking. Yonghwa smiled gently and tightened his hug. Thank you for never making me hungry and keep feeding me even when you are mad, that's why I love you, you know. Yonghwa thought to himself. "Yonghwa yahhh* where are you? OMO! What are you guys doing?" Yonghwa and Seohyun froze. This is bad, and the way they are in now is not helping at all. Yonghwa's mom caught them in a compromising position, hugging. Without even anyone else in the dorm. "Yonghwa!" Yonghwa's mom raised her voice. Yonghwa who is still shocked noticed the trembling Seohyun who is moving his arms away from her. "Anyeonghaesayo Mrs. Jung!" Seohyun bowed 90 degrees to Yonghwa's mom. "Seohyun ahh? You. What are you guys THINKING?" "Omma, I'm sorry it's my fault. I'm the one who hug her. I'm also the one who bring her home complaining that I'm hungry. She protested but I insisted. I'm sorry don't be mad at her." Yonghwa kneeled in front of her mother once he noticed the ever so compossed Seohyun trembled. Suddenly both of them heard a laughing sounds coming from Yonghwa's mom. Mrs. Jung then continued her sentence. "What are you guys THINKING, not locking the door? Why are you this panic Yonghwa yah? Are you guys doing something really wrong?" Yonghwa's mom started to smile shyly. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun started to exchange gazes when they finally figure his mother sentence. They then sighed in relief, that his mother is not mad. "Seohyun said it's not proper not to close the door. She is a single woman and I'm a single man." Yonghwa started to stand back again with Seohyun's help. "Aigoo. I know I can trust Seohyun. She's such a well mannered person, it's a pity though if you didn't marry her. You guys are dating right?" "Ani, we are just neighbours." Yonghwa blurted out of anxiousness seeing his father entering from the door. Seohyun then tensed up hearing that word. She thought they were something else.. something. What exactly are they? Seohyun brushed her thoughts away as it seems that the whole Yonghwa's family is here so she faked a smile. "Neighbours? It's too bad,I thought you were dating based on what are you guys doing just now. With your lovely stares, couple vibes and .." "Omma! You hungry right? Joohyun are making us lunch today!" Yonghwa giggled nervously, afraid of his father. He might seemed easy going but he is actually far from that. He might get killed before he even marry Seohyun. He thought it will be proper to officially ask her to be his girlfriend and approach her parents first before telling his parents about his feelings. Little that he know that Seohyun's heart is
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throbbing with pain hearing his word. --Seohyun looked around the apartment in disbelief as she is eating with her family and Yonghwa family under the labelled of his neighbour slash ex-wife. All of them are bonding and laughing like they have been friends for years. Yonghwa's mom teasing her mom while their parents are talking about business. And his brother asking about her unnies, as Yonghwa sneakily held hands with her under the table. How confused can she be with the whole situation? This is madness. "Aigoo, you don't know how lucky you are to have a daughter like Seohyun." said Mrs. Jung. "You are also lucky to have sons like Yong Hwa and his elder brother." "Aish.. we both lucky then why don't they just get married for real." Seohyun nearly chocked out her water. "I wish I can marry an angel like Seohyun mom." Yonghwa laughed. Okay this doesn't make sense at all for Seohyun. What is happening? Her head is throbbing painfully now. She doesn't know how to interpret all this. "Ani, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about your brother there." All of them laughed at this sentence leaving out Seohyun and Yonghwa who is pouting by the way. --Yonghwa followed Seohyun to her apartment to send her parents and her home as a sign of respect. "Aigoo, what a gentleman. It's a pity you should date my daughter.." See even her dad is caught in Yonghwa's fever. "I wish I can visit you later on. And if you don't mind i want to talk with your daughter a bit." "Of course you can. Yeobo, let's go." After seeing her parents get into their apartment door. "I'm sorry." It's not enough it seems as Seohyun still looked pissed at him. "What exactly are you bothering about Seohyun? Just let it all out." "What am I to you actually Jung Yong Hwa? Your ex-virtual wife? Or just a fling" Seohyun looked at him seriously. "What are you saying?" "I mean. You never even officially ask me to become your girlfriend. You don't know how insecure i have been with all the women around you because we literally have no ties."
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"Hyun* you didn't trust me? Is it really wrong for me to move nearer to you. It's true you are my neighbour right.." "It's not that. It just, why exactly do you move nearer here? You want to control me?" "It's none of your business." Yonghwa sighed frustratingly with his sentence when he noticed that there is tears hanging on the corner of Seohyun eyes. "As expected I'm nothing to you. I thought I'm somewhat your girlfriend as you go around your circle of friends and mention me as your girlfriend. But in front of your parents, you chicken out." "Seohyun, I'm sorry" Yonghwa looked at Seohyun apologetically, it seems that his recent stress got the best of him. It just hard to be liking each other like this. He suppose not blurted her out as his neighbour and approached her earlier to be his girlfriend. "Yeah, none of my business." Seohyun stormed off and left Yonghwa speechless. She is never these mad. She just wanted to calm down. --Next morning, he saw Seohyun went home with a BMW Z4 car. *Dang it that guy is shooting a laser of flirting eyes towards her. They are laughing. Pfft. * He can't hear it their conversation as he is quite far from them. Her blood is boiling with anger. Stupid him, he should just sealed the deal earlier on. He walked towards them and shoot a glared at the guy who is apparently his senior slash hyung. It's Changmin hyung. "You are back late seohyun*. Oh and hi hyung!" Seohyun ignored him while Changmin looked at her weirdly. "Ohh Yonghwa, what are you doing here?" He can see the dissapointment look on his eyes when he mention that. "I live here with her." Changmin eyes widened as Yonghwa felt a winning bell goes out at him. He felt a sense of joy. Seohyun who noticed this quicly bowed and said "Thank you oppa." She dragged Yonghwa into the hallway and glared at him. "What are you doing with him?" "It's none of your business oppa." She left him and walked quickly to the lift. Yonghwa stood there frozen with her sudden coldness.

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Chapter 3 Towards The End Next morning, he saw Seohyun went home with a BMW Z4 car. *Dang it that guy is shooting a laser of flirting eyes towards her. They are laughing. Pfft. * He can't hear it their conversation as he is quite far from them. Her blood is boiling with anger. Stupid him, he should just sealed the deal earlier on. He walked towards them and shoot a glared at the guy who is apparently his senior slash hyung. It's Changmin hyung. "You are back late seohyun*. Oh and hi hyung!" Seohyun ignored him while Changmin looked at her weirdly. "Ohh Yonghwa, what are you doing here?" He can see the dissapointment look on his eyes when he mention that. "I live here with her." Changmin eyes widened as Yonghwa felt a winning bell goes out at him. He felt a sense of joy. Seohyun who noticed this quicly bowed and said "Thank you oppa." She dragged Yonghwa into the hallway and glared at him. "What are you doing with him?" "It's none of your business oppa." She left him and walked quickly to the lift. Yonghwa stood there frozen with her sudden coldness. --That night he called Seohyun and surprisingly she answered. He was stuttering due to feeling nervous. He always acted that way when he knew he did something wrong. Especially, when he cant expect what Seohyun will do to him. Hyun* Ne. I love you. Okay. Yonghwa turned silent. Usually she would at least started to whine cutely when Yonghwa keep on saying some cheesy stuff to her. Im sorry I was wrong. Oppa, Im in a dance practice with Super Juniors oppadeul.. Then I will go straight to Australia. Not like you care anyways. Im going to hung up now. Hes a guy that loves her of course he is hurt. But he lets it be. At least, she told him. But if he never calls, will she even care to tell him? He cant help but wonder but he knew that Seohyun will tell maybe she is just taking her time. As she was sort of pissed with
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him. Its clearly shown. Joohyun. My lovelight, hear me out. Just for 5 minutes. Im sorry that I acted so ridiculously. I panic when I saw my dad. The thing is, I felt that its more appropriate to ask for your parents permission. How can I even say none of your business to you. Everything in regards of me, is your problem. Bye. Toottoot. She hung up on him. She did. And it was a very cold goodbye too. Then a text message came in. His screen showed that Its from health provider keke a.k.a Seohyun. Its her codename while he is the instrument ahjusshi on her phone. Yeah LOL. Its pathetic but thats how idols suppose to be discreet. Its her personal number. As she is an SNSD member so she have two phones with her. One is the endorsement phone which she used for work related purposes and even his phone number is save there. But just as Yong oppa. Very casual. They never talk really cheesily using their work related number. Its dangerous. *From Health Provider keke* *Oppa, some stuff cropped out. Its not on purpose. Sorry..just so you know if you feel like talking to me again. I will be back by the end of this week. I will hear you out. I will be waiting for you at the park.* Flashback *Im going to save your name as health provider.* *Mwohh, who am i? Are you trying to make fun of me? Why you put keke there. It makes me sound retarded.* *Aniyooo. You are my baby. Should I put there. Mr Yonghwas baby. The keke is just to make you special. And Health Provider is not because of your nagging mainly. Its because of your smile that always manage to brighten up my days. Yonghwa smiled teasingly before earning a slap on his back by the giggling Seo Joo Hyun.* *Yaaa* you are the choding one. How could you call me baby? And that cheesy line. Aigooo. Seohyun started to pout cutely imitating Yonghwa pose the one where he puts his finger on his mouth.* *Omonaaa. Uri Joohyun speaks banmal now, dont she. You even copy me. Awhh oppa is very proud of you! So what are you going to save me a what?! Instrument ahjusshi?!? You should be punish! Seohyun started to run away from Yonghwa and get back into her dorm. Yaaa Seo Joo Hyun. You come here. Why are you running. Yaaa! Dont go yet. We still have hours I cant see you after this anymore.* *Then Seohyun turned her back and faced Yonghwa once again and smiled sheepishly. You miss me right? And Im not even gone yet. Then she posed a cute V hand and started to run back to Yonghwa before linking their arms.*
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Present. Yonghwa cant take it anymore. 1 week being away from each other and still fighting.Its not going to work. He cant do that. So here he is, in an airport wearing complete disguise on the second floor searching for Seohyun. He picked the best spot he can without being obvious. Right above the paparazzi watchful eyes. Right when he noticed her in his sight, she coincidentally looked up. Meeting each other gazes, and she stopped. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widen with his appearance. Noticing this, her unnies quickly surrounded her without being too obvious letting the two lovers looked at each other before she went away. Yonghwa smiled and waved at her enthusiastically before making a hand gestures that asked her to start walking and he nodded at her convincing her from a far to start walking before leaving. And she listened to it, she walked away with a very heavy heart. On the airplane back after a whole week, she felt confused. Why is she feeling so down, the feeling where she felt that Yonghwas going to leave her? He wont right? Gosh Seohyun why are you being so insecure now. Its not like you. *From Health Provider keke.* *I arrived. I will wait for you at the park.* She went there and waited but no sign of Yonghwa so she sighed and look at the star. She knew why.. he is busy. Its been 3 hours so Seohyun smiled bitterly when she felt a warm feeling rolled down her cheeks so she looked down when she felt a tap on her back. Unnie, this is for you. Mwoooh Seohyun furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. --Mr. Seo and Mrs. Seo Im sorry for coming so suddenly. I want to ask the two of you to approve me and Joohyun as a couple. Shes the one for me. And I dont want her to live in such insecurities anymore. Im sorry for delaying this out. Yonghwas bowed to her parents. I will take the responsibilities like a real man would for hurting your daughter. Yonghwa said firmly. Oppa? Yonghwa oppa? are you okay? What exactly are you doing inside of my house and you even stood me up. You dont know how worried I am? I even called your bandmates and even your sajangnim. I was so afraid you might get into any kind of accidents. Seohyun looked at Yonghwa with worried stricken face even with her parents in the same living room as theirs. ShhhSeo Joo Hyun, can you just be mine already? Yonghwa took her hand and put her hand together with his on his chest feeling his heartbeat. "Every single beat of my heart beat for you. I ensure you that. You are
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the most wonderful woman I ever met. So don't you ever doubt yourself and my feelings towards you." Seohyun looked at him touch with tears hanging at the corner of her eyes. "I'm a one woman man. So no worries. Besides, I'm too busy to be spending my other time with other girls. I can only spend it with one girl." Yonghwa's smiled cheekily at her after seeing her infamous flaring nose as she pulled her hand away from Yonghwa. "Yaa! Choding." Joohyun, in the future let be more strong. We live in a very vigorous world. Its entertainment. But I wont let go of your hand. Lets walk side by side through our journey. And push away those who might come in between us. Including your fanboys! N, Jinwoon, Junsu, Kyuhyun, that soccer guy I dont care whether he is dating or not, Minho too and.. Ayee oppa, they are nothing compare to you. You make the compose me go cray. So they are nothing. Because its written in here. On my face. I will only love Jung Yong Hwa. Other than that back off. Ottoke, I just submitted my Greedy Man song though. The what? Uhhhh.. The one where I compose to you About what? Being possessive towards you? They should know their territories. I mean.. you dont know how jealous Im. Why dont they just choose another girl as their ideal type. Why do they keep on choosing you. Seohyun this..Seohyun that. Of course you are young.. you are cute.. but its frustrating. You are the epitome of a perfect wife. Yonghwa scratched his head frustratingly. Its driving me cray! I felt flattered though" Seohyun giggled. "Im glad that Im still your muse. But be careful next time though? Ahrasso? Dont be too obvious. Just this time. Ahrasso the owner of my heart.! The one that makes me crazy, the one that drives me crazy, the one who somehow make me angry too. Yonghwa pulled Seohyun into a tight hug when they hear a coughing sounds coming from their parents. Do you guys forgot that we are even here? No public display of affections in front of us Seohyuns mom is closing her eyes with both of her hands. You should get use to it though. They are after all in love. Seohyuns dad patted his mom gladly. But you young man, remember your promises. Lets tell the in laws now. Maybe they can expect babies.

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Not until they are married yeobo. Yonghwa wrote that in the papers. 5 papers. I even asked him to plaster it in his room. Seohyuns dad panickly shouted causing fits of laughter echoing throughout the room.

-The endStory 7 "Yah Jung Yonghwa!" series: A Sweet Dilemma - The Beginnings of the Choding's Plan Click. Click. It was another sunny day in the beautiful capital of South Korea: Seoul. Click. The streets were bustling with morning traffic; cars, trucks, bicycles, and people were all on their way to work or home for some late night shifts. Swoosh. Click. Kids were waking up, husbands were getting dressed, wives were cooking breakfast; the whole city of Seoul was up and running, ready to get started on their day. Swoosh. Swoosh. Click. In one particular white-bricked fenced house, one guy that goes by the name of Jung Yonghwa, was already up and running in front of his computer. What, pray tell, was he doing on his computer early in the morning? Click. Well, I cant tell you directly what he was doing (as he swore me to secrecy, especially from a specific missus), but I can tell you a hint or two. Swoosh. Watermelons. And one specific computer game. Click. Now, his wife, a beautiful woman named Seo Joohyun (formerly known as Seohyun from a girl group from five years ago called Girls Generation), was in the kitchen. But as I implied, if she had known what her husband was doing this early in the morning, she would have pinched his ear and given him a nagging. Click. Click. But she didnt. She assumed that he was on the computer because he was typing up some newfound lyrics and playing with a program that was somewhat like a synthesizer. He got it just the other day and hes been playing around with it for the past few days so she assumed that hes playing around with it for the third day.

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That, and although she wants to be the perfect wife who nags at her husband everytime he does something childish, she couldnt. More like she prefers not to. If you switch your viewpoint of said woman from the back to her profile, you will see that she has this little bump on her stomach. Well, more like a huge bump. She was well into her thirtieth week. She didnt want to cause any harm to her growing, unborn baby (shes a little bit paranoid still of having a growing baby in her stomach, but her husbands more overprotective its silly really, says the neighboring, gossip-y housewife next door), so shes trying to take it easy this time. But reason for her paranoia stems from the fact that when she was pregnant with their first baby, they were having a petty, silly little argument one day and she almost miscarried her baby! How terrible is that!? But never fear! Since this is a happy, light-hearted story of a sweet, adorable couple that met on a TV show, there were no babies harmed or miscarried. She was rushed to the hospital before it got worse, and managed to save the baby. Speaking of baby, their first child is just about the most adorable thing! Well, not really thing, but person, or baby, or small person You get the idea right? Anyways, hes adorable hes a baby boy, if I ever forgot to mention and he has his mothers sparkly eyes and cute button nose, and his fathers pout (which Seohyun calls the duck pout) and strong chin. Can you imagine just how cute it is? Can you? Well, if not, nevermind it. Anyways. The doctor said that it was due to stress, and from then on, the two decided that when shes pregnant (No ifs, just whens, said Yonghwa that earned him a playful smack on the arm from his sweet wife), they were to take care that she not stress over anything. So here we are on this specific sunny day where Yonghwa was being his usual choding self, Yong-choding as Seohyun calls it, with his unsuspecting wife in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast for the family, their lovable twoyear-old boy up in his crib still sleeping, and little old me a puppy that goes by the name of Goguma (really, why am I named after a sweet potato? Its a silly name if you ask me) watching the mister play his game and have this Aha! moment. That Aha! moment was the catalyst for the silliness that was to occur in the following days. I should have known better than to have stopped the mister when the chance came instead of getting distracted by the butterfly that was outside the window to my left. Sigh. Well, as the saying goes, if life throws you lemons, make lemonade. Or in this case, if the mister starts buying not only watermelons or watermelon-related dishes and pastries, but also perfumes, cosmetics, garments, curtains, and even a hat, just to get you into the watermelon mood, then I say make watermelon juice! *********** Story 8 : Hereditary traits Seohyun sighed for the umpteenth time this afternoon. She was sitting cross legged on the play mat that they had in place of the usual rug since Yoohyun started to crawl and
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recently learned to stand. In the space her legs created was baby Yoohyun, who recently turned 14 months old. He was babbling in mostly incoherent syllables peppered with a few words and misconstructed sentences that he'd picked up since he started learning to talk a few months ago. His hands were toying with magic blocks that Jungshin got him recently. "Mma." "Hmmm?" Seohyun combed his hair with her fingers and answered. Yoohyun giggled and crawled away to where the majority of the blocks were just a few feet away. Seeing that he was engrossed in stacking his blocks minutes later, Seohyun started to inch herself away slowly, quietly and stealthily. 'Please don't let him realise i'm gone please please plea-" "Mmma? Omma?" She heard him calling out for her the moment she turned and hid behind the couch. Keeping quiet and not replying, she waited further for his response. "O-mm-a?" Seohyun could hear the quiver in his voice. 3, 2, She appeared from the corner where she was hidden promptly before he started wailing. The sight of his mother brightened up the baby's face almost instantaneously. "Omma!" He called out excitedly and gestured for Seohyun. With a wry smile, Seohyun walked back to her baby and sat near him. For the whole afternoon, Yoohyun just wouldn't let his mother go out of his sight even for a little while. Every time Seohyun tried to go away he'll start to whimper and ask for her. Granted, the baby would crawl to her from time to time to snuggle and/or drop a kiss but after that he'll go back to his blocks or the pop up storybooks that come with sounds. He just refused to have Seohyun out of his immediate sight. She even had to run to the bathroom to make sure he wouldn't kick a fuss! It's not that she doesn't like spending time with the baby but she has a whole to-do-list to be completed! Aigoo... how is she going to complete it with such a possessive baby boy? And she thought Yonghwa was bad; obviously their son inherited one of his father's worst yet endearing traits. Possessiveness.

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"Yoohyun ah, if you don't let Omma go, who's going to make dinner for appa and you?" Yoohyun turned around and waved a block that he was holding onto, gurgling with laughter. Fifteen minutes later, Seohyun looked up from the lifestyle editorial she was reading and was met with a comical sight. Her baby boy was still holding onto the building block that he was playing with but was now swaying a little back and forth. His head was dropping further and further until he suddenly jerked awake. She let out a laugh and put her reading aside, baby was falling asleep! Moving around to be directly in front of him, she took the iPad and put it on video mode. By the time she was done with the 45-second long video, her baby's head was almost touching the ground. Seohyun hurried forward and carried him into her arms before he toppled over. "Uri Yoohyun neomu neomu kwiyeo." She snuggled him closer, putting kisses all around his face. "M*ma." The baby let out a little sound as he drifted in between sleep. Rocking him in a slow and steady motion, she hummed a lullaby for him while he moved to sleep comfortably in her arms. Seohyun watched her baby slowly fall asleep, smoothing his hair and pecking him softly every now and then. Sighing, she took a cushion from the couch behind them and placed it in the middle of the play mat before putting Yoohyun on it, placing her hand on his chest to pat him lightly afterwards so that he didn't feel uneasy from the lack of contact. When she was sure that he was really asleep, she took her mobile and typed a text to Yonghwa with an attached picture of the baby sleeping with his chubby limbs sprawled like a starfish on his play mat. "Komawo, thanks for helping to create such a perfect little puffpie for me." "You're welcome. Won't mind helping for more to be honest, you game?" *********** Story 9 : Vanilla Breeze Oppa mianhe the practice time turn longer.. We still can make it right? Seohyun explained to Yonghwa in one breath. They will go to Busan for 3days, visiting yonghwas family-now also Seohyuns family. And this is also the first vacation they can get after a long time. Even they already married for a year, their schedule still tight as hell. Even before this, they still have to practice for their next upcoming concert. Thats why theyll make this vacation special. kwenchana.. The train will come in 10 minutes, kajaa he held her hands and walk to the train station. -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8Aaahhh.. Its been a long time!! yah oppa why sleep already? We need to enjoy this trip seohyun hit yonghwas arm playfully to wake him up.
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Just a moment buin ah.. Im so tired He closed his eyes and trying to sleep I thought you missed me because we rarely meet nowadays.. but seems like its only me who missing you. Now you even sleep and leave me alone. She pouted her lips cutely wanting to get attention from her husband and yes of course she got the attention. Aigo buin miss me much? Of course I miss you too. Ahrasso Ill not sleep, so what should we do? Until we reach Busan? he put his hand on her waist and looked at her closely. Hmm how about reading a book? she grinned and waiting the reaction from Yonghwa. Hyun ah.. I- he couldnt finished his words, Seohyun already burst in to laugh. Im kidding oppa. Lets just chat. You havent update me about the practice today. And they start updating each other about their own practice. He told her how Jungshin always try to make new jokes. And she told him about Yoona that keep talking about Jonghyun. I think Yoona unnie is a rapper now. She can make a new song with Jonghyun oppa as her inspiration. Thats what she said to Yonghwa. And while they fall deep on their own conversation, suddenly there are around 4 or 5 little kids approaching their seat, seems like they are kindergarten kids. One little girl just looked at Seohyun and Yonghwa shyly hiding behind her friends. Annyeonggg Yonghwa try to greet them, he smile widely. Seohyun already muttered ahh kyeoptaa Yonghwa ahjussi annyeonghaseyo a little boy that look like the boss from this-group-of-kids greet him back. Ahjussi??! Im not that old, call me hyung! Choding! seohyun hold her laughter. Annyeong kids.. what are you doing here? My name is jun. My teachers and the other friends are there he told her and put his hands to the direction of their friend seats. We saw you ride this train, and Hye mi is fans of you seohyun nunna, she said she want to shake hands with you. Is that okay? Jun the little boy told Seohyun about their intention. Hye mi? The little girl that hide behind her friend, shyly move closer to seohyuns seat. annyeonghaseyo, Hye mi imnida seohyun look closely to the little girl in front of her and shook her hands with the little girl called Hye mi. This little girl so cute, her hair is on ponytail, and she has a chubby cheek that makes you want to pinch her. Im your fans, my mom and dad are your fans too unnie, mom said to me Seohyun unnie likes to read books, thats why I learn to read at class diligently so I can read books, soon and Ill be like you she smile brightly. ahh gomawothats so good of you Hye mi, reading book is fun Seohyun cant hide her smile, shes so happy to meet this little girl. Meanwhile, Yonghwa just stare at seohyun and the little girl. The view In front of him is so heartwarming, and
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beautiful. Looking at seohyun with a little girl make Him want to have his own little girl. Ahh I bought some ice cream at station before. You guys want some ice cream? Seohyun took the plastic bag at table in front of them and offering the kids the ice cream. The kids just happily accept it. Yah, hyun ah why you bought so much ice cream?? Yonghwa was confused when seohyun offering him an ice cream too. I didnt know oppa, I just want to eat ice cream. And just realized I bought too much. Ahahaha she laugh and eat her own ice cream happily just like a little kid. gomawoyo for the ice cream nunna, now we must back to our seats, the teacher will be worried Jun said his goodbye and lead his friends to their seats direction. Bye bye Seohyun and Yonghwa waved their hands when Jun and their friends walked back to their seats direction. Suddenly, one little boy runs back to Yonghwa and Seohyun direction. To be honest, Im your fans Yonghwa ahjussi. And I want to be like you when I grow up. One day Ill meet a pretty girl who likes reading and Ill start reading books when she asked me to read books. After that Ill marry her. Even if I dont like to read I still can get pretty wife. Just like you, Yonghwa ahjussi. Gomawoyo for the vanilla ice cream the little boy then runs back to their friends. Leaving Yonghwa and Seohyun froze on their seat. Yahh!! How old are you for thinking something like that? Yonghwa shout to the little boy direction. -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8Its still half way until they reach Busan, Yonghwa finally can get some sleep when Seohyun decided to read a book thats she bring that day. Shes so serious reading her book, that makes her didnt reliaze Yonghwa already woke up from his nap. Buin ah.. Hmm.. she still focusing herself to the book Lets tell Ommoni, that well visit them tomorrow. And thats make her attention move from her book to Yonghwa. Waeyo Oppa? ...Its our vacation right.. And hmm.. After met that kids earlier, I want to have a kids too. He told her shyly. And Seohyun just blink her eyes. Her face turns red. And yeah Jung Yonghwa already dialing his moms number to tell them they cant visit them today, and will just come tomorrow. Its not a crime that they also need the holiday for only both of them, even just for a day right? ********* Story 10 : Of a girl and a boy Seohyun walked through the doors of the MBC building her heart racing as she strode in with the blanket clutched in one hand as the other adjusted the strap of her bag. She shook her head slightly to push her ponytail to the back, the little strands of hair that brushed her neck making her even more nervous and hyperaware and she almost stopped breathing. It was the first show where shed be alone, without her unnies to guide her. She was going to be a part of a married
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couple, a virtual marriage so to speak and she had no idea who her husband was going to be. Maybe... Before she could even begin to follow that train of thought she was through the revolving doors and standing alone in the lobby of the MBC building. The receptionist, a familiar face, gave her a smile and she was encouraged to be a bit more at ease. Your husband will meet you in the MBC lobby. The message had read. Her first mission, to find her husband. She sat down on one of the chairs and looked around, grip tightening on the bag that rested in her lap until it grew almost painful. The doors revolved and she got up thinking that it might be her husband, the cameramen whirling around to capture the shot, only to sit down in disappointment as it turned out to be just Shinyoung unnie hurrying to her recording of Shim Shim Tapa. The comedian who was no stranger to Seohyun gave her a little pat on her head and told her not to worry before running to the studio. Her heart that had suddenly sped up when the doors had revolved grew quiet again, Shinyoungs words giving her some solace. Before long Shindong came through the doors, in even more of a hurry than Shinyoung and with a wave and a smile he went off into the building and the weight in Seohyuns gut grew heavier. Where was he?! This time when the doors revolved she was certain that it was her husband, it just had to be! But the four boys, recently debuted as CNBlue, with the famous leader that her unnies regularly swooned over, walked in and she sat down in disappointment again. They saw her and came forward to greet her, she was a sunbae after all. There were two of them of her age, a Minhyuk and a Jungshin, both with some of the nicest shy smiles shed ever seen and a Jonghyun that she had no doubt was exactly the type that Yoona would talk about all night, keeping her awake. And then there was the leader. He bowed the lowest despite being the eldest and had a snaggletooth grin that was so mischievous she could see the choding in him. It reminded her of her father and she decided in that very second that she liked these guys. They were nice and not the kind of boisterous the other boy groups were that always had her retreating into her shell. They made her want to come up to them and talk to them and she hoped that maybe one of them would be her husband. But alas, it was not to be as they were going to the very same recording that Shinyoung and Shindong had run off to and the PD-nim shook his head at her when she shot him the questioning look. Her husband was very late. And then finally, almost half an hour after shed entered the lobby came the man she was going to be married to, towering over her in all his glory at 6 1, the long hair sweeping over his forehead the way it had been when shed seen him just last week. She was relieved and disappointed all at once. On the one hand it was someone she knew well, on the other hand it was someone she knew so well, how could she possibly act like she was married to him?! Well at least her unnies would get a kick out of the fact that they were right. Jung Jinwoon, one of her closest friends and one of the first men who had proudly proclaimed himself to be her fanboy, was her husband. They had a good time together just hanging out, chilling as some would say. He didnt ask her a lot about herself but they were friends after all, he already knew all there was to know. All they could do was talk like any other day but with that undercurrent running through that she tried hard to ignore and he seemed hyperaware of. When they walked out into the rain together and he put his arm around her pulling her under the cover of the umbrella, the ball of lead in her stomach seemed to be turning in knots. She was uncomfortable but she had to adjust. After all, what was a marriage without skinship? He dropped her off at her dorm building at the end of the date giving her a side hug that she couldnt quite reciprocate and she rushed up the stairs to find herself face to face with her unnies. After a few hours of questioning her over
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copious amounts of ice cream they all went to bed. Schedules never wait for girl talk, no matter how important it might be. But when she went to sleep that night, way beyond her normal bedtime, it was with a weariness that she hadnt realised she was carrying. It was only once she went over the rest of the day and found herself remembering four shy but lovely boys and one cheek bursting grin that she could go to sleep. By the time Yonghwa was drafted for the show the new couples show had aired, The SeoWoon couple, the fairer half of which he had already met in the lobby when she was waiting for her husband, had been gaining fans left and right with their awkward yet comfortable best-friends-turned-couple dynamic. His fellow teammates had taken an instant liking to the soft spoken girl, Minhyuk in particular was excited upon learning that they were born on the same day and had taken to saying hello to her when passing by the herd of girls that was SNSD, something he wouldnt even have thought of doing a few weeks back. It wasnt really the type of show that Yonghwa would normally watch but once FNC had started negotiations for him to be on the show he had watched it almost regularly. He convinced himself that it had nothing to do with the sparkly eyed girl hed met that day. Yet somehow he found himself more and more intrigued by Seo Joo Hyun as he watched the show. Ga-in and Jo Kwon were wonderfully funny of course but something about Seohyun caught his eye. Perhaps it was the prospect of a girl on the cusp of womanhood, perhaps it was the guileless smile she bestowed upon people so easily, perhaps it was the aigoo she let out every few minutes, utterly flustered. Nevertheless he found himself watching her the most, laughing when she made those archaic statements that she did so often, shaking his head affectionately at the innocence she displayed and felt unreasonably proud of the sheer determination with which she tried to bulldoze her way through her hang ups. When shed asked to donate blood for their 22nd day of marriage he hadnt been able to control himself and had smiled like an idiot the whole day, only stopping once he was told that the negotiations were done with and that he was going to meet his own virtual wife in the next week. He went on the bus and met Kim Nayoung who tried to convince him that she was his new wife. And just when he was ready for it, just when hed figured he was ready to be a part of that odd mismatched couple that makes people laugh just by existing she told him that it was a joke and redirected him to the building where his wife awaited. After what felt like a million floors and a million beautiful idols (but was really only three) on each one of them hed finally found his wife, F(x)s leader Victoria. She was pretty of course, beyond pretty if he were to be honest and yet...something felt like it was missing. She made him laugh but it wasnt the same kind of laugh as...Seohyun? The girl hed only talked to once? Was he honestly thinking that he knew her just by watching her on the telly? Annoyed at himself he pushed the thought out of his head and continued being Victorias husband. He was going to write Victoria a song, he decided, and not just a parody of Woettoriya like hed done on their first meeting (Victoria, Victoria, dari diri dara du) but a proper song, perhaps shed be the inspiration he needed to finish LoveLight. She wasnt the muse hed needed her to be but h finally got that song done anyway. And hey, if that rap in the song made people think of SNSDs Genie then that only made sense, he was a Taeyeon fanboy after all. It had nothing to do with the maknae of that group and the way shed given Jinwoon a set of customised guitar picks, a wish and a performance of Genie for his birthday at all. . . . Time flew fast. One minute he was meeting Victoria for the first time, the next he was going with her on vacations and driving lessons and then all of a sudden he found himself on the bus with all the other couples and Jungshin Chingu
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(the moniker Seohyun had bestowed upon Jungshin when raising a hand for a hi-five in the hallways of music shows had stuck) for the Chuseok special and in between him chiding Victoria for not tying her hair up practically and Jinwoon being chivalrous to the point of chauvinism, they reached the abandoned school, ready for athletic competitions and if his eyes werent mistaken, horror based ones too. No one came to abandoned schools deep in the countryside just for athletics after all. The competition was mainly between him and Jinwoon honestly, Jo Kwon for all his experience had nothing on the competitive spirit of a Busan namja. And Jinwoon, well, hed always been the athletic kind. It was no surprise then that between him and Victoria they were racking up points equal to the SeoWoon couple. The wrestling match had come as a surprise though, Jinwoon had a few inches on him (much to his consternation) and Victorias healthy stature was supposed to be no match for Seohyuns willowy frame. And yet somehow it was. When Seohyun had managed to get Victoria flat on the mat within seconds, complete with a million apologies, his first instinct was not to give his virtual wife a hand up but to give Jinwoons wife a high-five. On the other side of the spectrum Seohyun had the same problems soothing Jinwoon on his loss in wrestling. She was hard pressed not to jump up and down when Jinwoon went down on the mat. Competitiveness was good but really, shed had it up to here with the look of disappointment he shot her when she would lose to Victoria. And so instead of patting his back and telling him better luck next time when he lost she couldnt help but return the look of being let down. Never let it be said that she couldnt be vindictive. It was during the break when they all sat down to eat before the next event that the two CNBlue boys and Seohyun sat down together. Ga-in and Victoria were the same age and the 2AM brothers stuck together. She sat with the CNBlue boys knowing that of everyone else shed be most comfortable with them. It was all giggles, jokes and satoori up until Jungshin was called away by the producer to look over some lines. Belated Happy Birthday. Yonghwa told her and her eyes widened comically in surprise. Um, you too, it was your birthday on the 22nd right? And he shot her the cheek bursting grin complete with snaggletooth and she felt a blush burning her cheeks induced by sheer pleasure in a way that Jinwoons one sided skinship never did. Yep. I guess Jinwoon did something big didnt he? The episode hasnt aired yet but he just seems to adore you. Um yeah, he gave me two sacks of gogumas. If he noticed her blatantly avoiding the bit about Jinwoon adoring her he didnt say it out loud and for that she was grateful. Huh, if I were him Id give you a goguma field. He said, half-joking. What better gift to give a girl who loves sweet potatoes than a sweet potato field? Thats a good idea, I wonder if Id like gogumas as much if I knew how much hard work they took. She looked off into space wondering if perhaps a day spent sweating in a field might dim her enthusiasm for the magnificent root vegetable. Probably not. I cant imagine spending a day planting gogumas would be easy work. She hmm-ed in agreement. Well maybe you can give Victoria-unnie a field for her birthday, she likes growing things, right? He nodded and noticed that she hadnt spoken to him in banmal even once that whole day. Come to think of it shed never really been informal with him at all, not that she had a reason to but still, it irked him. He wanted her to call him oppa and not Yonghwa-ssi for some reason that he didnt really want to think too much about. You can drop the formalities with me you know. He said only to receive an utterly shocked face in return. He
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wanted to laugh at how big her eyes had gotten but it was far more adorable than funny and it was quite funny to begin with. I cant do that, youre a grown up! And just like that he dissolved into peals of laughter. Im just two years older than you! But still, youre not a same age friend, I cant talk to you in banmal! How about this, if I-, I mean if Victoria and I win the next event, you drop the formalities with me. And if Jinwoon and I win? Well if you win then I... He thought it over for several minutes before turning to her sheepishly, Uhm, what do you want? If I win then you cut down the coffee. She said quickly before snapping her hands over her mouth and he leant back in shock. What?! Ive watched the show, you really drink a lot of coffee. And thats just what they show on TV, you must drink even more of it off camera. If I win you have to cut down the coffee and just so you know, Ill get Jungshin chingu and Minhyuk to make sure you do. She nodded resolutely. Youve got yourself a deal. He said and put a hand out, part of him giddy with the thought that she watched him, she watched him close enough to notice habits that others would have overlooked. She hesitated before taking it but did nevertheless. When hours later Ga-in and Jo Kwon were proclaimed the winners the two betting people shared a wry grin. So, I guess both of us lost. Yonghwa sighed as he sat next to her on the bus back. The others were already tired and fast asleep, even the camera crew had retired for the night while Seohyun was bright eyed as if she had just woken up (really how was it humanly possible to have that much energy?) and he had downed coffee just before his run in the haunted house an hour ago just in case she won and hed have to give up his ambrosia, and found that sleep did not come easily on the back of a caffeine high. Yes we did. So Ill talk to you in banmal and youll cut down on the coffee. Mwo?! Well we both lost the bet, we both pay the consequences. Thats just how it goes. And really all that coffee cannot be healthy please dont poison your body that way. And no more yos from you, banmal only, ahrasseo? She made a face but complied speaking in halting and off tone banmal (which was hilarious, something he made sure she knew by laughing after every other sentence she said) and after a while the two nodded off, one dreaming of goguma fields while the other dreamt of a day when theyd speak in banmal. Jinwoon was one of her closest friends ever and if anything their virtual marriage had only solidified their friendship. Hed always seen her as a kind of an angel, someone to admire from afar and while at first he had been overjoyed that this perfect being was going to be his wife, it had faded into much more comfortable warmth at the thought that this imperfect yet lovely person had allowed him to be her friend and confidante. He still adored her of course but it was
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much more real now, not so much a fanboyish crush, it had become something deeper, tangible. It was love. So when he saw her giggle over some text that she got he immediately knew something had happened. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind, Seohyuns hormones had been awakened. He had to act now, after all with her activities in Japan picking up around the same time as his promotions they were bound to be divorced soon. Seohyunnie? He approached her during one of the breaks in between practice sessions for their special stage. Hmm? She said distractedly, barely looking up from the sheet that held their mashups lyrics. Can I talk to you? Alone? We are alone. She said with a tilt of her head. You still have you mic on. Oh! She took the little microphone out of the folds of her pretty blue dress and not for the first time Jinwoon was amazed by her grace. So what did you want to talk about? She asked him once shed untangled herself from the wires. Its just, were probably going to end soon, because of our schedules and- He was cut off by yet another beep of her phone that she just waved away. Im sorry, you were saying? Its okay just check your messages first, it might be something important. She smiled and he swooned on the inside but it was soon replaced by trepidation when he saw her smile in that same way she did nowadays when she checked her messages. It was a big smile, a grin quite unlike the sweet quirk of lips that he usually got and his heart sank. Was it one of your unnies? He asked. Hopefully it wasnt some guy who made her laugh like that, but as often with Seohyun, his hopes were dashed. No its just Jung YongHwa-ssi, weve been keeping in touch since the Chuseok filming. He thinks that the maknaes of his group are too shy and need some friends and Jonghyun-ssi is completely wrapped up in his guitars so weve just been chatting back and forth a bit. Oh yeah, I saw you guys talking about something in the break. He tried to sound as flippant as possible while burning with jealousy on the inside. What were you talking about, I wouldnt have thought you had much in common. Oh we were just....we made a silly bet and youll probably laugh. She hesitated and he forced out a laugh. I promise I wont laugh. But I just might cry, he thought. We just bet that if he won in the haunted house thing that I would drop the formalities and talk in banmal and if I won then hed cut down on his coffee. If I won shed said, not if we won. It was driven into his mind then and there that Seohyun had never considered them to be a unit, a team, that he was never going to be anything other than a friend she worked with. But its just something silly and we havent even managed to keep to our promises, he hasnt cut down on his coffee much and I still cant drop the yos. She continued and shook her head before looking at him. Anyway, you were saying something?

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Seohyun, I like you. A lot. And when this show ends Id like to date you for real. She was taken aback and shifted away from him and he knew without a doubt what her answer would be. I didnt...I didnt think you were serious about it, I mean I know youve said it on occasion but I just thought ideal type is just an ideal, you know? Im not trying to force you to make a decision or anything, I just wanted you to know that...Im here, if you want me. Maybe when the show ends... Jinwoonie Im just not grown up enough for this kind of thing. I dont know if Ill ever be honestly. Youve taught me so much, I cannot thank you enough, but Ive got a long way to go before I can consider dating somebody. Its not something I would do lightly and right now when Im so young and I have so many things I want to do, it just wouldnt be fair to make a commitment that I would not be able to give my all to. Especially when I dont see you that way. Oh. Im sorry if I made it seem like I was leading you on- You didnt, dont worry about it, I just needed to get that off my chest you know. You wouldnt like dating me any way. She tried to joke but he already knew that he would. Hed liked, no, loved dating her for the past few months after all. But if she still didnt realise that this was dating then she really wasnt ready for a relationship, not the way he was. Id annoy you after a while. Youd be tired of teaching me things if this was real. She said seriously and he finally began listening to her. What do you mean? Its easy to be easy-going when there are a million people around acting as buffers but would you honestly have the patience to deal with having to teach a person the difference between like and love? Especially if you had to deal with it all the time, not just when were filming. Jinwoon off-screen youre my friend and I treat you like that but if we were dating I would still treat you the same because I dont know any better and you cant honestly tell me that it wouldnt be frustrating. She made sense. He hated that she made sense. I have a lot of growing up to do and it wouldnt be fair to leave you dangling like that while I do that. She sighed and put a hand up on his shoulder and squeezed awkwardly in a gesture reminiscent of his hyungs as if trying to make him even more obvious to the fact that she was definitely not ready for a relationship. He really hated that she made sense. I hear it was your last day of shooting WGM yesterday. Yonghwas voice filtered over the phone and she sighed in relief. Part of her had been worried when the phone had rung, thinking it was Jinwoon. He was taking it better than shed expected him to and certainly better than her unnies had expected him to but she was getting really tired of that sudden rush of guilt whenever she saw his name flash upon the screen of her phone. She was glad that their marriage had ended, it would take both of them some time to acclimatise to the cloud hanging over their friendship. Yup, its the end of an era. She answered flatly. Beside her unnies only Yonghwa knew of what had transpired between Jinwoon and her. Most of her friends outside of her bandmates were his friends first and she dreaded to think how theyd react to her rejecting him like that. She shook the thought before going back to the call. Our schedules were getting too hectic and since Im going to be in Japan a lot this year we decided to get divorced. He could almost hear her roll her eyes at the last word.

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And the entire nation will cry over the loss of such an illustrious, beautiful and tall couple. He said dramatically before ending in his typical kekekeke laugh that never failed to exasperate her. You laugh now but when your turn comes to end your stint Ill be the one laughing. She said sulkily. Well you wont have to wait long, the Yongtoria couple is coming to an end too. What?! She squawked into the phone. What do you mean Yongtorias ending? Well I have a drama to film and F(x)s comeback we dont have time to film for WGM either. Not without me making yet another round of the hospital at least. He laughed again and she could almost see him flicking his hair away from his forehead while grinning like an idiot. Dont joke about that, really you should go get a check up, it cannot be that healthy to have that much coffee! Hey Ive cut down a lot since we made that bet! But not enough, Victoria-unnie was telling me how you spend most of the time when youre not filming in the bathroom. He began spluttering and flailing, Why would she tell you- You have an unnie complex, you know that?! Somehow Seohyun managed to be the apple of all of her unnies eyes. Better than having a coffee complex. She said smugly not even bothering to deny that. But really some people were Mammas Boys*coughYonghwacough*, some were Daddys Girls *coughTiffanycough* and Seo Joo Hyun was an Unnies Girl through and through. So were both getting divorced. He said and a moment of silence followed. Both divorced. Yup. Thats so...strange. She hmmed in agreement and they sat silence again before she broke it. You know whats even stranger? That is doesnt really seem that strange. I dont know about you but it feels like its been a long time coming. Yep. Ive felt that before, when a relationship is just dead and no ones trying anymore and all parties involved are almost anticipating the end. Only none of us were ever trying to begin with. He paused and considered what hed said. Well, except Jinwoon. She groaned and he could hear the sound of springs squeaking and realised she had just thrown herself onto her bed. He shook his head to get rid of the image it conjured even as she shrieked and he was reminded of seagulls. Dont remind me, I still feel like Ive killed a puppy or something when I look at him. Whyd you say no to him anyway? Yes, yes, youre not ready for it and you dont want him to just wait for you, but why? He doesnt mind, you need the practise, why not just give it a go? you know the number of times Ive just forgotten that he exists? How many times Ive just forgotten that I was a married woman and my unnies had to remind me of that when someone on a show asked me about him? I mean I know it wasnt real but still he just...slips my mind so often! I dont want my first love to be so easily forgotten. And Id also like my first love to be my only love and I cant even see that happening with Jinwoonie. Hes
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like a brother honestly. Ugh, I can already tell youre going to be that kind of woman, the one wholl lead a guy down a garden path and then say Oh I only thought of you as a brother!. He was just joking and even though she knew that she couldnt help but take offense at that. Thats not true, Im not the kind of person whod lead a guy on! Really? Name one guy you dont think of as a real oppa, one guy whom you dont think of as a sibling but who sings praises of you calling you an angelic princess. I already know that all your SM oppas have watched you grow in front of their eyes and you dont have any other friends so- I dont think of you as a sibling! Even as the words left her mouth her eyes grew wide and she knew that was not the right thing to say. Not now anyway. ....What? I-I just, I mean- its not- She sighed, frustrated and silently cursed herself while he just sat frozen on the other side of the phone. Seohyun took a deep breath and got it all out in one breath.I dont see you as a brother. I never have. Ive already put my foot in my mouth, might as well chew it, she thought to herself with a shaky breath as she realised she had all but confessed to him. You dont see me as a brother. He repeated as if having a hard time believing it. Were it someone else saying that he would never have given it a second thought. But this was Seo Joo Hyun. Every conversation with her was like a lesson on subtext, she said more with her silence than with her words. Joo Hyun? Hmm? Give me two weeks. That said he cut the call leaving a confused Seohyun staring at her phone. Parking Lot.10 minutes. The message from Yonghwa read, and a confused Seohyun looked at the clock to see that it was one in the morning. Nevertheless she stood and wrapped a dressing gown around her and put on her glasses and made to walk out the room she shared with Hyoyeon when the other girl woke up. Where are you going? She asked blearily and Seohyun wordlessly passed the phone to her so that she could read the same message. Hyoyeon was soon wide awake and scrutinising the maknae. If youre not back in half an hour Im coming down with manager oppa. She said simply and pushed the younger girl out the door. With those words of encouragement Seo Joo Hyun fisted her hands in determination and made her way to the parking lot where a certain Jung Yonghwa was presumably waiting for her. It did not escape her attention that it was two weeks since hed cut the call on her. She walked out to see him practically quivering in excitement, fidgeting to the point where she was surprised she could see him at all when he really should have just been a giant blur. Choding she thought to herself smiling wryly at the dashing figure he cut in the impeccable grey jacket and was suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was horribly underdressed in comparison. You look like you just got away from a schedule. She remarked as she drew closer. I did. Today was my last day of filming WGM. The significance of what he said leapt to her mind but she told the happy voice in her head to be quiet.
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I didnt realise that was today. It was. They stood there looking at one another and then looking away when it got too intense. Soooo... She started, hoping that he would take the lead and ended up rolling her eyes when he just fidgeted some more. You called? Ah yes. Last time, you said you didnt think of me as a brother. Yes, I remember that. Well, I just wanted to say...Me too. You dont think of me as a brother? A million words to write songs and yet all he could say to her was Me too? He opened his mouth as if to say something and stopped. He closed his eyes tightly as if gathering his courage and stepped closer to her when he finally opened them. He put his hands on her forearms and drew her closer before sliding his hands down to her wrists and holding them gently and she gulped. Seo Joo Hyun, I know youre still not ready and still have a lot of growing up and maybe even some growing down to do since youre practically a halmeoni in a twenty year old body, He teased and tightened his grip on her wrists just in case she decided to hit him.And were both too ambitious to really commit to anything when we have our careers to distract us, but I dont want to look back four years down the line and think we missed out on the adventure of our lives just because we couldnt get our timing right. I know that I cant be your boyfriend right now and you cant be my girlfriend, but Id like to be in that place in between friends and more than friends that doesnt really have a label. So what do you say? Want to be my more than just a friend? She looked stunned. He looked nervous. From where Hyoyeon was hiding behind a car nearby with Jessica close behind, the two were like statues, they were standing so still until finally Seohyun moved further into the circle of arms he had created around her and his nervous smile grew into a cheek bursting grin. Okay. She whispered but the sound resonated in the practically empty parking lot and the two who were in the almost embrace could see fireworks while the two curious girls watching from their vantage point smothered whoops of triumph and happiness. So what does this mean? She couldnt help but ask. Now, He said leaning closer to her nose almost touching hers in a sweet little Eskimo kiss, Anything could happen. *********** Story 11 : Copycat He entered his room with smug grin all over his face. He quickly pulled his iPad out of his bag, opened a camera app, then snapped his self-portrait. After that he busily swiped left and right until he satisfied with the result. His smug grin grew into a big broad smile with signature cheeks-bursting. He stared at display of the iPad, looked by the left then right, then back to center. Ke ke ke ke ke.

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He snickered loudly in the room by himself. *** It had been a long time since YongSeo fans (aka. Gogumas) noticed how YongSeo had the similar hair colors time after time. They spazzed about these coincidences, but what they did not know was .. it was not any of coincidence, but purely intention. It was a copycat. *** When he went into his regular salon with the iPad in hand. He did not have much preference. Either straight hair or curly hair was up to the hair stylist noona, however she knew that whatever she suggested his bang had to be preserved. The more easier part was discussion about his hair color. The hair stylist noona knew well about the number of color she just used with the other one a few day ago. However, her profession made her at least inform her customer first. So, it was usual conversions Its mocha brown. She said. Ok. He said. *** Its orange brown. The hair stylist noona said a few month later. Yonghwa frown. What was different between mocha brown and orange brown anyway? In male vision brown was brown, so why brown had so many subtype that made him dizzy. However, who was he to complain? Just whatever color that match her was enough. So, he said his usual answer. Ok. *** It was his intention, since he had to remove his couple ring after the memorable white day. He tried to find something to replace a hole in his heart. It was a kind of feeling that something was missing. His ring finger felt naked; however, any other rings was not able to fulfill. So, he tried to find something else, more distinguish but subtle, more obvious but careful. And he finally found it when he was in the salon. He was with her that time. While she was discussing about her hair color, he just stared at her and observed situation. But, then, like a light bulb switched on in his head, he could have the same hair color as hers. It was so coupledly, but too general to make a match. The idea made him intrigued. Wow, he was brilliant. However, he decided he would not tell her about his scheme. Let just keep it secret, do it like a stalker, 'ke ke ke', he snickered under his breath. So, since then, he diligently copied her hair color like a low grade student would copy assignment from a top grade student. *** However, life was not easy when the hair stylist noona informed him about her 2-tone colors 'she' used for her latest album promotion. He almost said the same ok, but the hair stylist noona stopped him. She told him that 2-tone was
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popular among girls especially girls with a long hair. However, she did not recommend to boys. So what were choices left for him? So, he copied one of her 2-tone colors, and it was .. unfortunately .. blond. It was like copying the wrong answer. Once you copied you had to live with it, though it was wrong. *** Almost 5 months he was blond, he felt like he was getting older every time he looked into the mirror. He accepted that blond was not for him, but he had to be consistent with his image through out album promotion. And more importantly, she did not particularly changed her hair color yet. So, he waited, waited, and waited. Until one day he could not wait anymore, he went to the fourth floor of his dorm building, greeting her parents, then dragged her away to the salon. *** "What is it, oppa. Why did you drag me here?" "Hmm, I want you to be relax after concert tour, so perhaps new hairdo would made you feel good." Yonghwa suggested. Seohyun stared at him blankly for a while, then a low smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Hmm, how about you? Do you want a new hairdo, or, perhaps, a new color?" "Yeah, that would be great." She stared at him again. Her hand reached, then ran her finger through his dirty blond hair. And instinctively he leaned into her petting. "If you promise me to smile more and back to be your usual self, let go of that worry of yours, I'll let you choose color this time." It was his turn to stare at her. "You know?" He whispered. "De. I know and I think it's cute to have hair-color-ship. You're the best boyfriend in the world." Of course, nothing was better than your girlfriend's compliment. So, he puckered his lips, smashed them briefly on hers. Then he went to have a full discussion with the hair stylist noona. This time he would choose himself for both of them. *** That evening, when he went back to his room, brought out his iPad, and looked through newest album of his and hers snapping in the salon. Yeah, he felt good. They looked so good together in their midnight black hair. He felt overwhelming. Everything would be better and better from now on. He smiled again.
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- END Story 12 : 1 Try Again Whenever he was around she was skiddish and nervous and self-conscious; entirely unlike her usual self-assured and confident self. She feels like a kid again and not the successful person she has grown up to become. Those feelings were the same feelings she experienced when she stepped foot in her new middle school in Busan. Back then, she was the new city girl who had suddenly shown up to go to school with the local kids, and as time passed, she realized they didnt hate her. They just didnt understand her, and so for the duration of her schooling she led a fairly lonely existence, save for her kind unnie, Sunhwa, who kept a safe distance to make sure no one was terrorizing her. As a serious student, she actually preferred being alone. The girls admired her and although they were quiet and didnt look her in the eye very often, they did like her. They thought her to be intelligent, kind, and thoughtful, not snooty like past Seoul girls who could only stand Busan (or was it that Busan couldnt stand them?) for no longer than 6 months. She would help the girls with homework and piano when they asked and was known to volunteer weekly at the local animal shelter. They also liked her because although the guys admired her and would often confess to her, she never reciprocated and turned them down by smiling kindly, explaining that although she was flattered, she was not interested, then wishing them luck on their exams, which, of course, made them love her even more. Either she knew that all guys in Busan were spoken for or she just wasnt interested. They suspected the latter and left it at that. Unbeknownst to her, there had been one boy who had kept an eye on her from a distance and he knew she had no idea who he was. She wasnt that outgoing and didnt know everyone in their school, so he faded into the background and slowly developed a crush on her. He was handsome and popular among his friends his age, but he never ventured beyond their tight-knit circle. The girls loved him, but he was too busy with his music to notice them. That is, until Seo Joo Hyun showed up at their school. As time passed, the two maintained a distance that was appropriate for their non-relationship. They werent the same age, they werent in the same classes nor were they in the same clubs at school, and it was pretty obvious each was aware of the other, but that was it. The truth was, she didnt give him a second thought because she assumed he probably didnt consider her either. Life went on for the two and after they lived out their youth, they ventured beyond the confines of Busan and eventually emigrating to Seoul, where they experienced the broad spectrum of emotion that came along with becoming an adult. Tonight, she's going on a second date with a guy to a bar that features live music. It would be the first time she would be going to such a place, but she was up for the experience when the guy who asked her out suggested it. As she stands in front of her mirror, putting the finishing touches on her look, she rolls her eyes at herself and accepts that she really isnt attracted to her date. She was going to suggest that they just be friends, but before she could, he sprung the idea on her to listen to live music. She remembers biting her bottom lip, in consideration of the proposal, and decided she would hold off telling him that she just wasnt attracted to him. They walk into the darkened space and she stiffens when she feels her dates hand at the base of her back, guiding her through the crowd to an empty table on the periphery of the club. She forgets the uncomfortable feeling when she notices how many girls are crowded into the room and pushing toward seats at the front of the stage. She dismisses what she sees and settles into her seat, her date pulling his chair to sit closer to her, which she doesn't enjoy, but tolerates. The house lights dim and she sees figures moving across the stage, taking control of their instruments in their
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respective places. A single spotlight illuminates the front man while he strums his guitar and sings into the microphone, eyes closed, voice raspy. It isnt long before the rest of the lights turn on as the other members fold into the musical arrangement. The music is loud, but it has to be, because the girls are screaming at the top of their lungs, probably at the handsome front man who is much too into his music to even notice the horde of females who at any given minute could rush the stage and jump his bones. She admires his devotion to his craft. It is obvious he isn't doing music for the perks, but because he loves it. He is wearing jeans, high tops, and a black tank top that shows his arms muscle definition which begin to glisten under the hot lights. She wont outwardly admit it, but his arms take her breath away. She is rendered speechless when he raises his arm to point to the crowd and nearly faints when she sees his armpit hair. She has never seen a mans armpit hair in her life and she begins to feel her face flush with embarrassment. The feeling doesn't last with her sitting in the dark because she is secretly hoping he will raise his arm again. She is jolted to reality when she feels her dates arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him while his other hand rests above her knee. The more she thinks about it, the more she acknowledges that saying yes to a second date with this guy was a bad idea, but if she hadnt she wouldnt have been able experience this music, the silver lining to this weird situation. She leans away, allowing his arm to slip off and she removes his hand from her leg, and then returns her attention to the stage. She hears her date huff at her thwarting his advances, but she doesn't really care. The set goes on for 60 minutes and she is so enthralled by the performance, she doesn't even notice that her date leaves her in the club, alone, after the first 10 minutes. When their set is done, the leader shouts, We are CN Blue! Thank you!. The crowd goes crazy and all she can do is sit there in utter amazement at both the performance she's just witnessed and the frenzy of females screaming their names. She begins collecting her things when she hears a lag in the screams and a chorus of voices suddenly yell, Jung Yong Hwa! Saranghae! She turns to see which one of the guys on the stage acknowledges the yell and is surprised to see the lead singer wave. Her gaze lingers on him and he is none other than her school mate all those years ago in Busan. She gasps at the sudden realization and sits immobile and quiet as he packs up his stuff. She can't bring herself to leave, happy just watching him help his band members and moving around the stage happily. It had been a few years since she last saw him. It was his graduation and she remembered saying a little prayer for him that he do well in whatever he decided to do, wherever that took him. She had been standing with Sunhwa, his classmate, but would every once in awhile look over at the cluster of his friends. She remembers sighing to herself that it was a waste to not have spoken to him, to not have gotten to know him, and that for the 6 years they attended the same schools, they were relative strangers. She reaches for her purse, still undisturbed by the fact that her date had left a little over an hour ago, and checks her phone. There are no messages, no missed calls, and she is relieved. The crowd has dissipated and then he moves to the backstage. Before she hops off her stool, she closes her eyes once again, and prays that he continues to do well, that he is kept safe, and that he finds true love and happiness. She really means it. He was always a good guy. He works hard and deserves the best, so she sends out a little wish that will inevitably come true despite her little prayer. She moves toward the door and into the crowd at the bar, trying to maneuver toward the exit. It is uncomfortable, standing so close to people and she feels herself being pushed toward the bar. She gives up fighting the current and just waits to see where she ends up. She can then figure out how to get to the door then. It is loud in the middle of the crowd, and she feels herself being pushed forward, until she loses her balance and ends up against the person in front of her.
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The guy turns around and his eyes settle on her, while she blinks back. You, is all he says, the two of them standing face-to-face in a sea of people. His eyes bore into her and she feels like he sees right through the facade she is trying to maintain. Ah, sunbae, hello. You did really great, she says, slightly bowing and then backing away slowly. Well, good night. She turns to go and begins snaking through the crowd, when she feels a hand closing on her arm, Wait. She turns her head to see that the hand belongs to Jung Yong Hwa. Want to catch up? he shouts over the crowd in satoori. She looks around and he immediately leans in so she can hear him. Not here. Backstage? She finds herself nodding and he pulls her by the arm to follow him backstage. The crowd is difficult to move through and at one point, he loses her. He looks behind him and grabs her hand instead, wanting to ensure she is following him and that he isn't bruising her arm with his grip. As they traversed the crowd, she can't help but think how they might appear. The popular lead singer and guitarist is holding the hand of a girl and bringing her backstage. People might think they are romantically involved or that he had found a groupie he could easily score. She suddenly feels sick to her stomach, thinking she doesn't want to appear to be that girl. She wriggles free of his grip just as they are to duck into the backstage. Whats wrong? he asks in his normal volume. I, just, um... she looks behind her to see people looking at them. He also looks at the crowd and shrugs his shoulders. Whats the big deal? I just dont want to look like... Like what? he asks innocently, looking her in the eyes, and grabbing her hand again to take her backstage. She feels herself letting him pull her and she is quiet when they arrive at the green room. The three other guys in the band are sitting around, drinking water and checking their phones. They don't look up to see that she is there. Hyung, whats for dinner? Why dont you guys head back to the apartment and Ill be there later. To this, they look up and finally notice the tall, pretty girl who is with their hyung. They are quite surprised to see her. In the year and a half theyve known him, he has never brought a girl around. He had gone on a few dates, but things never went beyond the first date. Oh, and this is Seo Joo Hyun. She bows politely to greet them, Hello. They bow slightly in their seats and wave at her. Yonghwa is quickly rattling off their names and saying other things, which she can't follow because he is speaking so fast. All she can catch are bits and pieces Minhyuk...drums...your age. Jonghyun... Busan... guitar...sings. Bass...Jungshin...tall. She watches them as Yonghwa keeps rambling and they watch him, amused by his behavior. The guy is flustered. When he finishes, she bows again, Its very nice to meet you. You all did great.

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Suddenly, they stand up and begin grabbing their remaining instruments. Okay, well head home now. As quickly as they stand, they are gone, leaving the two of them alone and closing the door behind them. Please, sit. She does as he suggests, her back straight, her knees together, and her purse on her lap. Jung Yong Hwa-sshi, Yonghwa, Ne? Just call me Yonghwa. Or oppa. She feels uncomfortable doing so. They have never said a word to each other before tonight and now he wants her to shed the formality? She avoids it entirely, and opts to express her thoughts instead. Congratulations on your success. You seem to be happy and healthy, she says meaningfully. He smiles to himself. Thank you. You seem well too. She nods. The awkward silence is deafening. I hope your family is doing well, she offers. They are. And your family? They have since moved back to Seoul. They too are well. Another bout of silence looms and she begins to regret this opportunity to catch up. Things were easier when she admired him from afar. Well, Yonghwa-oppa, I should, she says uncomfortably, standing slowly from her seat. Oh, okay. There is another pregnant pause before he says, Do you maybe want to exchange numbers? She doesnt see the harm in doing so. He might never call her anyway, considering his popularity, so she rattles off her number as he dials it into his phone. Soon her phone is ringing. There. Now you have my number too. Here, he takes her phone from her and saves it to her contacts before handing it back to her. When she looks down at her phone hes listed himself as Yonghwa Oppa. Thanks. Well, Ill be going, she smiles and bows at him again before moving to the door. Joohyun, would you like to get some coffee some time? I dont drink coffee. Then maybe some tea? She ponders the proposal. Okay.

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Are you busy now? She looks at him and its as if his eyes are hoping shell say yes. No, Im not busy now. Then, we could go now, he suggests, a smile breaking across his face. She feels like she needs to clear the air before agreeing to coffee or tea. Yonghwa-sshi, Yonghwa oppa, he corrects. Yonghwa oppa, she says, with a slight smile on her lips. Im not the kind of girl you might be thinking I am. And what kind of girl is that? The kind who goes to watch musicians with the express intent of sleeping with them, she says honestly, but continues on. I had never been to one of these places and so a guy I didnt really like asked me out for a second date and mentioned this as the destination, so I agreed. Youre here with someone? he asks, incredulously. No. He left. He tried to make a move on me while I was watching the performance and I rebuffed him, so he left. He left you here? Alone? Yes, but it really wasnt going to work out so its not a big deal. I guess what Im trying to say is that I didnt come here to get your attention. In fact, I didnt even know you were here or that you were in the band. I didnt recognize you until those women screamed your name. I was happy to have watched you and I was on my way out the door when we met up back there. So if you decided to bring me back here with another thing in mind, Im sorry to disappoint you. It really has been nice seeing you again and I wish you all the best. He doesnt know how to respond and she doesnt wait for an answer. She bows slightly and walks out of the room and back into the bar. The craziness has died down and she quickly finds her way out of the bar. The Seoul air is nice and so she turns to walk to her car, determined to enjoy being out under the stars. She is satisfied with their interaction and is happy they at least exchanged words. She is lost in thought when she feels someone walking beside her, slightly startling her. It's Jung Yong Hwa. Seo Joo Hyun, may I ask you for a ride back to my apartment? The guys took the van with all our equipment, you see, and I dont have a ride. I promise, I wont try anything funny. The buses have stopped and I dont know if I have enough money for a taxi. She pauses for a few second before saying, Of course, its just this way to my car. They walk beside each other down the sidewalk, the streetlamps allowing them to walk in and out of the light. They are quiet, and all that can be heard are the occasional cars driving by and the steady sound of their footsteps. They arrive at her modest white Hyundai, a few years old and miles of wear evident. She unlocks the door and provides him with a disclaimer. The door sticks. You need to coax it a little, lift, then forcefully pull it open. He does as instructed and sure enough, the door needs a lot of attention before it opens up for him. He sits in the front seat while she slides into the driver seat. She closes the door and is about to put the key into the ignition when his hand reaches up to stop her from turning over the engine. Seo Joo Hyun, Im really happy you were in the audience tonight. Its been very nice seeing you again.
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She smiles and nods, while his heart melts. And Seo Joo Hyun? she turns to face him again. I just wanted to let you know that Ive always liked you. Even when we were in Busan. She is grateful. Thank you, I liked you too, she says congenially. No, I really liked you. Oh. She sits and thinks about what hes just said before she talks again. Yonghwa-sshi, Yonghwa oppa... he corrects. Yonghwa oppa, although I am flattered that youve just told me that you liked me, I hope you know that a little bit of flattery, whether its the truth or a lie, wont get me to throw myself at you. Hes surprised by what shes said. So do you think I pick up girls all the time? She nods. It must happen. I see how you string those womens emotions along when you perform. I got caught up in it for a little while too. And its okay if you do, but it wont happen with me. He chuckles. I mean, youre pretty slick to ask me for a ride because you supposedly dont have money and your ride left. But its true. Check my wallet. He hands over his wallet to her and he was right. Hes got a well-worn debit card, his drivers license, and about $10 in small bills in his possession. Oh. And just to be clear, Ive never asked someone to go back stage with me. In fact, since high school, I went on 2 dates with 2 separate girls and both dates ended with barely a hand shake. So what I guess Im trying to tell you is that Im not the kind of guy you think I am either. Heck, Ive never, uh, you know... She looks over at him and giggles and his eyes light up before theyre both laughing uncontrollably in her car. So can we start again? he asks, to which she nods. Id like that very much, she says, meaning every word, before merging her car onto the road. 12 - 2 : Smile Again Her car hums along as they travel upon the freeway, the sound filling the little gaps of quiet that arise after they finish a topic, which are few and far between. After promising to start over, the nervousness had vanished and they now filled the time talking, catching each other up with their lives. She had just moved to Seoul in the fall to attend college. She had been accepted to the top three universities in the nation: Seoul National, Sungkyunkwan, and Yonsei and opted for Seoul National University because of their international relations program and the hefty scholarship they awarded her. She was soon offered a prestigious undergraduate internship that gave her little free time, but which she enjoyed. He sat in amazement as she went on about her educational and career goals. He had no idea when they were in Busan that she had dreams of becoming a diplomat. He thought she was kind and smart and talented, but had no idea she was so ambitious.

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After graduating high school 2 years ago, he moved to Seoul to begin his music career. He took part time jobs and enrolled at Kyung Hee University so that his primary focus could be music. He met up with his band members at an open mic night at a local coffee shop and was pleasantly surprised to learn one of them, Jonghyun, was from Busan. The other two were her age and good guys. They began having steady gigs and developed a loyal following. The money was meager, but they were paying their dues and waiting for their big break. Like her, there was very little time for anything else. They had learned so much about each other in the past 15 minutes they had forgotten that they are about 5 minutes away from his apartment. Are you hungry? she asks. He is taken aback at the question. It was the last question he expected, considering their rocky start, but after their recent conversation, it was understandable that she felt comfortable to propose they have a meal together. Yes. Me too, she says. My date hadnt sprung for dinner before he bolted. He smiles apologetically, even though he had nothing to do with her previous situation. The guy was an imbecile and obviously didnt understand her. Then again, it was unfair for him to say that. Yonghwa had been in love with her since high school, so he knew her worth. Theres a restaurant close by or we could duck into one of the pocha. Its up to you. She purses her lips, considering the options, and he smiles to himself. Its a habit he hadnt really noticed in all the years he had observed her, but she had done it 2 times over the course of the evening, each time when she had to make a choice. Well, since we both dont have a lot of money, lets hit up the pocha, she offers, knowing she only has $20 in her pocketbook. He agrees, but is again surprised by her choice. She was always known to be ultra-careful about her diet in high school and was often seen munching on goguma, which she packed as her snack the 6 years she attended school with him. Something wrong? she asks, noticing his look of contemplation. Ahh, no. I thought I remembered you being very healthy when you were in high school and pojangmacha arent necessarily healthy. Im afraid its the curse of the poor university student. Beggars cant be choosey. Didnt you always pack goguma for snacks? You were paying attention? He blushes at the question. Of course he was paying attention. He had made it abundantly clear when he confessed to her when they first got into the car. All he can do is nod. Hes much too embarassed to utter the words that would further confirm the revival of his long-standing crush on her. Ahh, Im trying not to eat as much goguma anymore. My hands are bright yellow and I need a break. Her voice lowers a bit more and she utters, Im kind of getting sick of them already. He nods and smiles. Its really different talking with her. Its actually much better than he had imagined. He posits its because theyre much older and experienced and dont have the same juvenile tendencies that were shaped by their
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social surroundings. She had always given people the strong impression that she was very disciplined and never veered off the straight and narrow path. It was nice to know she was human. There is never any parking around here, he says, as she parallel parks her little car near the front of his apartment building. Youre lucky. I doubt that, she laughs while throwing her car into park and unclicking her seat belt. He does the same and begins to reach for the handle, but before he tries to opens the door, she cries, Ottoke! He turns to look at her and shes embarrassed, mumbling under her breath. She grabs her purse and hurries out of the car to the other side and works her magic on the car door that refuses to open. The door swings open and he sits amazed at exactly how strong she is. He struggled when he had to open the door, but here she was, a tall, slender, proper girl opening it up with very little effort. Isnt it supposed to be the other way around? he asks. What do you mean? Arent guys supposed to open doors for girls? That couldve happened... if we were in another car. You cant open the door from inside. This evening with her is turning out to be refreshing. Who knew she could be so down to earth? He wants to see what kind of girl she really is, so as they walk along the sidewalk toward the pojangmacha he asks, Are you thinking of getting another car? She doesnt hesitate. It gets me to where I need to go. Just because the door gives me a little trouble doesnt mean its worthless. I never really have passengers anyway. Besides, I dont need another bill to pay and this is already paid off. Your parents could chip in, he suggests. No. I want to pay my own way and they believe the same. Theyre helping me with about a quarter of my rent and they gave me this used car at graduation. They could afford to help me, but they, and I, believe the lessons learned from doing things on your own are much more valuable than a new car or easy lifestyle. Besides, if I want to become a diplomat, I need to understand how people live. Ive grown up in a privileged household most of my life. Its time I experience what most of the rest of the country has to do to survive. He is speechless. Pursuing music and the struggling musician lifestyle was a hardship. His family too, was well-off. His father was a successful businessman, who surprisingly supported his music. He supposed it was because his older brother would assume the reigns of the company, while he could do what he wanted, but still, it was not a comfortable life. They continued to support him by paying for his tuition, his part of the rent, and his living expenses. The two girls he dated were the daughters of rich families. His parents had suggested that he meet them, which he didnt mind doing since he owed them that much, but on both dates, it became evident that they were part of the society that he could easily return to, but wouldnt. When they found out he was a musician, they were first shocked that he lived so humbly when he didnt have to, then began to plot ways to make him better. He felt like a project, like a lap dog that gets dressed up, but has no real function. He refused to settle for the comfortable and ordinary if he wasnt passionate about it. After processing her last answer, he changes the subject, just so he doesnt have to talk about how hes struggling through life. Compared to her, he is living very comfortably. He promises himself that he needs to work harder and struggle a little more to wean himself off his parents financial support. Then he wouldnt feel obligated to go out with those materialistic heiresses they keep encouraging him to date.
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So, between us, weve got $30. Do you think well be okay? he asks. I think so. Just as a warning, I eat a lot, so lets order stuff we can get lots of. You know the menu, so you decide. He nods. What about drinks? Hmm. Well, I prefer makgeolli over soju, but we may not have enough for alcohol. Lets see.... Hes curious. So do you go to pocha all the time? It seems like you know how things work. I wouldnt say all the time, but a lot more than Id like. They duck under the tent and choose a little table in the corner. The ahjumma comes by to take their order and they are soon sitting face to face, a different and slightly awkward arrangement than theyre used to. Its easier to talk to someone when theyre beside you and you dont have to look at their face. He takes a chance. I wish we knew each other in high school. She ponders his response, her lips turning up ever so slightly. Me too... but this is good too. Yeah. High school is weird. Youre both immature and awkward, and then theres the social construct with peers that can be vicious. He agrees. He opted to stay out of the cliques and concentrate on music. Like minded people eventually gravitate toward each other and it was a relief that the people around him were just like him, but he knows she was a bit of a loner, save for a couple of close friends. There is a lag in the conversation. It seems theyve thoroughly caught up and have nothing to talk about, but they are gratefully interrupted by his phone. He retrieves it from his pocket and sees its from his mother. Omo! Its my mom. Its okay, go ahead and pick it up, she says and begins to stand up to give him more privacy under the tent, but he motions for her to stay put. Hello, mom? Yeah, it went great. Uh-huh, yeah. Im having dinner. No, theyre back at the apartment. No, with someone I went to school with. Yes, in Busan. He looks over at her and shes checking her phone, typing furiously with her fingers. He needs to end this conversation with his mother before she begins prying and hes forced to say something embarrassing in front of Joohyun. Okay, Ill call you guys tomorrow. Good night. He hangs up as she puts the phone down on the table. Everything okay? Yeah, my mom calls me after each gig to find out how things went. What about you? My mom texted me 5 times and was getting worried because I didnt respond. She knew I went out on a second date with someone I wasnt particularly fond of and started thinking I mightve gotten kidnapped or killed. You know how dramatic mothers can get, she says, a sparkle in her eye that makes him hold his breath.

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Theyve hit a critical point in the evening and what transpires in the next 10 minutes will determine the course of whatever path theyre on. He decides to throw caution to the wind and tell her about one of his disastrous dates, which just so happens to be when the soju arrives to the table. They begin pouring drinks for each other as he starts. My mom called me before, during, and after the date she set up for me with one of the heiresses of another Busan family. He notices a look in her eye that he swears is jealously, but it fades and he continues on with his story. My mom had set up the date, ordered, and paid for the date before it even began. She made me video chat with her so she could see what I was wearing. Luckily, I still had one of those suits I had to wear when I was in high school that still fit. She rented the driver to pick us both up and drop us home. It was my moms perfect date. He sees that same look in Joohyuns eye, but it looks like envy, or so he thinks. Hes probably wrong. The food comes and they dig in, while he continues his story. The thing about it is that it was far from a perfect date. The girl was allergic to peanuts and started going into anaphylactic shock that required her to jam her epi-pen into her leg to stop her throat from swelling up. She broke out in hives, even on her lips and eyelids. Oh no! Was she okay? Yes, she was fine, and she suggested that we try going on another date, minus the peanuts, but I just couldnt. She was pretty enough, but we were talking about business, our parents businesses, and those business expansions and yearly earnings and losses, and other children of magnates and where theyre headed and I just couldnt do it. I grew up listening to that my whole life. Why in the world would I come here to pursue music only to go out on a date with someone to talk about the same things I found entirely uninteresting? Oh, and she was pretentious, talking down at people, occasionally talking down at me. Yeah, that wasnt going to happen again. He looks at her and shes looking down at her lap. Shes not texting on her phone because its sitting on the table. It worries him that she might have gotten turned off my his story, but he needs to see what her response will be. He reaches over and pours her another drink before refillng his own glass. She sighs before she looks back at him. I went out with a guy who seemed to have a lot of promise. He appeared serious about his studies and ambitious. Well, he picked me up on a date and brought me straight to an arcade. I had to watch him play video games. He didnt bother to see if I was okay or if I was hungry, so after 2 hours, I got up and left him. It was by far, one of my worse dates. You stayed for 2 hours? Why? And is one person leaving the other in the middle of a date standard for you? She laughed. I know, right? Youre not going to get up and walk away, are you? Theyre both quiet. She realizes what shes just said and looks nervous, I mean, not that this is a date or something, but.... Its true. Its not a date, but the feelings are good and they have been longtime admirers of the other, so does it matter? He decides to play it off to make her feel comfortable. Well, I dont usually walk out in the middle of stuff I enjoy. She nods. Yeah, this has been pretty fun. They continue eating in silence. Id really like to show you our apartment. She shoots him a skeptical look. Are you kidding me? I mean, no, its not what you think. I want to show you the little studio Ive set up. Ive started composing. Have you been composing a lot?
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Nah, not really. I have a few melodies and a bunch of lyrics. Do you still play the piano? How did you know I play the piano? Lizzy, my friends little sister, said you helped her prepare for a recital. Ahh, Lizzy. Right. No, I dont play as much as I used to. I sold my keyboard for textbooks, so now I sneak into rehearsal rooms at the university to get my fix. Wow, I couldnt imagine selling a guitar. You know, Ive got a keyboard thats hooked up to my studio. Its not a big set up. Its just sitting on my desk in my room... he stops before he continues and shes looking at him amused. Again, are you kidding me? You want to show me your recording setup in your apartment, thats in your bedroom? I swear, this isnt a ploy to get you into my bed. I just really want to show it to you. It means a lot to me and I think youd appreciate it. Well, the invitation is open, he says, chuckling. Theyve eaten all of their food and theyre full. Theyve got enough for 2 more bottles of soju, but decide to order 1 more, the last hurrah under the pocha. Theyre not drunk, but they are feeling loosened up after a few drinks. Theyre a lot less careful about their words and mannerisms and it feels great. So, she braves, If you liked me in high school, why didnt you approach me? Hes taken aback by the question. She notices how he flinches and tries to recover I mean, its a stupid question. Forget it. Its okay. The truth is, he doesnt know how to articulate it. I dont know. They are quiet again before she says something. I liked you in high school too, but I didnt say anything either. Hes shocked. All this time, he thought he was harboring feelings for her and that she wouldnt give him a second look, but in fact, she did like him. Why didnt you say anything? I didnt think youd like me back and I was too afraid of being rejected, so I just kept it to myself. There. It was out there and both of them sat trying to come to terms with how cowardly they were in the past. Its funny how life works, huh? he asks as they each sip their soju, nodding to his statement. We were both afraid of rejection and now we can sit here talk about it. Its a little embarrassing, but I like it. Me too, she says. Seems the powers decided to have us meet up again. Im grateful. The ahjumma comes by to see if they need anything else and they hand her the money to cover their tab, while thanking her for the wonderful hospitality. They walk side-by-side, their hands stuffed into their pockets in the cool spring air. His apartment is about 5 minutes away, 10 if they walk slow, which they do because he dictates the pace. He doesnt want this night to end. Even though he has her number and she has his, he likes being with her. Hes never felt this way about a girl and hes just so amazed that its with the girl hed admired all along. They had laughed and smiled a lot tonight, much more than he was used to and he was glad to be able to smile again. She made it all possible. This seems like a good neighborhood, she says, looking around at the apartment buildings, as the trees over head sway in the breeze. It is. Its quiet and relatively safe.
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He wants to grab her hand or put his arm around her, but its too soon. Judging by her reactions to him trying to show her his recording studio, shell likely freak out. That is, until he feels her thread her arm through his, as they walk. It feels awkward at first, but with each step, it feels more and more right, like theyve been doing it for years. He can see the front door of his apartment building and his stomach begins to churn at having to end the night. I had a really great night, he hears her say softly beside him and hes beginning to feel physically ill at having to separate from her. Thank you, Yonghwa oppa. They are soon at her car and they engage in a quick, friendly embrace, complete with pats on the back. Thanks Joohyun. It was nice meeting up with you. Give me a call every once in awhile. She nods. Go on ahead, she says, as she leans against at her car, watching him as he backs away from her. Its supposed to be the other way around, he whines. What do you mean? Im supposed to open the car door, and Im supposed to see to it that you go into your apartment. She laughs, baring her teeth, and the sound of her voice tickles his ears. He holds his hand up to wave at her before turning around slowly to walk into his building. He reaches for the door when he hears her. Yonghwa oppa? He turns to face her and shes no longer leaning against her car. Is your studio currently open for visitors? He nods as she walks slowly toward him, a bright smile breaking over his face, as they walk side-by-side into the apartment building. 12 - 3 : Back Again The guys are sitting in the living room, slouched down in the couch, watching TV, while the remnants of their fried chicken dinner are sitting on the table. Since Yonghwa had said he would not be going home with them after their gig, they had to fend for themselves. Its not as if they cant cook, its just that their hyung cooks that much better, plus they needed food pronto, so they went with the most convenient... they called in for chicken to be delivered, and boy, was it yummy. Theyre so stuffed that they cant even move to clean up. Theyll likely get reprimanded by their leader, but after a great gig and a yummy chicken dinner, they dont much care. Besides, Minhyuk and his ahjumma ways will kick in in about 15 minutes, so everythings cool. They just want to decompress and why shouldnt they? They deserve it. Who was that girl with hyung tonight? Minhyuk asks. The other two shrug their shoulders. Never seen her before, Jonghyun says. Me too, says Jungshin. Cant have been another one of those snooty socialites, Jonghyun adds. She looked normal. Pretty, but quite normal, Jungshin says.

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Yeah. She was tall, for a girl, Minhyuk throws in. I wonder if thats going to be a problem... The three chuckle. Their vertically challenged hyung has a complex about being the shortest of the four of them, so the height of that girl might become a sore spot. Well, do you think shes a friend or something else? Minhyuk asks. The other two are quiet, probably thinking back to Yonghwas behavior. Well, he was talking fast and kind of rambling, Jungshin mentions. And he did say he was going to hang back, Jonghyun says. Ill say something else, Jungshin says with confidence. Like a groupie? Minhyuk poses. Or a one-nighter? Its entirely unlike Yonghwa to talk with girls comfortably, let alone talk about girls, but there was a twinkle in his eye as he was watching her. It was unlike anything theyd ever seen before. Nah, I think he likes her. Jonghyun offers. When in the world would he find someone? Hes constantly busy. Jungshin says. Well, well see. Knowing him, she might be a passing fancy. They lapse back into watching TV again, and hear the keypad at the door chirp, which means someone was granted access to the apartment. They know its just Yonghwa, so they dont move and continue to laze about. Hyung... Jungshin whines, waiting for him to make an entrance into the living room, but he doesnt show. Hyung! he tries again, but there is no answer, just murmuring at the foyer. Minhyuk makes a motion like a phone and brings it to his ear to indicate he might be having a conversation. Ah, no matter, theyre too lazy and since when did they start greeting their leader at the door? Theyll see him when he makes an appearance. Theres a hilarious skit on SNL Korea and they suddenly let loose guffaws and laughing snorts. Who knew Jay Park could be so hilarious? Out of the corner of their eye, they see their leader entering the room. Hes mortified by what hes discovered and they dont understand why until a nanosecond after he enters the room. The girl they met in the dressing room is right behind him. Oh, hello, they say, jumping up and moving around to clean up the mess on the table. Hey, hyung. They move swiftly to carry everything to the kitchen, while Jonghyun goes back to wipe the table and put it away. Yonghwa and that girl, Joohyun, continue to stand where they are, not moving, until the activity dies down, but she has since come to stand behind him, not wanting to make eye contact with any of them. When they are done and standing side by side, Yonghwa finally speaks, You all remember Seo Joo Hyun... She steps out from behind him and politely bows to them. Hello again. Shes come here to check out where I record, he says, a stupid smile plastered over his face. He doesnt even sound angry for walking in on a mess. Somethings up. He reaches back and grabs her hand to guide her to his room. She
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looks nervous, bowing as she moves toward his room. He shows her in and turns to close the door behind him, avoiding their stares. They turn off the TV and decide to convene in Jonghyuns room, the room farthest from Yonghwas. They move swiftly and duck in, closing the door behind them. Jonghyun turns on the music while the three of them huddle close and begin whispering furiously, Jungshin on the chair and the other two sit on the bed. What in the world? asks Jungshin. He brought her back here? Minhyuk adds. What does that even mean? Jonghyun asks. Hes never even blinked at another girl, yet tonights hes brought one back to their apartment. What? Shes the first girl to breach their man cave. Hes gotta be in love with her. Again, how is that even possible? You think he was exchanging texts with her before tonight? No, hes barely even on his phone. When do you see him texting? Or talking for that matter? Most of the time, hes talking with his mom. Shes got to be from his past. Maybe an old girlfriend? Hyungs never had a girlfriend before. How do you know? He told me... and I believe him. Hes awkward around girls. They stop and turn down the music. They hear something beyond the door and file out of the bedroom, only to see Yonghwa in the kitchen fetching 2 glasses of water. In the background they hear classical music emanating from his room. He has a dopey smile on his face and he tells them, Its Chopin. They move to his bedroom and stand in the doorway. She is sitting in front of his keyboard, her fingers flying over the keys. Yonghwa comes up from behind them. Shes playing it from memory. Fantasie Impromptu, he says proudly. Their jaws are on the ground as they watch that quiet, unassuming girl play the keyboard like a prodigy, never missing a beat or a note. She is swaying along to the music, her eyes on the keyboard, when she stops abruptly and sees their three eager faces. Omo! He pushes through the wall of guys to hand her a glass of water, which she accepts before he sits down on his bed, close to her. Wah, Seo Joo Hyun, youve still got it. Oppa, I havent played that song in awhile, she says, dreamily, looking at him. The guys look at each other. They recognize intoxication from a mile away. What in the world is going on?!! ************

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Story 13 : Jung Yonghwa the Extraordinaire As a boy, all Yonghwa wanted was a little sister that he could play with after seeing the Hyung next door piggybacking his sister around the front yard. True, he has lots of happy times with his own brother too. Always chasing each other around the house, racing down the street, snowball fights and all. Typical boyish activities, really. But Hyung was older than him and he didn't have much time to play with him now. Unlike the little girl next door who always laughed happily when her brother carried her around and built snowmen during winter. Gathering his courage, he approached his mother one evening after dinner when she was watering her plants. He pulled at her skirt lightly and used his sweetest voice. "Omma." "Yes Yonghwa? Do you need anything?" His mother asked him with her ever melodious voice. Yonghwa nodded. "What is it? Tell omma." She went down to his level and held his right hand. "I want a sister!" He looked towards the house next door, "like Hani next door!" His mother let out a loud chuckle and pat his shoulder. "Aigoo, why are you so cute today? Go play with jinggie." She pushed him towards the direction of their Maltese that was currently chasing his own tail around the garden. And that was that. ***** "If my eyes don't fail me, Mr and Mrs Jung, that's your daughter waving to you now." The gynae told them as she directed their sight to the screen where the ultrasound was reflected with a pointer. "She's very healthy, good and strong heartbeat and averaging the size of a sweet potato." Yonghwa's ears blocked out everything after 'daughter'. He's going to have a daughter! ***** The day of Jung Yeonhee's birth was a chaotic one. She came a little earlier than expected, catching everyone by surprise. Yonghwa was preparing for a live emcee program when he got the call from Jessica. "Get your arse to SNUH now! Seohyun is in labour!" Jungshin had to take his role for that sudden departure. When he rushed to the hospital in his tux that was now crinkled and untucked, Seohyun was already in the theatre. After being given the green light he immediately dashed inside.

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She was sitting up, hair untied and beads of sweat coming down her forehead from the amount of strength she was exerting. This wasn't the first time they were having a baby but the sight of her in pain was torment to him. He swore within the quick steps to go to her side that he'll treat her a million times better. "Seohyun ah, mianhe for only coming now." Yonghwa took one of her hands in his, kissing her cheek. "Opp-a." Seohyun closed her eyes at yet another wave of pain. "Neomu a-pa." She clenched his hands hard, as if it'll transfer some of what she was feeling to him. "It's ok Hyun, the doctor said her head can be seen, just one more try, please." Nodding feebly, she held onto him with all her might and gave one more shot. "Congratulations!" Cries of the baby could be heard across the room. "It's a girl!" "When the nurse handed him the pink bundle after cleaning her up, Yonghwa was at a loss for words. The little girl's lips curled ever so slightly, displaying proudly her first smile for her father. ***** When Yeonnie turned one, Yonghwa threw the pinkest party in his life, outdoing anything Tiffany ever did. Pink walls, drapes, cake, pink paper wrapped presents, pink everything. "Wow, I thought I was bad but your husband just showed me what's extreme." Tiffany told Seohyun as she admired the whole set up with an evil glint in her eyes. A few metres beside them, Nichkhun held his twin boys closer to him, a look of horror on his face after hearing the conversation that transpired between his wife and Seohyun. Meanwhile, Jung Yonghwa was a pabo father for his princess and proud of it. While the birth of his daughter brought him much joy, it also helped him to appreciate the presence of a son more than ever. With Yeonnie, he was careful, very careful. He'd never had a sister so having a daughter was all very new to him. But with Yoohyun, it was a lot of fun. He loved it when they played baseball with his little bat for kids in the backyard; not forgetting accidentally breaking the window to the study once. The wrath incurred from Seohyun for that broken window was crazy, he suspected it was also because the ball caused a dent in her bookshelves. Since then, their play area was moved to the park near their estate. Fully equipped with sporting facilities and a good sized basketball court, father and son had the best times there. They never failed to lose track of time and only dragged their feet home grudgingly when Seohyun came with Yeonnie in her arms, a scowl on her face. There was one time Yeonnie fell when she was learning how to walk. Her steps got too eager and she tripped over herself in front of her father.
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She got a little scrape on her kneecap from the fall and cried non stop even after Yonghwa picked her up and carried her around. Imagine Seohyun's shock when she came down to find the two, her daughter still sobbing and her husband's eyes were rimming with welled up tears. "Oppa! Wae!?" She exclaimed, running towards abs offering to hold the baby. Yonghwa refused to hand his princess over. "The way she's crying because she's hurt hurts me." Seohyun had to refrain from rolling her eyes. Is he being this dramatic because he wasn't offered a role in the longest time? She then brought out a tube of antiseptic cream and applied a little on Yeonnie's little wound. The girl stopped crying in a bit. When she returned after putting back the cream Seohyun was greeted with the sight of father and daughter playing around on the couch, laughing like just now didn't happen. Yeonnie apparently inherited her father's dramatic side other than his nose and mouth. As they grew older together, their children grew with them too. Yeonnie was now four and Yoohyun was seven. It was the age where kids were especially sticky to their parents. She loved it when she looks out of the windows to see Yonghwa, Yoohyun and Yeonnie running around the backyard happily. Seohyun has a lot of conflicting feelings seeing them grow; she can't imagine when they're old and independent enough to leave her care. She thinks her heart might break. One night, Seohyun asked Yonghwa who he loved more, Yoohyun, Yeonnie or Seohyun. To many, this was a trick question. No answer will be right for someone who asks this question. But this is Jung Yonghwa. Singer/Composer/Rocker/Family man extraordinaire. "Yoohyun is a boy." He helped to cover the duvet over her. "Boys have to be educated and disciplined because they're tasked to take care of someone else's daughter in future. I'm toughing him up because I want the father to be able to hand his daughter over to my son with total trust and no worries, just like how your father did." Of all the answers she expected, she never expected this. Yonghwa smiled at his wife's mildly surprised expression and dropped a kiss on her lips before continuing. "Yeonnie is like a replica of you. A mini Seohyun." He laid by her side and tucked her closer into his arms. "What I couldn't experience with you during that stage of your life, I'm experiencing with her now. I can never give you enough, Seohyun ah, so I'm giving whatever I couldn't give you until I met you to her." Seohyun began to regret asking that stupid and senseless rhetorical question.
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"I love our children," Yonghwa kissed her temple, "but I think nothing can surpass the love I have for their mother." It must be her PMS, otherwise she wouldn't be tearing at this mushy confession. Inside, Yonghwa did a happy dance at passing another "philosophical session" with Seohyun successfully. Even he was amazed with the eloquence he has at times. Please, they don't call him extraordinaire for nothing. ************ Story 14 : Of Confessions and Moves I cant believe you hit him because he said I love you! Seohyun shook her head at Yoona. Yoona had come over to Seohyuns house for some special girl time and collapsed onto the bed and screamed into the pillow. It had taken a lot of cajoling and two bowls of rice for her to get to a point where she could finally talk and the two maknaes of Sonyuh Shidae found themselves in the kitchen Seohyun perched on the barstool while Yoona sat on the counter swinging her legs like a child. A tub of ice cream sat right next to her and the two were continually dipping their spoons in and out of them in between boy talk. I didnt know what else to do, I figured he was just joking, I mean who says I love you to a person theyve only known well for a year?! A year is a long time. Yeah well its not long enough. Yoona sulked. I dont know if I can say it back. Not yet any way. She whispered as if afraid of saying it out loud and Seohyun rubbed her back soothingly. For now lets just work on you not hitting Jonghyun every time he says I love you. The younger girl said tentatively. You mean hes going to say it again! Yoona looked at Seohyun with something akin to horror in her eyes. This was the scene that Yonghwa walked into. After a while of living in the same building as Seohyun hed come to think of her home as his and her parents as his too (much to Seohyuns consternation, she may be loving and caring but damn it, they were her parents, not his!) and had his own copy of the key and thought nothing of just going in without any warning. Well, well, well, what do we have here? He said smugly. Yong Seobang! Yoona said happily. Ah youre here? I thought you were spending the day with Jonghyun today? He said, his satoori coming out at the thought of being caught trying to get some extra time with his girlfriend in between schedules and flights. When his words caused a sudden downturn in Yoonas upbeat mood he panicked and started stammering. W-What did I say - He turned a questioning look to Seohyun who had resumed patting her unnie on her back but still managed to shoot him a smile. Yong Seobang, you know Jonghyun well right? Of course.
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So... Oh maybe I shouldnt... Its okay you can ask me anything. Well say hypothetically, Jonghyun tells someone he loves them and they respond by hitting them, would he still continue to say it again and again? You hit him?! Hes a judo champion and he didnt even dodge it? What do they put in the water for you girls that makes you so violent?! Yonghwa exclaimed, well aware that all of Seohyuns unnies were prone to hitting people when they were excited and rubbed his head where Taeyeon had smacked him last time for making Seohyun blush. I didnt-" Yoona started and stopped clenching her fists in frustration. "Okay so maybe I did but I dont know how to react to it! And you came to Joohyun for advice?! He asked with a snort. Hey, whats that supposed to mean?! Seohyun exclaimed, utterly indignant but he just looked at her nonplussed. I mean that when I told you I love you started hyperventilating and ended up fainting because you werent getting enough oxygen. He said witha completely straight face and Seohyun blanched before looking everywhere but Yoona and Yonghwas incredulous faces. Yeah well when I told you that I love you, you started talking in a high pitched voice like youd just inhaled helium! That was because you were driving at the time and I was scared for my life! Says the man who took longer than me to get his drivers license. Hey! Im surprised you didnt pass out, you were stammering so much I could barely understand what you were saying! Well you understood it well enough to start breathing like someone had just- Unbeknownst to the two squabbling lovers (she still couldnt wrap her head around that, when did her baby Seohyunnie turn into someone who was part of a lovers?!) Yoona backed out and went out into the hallway and into the elevator. Before long she found herself back outside the CNBlue dorm knocking on the door and shifting from one foot to the other nervously. When the door finally opened, a bruised Jonghyun opened the door with tissues wadded up his nose. I dont remember hitting you on the nose... She said looking at him strangely. De doh hid be whed you thlammed id. It took her a few minutes to understand what he was saying but when she did she grew even more apologetic. Im sorry I hit you. And that the door hit you when I slammed it. Ids otay, I wushed you. No you didnt, even if youd said that to me twenty years form now Id still react that way. I cant say it back now but I feel it. I might not be able to say it though.And if you said it to me again I might hit you again too. Ah. Iww invesht in bandagesh and a wiftive suppwy of tigew balm. This time she didnt understand what he said.
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What? She said confusedly and he took the tissues out of his nose with a grimace. Ill invest in bandages and a lifetime supply of tiger balm. She flung herself onto him and he patted her head and hugged her closer. So what changed your mind? I saw Seohyun and Yonghwa. Clearly dysfunctional can still be functional. She pulled him into yet another deep kiss and then grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the elevator. Where are we going? He asked checking his nose in the shiny elevator walls. To Hyunnie and Yong Seobang. I have to thank them. She said excitedly pulling on his hands and opening the door to Seohyuns home only to stop in confusion once she entered the living room. Theyre not here. And they left their clothes lying around, why- Ah Yoona? Jonghyun said nervously tugging her out of the house. Maybe they wanted to spend some time alone. She shot him a confused look. Alone, alone. And the confusion cleared up and Yoona looked at Seohyuns bedroom door, impressed. Maknaes got moves! She said distractedly patting herself on the back for having a part in perverting Seohyun and the two lovebirds left the house. Only a second later a rumpled Seohyun popped up from behind the sofa breathing hard, one thin strap falling down exposing the little mole on her shoulder. Think they noticed? A tanned arm shot out and grabbed her by the chin pulling her back behind the safety of the sofa and a low raspy voice growled. Dont care. Because Jung Yong Hwa had moves too. ********* Story 15 : The Dubu Diaries (1) Seohyun tried the taste of the curry that she had boiling on the stove for one last time before turning off the heat in satisfaction. The rice cooker started that tune it played whenever the rice was ready. Dinner was set, she just had to take out some side dishes that her mother had made before serving. She'll admit, she's not a kitchen goddess even after three years of being someone's girlfriend but she was learning! Yonghwa and her unnies said she was steadily improving and even the CNb boys downstairs don't complain about her kimchi anymore! Taking off the apron and hanging it back she headed for her bedroom, intending to take a quick shower. Yonghwa texted about ten minutes ago saying that they'd just landed in Incheon. Dubu was playing with a new toy that Taeyeon bought in its little bed when she passed by him. ******

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She rummaged through the last drawer in her wardrobe and found her preferred outfit for the night. Blue Moon World Tour official tee! Yoona unnie helped her to get it through connections (Lee Jonghyun, who else?) when she said she needed one. Seohyun checked her outfit in the mirror again after she was done. Blue moon tee with denim shorts; she pulled her hair into a simple ponytail. Tada! Perfect for a summer night to welcome your other half who just happens to be a rock star. She went out of her bedroom after a quick spray of their favourite room scent around it. Dubu ran towards her happily when he saw his owner, wagging his tail around her as she set the table. Her mobile vibrated just as she arranged the pair of chopsticks by the bowls. 'Reached! Coming up now.' Seohyun counted three minutes before she heard the automatic lock doing its usual routine of scanning and identifying. Yonghwa oppa was outside. She was going to A white shape pelted towards the door when it opened. Dubu started jumping around excitedly and woofing and sniffing Yonghwa before he was fully inside the house. Yonghwa put his bags down and scooped the puppy with his hand before closing the door behind him. "Hyun ah," he called out. "Ne, oppa?" Seohyun went forward with a big smile, preparing to take the puppy from him. "Help me with the bags, thanks!" He grinned and held up the puppy, it started licking him on his face. Yonghwa laughed at the obvious affection Dubu was giving him, "do you miss appa that much?" Little Dubu woofed to agree readily. Taking one of the smaller paper bags from the pile that he'd brought back Yonghwa went to the couch, Dubu happily settled within his arms. He sat the dog on his lap and took out something before gesturing Seohyun to come forward. "Seohyun ah, look!" Seohyun hurriedly went to sit beside him, it's ok if he forgot their usual welcome kiss and hug, maybe he was too eager to show her what he got. "Cute right?"

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In Yonghwa's hands was a mini sized Blue Moon concert tee, so mini that Seohyun thought it would be hard even for a baby to wear it. "A fan made it for Dubu, jinjja wanjeon kyeopta." He marvelled at the tee and held it out by the sleeves to show Dubu. "You like it? This is limited edition! Full of love from appa's fan." Dubu responded to him by wagging his tail and hopping around his legs. "Keke jashik ah-" "Ne?" "Oh mianhe Seohyun ah, that was for Dubu." Seohyun was rendered speechless. She looked at how Yonghwa's full attention was back on dubu as he helped it to wear the tee. Orz. Seo Dubu's surname is Seo! Not Jung! Aigoo... When she got Dubu initially she thought her worst case scenario would be a jealousy fight between Yong choding and Dubu. Not her being jealous of her dog! She was wearing his Blue Moon tee too! Where's the compliment she was waiting for? "Wah, uri Dubu jinjja kyeopta." Her thoughts was disrupted by Yonghwa's marvel at the puppy who was now donned in the special made tee. "Dubu ah, you're cuter than Ginger, Prince and Hani." He laughed at his statement before adding, "don't tell them I said that!" As if remembering something, Yonghwa left Dubu on the couch before taking quick steps to rummage something from his bag. He took out a shirt and changed it in front of Seohyun before running back to the couch. "Uri couple ah, Dubu ssi." Yonghwa took out his own concert tee and wore it to match the puppy. Again, he laughed at his joke and took out his mobile. "Seohyun ah selca, palli!" Seohyun came over and sat beside, preparing to pose for one when Yonghwa put his phone in her hand. "Help us take a picture! Thanks!" She could feel her nostrils flaring...
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Grudgingly, Seohyun took the picture for them before huffing and settled herself at the corner of the sofa. "Hyun, I'm hungry." Seohyun turned her head slowly, a deadly glint in her eyes. "Do I look like a restaurant?" "A-ani." Yonghwa was flustered, what got into the girl? "I just- you said you cooked..." "I did. But I decided that its not for you now. I'm bringing it down for the boys." "What?" "You heard me." "But I'm hungry!" Seohyun left the couch to start packing the food for the dorm downstairs. For the first time in a long time, Yonghwa had to cook ramyun for himself. ***** "What?" Seohyun snapped when she felt Yonghwa'a arms circling around her waist as he crawled into bed. "Missed you." He inched nearer to snuggle on her neck. "Doesn't feel like it." She scoffed and tried to move away when his hold hot tighter. "Aish go sleep with Dubu! Annoying man." Seohyun could feel his chuckle before he joked, "ya, are you jealous?" When she didn't reply after an extended period of time, he realised it wasn't a joke. "Ya, you really are jealous! Of Dubu!" Silence was still her answer. "Goodness, Seohyun ah, why would you be jealous of your dog?" She huffed and turned away. "Ehh, don't be. You know you're still my favourite." "Liar!" She sat up and looked down at him, index finger pointing on his chest. You threw your bags when you came home and didn't give me a hug or kiss. I was wearing a blue moon shirt too! And you rather take a selca with Dubu and not me!" To be honest, Yonghwa was intimidated whenever Seohyun had her fangs out. She may be gentle mostly but when she's annoyed she's a force not to he reckoned with. "I'm just building rapport with him!" He quickly explained, "Dubu is just a baby, right? He's like our baby and this is
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the age where he needs tender loving care." "Hmmm." Seohyun agreed grudgingly. "And you know both of us being males, we need men talk from time to time too. " He could feel her trying to stop herself from laughing. "Ya, stop touching places you shouldn't!" Seohyun held into his wandering right hand near her derrire. "Why!" "No why." She pulled the comforter more snugly around her. "That's for neglecting me, hmph!" Outside, Dubu was happily sleeping in the corner that Seohyun gave him since day one, still donned in that specially made puppy sized Blue Moon tee. The Dubu Diaries (2) "Guess what?" Seohyun hopped to sit beside Yonghwa after checking her mobile. "What?" Yonghwa automatically asked, eyes on the new game he was playing on the iPad. Minion crush. "I slept with Minho." "Oh that's nic- WHAT." "Stop playing the game for a bit!" Seohyun took the iPad away from him and hid it behind her. He could feel the contours of her torso as she leaned in closer underneath the thin top she was wearing in the midst of summer. Oh she was trying to seduce him? She could have just did it instead of being coy and all, Yonghwa thought as he reached his hands underneath the thin material covering her... "AISH. Oppa, not now!" Seohyun stilled his wandering hand that was hovering dangerously close to her chest. Men, seriously. "Or at least, not until you hear what I have to say." Yonghwa sat up like a obedient three year old the next moment, ears perking up to hear what she had to say. "Go on, Hyunnie. I'm all ears!" "You know we'll be having our first concert in Taiwan in a few weeks right?" "Yup, the first stop outside of Seoul." "The company just confirmed the date and venue of our second location." She announced, nudging him a little to prompt response. "I have to guess it?" He asked the obvious when she wasn't continuing her sentence moments later.
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Seohyun rolled her eyes as a response. Yonghwa crossed his arms and accidentally brushed an especially delicate and sensitive and soft and round and -never mind- area of her. The simple action reminded him that he should get this over and done with so that he can go for the real thing. "Let me guess, Singapore?" He was actually running the list of countries that Blue Moon had went. The thought of the island nation also brought back memories of yummy chilli crabs, moist green chiffon cake that Jonghyun polished off by boxes and amazing barbecued pork that they had received as gifts. "I told you that will be in October!" "Right." His attention was captured by Dubu who was playing with his toy for a second before saying, "Hong Kong?" "Still pending, but close enough." She was basically disclosing the answer. "Ahhh, Macau?" Seohyun nodded eagerly, "yup! That's not the best, guess when are we going?" "How would I know?" "7th September!" That date was suddenly familiar. "Isn't that my concert date in Guangzhou!?" "Yeah! Guangzhou and Macau are near! We'll both be away for work, no one has to wait alone at home." "He would!" Yonghwa pointed to the puppy that was seemingly unaware of his surroundings. ******** Using the time that Seohyun was in the shower, Yonghwa spent some time with the puppy. "You heard what Omma said?" He sat the puppy on his lap in a way that faced him. "Appa and omma won't be home for that few days, ottoke?" As though understanding what he was saying, Dubu laid its head low. "Don't be sad, halmeoni and harabeoji loves you too." Yonghwa tried to cheer the dog. Dubu laid lower, until it was lying body down, parallel to Yonghwa's thighs. "Mianhe Dubu ah, Appa and Omma need to go out and earn money." He caressed the dog's head, rubbing its ears. The dog in question gave a little sound, as though in agreement.

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"Appa will buy you a new house after, don't worry. LV, you know LV? Dubu will have a better house than the rest!" He grabbed the toy that Dubu was fond of and it's attention went to it immediately. Like an old father nagging his son, Yonghwa continued to talk to it. "Ya don't jump so high." "Orz stop biting its head!" "Wah daebak, Dubu daebak!" "Who's better? Appa or Omma?" "Dubu ah, bobo hae juse-" Never mind. Because at that very moment the door to the master bedroom opened and Seohyun came out in his favourite pyjamas of hers. An old shirt of his with her boy shorts(today's was bright pink with little hearts printed on it; he got it from Victoria's Secret for her) that were easily visible when she walked. Poor Dubu could only sleep on the couch that night for his Appa left him on it in a hurry to go to his Omma. Tough being a dog in this household, he thought before falling asleep in a corner. ********** Story 16 : Just like any other couple It was a late afternoon and both Seohyun and Yonghwa are having their short break. The nine girls had finished their Seoul and Taipei concert so all of them were granted some rest. Some of the girls went on vacation or schedules overseas but some of them had to complete their schedules in Seoul. The youngest of all stayed in Seoul and back at her parents place. Well it's her parent's place, so it only makes sense that she goes back whenever schedules are not that packed. Moreover, it's located in Gangnam, just a few minute drive to her company's office. Her mother was making some soup for dinner and asked "Are you planning to call Yong Seobang and his brothers up for dinner together?" "Omma! You seem to care about Yonghwa oppa more than you care for me!" Seohyun whined. Deep down she feels happy that her mom treats Yonghwa and her brother-in-laws as a part of the family. They have been leaving in the same apartment complex for many months now. Fans know about their (not so secret) secret and were happy for them. But those who are not fans of the news were naturally not pleased about it. "I really feel that he is good for you. Look at how much you have changed over the past few years." Seohyun's omma said. It's true how much the much loved Seo Ju Hyun, maknae of Girls' Generation had changed. The girl that used to be so shy in front of Jung Yong Hwa has evolved into an outgoing lady. Her circle of friends has expanded too because of
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her boyfriend, his band members are now her close friends. They would help her keep a lookout for his health, ensuring that he would be having his meals on time and taking breaks in between their hectic schedules. Recently yonghwa caught a cold when he was in Japan for CNBLUE's ZEPP Tour. He was wearing a mask at Incheon airport and looked a little paler than usual. During the time when he was in Japan, Seohyun was busy with her own activities in Seoul. Juggling between fansigns, going back to SM entertainment to prepare for a performance and a lecture for teenagers. She was exhausted with all that she had to do but still had the time to take care of her oppa. She called him everyday when he was in Japan and would nag at him for not eating right. And their calls always ended with their goodbyes which were simple and sweet. "Seohyun ah sleep early. You have to wake up early tomorrow right?" "Yes oppa, I have an early schedule tomorrow. But how did you know?!" "Well...I am your best boyfriend, of course I will know what you're doing in Seoul when I'm not there with you." "That sounds a lot like stalking oppa. What do you mean by best boyfriend? I have an overprotective stalker boyfriend who happens to be a choding too." "Okay then. I shan't bother my pretty girlfriend anymore. I should play hard to get so that she will realise how much she misses me. And..." "And what oppa?" "And she might even give me a really long and good kiss when I get back." "Eewww no...I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't kiss a choding." And they ended up bickering (and flirting) for over thirty minutes that night before they decided to end their night with a goodbye kiss over the phone. (Yes they are so in love...even until now) "Well young lady, I'm almost done cooking. So are you calling them up?" "Give me a minute omma. I'm gonna change first then go downstairs to ask them up!" Seohyun said while walking back into her room to change. Well some things just don't change. Even when they are together for such a long time, Seohyun would still feel shy around her boyfriend...well a lot lesser when they just started being on WGM together. ********** Story 17 : In which (confused) looks are exchanged Unnie did I say something wrong to YongHwa? I dont think so, why? Taeyeon said concernedly looking in between the maknae and CNBlues leader. He keeps on glaring at me! Well hes not glaring at you now.

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Really?! Seohyun excitedly turned her head just a a bit to look at where Yonghwa was sitting on the table opposite theirs at a party but the second she turned he went back to glaring at her. No, hes still glaring. She said to Taeyeon and sagged in disappointment. Hes not glaring, hes just....narrowing his eyes whenever you look at him. Seohyun lifted her head from the pillow of arms she was buried herself under to glare at her unnie. See the way youre looking at me now is a proper glare. Narrowing your eyes at a person is a sign of anger. Why dont you just go talk to him and ask him if youve done something wrong? Should I? But what should I say, how should I phrase it? Well I think saying, Yonghwa, youre glaring at me from across the room, did I do something wrong? sounds pretty good. It does? Okay then, here I go. Wish me luck! Seohyun said and got up from her perch to make her way through the crowds to get to her ex-virtual-husband. By the time she finally reached him, several people calling out to her and various others trying to engage her in conversation and drinks, he wasnt alone. Hara was right next to him and by the looks of it they were deep in a conversation. She felt bad interrupting them so she didnt, instead choosing to pick up a drink from the trays circulating in the room and sitting down next to him listening intently to the two. Are you sure Junhyung didnt say anything? Hara was asking Yonghwa almost frantically. You guys were promoting at the same time though, and you didnt see anything? Is something wrong Hara? Seohyun asked, concerned that Jessicas fave dongsaeng was this close to tears and Hara turned to her with a sad look in her eyes. Junhyung left me a voicemail some days ago and I just wanted to make sure he was doing fine. When we visited the MBC studio last time, he was fine, not ecstatic obviously but he was still responding to jokes and all that. Dont worry Hara Im sure hell be fine but even if he isnt we cant always feel responsible for other peoples actions. Hara sighed and started again, I know but- No buts. Yonghwa interrupted. Joohyun is right Hara, you cant control peoples actions or feelings, just let it go. He said firmly. Youre right, youre right. Well Ill get going then, thats all I wanted to know and Im sure you guys have things to talk about. If Hara and Junhyungs breakup was the elephant in the room being pointedly ignored then the dynamic of Yonghwa and Seohyun was the unicorn in the room that everyone felt the need to nudge and wink at. They sat there in a silence for a while and then as Yonghwa began narrowing his eyes at her again she had an outburst. Yong, did I do something to piss you off? Judging from the sudden drop in Yonghwas jaw and the wide unblinking eyes she guessed he did not expect her to say that and he confirmed her guess with what he said next. Why would you say that?! Youve been glaring at me the whole time! She said with a frown and a pout thrashing her arms around disarmingly.

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I havent been glaring at you! He spluttered and she took great offense to that. Yes you have, you keep on looking at me like this! With that she imitated his narrowed eyes and slightly sulky face. I wasnt-I didnt..No I wasnt glaring at you! Then what do you call that look?! I was trying to throw you a hot and sultry look! Before a part of her could rejoice in the fact that he wasnt angry at her at all but was instead trying to seduce her, a question burned in her mind. How the hell is that hot and sultry?! The photographer said that in the last photoshoot and I just...never mind. He sighed and went back to his pouty choding face. See now thats a seductive look! She exclaimed. The two were so lost in their own world that they didnt notice the people around them start to stare at the couple who was throwing words like hot, sultry, glare and choding around like they belonged in the same conversation. How is that a seductive look? Reminds me of all the times when we were married and living together, if you want to seduce me then just make that face! Youre crazy! Says the man who tried to seduce me by looking at me like he was planning my assassination. He pouted again and this time she let the little swoon she usually suppressed when he did that show. I love it when you do that. Even though his plan had backfired Yonghwa wasnt one to look a gift horse in the face. He leaned in closer until they could feel each others breath on their face. What if I do this? He asked bringing a hand up to cup her chin, smirking when her eyelashes fluttered in response. What if I do this? She pulled him close by his collar and kissed him hard. One hand wrapped around her waist to pull her closer while the other rested slightly on her neck angling her head the way he wanted to so the kiss grew deeper and she moaned in the back of her throat. They finally parted and found themselves suddenly facing a million whistles and catcalls. Back at the table Seohyun had left moments ago Taeyeon and Tiffany exchanged money as bets that had been made ages ago finally got settled. I wouldnt mind doing that again. Yonghwa said through a grin and she was overwhelmed by the urge to wipe it off his face and give his mouth something else to do. So she did. ***********
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Story 18 : Dilemma of the eldest sister "Unnie, bring me with you." "Me too, me too." Taeyeon was facing two pairs of doe-slash-puppy-dog eyes and she signed. "But manager oppa said Sica and Sunny will go with me." "Take us instead." Doe No.1 said. "Pleaseeee." Puppy No.2 chorused. "Why don't you talk with Sica and Sunny that you guys want to have their places." "Already!" Puppy2 said. "But they don't give up, Sica unnie even sleep on our faces!" Doe1 whined. "Hm, and you think I can help?" "Of course!" Two voices chorused. "Why?" "Because you're our ELDEST SISTER!" They screamed at the end. "Aigoo." The eldest sister sighed. 'What did I do in the previous life to have eight little sisters like this.' "And why do you want to go this much?" "Hm, because we want to watch the movie you have OST?" Doe1 answered slightly uncertain. "Because CNBlue will go." The honest puppy2 burst out and gained Doe1's glare afterward. "Cha, cha." Taeyeon clucked her tongue. "And I thought I WAS going to help you." "Oh, please don't just change your mind in a rush. CNBlue or Jonghyun oppa didn't relate with me wanting to go even bit." Doe1 rushed on. Taeyeon squinted her eyes at the doe, while the puppy said. "Yoona unnie, it's not good to lie." Then the puppy2 earned the glare again. "What do I do with you? You want to go on a date and you ask me to technically organize for you." "Of course!" Two voices chorused. "Why?" "Because you're our ELDEST SISTER!" They screamed. The eldest sister sighed. "And what will I get out of this? Watching the movie alone? Be the third wheel?" "Oh, don't worry unnie. We've got two boys for your disposal. You can play with them. You know sometimes Minhyuk is cuter than Ginger, and Jungshin is laughable in his own way always." "Sound promising." She actually really thought about it.
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"Think about having two temporally little brothers, it'd be fun." Doe1 suggested and pretty hit to the point, since, well, the two little sisters were needed to be flushed out in this immediate future. "Ok, ok, I'll talk to the parties to let you go with me." "YEAH." Two voices chorused. "You're our the best ELDEST SISTER!" They screamed at the end. - END Story 19 : The drinks of two Numja A man with a nerd eyeglasses and a cap shadowing his face was sitting at the counter, nursing his drink. Soft music was playing through the dim light in the bar, customers were a few and sat scattering all of the area. No one paid attention to the man and he was glad. There was no room for him to smile to any others. His smile, for now, was secured to just one woman in his mind; however, unfortunately, she was so far away. Many miles separated them apart .. ocean apart to be exact. A glass of gold liquid was in his hand. He tilted it left and right. It looked like ocean waves. He thought of the shells they drifted in Okinawa. Did they reach Korea or any other countries yet? Hm, or did they just sank into the deepest of the ocean? Just like his .. something .. Something was sinking into the deepest of .. He shook his head as if the thought that circulated his mind recently would fly away. He gulped his drink in one swift then placed the emptied glass back onto the counter, signaled the bartender for another one. Hey. A voice from his right greeted him. Hey. He greeted back. The new man who also had a cap on sat on the other stool beside him, signaled the bartender for the similar drink. Then he turned to scrutinize his friend, then said. How are you? So so, I guess? Hm? Well, I dont know. Yeah, I know. Then they both drifted into silence, nursed their drinks, and thought about things on their mind. I now know why you acted like puppy in love during those time. Hm. puppy in love? thats a nice word for explanation. Ive got some other words more .. straight to the point kind of way. Ha ha, yeah, I remembered calling you love fool. Yeah, and Im still a fool. Youre lucky. Youve got the girl in the end and through the years followed. How long have you been together anyway?

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Three and a half, counted from the start. And look at me. He sighed. Just a few week. What can I do? You have to ask yourself first. If the feeling you have now is the right one or just a temporally like when you act in a drama and you just get the feeling of the character back home. I dont know, I really dont know. I just know that I feel very good when I was with her. Thats a start. I remembered how I felt so good when I was with her, how I was excited to be with her in the next filming, how I kept thinking about her. You know, Ive got songs for albums for the next decade, if wed have decided to change CNBlue to thing like CNHyun, well. He shrugged. Because all songs are about her. But you had more time to examine yourself. The man argued. Yes, I was lucky. Yeah, youre a lucky bastard. Gee, well, thanks. He grinned his toothy smile to his friend. And now. He spreaded his hands. My time was ended. I dont have more chance to see if it was real or just reel. I know that the fate called WGM gave us a chance to start and proceed, but actually the hard work was after the show ends. When there is no disguise anymore, when there is only two of us against the world, the fans, the companies, and even ourselves. You have to work harder to make it happen. But at least you cleared the path when youre still on the show. Me? Oh, no, did you forget whom I paired with? No matter how much I cleared the path, as you said, shes still on process of making up her mind. She thought youre not the right one? Oh, no, thats not the case, I was and I am the right one. But she thought its not the right time yet. Shes too reserved to take the plunge. And what did you do? He smiled before answered. I just kept changing her mind, kept telling her how good if were together, kept waiting for her. And I see that now you succeeded your campaign. Yea, I guess so. They drifted into silence once again, another drinks had been ordered, their thoughts floated with background music. You know, she cried, and she cried a lot. I kept telling her, dont, dont cry. It broke my heart and I had to be strong as a numja. But, sometimes, acting like numja was hard. I wanted to cry, too. The last day, the last hour, the last scene, yeah, its hard. And I see that couples after us chose to reminisce the beginning, even you. He pointed his finger to his friend. You copied us.

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Ah, its cool to have ending at the beginning, like its actually no end. Were just in a loop and will continue another loop. He circled his finger to illustrate his point. Yes, and it made thing harder. My Hyun was tough and she only brimmed at the end. But we both knew how we felt, how we want to cry, how we didnt want to let it go. His eyes lost focus when he thought about his past. You actually are an inspiration for us. Hm? Your couple made it reel to real. Everyone and I included were envious, so we didnt hesitate to let the fate called WGM decide for us. As idols, we cant date openly, heck, we dont even have time to find a girl. So, when someone pairing me with as good and nice girl as Mina nuna, I was so thankful. And, if I can make it like yours, itd be great. Let just try our best. You know, Im a lucky bastard, so Ive got the girl. He smiled to his friend with his popping cheekbone. However, sometimes, you have to make yourself become a lucky bastard. God only give a chance, but to continue or not its up to us. Yea, I know, I will. Conversation was silent by the clank sound of two glasses, the two numja who have their girls in their minds nursed their drinks in the dim light in that night ... - END Story 20 : In which birthdays are celebrated and frantic calls are taken Tell us what to do! The frantic voices of Seulong and Jinwoon cut through the sounds of laughter and party horns that surrounded Yonghwa. It was an early birthday celebration at the dorm and everyone important was there.By everyone important he meant every single SNSD member who didnt have a schedule, the boys of FT Island and Lee Joon, even his mom and dad(and Jjing) via skype had joined in. So when the call came, Yonghwa assumed it was to wish him a happy birthday, maybe apologize about not being there and switched it to speaker phone upon seeing Seulongs name on the caller id, only to be yelled at instead. What? The party dulls down a bit just as he switches it back to hand phone mode and walks into his room for a bit of peace and quiet, only to be kick started again by Tiffany yelling DJ, put it back on! He turns back to the phone and finds that Seulong was still talking. Nickhun-hyung has turned into a zombie! Jinwoon says, cutting through Seulongs word vomit. What? Seulong sighs and starts talking in a dramatic tone, enunciating each word. We were watching the repeat of the 1 vs 100 episode with Luna and Victoria and Nickhun got all proud talking about how that was his wife right there and then Taecyeon butted in saying Dumbass you got divorced more than a year year ago and he turned pale and has been a zombie ever since!

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We thought hed snap out of it but its currently day six and there are no signs of any changes.Jinwoon added. He keeps on looking at old photos of them together and re-watching episodes. Yonghwa cut through the babble before Jinwoon could continue the rant. Thats distressing and all that, but how can I possibly help with that? I barely know Nickhun! A silence follows only to be broken by a sheepish Seulong We figured you went through something like this with Seohyun so... The door opens with the person in question poking her head in, a slight frown marring her brow. Is everything okay? Is that Seohyun?! Jinwoon says , his inner Seohyun radar tuning in on the softly spoken words and Yonghwas eye begins twitching. This is not the turn he expected his day to take. ...Yes. We could always use a female perspective. Seulong says and Yonghwa swears he can hear Jinwoon nodding along through the phone. They want to talk to you. Yonghwa says in a flat voice and hands the phone over to her, reclining on his bed to look at her as he once did from a yellow sofa and Seohyun rolls her eyes at him even as she listens to Seulong diligently. I dont know what to say, why dont you just tell him to call her? For some reason hes chosen to be stubborn now, and insists on waiting for her to call. That sounds familiar.She says staring right at the birthday boy who was making kissy faces at her from the bed, tapping his foot to some unknown rhythm. Just call her from his phone and then hand it over for him to deal with it once the call starts ringing, thats what my unnies did. What?! The exclamation comes from both sides of the phone. Yes, apparently they got tired of me going around with an aura of doom and despair and took it into their own hands. It worked. It was sneaky and underhanded , but effective. Tiffany unnie said that if that hadnt worked their next idea was to plot with CNBlue members and lock us in a closet together, you can try that if you want. She says casually with a shrug and Yonghwa hears the steady chant of No no no no no no coming from Jinwoon and bites into a pillow to stifle his laugh. Embarassed on behalf of Jinwoon and still reeling from the thought of Seohyun and Yonghwa trapped in a tiny space together, Seulong ends the call with a distractedly uttered goodbye and Seohyun sinks into the bed next to Yonghwa with a whoosh. Soooo. That was dramatic. You didnt make that first call? I had already decided to call you but they thought I was being too chicken about it and took the initiative after I sat there staring at the phone for an hour willing myself to dial the number. Hmm. Thats a no. He wilts only to get no reaction.
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We should get back outside. I guess we have to. He sighs. Somehow the thought of being quiet in here with her was suddenly more appealing than going out there and facing the good natured ribbing that was bound to follow. He got up with yet another dramatic sigh and starts tugging on the door only to find it locked. What the-? HAPPY BIRTHDAY YONGHWA! Tiffany shouts from outside the door and various giggles ensue. They had been locked inside. Seohyun tell them to open the door! He yells, still tugging on the door. Do you think theyre going to listen to me?! She starts hunting his room for a key or even a pin to pick the lock with. I should have known this would happen. Fany-unnie was really disappointed when she didnt get to lock us up together. Why are your group members so crazy?! Why are your group members not unlocking us?! You can stop trying to open the door, its not going to open unless we want it to! Comes yet another cackle from Tiffany. Seohyun and Yonghwa sitting in a tree! This is madness! Yonghwa shouts back at her. THIS IS SPARTA! And that is why you should not give Fany-unnie all that sugar. Seohyun says sinking back onto the bed. I havent even opened my presents yet. He whines, pouting. Theyre still sitting on the table in their pretty wrapping paper. Youre locked in your room with a pretty girl and youre complaining about your presents?!Sunny yells and Jonghyun chimes in. Dont worry hyung, well open the presents for you. The sound of ripping paper and oohs and aahs fill the room outside while Yonghwas pout deepens into a scowl. If you open Hyuns present for me Ill make life really difficult for you all! He yell only to frown at Seohyuns flustered expression. You did get me a present didnt you? If she did, its not here! Tiffany yells and Yonghwa turns to his girlfriend with puppy eyes that filled her with guilt. I did but... it broke. She twiddles her thumbs looking genuinely sorry and he wonders if shes just acting (shes even better at it now than she was during their marriage) or it really did break. Really, I ordered it online the minute I saw it because it was just so totally perfect for you, but when it arrived in the mail last week it was broken. I called the company and theyll be sending a replacement but itll take another week or so. This is possibly my worst birthday ever. He deadpans and buries his head in his pillows sprawling out on his bed face down.

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Dont say that! Ill make it up to you, I promise! She squeezes his shoulder reassuringly, not moving her hand away even as he turns to look at her. How are you going to do that? Soon Ill be off to Manila and youll be off to Hong Kong and then Beijing and our schedules dont have any free days that coincide for ages! Ah oppa- Seohyun starts only to stop and look away with a frown. Wait, do you hear that? I dont hear anything. He says, grumbling a bit as the topic shifts away from his birthday gift. Exactly, there seems to be no one outside! You mean they locked us in here and left?! They both stand up and rush towards the door to find it open and walk out into a living room devoid of any life. Where is everyone? A pinned note on the fridge reads Went back to the dorm, took the boys with us Your members got kidnapped by my unnies. Lucky bastards! Hey, there something written on the back. He says and turns the note around. Now youre finally alone, so go get some but dont forget to use protection!-Fany Wow. Yonghwa says, seemingly incapable of looking away from the note. Your unnies are real perverts. I know were finally alone and that we could just do our...private stuff, but this time could be utilised better. Better than ...private stuff? He says sceptically. There was little in the world he liked better than... private time with Seohyun. Revenge. They just opened all your presents. And by the looks of it they took them too. She says and the shine in her eyes scares him rather than filling him with the usual awe and butterflies. It was bordering on maniacal and while it usually accompanied her many requests for him to read the self help books she kept on lending out to him, this gleam was somewhat dark, dangerous almost malevolent. Hot. It wasnt until in Manila that he realised he just spent most of his pre-birthday birthday, making evil plans. One week later Yonghwa, one of the SNSD managers passed this on to me. Says his Manager hyung and he just knows its Seohyuns gift for him. He rips the pretty wrapping paper off and finds a deep blue box with a swan motif and the word Swarovski written on it and with a note attached. For my dearest Yong Choding. In the pretty box lay a crystal rocker duck, pout and all. Mwoya?!

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Hyungsoonim got it all wrong.This duck is way more a rocker than you are. ************** Story 21 : Dressing Room Lectures Jonghyun-ah A hint of his satoori came out as Yonghwa called the attention of his dongsaeng. They were in their dressing room after bagging their first win for Im Sorry in Music Bank, defeating the great SNSD. Jonghyun looked up from his phone. What is it Hyung? Jonghyun, do you really have to stare and smile at Yoona that way?? Says the man who wasnt staring at hyungsoonim intensely.. Jonghyun thought. Wae hyung, not like smiling to my sunbae will give me away, right? Arent we known to be respectful with our sunbaes? Am I not known for laughing too much on shows? Good point, but laughing on a variety show which is supposed to be comedic and smiling while staring at someone as pretty as Yoona on a music show are two different things. We have to do it discreetly Jonghyun-ahBusan namja style! Lke how, hyung? Standing behind hyungsoonim all the time like a bodyguard? Jonghyun said silently and Yonghwa didnt catch it. What? Did you say something? Nope. Nothing. As much as he wanted to argue, theres nothing he can win with his hyung in this kind of talk. And dude, you didnt have to put that flower in your ear! Fans will think CNBLUE members are gay! Were nothing close to being gay hyung. We have the prettiest girlfriends, dont we? I dont know about these 2 here though. He said confidently, looking at the 2 maknae. Kekeke! So are we clear Jonghyun-ah? No PDA with Yoona onstage again, ne? Before Jonghyun could say yes, Jungshin gave a loud Tch. Saying something to Minhyuk. Bravely he said outloud, As if youre any different Yonghwa Hyung. Mworago? This kid jjinja, always daring to talk back to me. Hyung, do you think you have the right to scold Jonghyun hyung about being discreet? Where have you been standing on every music bank ending? And why did you have to choose to stand beside hyungsoonim during the backstage interview just now? And dont think that I didnt see you reaching out to hold her hand back there. Remember I was right beside you two. Minhyuk added. Jonghyun nodded, silently thanking the 2 maknae for voicing out his thoughts. What are you nodding at Jonghyun hyung? Jungshin asked, still in his Im-so-fed-up-with-your-pda-hyung tone. We want both our hyungsoonim to be safe but it seems like you two dont know how to protect them. If you dont want the crazy fans to attack them both, you better take a hold of your hormones!

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Yonghwa opened his mouth to argue when Jonghyun beat him to it. You 2 follow me, in the bathroom. A dark expression on his face, it only means one thing. A hard beating for the maknaes. You know that wont work hyung. You beat us, our hyungsoonim will beat you both. Jungshin did a merong! Yah! Yonghwa gave up, knowing all too well that what his brothers said was true. Those ladies are so tiny but you have no idea how heavy their hands can be when they give a hitting. Just make sure youre not doing this to get back on us for dating your ideal types, ne Jungshin hyung, Minhyuk hyung? (Didnt Jungshin chingu say before his ideal type was Yoona, and seriously I think Min has a crush on Seohyun! haha) He mocked by calling them hyung! He eyed them suspiciously and continued Kaja, were late for Taxi filming. Meanwhile, inside SNSD dressing room. Seohyun Yoona called out the attention of their maknae. Ne unnie? What were you doing back there with Jung Seobang at the green room eh? What were we doing? Nothing unnie He just grabbed my hand is all. She thought and smiled to herself. It couldnt be nothing if youre smiling like crazy right now. "Eh me? Seohyun played innocent, pointing an index finger to herself. You? Nope, Taeyeon unnie. She was the one holding hands with Jung seobang a while back. Of course you, who else? Seohyun pouted at her unnies sarcasm. Wasnt she the one staring at and openly flirting with Jonghyun oppa? Hmph I heard my name. What is this talk maknae-ah? Taeyeon who was busy removing some of her make up couldnt help but overhear. Unnie, I was just lecturing maknae on how shes supposed to be discreet onstage with Yonghwa oppa. Taeyeon nodded towars Seohyun. Your Yoona unnie has a point Seohyun-ah. Hitting him was a bit of a give away, dont you think? I thought you guys wanted to give people the idea that youre awkward around each other. That was definitely not awkward. Eh Taeng, stop being an ahjumma and let maknae have fun. Tiffany cut into the conversation as well. Yah, you! What were you thinking giving Seohyuns pony to him in the first place? Ahh jjinja, Fany-ah. Tiffany ignored the leaders question and patted Seohyuns head. Do not listen to this Ahjumma here. Thats what a lack of love life has done to her, see? Seohyun and Yoona giggled. What are you giggling at Im Yoona? Lecturing maknae when you yourself werent behaving properly. Whats up with you and Jonghyun staring too much? Aigoo. The 2 maknaes could only bow their heads. Thanks to Fany unnie who definitely saved them from more lectures by saying just one line.

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Ahra ahra, lets just go home shouldnt we? With that, they filed out of their dressing room. Guess who was there? CNBlue coming out of their room, as well. The 7 girls gave out squeals of delight upon seeing their brothers-in-law to which the 4 boys returned warmly with a bow. It was evident though, how the 2 maknae of the girl group seemed to be hiding behind their unnies. In other circumstances, these 2 would have been beside their namchins in an instant. Seohyun-ah..arent you going home with CNBLUE? Aniyo unnie, they have another schedule. She answered looking anywhere but Yonghwa. Deh, we have Taxi filming. Yonghwa confirmed. Anyway, well go ahead then. That gained him a frown not only from the leader of SNSD but from the maknae of CNBLUE who both looked around to see there was no one else in the area but them. Yah, did you guys fight? Why are you ignoring each other? They said at the same time. Somehow they wish they didnt ask. Coz even before they could finish their question, 4 pairs of eyes were glaring at both of them. Yonghwa, Seohyun, Yoona and Jonghyun had their arms crossed on their chests, throwing them their deadliest glares, poutingand said DIDNT YOU SAY WE HAVE TO BE DISCREET???? ************** Story 22 : Jung Yonghwa's Other Woman Yonghwa was having dinner at the Seo apartment. The man of the house, his father in law, was on a business trip abroad so there was only him, Seohyun, his mother in law and Dubu, of course. He had promised that before he goes to Japan for their Zepp Tour, hell spend his free time with them. Oh Yonghwa-yah, have some more of the jigae. Seo Yong Al said as she put in more soup into his bowl. Ne, thank you Omonim. I will miss your cooking, for sure. I know right, thats why I prepared some dishes for you and your brothers. Eat them before you all go to Japan and wont even eat decent home cooked meals.she said sweetly, leaned to Yonghwa and whispered Or I can pack you some more and sneak them into the plane, you can do that right? she said with a wink. Omma, how can you say that to Oppa. Hell get caught by that sniffing dog and hell get summoned by Customs. Trust me, thats not a very fun experience. Seohyun said recounting the way she was interrogated at the airport in LA because of the tomato snack she forgot that she had on her bag. I have confidence in Yonghwas ninja skills. Her mother reasoned to which Seohyun just rolled her eyes and turned to Yonghwa. Oppa, you have to try some more of the curry I cooked. Tell me, havent I improved? She pouted. Ne, Hyun-ah, youre the best curry cook in Seoul! Hearing the compliment she was waiting for, she clapped her hands only to be disappointed when he added second to Omonim, of course! Ah cham! She had once voiced out how she thinks that he loves her mother more than he loves her already. He kept on spoiling her with gifts and compliments.
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Oppa, you buy Omma more gifts than you do to me. Dont you think I get jealous, too? Even if shes my mother. Yah Seo Joo Hyun, how can you get jealous of your own mother. Its your fault, anyways. You always tell me to stop buying you gifts whenever I give you, so what do I do? Remembering that and sensing that she could be upset with his last comment that was meant to tease her, he tapped her shoulder and smiled widely. Oh Seohyun-ah. So pretty. She eyed him suspiciously. What is? Your neck. Youre wearing the butterfly necklace! Of course! I wear it every day! Oh, Im wearing mine too, Yonghwa! Her mother chimed in. With that, Seohyun made a mental note. Ill tell Appa that the next time he leaves for a business trip, he has to bring Omma along with him. Arrgh! And lets not even start with how Yonghwas been babying Dubu since I had her. Omona, so pretty! Yonghwa complimented, all his attention back to his mother in law. Oh by the way, I bought you a new pair of shoes! He brought out 2 boxes of sandals. One for you, and you Hyunah. Theres one for Dubu, too! Ah isnt this cute? He said, adoring the little shoes for the dog, smiling widely...feeling proud of his gifts! Ah jeongmal?! Couple shoes! Theyre pretty! Thank you son! Her mother hugged him. She just pouted. Wae, Hyun? You dont like it? I do!!! She said almost immediately, not wanting to hurt his feelings. But Oppa, didnt you say, you didnt like buying shoes for anyone coz someone said that they might leave you? His eyes widened. He did say that once. Sorry Omonim, can I have it back? Ill buy you something else. Only Omma? He isnt even trying to get mine back? Seohyun complained inside her head. Aigoo, Ive been in this world for more than 40 years, there is no such thing. But omonim, I cant risk it. What would I do if I lose you? He askedcollecting Dubus shoes too. Eh? Will never happen. I will never have anyone else for a son in law. I love you Omonim!!! And the mother and son hugged, the daughter, once again feeling left out, not hearing anything of the conversation as the two started whispering. I love you, too. Besides, this girl loves you too much. I know, Omonim. Thank you! You two, let me know when youre done with your love talk. Aigoo. Seohyun gave up. Ill have to go to Busan one of these days. At least there I have all of Omonim and Abonims love. Hmmph.

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When they started dating for real, she was afraid shell have to deal with sharing him with his mom most of the time. Little did she know, her mom would be her number 1 contender for his attention. The 2 mothers actually had an understanding before. Im sorry if I have been keeping Yonghwa to myself dear. Her mom told his mom. Ani, kwenchana.. I have another son to spoil, you can have Yonghwa all you want as long as you let me be with Seohyun, as much as her schedule permits. It was after another hour when her mom resigned to her room for the night, leaving them both in the living room. Finally. She said looping her hands on his waist. Hmm? He asked returning the embrace, more tightly. I can finally have my alone time with my boyfriend, is all. Aigoo. Yah! Dont aigoo me Oppa. You're leaving in the morning! I love you. He didnt even wait for her to reply and kissed her instead. That shut her up and made her forget her random jealousy. 2 days after, while Yonghwa was preparing to enter the stage in Sapporo with his brothers, he received a text from someone named Seo Yong Al. There was a photo attachment of her selca saying Yonghwa-yah, Im accompanying Joohyun to SME today. Guess what, Im wearing the sandals you bought me the other day! Yay, am I not the best? Kekeke take care and have a good stage! Fighting! He smiled to himself. Indeed, she was the best. He showed the photo to his dongsaeng-deul bragging on how his mother in law is so cool! Moments later, someone in Seoul received the same image from her boyfriend with a new caption. Hey, look what I got from your Mom. =) Seohyun stared at the same picture that she was just about to send to him. She could only sigh. I can see that Mom has already beaten me into sending you the pic. o.O BTW, I brought my guitar today. Fighting on your performance Oppa! I love you! She replied with a half bitter smile. She realized she doesnt have a chance to compete for Yonghwas attention with a sneaky womanwho happened to be her mom. Well, she would rather have him this attached with her Omma than any random girl right? Right. ********* Story 23 : Daddy's girl (or a girl's daddy) Jung Yonghwa was stuck. He couldnt move, well, not much anyway. And he was cornered by Jung Yeonhee of all people. He raised his head lightly and met his daughters eyes, a hint of drowsy, a glimmer of tear and mostly dancing with mischief.

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Earlier on he had come into her room at the sound of her cries. It was nearing her nap time; when he put her in bed earlier he knew she wouldnt sleep long but he didnt expect her to wake this fast. True enough, when he went into the room his 6-month-old was standing with the help on the sides of the baby cot. Her cries magnified at the sight of him. She seemed to be saying, Appa! Appa carry me! But carrying her meant that she wouldnt sleep so by some stroke of weird thought his mind came up with an idea to pacify and make her sleep. He went into the baby cot. It went well at first; Yeonnie went to him the moment he climbed into the cot. Baby girl made herself comfortable on her fathers chest, slowly drifting to sleep at the sound of his steady heartbeat. Yonghwa didnt move much, he just observed his princess sleeping on him, nose scrunching into a little cute button after crying so hard. So when he thought she was finally asleep, he moved himself slowly to aside before he can attempt to get out. Wrong move. Yeonnies eyes flew open and clutched onto his t-shirt at the movement, murmuring in her baby language. Helplessly, Yonghwa pretended to fall asleep again so that Yeonnie would take her nap. Five minutes later, when he was sure that she was asleep this time, he tried again. He could barely move his arm away before he felt Yeonnie wake again, this time looking up at him with tired eyes. And he finally realised that his princess thought he was playing a game with her Yonghwa raised his head up and there was Yeonnie, head lying on his chest and smiling at him. He gave up. Pushing himself up, he held his baby by the back so that she wouldnt slip off him in the process. Sensing that her father was leaving her, Yeonnie started crying and pulling at his shirt, hoping that whatever small force she exerted could keep him there. Baby, aigoo, let me get out. Yonghwa tried to talk, theres barely space in here! Yeonnie cried harder. Ten minutes of struggling later he gave up and just lied there while Yeonnie crawled around and over before settling on his chest again, looking at him with droopy with droopy eyes with a wistful barely-there-toothy grin. ~~~~~ It was nearing 4pm when Seohyun stepped into her white, 2-storey house.

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She dropped Yoohyun with her parents who wanted to take him for a little trip to Gangwondo over the weekend. On the way home she took a detour to the supermarket to stock on groceries. While unpacking them in her kitchen, she found it weird that there was no noise in the house. No Yonghwa strumming his guitar or baby crying to be changed or fed. Funny, he would have told her if he was bringing Yeonnie out. Shrugging to herself she continued with her packing and headed to the second level when she was done. Their bedroom door was wide open, there wasnt anyone. Yeonhees nursery was the one beside them. Seohyun went in with the intention to tidy up the room and lo and behold; her husband and daughter was crammed in the baby cot, both soundly asleep. Yonghwas 1.8m frame could barely fit in it, his legs were bent and leaned on the barriers. Their daughter was on her fathers chest, sleeping soundly and snoring lightly away with her little mouth slightly opened. She sighed to herself, a contented one before taking her mobile out from the back of her jeans. People always said daughters were daddys girls but Yonghwa brings it up another level. He was a girls daddy. ******** Later in the day, Twitter went crazy when Jung Yonghwas account updated with a new tweet with a picture. Over ten thousand favourites and retweets and it even made #YongAppa trended in Korea. The tweet said Things I do to be a model appa. and was accompanied by a picture of Yonghwa and Yeonnie that Seohyun took that afternoon. ******** Story 24 : Afternoon Delight It wasnt how Yonghwa envisioned spending his first afternoon off in months. Nevermind that Seohyun was spending that afternoon with him, nevermind also that he and Seohyun were currently alone in his room that afternoon, and most of all nevermind that Seohyun was currently sitting on his lap, their faces just mere centimeters apart. To others, it wouldve been a shocking sight, too sexy for someone with a pure and innocent image like his Seohyun. Who would have guessed that the national girl groups youngest would be straddling her not-so-secret boyfriend and is actually enjoying what she was doing? But, then again, in Yonghwas mind nevermind all those. The past few minutes that they were in that position Seohyun was doing nothing else but map his face according to the new book she was reading about face reading. He had always known about Seohyuns penchant for self help books and general knowledge but, he felt that it was getting ridiculous. Much as he wanted to do some other, more fun things while his girlfriend was sitting on his lap, he had to keep still as she tried to figure out the meaning of the parts of his
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face. Can you try to stop fidgeting for a few seconds, Oppa? Seohyuns voice sounded annoyed as she turned to consult her book again. He groaned, Youre the one who should stop fidgeting. All those fidgets youre doing are the cause of my fidgeting. She rolled her eyes and cupped his cheeks to still his face, You agreed to this, didnt you? Yonghwa wasnt exactly sure that he did when all he could remember was Seohyuns sashaying hips while she came towards him and pushed him onto the couch in his room. She mightve been saying something at that time and probably she wasnt swaying her hips too much but, he missed spending time with her too much he couldnt pay attention too much to external details. To him, that afternoon, Seo Joohyun looked exceptionally delectable. All white skin and curves, wearing nothing but a pair of sinfully short shorts and a tank top. But apparently, he was the only one with a one-track mind that day. So, because of his inattention to what she was saying, he was stuck in the most delightful position in a most undelightful situation. This is fascinating, he heard Seohyun say, you seem to really fit the golden ratio proportions for the face. We should probably get a ruler later to try solving for these measurements listed in the book. Or easier still, we should try overlaying Queen Nefertitis mask measurements over a photo of you. Yonghwas face scrunched up. It wasnt that he didnt know who Queen Nefertiti was but, her ideas was getting more incredulous by the second and they are wasting precious minutes that couldve been utilized by catching up with each other, among other more exciting things. His musings were cut short when he felt Seohyun thumbing his philtrum. She switched fingers after a few seconds, murmuring to herself. What now? Seohyun tilted her head slightly to the side, You have a very well-defined philtrum, you know. And? And, she adjusted her position on his lap, earning another pained groan from Yonghwa, that explains a lot of things. What things? For the first time that afternoon, Seohyuns lips curved into a smile, It means that you have great vitality and endurance. Okay Sexually. Ah. Yonghwa sat, trying to the digest the information he just received. He didnt know that philtrums have significance other than serving as a defining point for lips. So.
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So? Seohyun lifted her book up, covering the gap between their faces and began to read out loud, It says here that the depth of the philtrum also determines how many children a person can produce. Huh. Fascinating. Glad for the cover the book provided, he rolled his eyes and decided that his afternoon should not be left to waste studying his face and should probably be spent practicing for what the book stated. He began to rub Seohyuns thighs gently up and down, planning to distract the girl away from her reading. But apparently, he was mistaken. A mirror replaced the book between their faces as Seohyun began to study her own philtrum. Mine is not as deep as yours, Seohyun put the mirror down and thrust her face towards his. Yonghwas eyes travelled towards her pink lips, dreaming about the things he can do to those at that very instant. Oppa, look, look at it. Just as the moment he tilted his head to capture her lips, she pulled away ever so slightly from him, looking oblivious to the things that he was trying to do. Yonghwa stifled a groan and rested his head on the back of the couch. He had always supported whatever Seohyun wanted to do but, today, it was draining much of his patience to keep up with her. Was it too bad that he just wanted to make up for the time they spent away from each other and just ravish her? SNSDs Japan tour has been taking up so much of their time together and CNBLUEs upcoming world tour is looming over their heads and he wanted to make the most from the snatches of time that they can have together. If Im correct about my predictions, 5 should be about right. He lifted his head to look at Seohyun, who was nodding to herself, ponytail bouncing up and down as if mocking him about his frustrations. He decided that the best course of action was to take matters into his own hands. So, he reached out towards her head and pulled her hair tie down, sending waves and waves of her fragrant hair cascading on her shoulders. His delectable angel. Omo, what are you doing? Her eyes widened. Just admiring you. You look cute thinking hard like that, he smiled, proud of his simple handiwork. Seohyun shook her head, trying to arrange her hair and, sighed, Oppa, youre too distracted. I was computing how many kids our combined philtrum sizes could produce. Children? Yes, she gestured towards her book, because mine is not as deep as yours, 5 should be just the right amount, if I computed correctly. Of course, most of that lot should be because of you by the depth of your philtrum. Yonghwas brain froze for a second. Seohyun was talking about having children with him and it was sending butterflies to his stomach which was not at all related to the process of making children but, actually envisioning her as the mother of his children. The thought sent his mind into an overdrive, he imagined quiet afternoons just looking at her and their children in the nursery, her voice soft as she read a fairy tale to them. Of sunny mornings when they would visit Busan and her chasing their boys in the beaches of Haeundae. By the time he had finished imagining things, there was a goofy smile plastered on Yonghwas face. He stared at Seohyun, who was still rattling off something about Chinese beliefs about the most neglected part of the human face.

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I love you, he heard himself blurt out. He saw Seohyun stop talking and her eyes softening, What was that all about? Just. I love you. She gave him the sweetest smile, I love you, too, she said as she leaned over to give his lips a kiss. Yonghwas mind snapped into action and moved to take the chance to prolong their kiss but, Seohyun was quicker. Just as he was about to open his mouth, she again managed to pull herself away from him. He blinked several times as his mind lamented over and over again from the loss of contact. Seo Joohyun, he started, are you really going to pay more attention to the parts of my body instead of paying attention to the parts of my body? She looked at him thoughtfully, her teeth busy minding her lower lip. Yonghwa could hear the gears working in her head but, his patience was losing steam. He just came out of a good daydream of her being the mother of his future kids and she was just there looking so perfectly seductive and perfectly oblivious. And she was supposed to be the smarter one. Yonghwa let out a long sigh and hugged Seohyuns body close to him. Oh, how he loved this woman. Just the way she talked about having kids with him like it was a matter of fact, sent his soul flying to the heavens. Talking about it in the context of the depth of his philtrum, notwithstanding. Hell take what he can get since he was already used to her talking in such a roundabout way. No matter how much he thinks he has figured her out, she always surprises him with something else immediately. At that moment, he decided that he wouldnt have it any other way. He still has a lifetime anyway to figure out Seo Joohyun. Or not. He nodded to himself that this Seo Joohyun is perfect for him, quirks and all. He was still nodding to himself when he felt Seohyun poking his shoulder, Oppa he heard her whispering to him, can you please stop rubbing your face on my chest? Yonghwa stopped moving and raised his head a bit, a slow smile spread to his face when he realized that he was indeed rubbing his face on Seohyuns chest. He rested his chin on it and looked up to her, pouting. Why? Because Im not done yet with the book, she was reaching out for the book when Yonghwa caught her wrist, What now? Youre not paying attention to me, he whined. Seohyun let out a laugh, But, I am! What do you think Ive been doing for the past hour? Plotting my face. See? Your face. But its not the same. Her eyes twinkled devilishly as she lowered her face near his. Yonghwa gulped, excited for the promise behind those eyes. And what do you propose we do?

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He responded by sliding down a strap of her tank top down her shoulder, his other hand busy tracing circles on her back. Alright, alright, she laughed again, playing along with him, on one condition. Anything, Yonghwa was already busy nuzzling his nose along the length of her creamy neck, glad to finally have his way. Really? Anything? He felt Seohyuns fingers trace a pattern on his nape. He inhaled once on her collarbone before looking up at her, trying to put his best serious face, Yes, anything. Seohyun squealed happily on his lap but, instead of the pained groan, Yonghwa smiled cheekily at her. He was getting the afternoon he wants and theres nothing that can destroy his happiness right now. Then, lets finish the whole chapter about the face first then, we can do anything you want. We still have the eyebrows, forehead width, jaw line and ear shapes to deal with. Sure, sure, he was busy nibbling on her earlobe when what she said was absorbed into his brain. One. Heavy. Word. At. A. Time. What? Well, you said anything. He hung his head, defeated. Its going to be a long afternoon. ----Story 25 : An Unforgettable Valentine February 14. 10 o' clock in the evening.

"Cham!" Seohyun sighed as she slammed the book she was reading. "Aigoo Seohyun-ah, what's wrong now?" Hyoyeon asked as she approached their maknae, who is now glaring at Yongyong, the huge teddy bear Yonghwa has given her at their final episode in We Got Married. "It's him, unnie! I hate him! I really do!" Seohyun said as she finally burst into tears. "Aigoo uri Seohyun-ie, don't think into it too much. Maybe he's just too tired and too busy that he wasn't able to
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prepare anything", Hyoyeon said as she tries to calm her crying sister. "No, it's not that, unnie. I think he doesn't love me anymore. Yes, that's it. He fell out of love", Seohyun said as fresh tears streamed down her now swollen face. Hyoyeon couldn't do anything except pat her sister's back as the latter punches the helpless stuffed bear named after her now-in-trouble boyfriend. ---11:00 pm. "Oh oh back to me I'm so crazy!" Yonghwa sang as the last notes played in the background. He rushed out of the radio studio soon after he finished bowing to the staff, with his dongsaengs hurriedly following after him. "Damn it! I have one hour! One freakin' hour!" Yonghwa cursed under his breath as he runs to the parking lot. "Hyung! Wait up!" Jungshin shouts as he stops running and clutches his side in pain from too much running. "Hurry up, you rascals! If I don't make it I swear to God I'm gonna make you practice for twenty four straight hours without any break!" Upon hearing his words, the three boys rushed to the car and stuffed themselves inside. The car ride was tensed and full of muttered curses from their leader. ---11:45 pm. Seohyun sighs for the nth time as she looks at her reflection in her bedroom window. She was tossing and turning in bed for the past half hour, and so decided to just get up and read a book. However, she just ended up staring at nothing in particular. ---11:50 pm. "DAMN IT!" Yonghwa hissed as the car engine gave its last sputter and finally broke down. He gave up starting the car, took his guitar, and ran as fast as he could. The three dongsaengs took all the stuff and for the second time that evening, ran after their cursing hyung. ---11:59 pm. With one last sigh, Seohyun put her book back on the shelf and turned off her desk lamp. She made her way back into her bed when suddenly, a husky voice, accompanied with a soft tune wafted into the room from outside. "....But I've never seen anything as beautiful as you..." Yonghwa opened his eyes as he strummed the last chord in his guitar. He looked up to a very still Seohyun, quietly
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staring down at him. She closed the window and bolted down the stairs to the door as fast as she could. When the automatic doors to their dorm opened, she ran to Yonghwa's arms and hit him softly on the chest while sobbing quietly. "Hnnnnggg... Oppa... I... I thought you have.... Forgotten about me..." Tears flowed down her cheeks as she hung on to him as if her life depended on it. "Ssshhh... Mianhae, Joo Hyun-ah... Oppa has been really stupid. I thought of surprising you, and I almost ran out of time", Yonghwa whispered while planting soft kisses on her tear-stained face. "I... I thought... You... You don't love me anymore..." She sobbed as she stopped hitting his chest and stopped moving altogether. "Aigoo, cheonsa, those are nonsense. How could I stop loving you, my angel? You are my life. Loving you keeps me alive", Yonghwa answered as he looked into her eyes. ---They remained like that for a while. Staring at each other. Holding each other's hands. Eyes filled with love not enough to express with just words. She is the luckiest girl in the world, she thought, as she stood there staring into the eyes of her love. She felt like the whole world has stopped turning when he got down on his knees, not taking his eyes away from hers. "Joo Hyun-ah, I have a question." As if on cue, the three CNBLUE dongsaengs came out from the dark and let go of the ballons and huge banner they were holding. It contained four words. WILL YOU MARRY ME? It was the most unforgettable Valentine's Day for uri YongSeo. ;) ***** Story 26 : Scent of a Woman Because I have to laugh and talk much on TV, I prefer just staying at home. I like being myself. I draw a thick curtain, turn on aroma candles, listen to music and take a rest. I feel relaxed. Reporter worried, did he fall for aroma candles because he cant date? My life is attractive too. If I want, I think I can date. Lack of time is just an excuse. I just dont want to take care other things beside music. Music is funnier now. *** Of course he fell for aroma candles already, dont you know that reporter-nim. He fell for aroma candles owner specifically.

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Ah, sweet-scented. *** No, no, no .. do not think naughtily. It was all about aroma candles really. They provided good fragrant and made him relaxed. When he closed his eyes laying on his bed in his closed-curtain bedroom where no light was allowed to bother him, and he let his body got comfortable and his mind loosened. He would feel relaxed to the point that he was going to sleep right that minute. It was nice, was calm, was tranquil. Float. *** Then. With or without intention, she would visit his mind though she might be so far away like Japan or close like right next to him. She who was the owner of those candles, who introduced him to know about this kind of relaxation. Did you think Busan-namja like him would be interested in such girly thing like little pretty aroma candles himself? No, no, it all happened in one day... When she visited his dorm, brought things for him and his brothers in a big bag of her. Then accidentally a candle dropped onto the table, its figure was cute even in his eyes. A small white candle about half-a-hand tall decorated with gold star-shape paper bound by a silver ribbon. There was a short description read Relaxed. When he looked at it, he wanted to try how relaxed this candle could make for his stiffened shoulders. So, he asked her to try and, of course, they should try it together. And.. aroma candle ceremony started from that. *** She taught him that they needed comfortable environment, better had very small light. So she closed all curtains, dimmed the lights, played classic mp3 with low loudness. She even went far to tell him to change to comfortable clothes though he said he was fine, but she insisted. She told him that to be relaxed, he had to be relaxed from the outside to the inside. Environment set, his clothes set, then she would light the candles. As a good boy as he was, he went along. Then set himself on his bed and did not forget to leave some space for her. Ah, better be relaxed, not thinking about anything, not thinking about anything. When he scented the aroma for the first time, hmm, it smelled nice. And with her lullaby voice, she told him to relax so he relaxed, and he felt good for that. When he felt his bed dipped with her weight, when he felt her body slipped beside his, ah he told himself relaxed, better relaxed. A few minute passed, they both laid quietly. Then he opened his eyes and looked at her, she

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already slept. Huhh. JooHyun. So, he went along with her again. They slept and really relaxed when they woke up. Candles already burnt out, his hunger if any was level. Well, that his naive JooHyun who left her scent on his pillow and leftover aroma candles for his personal use. And he thanked her for that. *** he had to laugh and talk much on TV, he prefered just staying at home. he liked being himself. he drew a thick curtain, turned on aroma candles, listened to music and took a rest. he feel relaxed. he like aroma candles scent. He like her scent. Scent of his woman. Do not think naughtily, he scolded himself. - END Story 27 : A List A Person try not to upset order, they try to stick to rules as much as possible and do things perfectly. With a tendency to overanalyze, they are so worried about things that might go wrong if things arent done properly, because they dont want to upset anyone. Then how about A couple, what will they do in such circumstance? *** One fine afternoon, months ago. Oppa, we have to make a list. He looked up from strumming on his favorite guitar. What? We have to make a list. She raised her voice a bit to emphasize how important it is. Whats list? Hes still dumbfound, thinking if his girlfriend went crazy. A list. She said with a-bit-expanding nostril. A list of answers when we get questions during interview. Interview about what? Oppa ..... aish Her nostril flared. We have to prepare when well get interview and be asked about us, about love, about ideal type.

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Why? I like the way I answered. Your answers were all about me! So? Confusion all over his face. Oppa She whined. You cant possibly answer every questions with me as answers or implications. Why? He insisted. I like the way I answered, and you can ask Goguma all over the world if they like, too. But the shows ended for quite sometime now. Wouldnt it draw focus if you keep answer the same? Sooner or later, someone other than our fans will be able to guess, then bamm, news, scandal. We wouldnt want it, would we? He understood her point by now, but it wouldnt hurt to try. But I dont want to mention anyone else but you. He said with pleading eyes. Jagiya. Ani! She said with affirmation. We have to make a list. With a long sigh, he said. Okay. *** First thing first. We have to set rules. He said. I dont want to lie, and Im sure youre not a good liar. So first rule no lie. Deal? Sure, I dont like lying, too. But I think some white lies may be needed. Fair enough. Second I dont want to act like I dont know you in public. I want to be close to you when we happen in the same events. You know? To tell your fan boys that youre not available. Choding. She said with sparkling eyes. What!, I know you like it when I act like possessive boyfriend. You dont act, Oppa. Thats the way you are. Youre jealous freaks. Say again and youll be sorry! Jealous, jealous, jea... She didnt finish her teasing, since he closed her mouth with his. When this couple will going to finish their list? Well, some time quite later. *** So. She said, her mouth looked a bit fluffy. If MCs ask about YongSeo, what will we answer? Hmm, how about divorce, is it the word that We Got Married uses when couples end their show? She nodded and wrote down. 1. We are divorced. When MCs ask us about one another we can say that were still close, but were not in relationship.
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He frowned but then nodded. She wrote down. 2. We are still close, but were not in relationship. Anyway, I suggest you clear all scandals or rumors you are involved for example your suju oppa. Aish, Im not only one who has rumors with colleagues. She crossed her arms over her chest, puffing. I know, I know. He uncrossed her arms. Ill do the same, clear any rumors involving me, okay? 3. Clear all rumors. I think Ill say that I have no time for dating. I have to focus on music, albums, concerts. Im a type who will approach a girl I like, but since I have no time. Only when the girl I like approach me first, then I may consider. Is this alright with you? You close all the doors, how can any other girls will get close to you. Thats the point. Hmm, or you want I to open to other girls? NO, I didnt mean that. I just stated the fact. She grumbled. That concluded. How about you? Ill say I have no time, too. But since Ive come of age, I guess I have to grow up a bit, like more open up, braver, less naive. His face clouded when she finished her sentence. No, you cant say that. It would bring your fan boys line up knocking your door. NO NO No way. Oppa, believe in me. Its just saying for interview sake. Im still the same me who wont talk to strangers, who take so much time to get familiar with someone; importantly, who love you. With that, she gave him a peck on the lips. The cloud seemed lessen. My all unnies have grown up into women. I guess I have to catch up with them or at least plan to. I cant say I like Keroro by the time I turn 25, right? It would be so awkward even its me saying. How about you say you like me when you turn 25? Oppa, see list no.2. She said while tapping on the paper. Okay, I guess I understand. But promise me, you will never give any chance to anyone ever. Dont even smile your secret smile, do your aegyo to any guy. Araso? Cham. 4. We have no time for dating. (See detail in note section.) How about ideal type? We have to answer some name for real. If we choose a safe choice, I think it would be better than giving descriptive answer. A safe choice? One who many ones choose as their ideal?
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I think so. Oh, only Im Yoona or Kim Yuna who I can think of. If you choose Yoona unnie, not only its weird, it would cause scandal for sure like ex-husband of maknae chooses her sister as his ideal type. She covered her face with her hands. Oh, I cant think about it. She screamed. He embraced her in his arms. So, Kim Yuna might be the best choice, since Im going to have CF with her in a few month later. I can tell her in person that I have to use her name as camouflage, hope she wouldnt mind. For you. He continued. I suggest choosing someone over 60-year-old. She looked up from his chest. "I already said Ban Kee Moon, its old news already. And with reasons I want to grow up, I think 60-year-old man is not a good choice. 40-year-old then, no more negotiation. Wae. Yoo Jae Suk sunbaenim, yeah, Yoo Jae Suk sunbaenim is good. I can throw him next time I go Running Man. He said with smirk. Aigoo, oppa. Im serious. No choice is better than Yoo Jae Suk sunbaenim I chose for you already! Aigoo. 5. Ideal type: Kim Yuna, Yoo Jae Suk *** Later that day. A paper has been clipped on refrigerator door. 1. We are divorced. 2. We are still close, but were not in relationship. 3. Clear all rumors. (Except about us - Yong added) 4. We have no time for dating. (See detail in note section.) 5. Ideal type: Kim Yuna, Yoo Jae Suk Note: Yong will wait until a girl he like approaching first, Hyun will be braver. Sign: Jung Yong Hwa, Seo Joo Hyun *** Story 28 : when you got the wrong answer okay.. we here Yonghwa stopped his car in back door of SNSD dorm building. After they company be a neighbor, is his duty to drove her home. His beloved girlfriend seo joo hyun.

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hyun-ah. He turn to his side. Seohyun sleep deeply in her seat. Yonghwa smile look at her, then slowly caress her face. Moving her bangs which covering her eyes to her side. Her eyes too beautiful to be hiden behind her bang, even her eyes is closed. Looked down at her. How he wish he will seen this scene everyday, seing seohyun sleep soundly beside her every night and every morning. Not in his car seat, but in his bed. Their bed. Aand he definetely will work hard for that will happen some day. Enough looking at her- actually he never enough look at her, even want more everytime he look at her- and dont want to distrub her sleep if he still looking at her, he just will end up to kiss her- yonghwa then busied himself with his phone, lied comfortably on his driver seat, waiting for seohyun to woke up. When once a time looking at her sleeping figure. Smiling for the fact he have his dream girl now. **** welcome back sleeping princess familiar voice greeted her when she open her eyes. oppa.. we arrived He nodded Seohyun blinked several time, still fight her sleepiness how long I have been sleep? she dont remember when she fall asleep, last she remember is she still talk with yonghwa in the way to her dorm. she then gasped when she look at her watch. Past of 11:30 PM, and that mean she already sleep for one hour and half. why you not wake me up? she felt guilty. you sleep so soundly, I have no heart to woke you up he answer lovingly. mianhe.. ah.. then what are you doing when waiting for me to woke up? Dont you say you just looking at my face all time she ask later, wiped her face, afraid if she drooling before but, I never bored looking at you arrgh oppa..She shriek hysterical I really look ugly when I sleep right? she covering her face with her palm. no, you not. You beautiful as always except your drooling he answer jokingly. Seohyun covering her face more, bend down to hide her face. Embarrassed. jinjja? no Im just joke.. he finally answer ah oppa.. cham oppa.. Ill go in.. and you too need to rest too seohyun told yonghwa when she unblucked her seatbelt.

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Yonghwa nodded, before run out to help her to open the door. oppa, good night. Seohyun looked at yonghwa good night oppa Ill rest now she said, but still stood in her place. Yonghwa nodded, not understand her attention. Or just pretend. oppa. Ill go in she say again for the third time, frowned. ne.. just go in.. Ill here to see you go yonghwa say calmly. Trying hard to give his poker face Seohyun sighed. oppa.. no good night kiss??? she dropped her pride, ask him what her waiting for Yonghwa finally laugh out loud when hear what is she ask. Is this what his waiting too. He know what seohyun attention since the first. But what he see in online news before, make him to tease her a little. good night kiss?. should i? he ask after his laughter subsided. eh?? my girl mention another man name as her ideal type, and also got confession when she teenager but once told me she never have a first love before. isnt I as boyfriend felt jealous and mad at her then? he ask her. oppa..that.. and too, isnt I not give her an good night kiss.. which I know she really love too kiss me. he tased her more. arrasho then.. fighting for you sulky time then seohyun gave up. Her remaining pride not allow her to ask him to kiss her again. She turned back, annoyed with his choding attitude. But before she walk, yonghwa turn her aroun again, pulled her to him. His lips attacking her lips. Seohyun moaned when yonghwa kiss her hard, she opened her mouth when yonghwa bit her lower lips, allowed yonghwa explore inside freely. Is not like their usual good night kiss. This more intensive, possessed and hot. Like yonghwa will ravish here right there. oppa.. she call him when yonghwa give her time to breath. were in opening place then why.. He pulled her once again. Assaulting her lips more. *********

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is enough? he ask after he slow down their kiss, and finally stopped. Seohyun just stare blankly at him, still amazed with what just happened. what that for it's not the kiss that I asked for Yonghwa smile, sometime his girlfriend can be this innocent is what you get when you got the wrong answer.. wrong answer for ideal type is there have a right answer? she ask innocently es there is so is what I got when I give the wrong answer??? Yonghwa nodded then, I should make a lot wrong answer next time. Now is her time to teased him. release his hug, then run to her waiting lift. yah.. hyun.. what that mean??? She smile, waved at him, before close her lift door. good night oppa **** Later, that night yonghwa received two message in his phone. From : My Love Hyun Buin <3 You know what I mean oppa.. I really love with what I get when I give a wrong answer.. kekekeke Sleep well and dreaming of me okay ^^ Good Night.. chuuu~~~~~ Love you ***** Yonghwa-ya like I win over you this time.. yea.. Im is seo joo hyun ideal type and ideal man.. kekekeke Ps. Dont mad at me, or hunting me down when you come to Running Man next time. Is not my fault to born too handsome and be SNSD Seohyun ideal type. Keke Good night **** Story 28 : We write
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12-Feb-13 Dear Hy...un You did it again! After days apart, after we met again, a day after third anniversary (note the word after). Instead of letting me kissing you, you gave me this paper to write, write!. You know, I dont want to write anything right now, I want you I want to kiss you, kiss you, kiss you, kiss you. What are you writing? Im peeking but you dont let me see anything, stingy :P My Jashik, my yoshin, my beloved maknae, my (ex?) wife, my future girlfriend, the love of my life. You know, youre everything I asked for. Im so glad that under semi-voluntary circumstance we were put together. You might not change my life, but with you, Im happiest man in the world. Youre beautiful inside and out. I admit I fall in love with you the first time we officially met 3 years ago. However, the longer I know you, the deeper I fall for you. Ah, youre watching me with those sparkling eyes I love so much. What are you thinking? I bet youre thinking about me, ho ho ho, I know Im irresistible. BUT DO NOT let any guy see your eyes like that. I forbid. They are my possession, my belonging, my ownership, understand? .. Please. I know, I know, you are your own individual. But please understand, youre my sunshine. Please be kind to this pity sunflower of yours. 3 years seem like a long time, but I dont feel like that. Every second Im with you (literally or technically) I feel complete. Everytime I feel tired, burdensome, sad, the word YongSeo helps me through. YongSeo, Yong and Seo, me and you, I dont know how to express how much I have feeling for you. Every molecules of mine shout I love you, saranghae. The love of my life. Happy third year anniversary, Hy...un. PS. Can I kiss you now? *** Dear ^.^ Its been awhile that I wrote something to you. I do miss such feeling really. Feeling that Im writing, thinking about what I want to tell you, trying to hide from your peeking just like youre doing now, watching you while youre writing with concentration. What are you thinking when youre writing to me .. me .. right? I hope so ^.^ coz Im thinking of you. Watching your dirty-blond bang cover your eyes, the pair of eyes that always follow me around, always give me goosebumps whenever they are sparkling of mischieving, always melt me with sentiment of love, care and tender. Ah, youre glancing me again, then smiling your signature cheek-bursting smile as you see Im watching you. Can I ask you something? Please keep this smile just for me and only me. I love your smile. It makes a whole world brighter, livelier, happier. You smile is like sunshine to my sunflower heart. Your lips .. Can I tell you my secret? Do you want to know? I bet youll say pali pali when youre reading this. Hmmm, would I tell you? would I tell you not? tick tock tick tock Ah, dont give me your Jashik or else I wouldnt tell you. ^_____^ Time has passed like wind blows. We passed so many things together; however, it feels like just 3 seconds has passed. 3 years that we have YongSeo as another label apart from CNBlue and SNSD. Label that includes only 2 of us. Label that ties you and me together no matter how long it passes. Label that has fans around the world cheering us. You
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know, its not just a label, but I consider it like marriage certificate. I married to you and I love you, saranghaeyo. Happy third year anniversary, PS. I know, I know. You don't have to remind me. My secret is... About your lips, I... Kiss me. ***** Story 29 : We can't "We can't." He said with difficulty. "No, we can't." She whispered back. Why? His voice quivered. With a long sigh she said. Oppa, you know the answer. With so many things in our responsibilities, we just cant. Yonghwa sat quietly after her distress statement. He knew, he knew everything about responsibilities since he as a leader of the group sometimes had too much to even bear. He knew what he should do to maintain image to keep fans happy. He walked along this so called idol path full of dreams as a young boy who had a lot to learn, gained more admiration day after day by experience and sometimes failure. He was a man who walked by his calculate head, not his heart; excepted 2 things - music and Seo Ju Hyun. He met music first. He met music since the day he was born. He liked sport and also art, but music was his soul. He sang, he played instruments, he dreamt to be a musician one day. So he put all of his effort toward his goal. It was not easy really. The days before and during Japan time as indie group had proved too much. But he endured, he also encouraged his dongsaeng to endure. He had to because if there was no music, there is no Jung Yong Hwa. Music was his soul. When the word CNBlue registered in KPop world, circumstance seemed better for him. It might be not much, but better. He knew he and his dongsaeng walked in the right path. Soon enough his dream will come true. Thats when he had only a dream. Only a normal day in February that changed his life. Only a not-so-normal girl that changed his dream. He might met music first, but this girl got his heart right the second she entered through the door. Falling was too hard and too sudden. Since then, music and the girl got mixed up and became his dream, both of them he wanted. They were his soul. Was he wrong that he wants to belong to her and her to him exclusively while he was pursuing his music at the same time? A little voice in his said. You just wait, give it time. Both of your dreams will come around.
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Seeing his grieve face, eyes upon the ground made her heart ached. How he acted so impulsive she didnt know. They both knew how fiercely media and fans would act if she had agreed to his request. It wasnt just only herself, but her 8 unnies would be included right away and what in the world would have happened to SNSD to her parents to her fans to her company. It would have been too much to comprehend. Though, deep down how she agreed with wholeheartedly, he wouldnt know. Since a child, she had her roadmap how life would be laid on pages after pages of her diary. Education, career, and then yes relationship included. Later when she was recruited into SM family, she also added her 8 unnies, her goal as SNSD into her roadmap. Regarding relationship, she wanted to have just one and only guy she romantically involved with, boyfriend then husband in the same package. Flirting, hopping between boyfriends, gushing about guys were not really her league. She was thrown into the show with her agreement, thinking only for sake of people and relationship education. Virtual husband wasnt really a husband, right? Then one day that she realized her on-the-show husband became someone more like a husband, her life changed forever. However, reality was not something easy to deal with. Struggling between schedule was already hard for an individual, it was a lot harder for two persons trying to intersec. Not that she minded much, she more cared about his obsessive fangirls, and her fiercely protective fanboys. They would never ever accept. Having YongSeo as a couple name was blessed enough to her. She reached out to touch his face slightly. His sad eyes raised to meet hers. Oppa. She breathed. We cant be boyfriend and girlfriend. We cant put our relationship in public. We cant mess up what we have gone through. She sighed again But.. Silence seemed like hour. She looked into his eyes. Im your wife, and youre my husband. We are divorced He said, his eyes looked brighter. You said that in a TV show. And you said over a radio program. His eyes seemed twinkle. But I not. They said at the same time. No we werent divorced. She confirmed smiling. A minute passed while no one said anything. Only the pair of eyes communicated with the other pair, two souls gradually understood of commitment they gave to each other. Jashik. Choding.
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- END Story 30 : Pros and Cons of having a celebrity girlfriend 1 Oppasaid Seohyun trying to open up a conversation, they were sitting on his bed she was playing with his Ipad, while he keep strumming his guitar a new song on the making Uhmmm said Yonghwa without paying much attention to her, totally concentrating in writing down the lyrics in his notepad. I have something to tell you she said sounding serious and that made him stop. Yonghwa left his guitar to the side and turned around to look at her. He has learned with time that when Seohyun got serious it was better to pay her all his attention because he could miss the little things that will give away her real feelings about whatever the topic was. Im listening he said as he reclined his back on the head of the bed and looked at her. They have been seen each other officially two months after WGM ended. Those two months have been full of doubts and insecurity and just plain stupidity on both parts, but in the end they have talked things through a very cold spring morning. Luckily things turned out to the best with the help of BILs and SILs Their little scheme to get them together to talk have turned out for the best. I have been casted in a drama said Seohyun as she looked at him intently. Yonghwa smiled and said as he hugged her. Congratulations Seohyun! But why you didnt tell me you were been casted? I just wanted to surprise you Im surprised and really happy for you but why that face he said as he grabbed her chin to make her look at him. She hesitated for a few moments wondering if she should tell him Joo Hyun you know you can tell me anything. What is with that worried face? She began to ring her hands in her lap and he moved his free hand to stop the uneasy moment. Im the lead actress was all Seohyun said and let the moment pass... Oh that is my Hyunie he said hugging her again So can I assume this face is because you are nervous? Its not that So You know, since Im the lead actress they will need me to And it sank on him what she was saying kiss someone Actually several someone she said hurriedly not really looking at him. The story revolve around the two love of the life of the main character He was not going to lost it, this was her first drama work and he needed to stay cool about it Ok said Yonghwa easily.

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Seohyun frowned at him Arent you mad? Shouldnt you be upset about it? What?! said Yonghwa shocked, was he getting scolded for not been mad about her kissing another several men in a drama. Im trying to be cool about it, as you were when I had to do those kissing scenes in my drama. I was not cool about it, I was completely jealous! And you bring that up just now because I think you dont care about me What?! Dont say that Joo Hyun What is this about? You go around grabbing other girls and been close to them but you never actually try anything with me! To tell Yonghwa was shocked was an understatement. I saw you on Star King! How this turned out to be on me? asked Yonghwa gapping at her And you are mad because I never try to take advantage of you? Seohyun those girls and my actions are just for variety purpose, what we have IS totally different and I respect you, I dont want you to think ill of me But we are going to have our one year anniversary in a few weeks and we What is this really about? he asked looking at her straight in the eyes. I dont want my first kiss to be with a total stranger she said looking really worried I have always wanted my first kiss to be special, I know its just work and all that and Im sure I can bring myself to do it, because you know its just work, but I just dont want So are you asking me to kiss you? asked Yonghwa as he smiled brightly at her. What?! Nooo I havent said that? You just did said Yonghwa grinning as he grabbed the opportunity to tease her. Ok, lets do this. How do you want it to be He smiled and began to count with this his fingers Number 1 we could do the simple peck on the lips, Number 2 could be peck with a little pressure moving a little from side to side, Number 3 could be 2 with a little tongue, Number 4 could be a French kiss Seohyun looked so shocked and so red that it was funny to watch. He decided to tease her a little more Now we need to think of positions it could be sitting, standing, lying on bed, against a wall Oh and dont let me forget we need to plan what to do with our hands A just holding each other, B a little back rubbing, C Full body access, touching and caressing all we want He stayed quiet for a moment looking at her intently, she just looked away and said Yonghwa stop making fun of me She blushed a lot more, so it made him think that she was actually thinking of it. Yonghwa smiled to himself and said. Well if you ask me I will go with Number 4 while lying on bed and just for fun we could totally add option C to the mix No way in the world she is going to accept, but it was so much fun to watch her so flustered. Until the moment she turned around to look at him, all flushed but with a determined look on her face. What if I say yes? she asked. Yes to what? He asked back begining to sweat just imagining what could happen if she was serious about it. Number 4 while lying on bed and option C she looked serious but then I noticed her little smile. She was testing him, too bad he have always loved a good challenge and probing how far she will manage to make it will be quite fun.
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Ok was Yonghwa is simple answer. We should get ready then He moved to kneel in front of her and grabbed her Jean clad leg and without warning pulled her forward making her lie down on the bed. She gasped but didnt say a word as he moved over her in all four. He stopped the moment their eyes were at level with each other his hands and knees caging her in. They looked at each other for a long while until Yonghwa said Since is your first kiss, I think its best if we begin one stepped at a time, tell me what option you like the best. Number 1 He moved his head down and pecked her lips quickly, it was so light that it didnt give Seohyun time to grasp what was happening. Number 2 He pecked her lips again but this time stayed longer putting pressure on her lips until she returned the pressure amazed out how her body reacted to such a simple touch. He lifted his head a little and whispered against her lips Number 3 His tongue shot out to lick her lower lip and then his mouth descended on her again his tongue licking her lips from time to time, making her feel all flushed. He ended his light attack and said My favorite Number 4 Before she could say anything Yonghwa lightly bit her lower lip making her gasp. The sound dying in her throat when his tongue took the opportunity to invade her mouth, it was hot and urgent, that is all that registered in her mind as Yonghwa invaded her mouth in a slow sinful way, her tongue hesitantly moving forward to caress his as he keep his sensual assault. He ended things too quickly for Seohyun is taste; suddenly she wanted to touch him and wanted to feel his hands on her. So what will it be 1, 2, 3 or 4? asked Yonghwa in a raspy voice. Four, definitely four and lets add a lot of option C said Seohyun as she grabbed his head with both hands bringing him down. Yonghwa tried to stay away from her as long as he could, but her kiss was so urgent, mimicking each of his movement learning fast what a little bite and a tongue caress could do. He was so lost in the way their mouths blended together, she tasted so sweet and her urgent gasp and moans were beginning to fill his imagination with more than just kissing. Suddenly she began to pull him down and he let himself go, letting his weight fall over her, molding their bodies together as one of his legs found its place between her legs. His hands roaming over her curves until his hand found a way under her lose shirt, caressing her belly and moving up slowly. He hesitated for a moment, but then she moaned and he couldnt resist the urge to hear her moan more for him and without hesitation moved his hand to caress her breast over her bra. Seohyun arched her back into his hand, her breast pressing more firmly into his hand, the heat rushing over here taking new levels as Yonghwa took possession of her body finding his way to places that made her heart beat faster and the butterfly in her stomach flutter in an uncontrollable way. Oh it felt so nice the moment his mouth began to kiss her neck, sucking her skin every few kisses making the heat rush directly to her lower body. She have never felt this way before, this urgency taking hold of her body as her hands began to move finding their way under his shirt to his back. Kissing was taking a whole new definition in her dictionary as their bodies began to mold closer Yonghwa is hard breath caressing her neck as he whispered things she couldnt understand on her ear. He found his way to her mouth again, things becoming wilder as their French kiss took a new level, she grabbed his nape not wanting to let him go, holding her breath trying to focus in the moment. She was so lost that suddenly she lost track of time and space and everything went totally black ..... Seohyun Joo Hyun Seohyun heard a voice calling on her insistently as someone shook her shoulder. Joo Hyun dont do this to me She opened her eyes and Yonghwa was relieved to see her looking at him with her big sparkly eyes. What happened? she asked in a very raspy voice and he controlled the urge to kiss her again. You fainted Yonghwa answered with a blank face.

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What!? asked Seohyun as she tried to sit up. Yonghwa held her down and kissed her lightly on the lips smiling. Can I give you some advice Seohyun? he said in a whisper making her stop her movement focusing on how close he was and how tempting his lips looked. He didnt wait for her answer and moved his mouth close to her ear When doing a French kiss try to remember to breathe through your nose Joo Hyun He moved away and looked at her amused Or you will end fainting for lack of air every time Seohyun opened her eyes like saucers and then hide her face behind her hands as she turned to her side. She couldnt see him, just the thought of fainting during her first kiss because she forgot to keep breathing was embarrassing enough, she didnt need to see his amused expression. Aigooo was all she could muster. I didnt know I was that good said Yonghwa teasingly. She just answered with another embarrassed Aigooo Yonghwa was laughing his heart out as he watched Seohyuns ears turn red. He couldnt stop himself from teasing her. Dont worry Seohyun, practice makes perfect He jumped from the bed the moment a pillow was close to hit his face. Oppa! said Seohyun angrily as she sat up on bed Dont make fun of me or this will be the first and last time I let you kiss me That sobered Yonghwa immediately. I dont think you will be able to keep that promise Dont push me or I will do it, you know I can be really stubborn Really, well lets see how long it last Without warning Yonghwa moved forward and grabbed her holding her in place as he kissed her with all his might. Stopping the moment Seohyun stopped struggling and returned the kiss. See, practice makes perfect, we have a long way to go to prepare you for your drama That was not fair, I was not prepared said Seohyun huffing crossing her arms under her breast as he sat down in the chair in front of his desk. That was the idea Yonghwa said smiling as a knock interrupted their conversation. Hyung Seohyuns Manager called he is downstairs waiting for her, he said she didnt answer her phone said Minhuyk through the door. Thanks screamed Yonghwa as Seohyun began to run around his room collecting her things. Oh, I totally forgot he was supposed to pick me up today! said Seohyun as she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Yonghwa followed her feeling smug over what happened in his room, he was going to have a very good sleep today. She put on her shoes just inside the door and they walked together to the elevator. Yonghwa pressed the call button and they waited in silence until Seohyun said Oppa there is something more What? Yonghwa asked relaxed feeling really smug after their first kissing session on his bed. She turned to look at him and he turned too to look at her. The drama will require some bed scenes too Silence engulfed them and Yonghwas smug smile disappeared. The elevator arrived, she rushed to kiss him quickly on the lips and then enter the elevator. Yonghwa was still frozen in his spot when she said Dont be mad, Im sure I will need practice with that too He turned to look at her and watched her teasing smile and her sparkling eyes looking at him amused; now he couldnt know if it was for real or she was just kidding Yahh Seohyun!!! But it was too late, she waived as the doors
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finished closing. He stood there for a long time, just looking at the closed elevator doors and then a smile plastered stupidly on his face She say she will need practice with that too he laughed out loud as he walked back to his apartment. Oh, I dont care if it will be for real or not, but we are definitely going to spend some time practicing that! A few minutes later as he brooded over his laptop trying to find news about which drama his girlfriend was going to be casted and what the hell the story was about, he received a text. Oppa what about tomorrow at 10? He frowned at his phone and typed back For what? For practice of course Yonghwa smiled brightly Oh life was good to him. Ok, your place or mine Yours, bye Oppa! Sweet dreams Joo Hyun He reclined smugly in his chair lacing his fingers together behind his head He couldnt wait for tomorrow Life was really good to him. Really good Pros and Cons of having a celebrity girlfriend 2 November 10, 2012 Are you ready Hyun? asked a very smiling Jung Yonghwa at his girlfriend, as they waited for their cue to hop on the stage, they were doing a special stage. CNBLUE and SNSD together once more for a collaboration. But this time it was more special because he will get to sing with Seohyun again. She winked at him and said Of course, people is going to be so surprised Oppa! And you too she thought to herself as she smiled at him. That is the idea, now its my time to go He looked around trying to see if anyone was looking at them, but in between the darkness and the scurrying of people in all directions, they were more than alone. So he took the opportunity to steal a quick sweet kiss from her lips. See you! Seohyun looked as he disappeared through the door to the outside for the CNBLUE performance and she smiled to herself. She had prepared a surprise for him and it was time to go, she only had less than 15 minutes to get ready. She ran back to the backstage and found her coordi unnie in the exact place they were going to meet. Seohyun hurriedly discarded her pink fluffy dress and wore dark blue super tight jeans, killer high black heels, a black tank top that said in golden bold letters Rock My World and a short black leather jacket over it. Her unnie untied her hair and let it fall down her back in soft fluffy waves. She was the epitome of a rocker is girlfriend-slash-ex-wife. They were supposed to put up a cute show with the song they were meant to sing but she have tough otherwise. She wanted to surprise everyone. At last her unnie finished darkening her eye make-up and with one last re-touch of her gloss she was ready to rock a certain rocker boy is world. By the time she reached her designated spot to appear, the assistant director was looking frantically for her. He gave her a once over surprised but then he rushed her to the lift. She was going to appear at the very front of the stage from the floor. That was the special stage they have been promoting, CNBLUE and an unknown female from a famous girl group, taking advantages of the speculation created by fans and their very well known YongSeo couple days in WGM.
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The lift began to move up and she heard the song beginning, soon her body was half way up and she began to sing the firsts lines of the song, she has come to love. - Teenage Dream Katy Perry She could hear the screams erupting from all directions and she smiled as she continued singing. She began to walk from side to side, smiling at the public as she counted the seconds to turn around and watch Yonghwa is face. She turned around smiled at her boyfriend who was still looking at her dumbfounded and began to walk down the platform to his direction. Fans on each side of her screaming her name none stop, but she couldnt listen to them, the only thing she was aware of was the approval in Yonghwa is eyes as she came closer to him. All the years of training in modeling came in handy as she swayed her hips with each step she took to reach him, her eyes never leaving his, letting him know that all that was only for him. She circled around him as her free hand came up to rest on his shoulder and ran over his shoulder and neck as she walked pass him, behind him, to put her microphone in the microphone stand beside his. She felt him shudder under her touch and she smiled, as he looked at her with a wide smile. She winked at him and she sang. She turned to look at the public and began to jump as they sang together. She grabbed the microphone stand with her both hands and turned her face to look at him as he sang. He winked at her and she smiled. She felt giddy and happy and it was just the greatest experience she have ever had, this kind of bonding with him was not something that happened usually. Sharing a stage, sharing a secret that only belonged to the two of them. She turned to look at the public again and sang with all her heart what she couldnt scream to the world in words. She grabbed the microphone and dropped the microphone stand to the floor, in a very rocker style way. She turned to wink at Yonghwa and walked over the fallen piece of equipment like nothing was wrong, as she made her way slowly to the front of the stage, letting Yonghwa get a good look at her back view and how well those jeans looked on her. Perfect he rotated her hips to the sound of the music as she sang. She put a hand on her tight and kept rotating her hips to the music smiling as she did so. She turned around and pointed at Yonghwa, who was looking at her so intently that it made her shiver with pleasure all over, in just the right places It was just the reaction she has expected, he was dying on his spot and she couldnt be happier. She began to almost run back to him as she turned around and waved to the public, jumping and dancing happily. In a moment their eyes locked together and she gave him her best eye smile ever. Once she reached his side she stepped on the foot of the microphone stand to bring it up from the floor. In one smooth move the microphone stand was again in front of her and she smiled at the awed screams of her fans If only they knew how much she have practiced to be able to do that in one go and look cool in the process She put the microphone in place and turned to look at Yonghwa and saw that he too was impressed as he smiled to her. She began to rotate her hips to the music again, this time putting both her hands over her hips as she danced to the music. She smiled at him and winked as they finished their performance, the lights turning down. She walked pass him hurriedly because she needed to change for the SNSD performance in a few minutes, but once they were away from
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the prying eyes of the public he wrapped his arm on her waist and dragged her to a dark corner of the backstage. You are a vixen, Seo Joo Hyun She smiled knowingly and said So, now who was better me or that presenter you met in Chile Yonghwa laughed low in his throat. So all this is because you are still mad? he asked between amused and aroused. ***** Oppa Uhmm he answered as he snuggled her body closer to him, her back to his front, his left hand drawing lazy circles over her stomach. Moments like this were what he loved the most, just hanging around his dorm, spending time just hugging each other after days of endless travel and stress. Her in his arms was when he felt the happiest and luckiest man alive. I saw the fancam of your performance in Chile she said to the wall in a quiet tone. He thought it was weird but their position made it impossible to see her face so he just said Uhmm, did you liked it? Did you? she asked back and he just frowned at the tone in which she said it. Well, it was an interesting experience, who would have thought we will receive so much love from fans on that side of the world. He smiled to himself remembering all the craziness and the love feeling he got there. It was a nice experience Would you go back there? Of course, if the opportunity presents itself why not? he said as he hugged her closer and moved his head to rest over hers. And I will love it, if next time you could come with me, it was such a beautiful place Hyunie Im sure you will love it Wouldnt I be a nuisance to you? She asked and this time he frowned harder and turned her around to rest on the bed as he loomed over her. What are you talking about? He asked ultra confused. He knew his girlfriend was random and he should be used to this kind of things, but it never stopped to surprise him. Well You looked really close with that presenter in Chile she said pouting at him. He was so stunned that he stayed silent for a long while until he found his voice again to say What!? Well She was pretty and in the fancams you two looked like you were getting along so well Joo Hyun, that was just for work he said trying to appease her as he ran a hand through her hair. You took a pic with her she said her pout not leaving her face, she looked so kissable when she was acting jealous. As I do with a lot of fans and other celebrities he answered calmly looking at her straight in the eyes. She went to Miss World in representation of her country What does that have to He stopped mid way and asked She did?! Seohyun punched him in the shoulder hard. Awww, Why was that for?
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For thinking, whatever you were thinking when you stopped talking!She said as she pushed him away and tried to reach the edge of the bed. But before she could move any further away he pushed her back to bed and said Oh no, experience have let me to learn that with you this matters have to be dealt immediately. He bent down and kissed her slowly, at first she struggled but then she surrendered to the lazy kiss they were sharing. That is not fair she said as he pulled away a few seconds to let them catch their breaths. Nothing is fair in love and war he said as he moved to kiss her again. He stopped a few seconds to add And just for the record, you are the only one that have met my parents He pecked her nose. The only one that inspires me to write thousands of silly love songs He pecked her forehead and looked at her smiling as he added. Not even minding been considered a softie by his friends for writing so much about love he caressed her face as he said You are the only one I love Seo Joo Hyun, so no matter what I have to do during work, always remember that you are the love of my live Seohyun bit her lower lip and smiled at him. He moved forward to trap her lips again but an incessant ring stopped him. What is that? he asked as she smiled at him. Its midnight she said calmly as she looked at him. Ohhhh he said smiling down at her. Happy 1000 days anniversary, Oppa Happy 1000 days anniversary, Hyun ***** I thought that after what happened we were ok again? he said looking at her really amused, she has gone to such lengths just to make a point he couldnt really understand at the moment. You are still jealous? I told you it was just a job like any other; you are the only one for me my love. He moved to kiss her quickly afraid someone will catch them. No, Im not jealous, but I wanted to test a point she said as she began to move away from him. He stayed rooted to his place as she walked pass a shaft of light and turned to look at him, her skin glowing, her eyes sparkling and his arousal growing a tenfold. And what was that? he said in a raspy tone. Something was really wrong with him. She grinned and said That I still have the power of make my boyfriend drool over me in national tv He laughed low in his throat. Hyunnie, that was completely unnecessary I already drool over you even when we are alone and you are using those dreadful pijamas that make you look like a nun! Shhhh she said as she rushed to put a hand on his mouth. What is wrong with you Yonghwa, dont talk so loud! He grabbed the hand against his mouth and turned it to kiss the back of it. He looked at her and said smiling Because now I get to do this Before she could think about running away, he was already kissing her with all his might, not even minding the stunned look of the backstage workers. By the time he stopped kissing her, she stumbled back and just glared at him.

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On the other hand, he just grinned like a fool in love. You are going to be late, now run before I decide to keep you all to myself She narrowed her eyes on him like saying This is not over but then she just shook her head and rolled her eyes as she turned and walked around without saying another word. Oh yes, he was going to pay for what he just did and he couldnt wait for the punishment ***** The next day SNSD s Maknae rocked the world of her male fans in L.A. Rocker Seohyun paralyze the heart of thousands around the world Seobaby no more. From cute girl to sex and glam paradigm Yonghwa sighed as he read the latest news in several news portals, no one could stop talking about the sudden change his girlfriend have had. He have come to see if anybody mentioned something about Yonghwa and Seohyun caught kissing, but to his surprise they were news but for completely different reasons. Seohyun have rocked the foundations of how people looked at her Pure and cute SNSDs maknae no more indeed. He sighed as he looked at the pic on his laptop, if he was ogling at how great that outfit looked on her, he didnt want to think what her fan boys were thinking too. He needed to go to her dorm and burn all those dam too tight fitting jeans but he knew this was going to happen and this will keep happening for the rest of their life He sighed again. Well, those were the pros and cons of having a celebrity girlfriend...

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